Has this sub completed one of these for Eastenders yet? 😊

2025.01.22 15:35 Electrical_North8936 Has this sub completed one of these for Eastenders yet? 😊

Has this sub completed one of these for Eastenders yet? 😊 submitted by Electrical_North8936 to eastenders [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Existing_Ant_3194 Stop raining on parades b*tch

Stop raining on parades b*tch submitted by Existing_Ant_3194 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 ahtme Can I use a different credit card for payment at pick-up?

I made a reservation using my virtual debit card, but I’m wondering if I can use a different credit card for payment when I pick up the car. Are there any additional fees or issues I should be aware of? Thanks in advance!
submitted by ahtme to HertzRentals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Comfortable-Bat-1306 Tired of your unemployed friend sending you Looksmaxxing TikToks at 2 PM on a Thursday? I built them an extension to JOBMAXX instead. 🚨

Hey Reddit,
So, my unemployed Friend has been flooding my DMs with Looksmaxxing TikTok Reels at ungodly hours (2 PM on a Thursday, really?). Instead of applying to jobs, he’s out here trying to convince me that jawline exercises are the key to success.
Enough was enough. Over the weekend, I channeled my inner tech bro and built him a tool to help him JOBMAXX instead.
Introducing… 🚨 JOBMAXXING 🚨
Here’s what it does: ✅ AI-Powered Scanner: Scans job postings, summarizes them, analyzes them, and checks if his resume is a good fit—all in less than a second (because his attention span can’t handle reading the full thing). ✅ MOG Mode: Walks him step-by-step on how to improve his resume to actually land the job (I got tired of proofreading it for him). ✅ Autofill: Because filling out the same fields 47 times is a crime against humanity. ✅ RIZZ Mode: Rizzes up the hiring manager for him (he has -10 Rizz, it’s tragic). ✅ AI Select-Answer Mode: For when companies still ask “How did you hear about us?” in 2025. ✅ Tracker: Keeps track of all the jobs he’s applied to (so he can’t lie about how many he’s done). ✅ Motivational Quotes: Honestly, I just added this for the memes. ✅ Leaderboard: He’s currently ranked #1 (out of 1, but we don’t talk about that).
Anyway, I made it public because I know there are more of you out there with friends who need this. Or maybe you need this. No judgment.
👉 Check it out here: WWW.JOBMAXXING.COM
Let me know what you think! And if you know someone who needs to stop sending you TikToks and start JOBMAXXING, share this with them.
submitted by Comfortable-Bat-1306 to thesidehustle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 wyhivska Dandelion cat, acrylic on canvas 24x30 cm

Dandelion cat, acrylic on canvas 24x30 cm submitted by wyhivska to Illustration [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 love0_0all Susquehanna Sunrise 🌅❄️

Susquehanna Sunrise 🌅❄️ submitted by love0_0all to LandscapePhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Acceptable_Safety212 Wired headphones, open or closed back are okay.

Budget: Preferably 200, up to 400 is fine (400 is pushing it, please don't send me 500 dollar headphones unless they are absolutely amazing!)
Im in the US, willing to buy off other websites but would prefer Drop or Amazon.
These are for home use with a SMSL M100 DAC and Schiit Magni.
A few years ago I had DT880s and really really enjoyed the vocals but the highs were too shouty/tinny for me, I need a more mild headphone that also has more present mid's and low's. My music habits go between rap (bigx, Kanye, etc) and music that is more reliant on instruments and vocals (Beatles, beabadobee, etc).
I also currently have the Crinkle Moondrop IEMs and the highs on those are borderline shouty to me (with the 3.5 cable, the USB C cable fixes it for the most part).
What are some good recommendations, I am currently eyeing the HD6XX and think they will work well for most of my music except for rap. Are there any other better options that will work better for rap?
submitted by Acceptable_Safety212 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Time-Alternative-964 #Advenzymes ABC in the last stages!!! RSI is moving out of sync!!!

#Advenzymes ABC in the last stages!!! RSI is moving out of sync!!! submitted by Time-Alternative-964 to InvestmentsTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 No-Course-6580 Stop setting off Scott House's fire alarms!

I swear when I get a hold of the person who set the alarm off at 3AM!!! If you need to vape or smoke do it outside or out the window. It you need to cook go to the 2nd floor. Don't put metal in the microwave. Don't have candles or incense near the alarms. Please stop setting it off. Thank you for listening to my rant.
submitted by No-Course-6580 to OSU [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 shylittlebambi LOOKIE AT WHAT JUST ARRIVED!! ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა

LOOKIE AT WHAT JUST ARRIVED!! ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა submitted by shylittlebambi to ageregression [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 ficvasepi Angels Tickets StubHub Coupon Code

Check out the link for Angels Tickets StubHub Coupon Code. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by ficvasepi to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 miamigrape93 To change or not to change?

To change or not to change? 2008 Tuscon 164k. Owners manual says replace transmission fluid at 166k. All my buddies say I shouldn't. Why is this so controversial?
submitted by miamigrape93 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Heisenberg_504 We outside

We outside submitted by Heisenberg_504 to Kawasaki [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Neither-Gas-1354 BYBIT PUZZLE HUNT

BYBIT PUZZLE HUNT al salamu alaykum so bybit is an app that has something called puzzle hunt where there are crypto currency like usdt with a prize pool like 500000 and u join make the mission and check in dialy and u recieve puzzle piece of puzzle and when u get 3 top or bottom or middle or u get 3 diagonal u receive a prize and when u get the whole shape u get a bigger prize so i want to know is this puzzle hunt halal and i will insert some photos if u didnt understand from me anything bec english is my sec language
submitted by Neither-Gas-1354 to IslamicFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 leapofthedog Legit Billie Eilish 4x ticket for sale wed 19 Feb 7:00pm Brisbane entertainment center Australia

Payment purchase proof for the tickets serious buyer only pls
submitted by leapofthedog to ticketreselling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 wewdwtnizrub Smartwool Discount Code January 2025

Visit here for Smartwool Discount Code January 2025
Discover Discounts: Up to 20% Off Smartwool Items in January 2025!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to WalmartCouponCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Alarming_Orchid So why the FUCK isn't this the Ellen skin

So why the FUCK isn't this the Ellen skin submitted by Alarming_Orchid to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 LeviathanIIX How would this work

If I had the cards, blade of shared souls, Shorikai, Genesis engine, and mirror box, would I be able to create copies Shorikai when it becomes an artifact creature, and would that copy remain in its artifact creature form, or would it need to piloted separately?
submitted by LeviathanIIX to mtg [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 tolgaerengenc Koleksiyonum'u nasıl sergileyebilirim?

Koleksiyonum'u nasıl sergileyebilirim? Açık olan araçlar eski biriktirdiklerim. Artık aldıklarımı yıpranmamaları için açmıyorum. Sergilemek için ne önerirsiniz? Nasıl sergileyebilirim?
submitted by tolgaerengenc to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 Interesting_Tooth_41 Nike Air Force 1 low (legit?)

submitted by Interesting_Tooth_41 to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 harsh2k5 Why Did the US Block a Canadian Professor From His Own Book Event? | Nathan Kalman-Lamb was barred entry into the US. This is a harbinger of the dark political future that Trump is ushering in.

submitted by harsh2k5 to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 0extraordinaire Ako bezpečne protestovať

Od štátu Roberta Fica sa dá očakávať čokoľvek. Polícia má na krku mnohé prípady neoprávneného násilia, aj počas tohto týždňa sme sa dozvedeli o incidente medzi ženou z Kysúc a policajtom, ktorý proti nej bez príčiny použil hrubú silu. Preto je dôležité, aby sme všetci na najbližšie protesty prišli patrične pripravení. Nasledujúce riadky sa budú zaoberať radami, ako bezpečne a nenásilne protestovať a tým využiť svoje ústavné právo zhromažďovať sa a vyjadriť svoj názor.

  1. Ťažko identifikovateľné oblečenie. Jednofarebné, bežné oblečenie zabezpečí, že polícia, ochranka či provokatéri budú mať sťaženú možnosť vyčleniť ťa z davu, či neskôr identifikovať na videozázname. Čierna farba najlepšie zakryje postavu a identifikujúce prvky človeka.
  2. Zakry si tvár a tetovania. V ideálnom svete by sa človek nemal báť ukázať svoju tvár, no piatkové protesty budú aj preto, že súčasná vládna moc sa neštíti použitia akýchkoľvek prostriedkov na dosiahnutie svojich cieľov. To znamená, že je možné, že ľudia budú za svoju účasť na proteste prenasledovaní. Ak nechceš, aby bolo ľahké identifikovať ťa, daj si na tvár šál, šatku či lyžiarsku kuklu.
  3. Zabezpeč si mobil. Polícia nadobúda nové technológie sledovania. Pred príchodom na protest si vypni lokalizáciu (GPS) a FaceID. Zmeň si pozadie mobilu a prekry si ľahko rozpoznateľný obal, ak taký máš. O proteste a svojej polohe komunikuj len prostredníctvom end-to-end enkrypcie (Meta, teda WhatsApp, Messenger či Instagram, nie sú bezpečné).
  4. Povedz o sebe blízkym. Najlepšie je, ak prídeš s blízkou osobou (kamoš/ka, rodina...). Ak plánuješ prísť na protest sám/a, povedz o tom, kam ideš a približne kedy sa vrátiš, niekomu inému. Dohodni sa, že sa ty alebo on/a v danom čase ozvete.
  5. Fotky a videá, ktoré vytvoríš počas protestu, anonymizuj. Rozmaž alebo úplne zakry tváre ľudí a ich tetovania, kým ich zverejníš. Nikdy nevieš, či nebude tvoje video zneužité farmou smeráckych trollov, políciou, alebo hybridnými hrozbami zo zahraničia.
  6. Nekomunikuj s tretími stranami. Médiá, ochranka či polícia majú vlastné kanály na komunikáciu s organizátormi protestov. Zamedzíš tým mnohým problémom.
  7. Nenechaj sa vyprovokovať. Je takmer isté, že z dezinfoscény sa objavia provokatéri, ktorí určite nebudú dodržiavať tvoje GDPR práva. Nekomunikuj s nimi. Ak budú narúšať pokojný priebeh protestu, upozorni na to organizátorov, no neangažuj sa do slovných potýčiek, apod.
  8. Dávaj pozor na ostatných. Všímaj si svoje okolie, venuj pozornosť stavu ľudí okolo seba. Pomôž, ak budeš môcť, no nevystavuj sa zbytočnému nebezpečenstvu. Iba spoločne dokážeme poraziť zlo.
  9. Zdieľaj tento príspevok čo najviac ľuďom. Čím viac nás bude informovaných a organizovaných, tým ťažšie bude pre nich poraziť nás.
submitted by 0extraordinaire to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 GamerTechNews Introducing Smoky: A Promising Crypto Ecosystem with Real Utility

If you're on the lookout for an exciting crypto project that combines transparency, innovation, and real-world utility, Smoky might just be the one to watch. With a team of doxxed developers from Europe (notably France and Norway) and the USA, Smoky is backed by a legitimate company registered in Norway. This article takes a closer look at their ecosystem and upcoming products, which could be game-changers in the crypto space.
Smoky Bank: Revolutionizing Staking Launching this week, Smoky Bank is a cutting-edge staking platform that offers users the opportunity to stake multiple tokens, starting with their native token, $SMOKY, and liquidity pairs like SMOKY/SOL. Here’s what you need to know about their staking pools:
Staking Options and Rewards

For the SMOKY/SOL liquidity pools:
Key Highlights:
Storepoints, the staking rewards, are priced at $0.99 per 1,000 and can be used across the Smoky ecosystem, particularly in their next big product—Smoky Arena.
Smoky Arena: Pioneering Crypto Gaming The second flagship product, Smoky Arena, is a turn-based Player vs. Environment (PvE) battle game featuring unique dogs with distinct abilities and rarities. Here’s a sneak peek into its exciting features:
Dog Rarities: Each dog comes with unique attacks, which fall into categories like normal attacks, healing, life steal, bleed effects, and more. Players can assemble a team of up to four dogs, each with specialized roles like tanks, supports, and damage dealers.
Core Gameplay: Unique Abilities: With over 18 different attack types, Smoky Arena offers rich strategic gameplay. Examples include:
Players can level up their dogs, earn rewards, and participate in an interactive ecosystem that ties into Smoky’s broader utility.
The Role of Storepoints and Tickets Storepoints play a crucial role in the Smoky ecosystem. Earned through staking or bought at fixed rates, Storepoints are used to purchase mystery boxes that contain gear, runes, and even rare dog skins. Additionally, tickets earned from completing stages can be redeemed for exclusive rewards across the Smoky ecosystem.
Sneak-Peak https://preview.redd.it/w2yk3r3wdkee1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcff6330d1dd42c254d5a3da0d5eadc8d37ed6ff
Why Smoky Stands Out
  1. Transparency and Trust: With a doxxed team and a registered company, Smoky builds credibility in a space often plagued by anonymity.
  2. Versatile Ecosystem: The integration of staking, gaming, and utility tokens creates multiple avenues for engagement and value creation.
  3. Innovative Rewards: Dynamic staking rewards and a play-to-earn model ensure that users benefit from holding and engaging with the ecosystem.
  4. Fair: Smoky opted for a fair launch on pump.fun, ensuring an equitable distribution with no presale or private allocation. This approach reinforces the project's transparency and its commitment to engaging the community from day one.
Conclusion Smoky is not just another crypto project; it's a well-rounded ecosystem with real utility and a clear vision. Whether you’re a staking enthusiast or a gamer looking for the next big crypto game, Smoky has something to offer. With Smoky Bank launching this week and Smoky Arena on the horizon, now is the perfect time to dive in and explore this promising project.
Let us know in the comments: What excites you the most about Smoky? 🚀
For updates and more information, be sure to check our: Website: smokythedog .org/ Twitter: SmokyTheDogCTO Telegram: smokythedogsol CA: 7Mnd7NNB4Fii4YytiSd44xHDtQvT1mGDwQkJpBkqpump
submitted by GamerTechNews to CryptoChats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 pinkstuffx Upvote for upvote

submitted by pinkstuffx to karma4mekarma4u [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:35 unknown2378 [REQ] ($100 - #Cape Town, South Africa), (repay January 25th 2025 & $150) (PayPal)

This is a repost of my request form yesterday. Hopefully it gets somewhere today.
Hello, I'm waiting for payment on the 24th since I get paid on the 25th. I get paid on the Friday if the 25th falls on a weekend. My cousin is currently staying at my place while he waits to head to university nearby and I want to get a few things for the house as I didn't expect an extra head in January, especially before payday, and I know his parents can't contribute at the moment. Informal lenders here charge 30% to 40% when you know them in person so l figured I'd offer 50% as internet strangers because of the increased risk the lender takes on. Cheers mates Willing to provide ID, proof of employment and other documents within reason
submitted by unknown2378 to SimpleLoans [link] [comments]
