New Members Intro

2025.01.22 16:00 Bisexualwannabegirl New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Bisexualwannabegirl to Bisexualtweens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Recent-Objective-865 Ask Anything Thread

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by Recent-Objective-865 to Product512 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Alternative-Fan5881 Watch yo tone

Watch yo tone submitted by Alternative-Fan5881 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Repareermeneer Bedanken rijinstructeur

Hi Allemaal!
Na alles in één keer gehaald te hebben wil ik super graag mijn rijinstructeur bedanken. Na wat prikken is het enige wat eruit is gekomen “geen alcohol/eten”
Wat geef je iemand als bedankje die bijna alles al heeft en vooral flink van de adventure/offroad vakanties kan genieten?
Ik zit een beetje klem in mn gedachten. Jullie tips?
Ik hoor het graag 😁
submitted by Repareermeneer to motorfietsen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Extreme_Frosting_583 Girl

There's this girl I dated, that most likely has NPD. I could relate to her in all the stories that she ever told me so I think I might have went into a bit of a collapse when I realised how similar we are. I never told her most of the stuff from my side though and she was always more open, I just didn't listen. I also back off when she wants to argue, I swallow my pride.
Well, we haven't been talking for months, and I miss her. She's seeing someone new, but the odd thing is she seems more stable with all other people around her. I ran into her and I had a bit of a meltdown, she told me she never really liked me, but it's like she's 10 different persons around me while being one person around others. I don't really get it. I definitely think she cares about me, but I can't really put my finger on why she acts like this. It could even be DID, but it's odd. One day she is one person, the other day she's another person. While she is with other people she just seems stable, but I know what is going on in her head.
Well, I get I need to move on, I think our relationship would be toxic, that's why I ended it, but let her believe she ended it. On the other hand, I want to be a part of her life in some way. I don't know. I thought I was over her, but obviously I'm not. She is me in a female form, I've done everything she is doing, but she doesn't know I know what she's doing.
submitted by Extreme_Frosting_583 to NPD [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Educational-Ad2036 Spring Data JPA: CriteriaQuery Explained!
submitted by Educational-Ad2036 to backendengineering [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Dude-Ad-3124 How to reach Indian Botanical Garden?

I want to go there tomorrow (from Lake town). What would be the best route to reach there. And if there is any special rules regarding clothing or camera there. Thank you
submitted by Dude-Ad-3124 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Inner-Television8885 CCA 12 hour rule, should I feel guilty

Basically the title. Worked 12 1/2 hours yesterday only get paid for 12 because of lunch obviously. brought back some mail and packages and the regulars were sent out to finish. Should I feel guilty? Is it something I should continue to do if I can’t finish on time. Skip lunch on my own yesterday as I figured it was the only way I could possibly finish, but I didn’t.
submitted by Inner-Television8885 to USPS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Efficient-Target4825 Getting 0xA00F4244 no cameras found error.

I had recently updated my laptop. And, after few days I am getting a 0xA00F4244 no cameras found error.
Has anyone else faced this issue? How to resolve it?
submitted by Efficient-Target4825 to HPLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Brilliant-Cod-6803 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!with which country your from!
submitted by Brilliant-Cod-6803 to hammyboi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Turbostrider27 GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition | Launch Trailer

GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition | Launch Trailer submitted by Turbostrider27 to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 TERRORTETTE Deoxys defence. adding 10.... 338626159874

submitted by TERRORTETTE to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 TJRNYSInstructor Security Life Experiences Weekly Thread

Can you share an experience where you, or another had to make a decision to execute security measures or perform your Security Duties? What did you learn from that situation and how has it influenced your future approach to security?
submitted by TJRNYSInstructor to ObserveAndReport [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Tusk9999 TCF toute public Exam

Hello, i have an upcoming exam at the end of March (TCF-toute public) so basically I have 2 months to prepare. If someone did this exam, can you describe your experience. I need to get a minimum level of B2 to get admission in college. I need to do 3 compulsory parts and one additional written part.
submitted by Tusk9999 to French [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 riddonkulous #7 Daily Riddle. What Am I?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by riddonkulous to riddonkulous [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Life-Bedroom4837 leave a comment! ill stalk u and tell u which one i think u are

submitted by Life-Bedroom4837 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 NoWonder4175 Do I have a shot at St. John’s?

My original top schools were Fordham, Cardozo, and St. John’s. However, my November lsat was a 161 and January was kind of a disaster, not expecting more than mid 150s.
I know I have zero chance at Fordham, and unlikely for Cardozo, although I’ll prob apply to them anyway as reaches.
Do I have a real chance at St. John’s even though I’m slightly below their medians?
Also, If my January score does come back 5-10 points lower than November should I cancel? Will that impede my chances even more?
(Stats in flair)
submitted by NoWonder4175 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Camille_Jamal post anything

plz post something
in settings posting is enabled for everyone
submitted by Camille_Jamal to plzpostanythingplz [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Ok-Eggplant-4595 Casamento e frequência na cama

Estou casada há 17 anos. Eu tenho 33 e ele 36. Desde o início do nosso relacionamento, a frequência sexu4l sempre foi muito baixa, coisa de no máximo 3x na semana no inicio da relação quando eramos jovens. Todos os outros anos se manteve em uma vez por semana, isso quando eu buscava, se não era 2 vezes NO MÊS. Eu sempre fiz o esforço de tentar melhorar esse aspecto pois sempre tive necessidade de mais sex0. Comprando brinquedinhos, sempre me perfumava, usava lingerie sexy, tentava coisas novas acreditando que isso poderia melhorar de a conexão que parecia faltar. No entanto, parecia um esforço sem retorno, as coisas se mantinham iguais e eu relevava pois tentava me enganar que era só cansaço do trabalho, e ele sempre foi bom companheiro em todos os outros aspectos.
Mas recentemente, em um período em que ele estava tendo dificuldades de ereção nas poucas vezes que tentavamos, acabei descobrindo que ele estava consumindo p0rn0grafia na internet e vendo videos no IG de mulheres seminuas alem de curtir mulheres de biquínis, todos os conteúdos de corpos que são completamente diferentes do meu, aquele padrão "perfeito".
Ver que ele prefere buscar isso online, em vez de estar comigo fisicamente, me devastou. Me senti humilhada e com a autoestima destruída, como se todo o esforço que fiz para manter a chama acesa fosse em vão. Quando o confrontei, ele não parecia estar consciente da gravidade da situação. Não compreendeu como aquilo afetou profundamente a minha autoestima e como me fez sentir indesejada e ridícula diante dos meus esforços ao longo dos anos. Ele parecia constrangido por ser descoberto, mas não parecia realmente se importar com o que eu estava sentindo. Disse que não tinha nada a ver e que me desejava ainda, entretanto o comportamento dele na realidade não condiz com isso. Isso me destrói, e agora sinto que não tenho mais como ter relações com ele, pois sempre vou lembrar que ele prefere sex0 pela tela, que ele estava sempre buscando videos e imagens daqueles corpos bem diferentes do meu e na vida real nao queria trans4r comigo.
Penso que ele nunca tenha me desejado de verdade por isso esses anos todos com essa falta numa relaçao que tinha tudo pra ser ótima. Ja discuti muito ao longo dos anos sobre como a falta de sex0 me afeta e que sempre quis trans4r mais, mas a situação nunca mudou.
Eu sempre fui a única a fazer o esforço para melhorar essa dimensão do nosso relacionamento e nunca recebi o mesmo empenho dele, e isso me machuca profundamente. Ele é um bom companheiro de vida, mas nunca me senti desejada de fato. E agora saber que ele prefere a tela do celular do que sex0 real comigo me devastou.
Não consigo mais me olhar no espelho, choro o dia todo, todo dia por causa dessa última situação (ha 3 dias) desde então ele n fez nenhum esforço pra tentar amenizar a situação, só pediu desculpa e disse que eu não precisava me sentir assim pois não tem nada disso que estou pensando, que ele me deseja si. Estou sozinha remoendo isso e com vergonha de contar pra alguma amiga e obter apoio.
submitted by Ok-Eggplant-4595 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Excellent-Egg-XGirls New heels

New heels submitted by Excellent-Egg-XGirls to ClassyHeels [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Eigengrad Jan 22: Education & Career Questions

Trying to decide what classes to take?
Want to know what the job outlook is with a biochemistry degree?
Trying to figure out where to go for graduate school, or where to get started?
Ask those questions here.
submitted by Eigengrad to Biochemistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 GreyandDribbly I’m getting far too lucky at the moment! Got from field research that has been hanging around…

I’m getting far too lucky at the moment! Got from field research that has been hanging around… submitted by GreyandDribbly to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Doomesdays New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Doomesdays to DoomesDaysProductions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Striking_Wrap_6475 Dégâts causés par le propriétaire pendant des travaux

Mon propriétaire a fait effectuer des travaux ayant engendré pour environ 200€ de dégâts. J'ai donc envoyé un courrier pour lui demander un remboursement, mais il fait le mort. Quels sont les étapes pour récupérer cet somme ?
Pour justifier, j'ai quelques photos de certaines choses abimées, mais pas toutes : une partie du préjudice concerne des plantes ensevelies sous des gravats pendant quelques mois, il n'en reste plus rien après nettoyage (sauf probablement les racines...).
Je serais bien tenté de les retirer du prochain loyer mais je sais que c'est illégal donc je me l'interdis...
Merci d'avance
submitted by Striking_Wrap_6475 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:00 Ashcroft_Furniture Self-promotion Thread

Use this thread to promote yourself and/or your work!
submitted by Ashcroft_Furniture to furnituredropship [link] [comments]