ΤΙΜΕΣ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΩΝ 2024 ΚΑΛΕΣΤΕ ΣΤΟ 2102405955 ΓΙΑ ΝΑ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΘΕΙΤΕ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΤΡΕΧΟΥΣΕΣ ΤΙΜΕΣ ΧΑΛΚΟΣ Α 6,70 ΧΑΛΚΟΣ Β 6,20 ΟΡΕΙΧΑΛΚΟΣ 3,70 ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΑ 0,70 ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑ 0,50 ΜΟΛΥΒΙ 1,00 ΣΙΔΕΡΑ 0,17 ΚΑΛΩΔΙΑ 1,50 ΑΝΟΞΕΙΔΩΤΟ 0,70 ΠΡΟΦΙΛ ΑΛΟΥΜ. Η Εταιρεία Ανακύκλωσης και Αποξήλωσης Βιομηχανικών και Βιοτεχνικών χώρων (Metal Scrap), εδρεύει στο 13ο χλμ. του Εθνικού δρόμου Καρδίτσας – Τρικάλων και δραστηριοποιείται στον τομέα αυτό, σε Πανελλαδικό επίπεδο. Η εταιρεία «ΜΑΡΤΖΕΛΟΥ Μetal Scrap» δραστηριοποιείται στον χώρο της ανακύκλωσης μετάλλων εδώ και 15 χρόνια. Αναλαμβάνουμε την εκτίμηση μη άμεσα αξιοποιήσιμων υλικών, την ενδεχόμενη αποξήλωση αυτών και την παραλαβή τους, από τον χώρο της εκάστοτε εταιρείας. Με καταρτισμένο προσωπικό, αλλά και επαγγελματικό εξοπλισμό, αναλαμβάνει, χωρίς καμιά δική σας υποχρέωση, να έρθει στο χώρο σας, να κάνει εκτίμηση των σκραπ μετάλλων σας και να τα αγοράσει επί τόπου, πληρώνοντάς σας στην καλύτερη τιμή της αγοράς. Κατόπιν συνεννόησης, η Ανακύκλωση Μενιδίου και οι συνεργάτες της αναλαμβάνουν έργα σε όλη την Ελλάδα. 46771012 [ΧΟΝΔΡΙΚΟ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟ ΠΑΛΑΙΩΝ ΣΙΔΗΡΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΩΝ (scrap)]46121202 [ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΑΝΤΙΠΡΟΣΩΠΟΙ ΠΟΥ ΜΕΣΟΛΑΒΟΥΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΩΛΗΣΗ ΠΑΛΑΙΩΝ ΣΙΔΗΡΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΩΝ] Λάβετε πρώτοι τις καλύτερες τιμές της αγοράς σκραπ, αφιερόνοντας μόλις λίγα δευτερόλεπτα στην παρακάτω φόρμα. Τα υπόλοιπα αφήστε τα πάνω μας ! Τιμή χαλκού σκραπ, τιμέσ σκραπ, τιμη χαλκου σκραπ σημερα. Κερδίστε χρήματα από την ανακύκλωση! Πουλήστε μας το scrap ορείχαλκού σας στις καλυτερες τιμές της αγοράς και πάντα μετρητοίς! Περισυλλογή , ανακύκλωση , αγορά και πώληση αλουμινίου scrap. Διαθέτουμε το πιο σύχρονο εξοπλισμό και πρεσσοψάλιδα προκείμένου να επεξεργαζόμαστε κατάλληλα το αλουμίνιο. Αγορά scrap αλουμινίου στις καλύτερες τιμές μετρητοίς! Αγοράζουμε οτιδήποτε ανακυκλώσιμο τοις μετρητοίς (σίδερα, χαλκό, αλουμίνιο, ίνοξ, μπαταρίες, καλώδια, παλαιίες οικιακές συσκευές, χαρτόνι, πλαστικό κ.α.) Αγορά και ανακύκλωση για: Επίσης, αδειάζουμε σπίτια, κτήρια, επαγγελματικές εγκαταστάσεις και εργοστάσια. Στις καλύτερες τιμές της αγοράς και πληρωμή άμεσα με μετρητά. Αγορά με μετρητά! Με τον όρο σκραπ εννοούνται ανακυκλώσιμα υλικά, απόβλητα της βιομηχανικής παραγωγής και της κατανάλωσης, όπως τμήματα αυτοκινήτων, αεροσκαφών, οικοδομικά υλικά κ.ά. Αντίθετα από τα απορρίμματα, το σκραπ έχει οικονομική αξία, ειδικά μεταλλικά και άλλα μη μεταλλικά υλικά που μπορούν να ανακυκλωθούν. Αναφέρονται δύο τύποι σκραπ, το νέο και το παλαιό. Ανακυκλώνουμε scrap μέταλλα από επιχειρήσεις και ιδιώτες. Αγοράζουμε τοις μετρητοίς στις καλύτερες τιμές της αγοράς.
2025.01.22 15:35 Awkwardly_Satisfied Today’s Gold Scrap Haul
We have some old south asian 24k and lapis beads, some clasps, ring settings, and by far my favorite: that center square is a piece of mid 20th century dental gold! submitted by Awkwardly_Satisfied to Gold [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 vilomstren Home Depot Clearance Flooring
Check out the link for Home Depot Clearance Flooring. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by vilomstren to MementoOffers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 XyzHeart New Pokémon Snap - Part 2 (Nintendo Switch Gameplay)
submitted by XyzHeart to Youtubeviews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 Any_Trip_154 Pop Race R32 Calsonic
I collected some other brands and decided to try out Pop Race. I’m really impressed with the details, it exceeded my expectations 📈The blue colour really pops and the livery 😮💨 I’m so glad I made the decision to get it. No regrets!!! 🔥🔥🔥 submitted by Any_Trip_154 to Diecast [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 Meandmydyingplants Has anyone grown thai cons or any variegated monsteras in low-moderate humidity? 40-50%?
I recently got this thai con/creme brulee that I’m keeping at 50-60% humidity but I’m worried constant high humidity will be bad for the house. The state we live in has very low humidity about 20-25% so the humidifier is on 24/7. I’m thinking of lowering the humidity levels to around 40-50% but I’m worried the leaves will brown 😢 Can I just have it on 60% for several hours then reduce to 40-50% majority of the time? submitted by Meandmydyingplants to Monstera [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 Green-bee4 New to MSPI
My 7 week old has been dealing with reflux and along with taking Pepcid, her doctor suggested I started with dairy free and possibly soy free. I was disappointed at first because I eat dairy with most meals, but I hate seeing my LO in pain so I’m happy to do it and I also enjoy cooking so I’m excited to look for new recipes! I have a few questions I forgot to ask her doctor:
For those who have cut out foods in the past, did you see issues for yourself once you reintroduced them? I stopped eating dairy years back because I thought it was giving me acne and I remember when I reintroduced it I didn’t feel great.
Did you ever hit a point when you realized you needed to just switch to formula fully? My LO usually gets one feeding a day of formula because I am an under supplier and we just made the switch to Nutramigen for that feeding. I know there are reasons for moms mental health and such to fully switch to formula, but was there a point that you didn’t see results from cutting foods so you just switched to formula only?
Also, please don’t come at me because this might be a dumb question but can me removing these foods from my diet cause an intolerance later on? I’m wondering if lack of exposure to it in my breast milk will cause issues later on?
TLDR; did you yourself have issues when you reintroduced foods? Did you hit a point where cutting foods wasn’t working so you switched to formula? Can cutting foods harm cause long term intolerance/allergies in LO?
submitted by Green-bee4 to MSPI [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 Front-Page_News $TKMO - Tekumo Managed Services (TMS) continues to add significant breadth to our growing base of clients.
$TKMO - Tekumo Managed Services (TMS) continues to add significant breadth to our growing base of clients. Tekumo’s Chief Revenue Officer, Derrick Youngblood, stated “Our clients and prospects are looking to rapidly scale their technology driven businesses, not their bench of employees and contractors. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tekumo-announces-218-yoy-growth-143000546.html
submitted by Front-Page_News to PennyStocksWatch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 90Dfanatic OMG I'm going to Jeju Island!
A bit of context here - I really became a big fan of Broadway (and the Broadway reddit subs) when I was laid off in 2023. It wasn't all bad - I got enough freelance to keep a roof over my head and afford TDF tickets, and I was able to accompany my very stubborn 80-something mother to safely do some bucket list travel. However, I was very relieved to land a full-time role last summer.
Flash forward to this year and I got laid off AGAIN last week. However, there's been some upside already, including joining my mother on her latest trip - a cruise to Asia that stops at JEJU ISLAND! I feel this was meant to be: I had been very worried about her going alone and it cost nothing but airfare to add me on - plus as an MHE fan I can't believe i'm going to Jeju! Any Korean fans on this sub with ideas for what I should do/see? I'll be going in late Feb so figure it will not be firefly season ;-).
submitted by 90Dfanatic to MaybeHappyEnding [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 NighNighNight 25 M Europe - History and Literature Enthusiast
Hello. I am hoping to find a good friend, someone with whom I could spend many evenings together on call, pondering about life. I am introverted and neurodivergent. I prefer small company.
History. I have had an interest in history for almost a decade now, it started back in school and developed from there. Well, now that I think about it one could argue that it started even earlier in my life as I liked watching the odd historic documentary or film aired on television but it wasn't regular back then, I never actively sought it out. I am mostly interested in European history in the period between the 18th-20th century but I sometimes branch out to other time periods and other parts of the world. I watch various channels related to history and read articles and sometimes books. I have recently got a few books on the German revolution of 1848/1849 and a historical magazine on the Thirty Years' War. Besides that I try to visit museums sometimes.
Literature. Especially old novels. I like to immerse myself in the Worlds of these books, I tend to read them while listening to thematically fitting music and take my time with them. One time you are following a troubled Youth in his quest for spiritual understanding of the world, another you see the aged and decrepit Doctor waging his very Soul on the promises of abtaining satisfaction in earthy pleasures, then again your olfaction notices the most pleasant scent known to man even as the one eminating it has the appearance of a revolting Frog (Can you guess it in your reply?). These and many other stories open up to you once you decide to set foot into the literary World.
Languages. I know three, with one being a bit rusty. I am currently working intently on strengthening it. I believe that if I continue to apply myself in this regard then I should be able to finally conquer it. What language am I working on? Well, if you were to stack all the major works in it they would be as tall as a house... It is fun to go through different works in multiple languages, the same goes for film, games and such.
Games. I recently played Cyberpunk 2077. Well as recently as I played any major story centric game. Now that the dust has settled and the bugs mostly removed...It's not that bad. The main questline at least. Besides that I tried Fallout 76 (Very average, I'm dissapointed with what they made the "RPG" system) and I might give Deus Ex Mankind Divided another spin (since it's somewhat similar to Cyberpunk when it comes to its aesthetics). Dark Souls is one of my favorite series, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring though. When it came out I wasn't in the right mindset to invest a hundred hours into it, with all those bosses and difficult locations. I think I'll only consider playing it if I am streaming it to someone. I am generally interested in either streaming games or having the person I am talking to stream them to me. To be specific I mean streaming to a single person while being on call. Besides that I'm a big fan of Paradox strategy games, especially Europa Universalis IV and Heats of Iron IV, I tend to only play single player since I find multiplayer with many people to be rather stressful but on the other hand I have nothing against a co-op game. I'm not the best player though, despite the ammount of hours I have in them. Another great game I would mention would be Dragon's Dogma. A very underrated RPG. I recently beat it again and it was an atmospheric and interesting experience. It is one of those games that feel like they have an endless ammount of depth and constant new secrets to discover.
Anime and Manga. In recent times my interest in them has waned but I still watch the occasional series here and there. Some of my favourite series include: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Fate;Zero, Psycho Pass, Code Geass and Attack on Titan. I wouldn't mind if you were to introduce me to some new series, maybe based on the ones I mentioned. My favourite Manga is Berserk which I still follow, althought I am still not certain on the direction that the new author is taking. I suppose it really is a matter of contention whether a somewhat (or considerably warped) vision is better than an unfinished work. One could argue that a few novels remain unfinished and possess a macabre appeal to them as such.
Music. Classical music has a very special place in my heart. A few of my favourite pieces would be: Clair de Lune, Nocturne Op. 9 No.2, Devil's Trill Sonata, Danse Macabre, Valse Sentimentale, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: II. Alegreto (by Beethoven) and Suite from Swan Lake, Op. 20a: I. Scene. Moderato. There are more but these ones always invoke something in me when I listen to them. Besides Classical I also enjoy listening to Synthwave, old Western pop and J-pop, both modern and from the 20th century.
Esotericism. I am interested in things spiritual, mystical, magical and esoteric. I have read religios texts, magical grimoires, introductions to various schools of thought. It is interesting to me.
Also a note: No NSFW accounts.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a good day. I ask that you send a DM instead of a chat a write "Meditations" as the title.
Goodbye...Or perhaps untill we meet again.
submitted by NighNighNight to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 XyzHeart New Pokémon Snap - Part 2 (Nintendo Switch Gameplay)
submitted by XyzHeart to nintendovideos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 Old-Management-5798 Deactivate AI?
Hello all. As there are plans to start charging a subscription fee for AI, and I don't intend to subscribe, is there a way to just deactivate or remove AI from my screen?
submitted by Old-Management-5798 to SpeedianceCommunity [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 XyzHeart New Pokémon Snap - Part 2 (Nintendo Switch Gameplay)
submitted by XyzHeart to Youtubeviews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 XyzHeart New Pokémon Snap - Part 2 (Nintendo Switch Gameplay)
submitted by XyzHeart to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 Somthingcooliguess K/R?
submitted by Somthingcooliguess to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 frickoffworld X links
There has been a movement here on Reddit by banning x links and only allowing screenshots to stop traffic to X. Is this something we could implement here?
submitted by frickoffworld to DoWeKnowThemGirlies [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 XyzHeart New Pokémon Snap - Part 2 (Nintendo Switch Gameplay)
submitted by XyzHeart to JovegaX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 DewdropMystique Did you experience it also?
submitted by DewdropMystique to programminghumor [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 armyreco Russian Army Receives New UBIM Armored Engineering Vehicle for Rapid Deployment in Ukraine
On January 21, 2025, Russian media reported that the Russian Armed Forces have begun receiving the newly developed Universal Armored Engineering Vehicle (UBIM), which is expected to significantly bolster the combat effectiveness of the Engineering Troops in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. In a recent interview, Lieutenant General Yuri Stavitsky, Chief of the Russian Armed Forces Engineering Troops, highlighted the vehicle’s advanced combat and engineering capabilities, noting that it will play a pivotal role in supporting Russian military operations in hostile environments. Read News Russia - Ukraine War at this link ... The Russian-made UBIM Armored Engineering Vehicle, based on the T-90M tank chassis, combines powerful mobility, firepower, and engineering capabilities for rapid deployment in combat zones, including mine clearing and fortification tasks in Ukraine. (Picture source: Vitaly Kuzmin) submitted by armyreco to WorldDefenseNews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 RIP_HUMANITY3 Assassin Snail for Plant Quarantine Tank
Hello! I have a 10 gallon aquarium I would like to use as a plant quarantine tank. I want to put an assassin snail in there to eat any potential hitchhikers, but only if it's appropriate. I just want 1 assassin snail.
Will the snail reproduce on its own? Is 10 gallons big enough for 1 snail? Since I do not currently have a snail problem what do I feed my assassin snail?
Any articles/websites I could read would be greatly appreciated as well! Thank you!
submitted by RIP_HUMANITY3 to Aquariums [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 novalinkmx Mexico vs. Vietnam: The Furniture Manufacturing Showdown
submitted by novalinkmx to mexico [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 15:35 andreacaccese Dead Rituals - Enough
submitted by andreacaccese to SurfPunk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 Selfadministered D2 - 3:00 AM
submitted by Selfadministered to HouseMusic [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 JoaodeSacrobosco Triple J
Joshua, Jeremiah and Jeorge (they are not great at spelling) are 3 badass farmers (fighters) who were always drunk and looking for trouble. In prison they were brainwashed by a religious leader and equiped with full plate armor. Now they are fanatics and believe they are paladins. submitted by JoaodeSacrobosco to dndai [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 LiyahVil Sublet Arden villas
1 private room and bath room Female preferred 1,100 for rent Pm for more details!! submitted by LiyahVil to UCFstudenthousing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 15:35 Jesusfucker69420 Is there a place to find a comprehensive list of changes that come with TBC?
For example, something like this:
General changes: