High quality example sentences with “my approach to this” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English What's the definition of My approach in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define My approach meaning and usage. "in my approach" is a perfectly usable phrase in written English, and it is commonly used to express a particular viewpoint or opinion. For example, "In my approach, the best solution to this problem is to approach it from multiple angles." I would be guarded in my approach. I am too practical in my approach. How to use My Approach in a sentence? Review 20 sentence examples with My Approach to better understand the usage of My Approach in context. Dive into heat maps and advanced stats that can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and help you hone your approach. Play on multiple teams? Keep all your stats in one place. Your work style is how you approach tasks and interact with others. It includes your habits, preferences, and strengths. Think about how you manage time, communicate, and solve problems. Consider how you handle tasks and deadlines. Do you like to plan everything out or go with the flow? My approach grows out of three interlinking strands: my personal experience with learning and learners; study of the experiences of others; and experimentation. The seeds of my interest in student-centred learning were in my own experiences in school and university. Synonyms for My Approach (other words and phrases for My Approach). "Swing approach is key to being a great hitter. [MyApproach App] heightens a player's awareness of their game at-bats; builds great training habits by allowing the hitter to review their game at-bats post-game and enter key data that is compiled and stored; and by the end of the season builds an extensive narrative that helps the hitter and ... APPROACH definition: 1. to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount: 2. to deal…. Learn more.
2025.01.22 17:07 theglobaloptimist Is my dating approach unrealistic?
Hi everyone,
I'm a 24 year-old male Baha'i, and I would really like to hear your perspectives on relationships and dating. If you don't mind, I would like to give some context about some of my experiences and get this community's thoughts about whether I'm being "delusional" regarding my expectations. I'm going to keep this as brief as possible, but if you'd like me to clarify anything, please ask in the comments and I absolutely can.
When I was 19, I met a girl who I developed really strong feelings for. I found her really beautiful, and a friend of mine encouraged me to talk to her. We had a few awkward interactions, but eventually we warmed up to each other and became good friends. While she wasn't interested in being more than friends, I developed really powerful feelings for her because of her personality. She was really funny, intelligent, an amazing painter, open-minded, was interested in the same topics I am. One time at dinner, I shied away from talking about the Baha'i Faith, and she just started egging me on to tell her about my religion. It was that sort of curiosity and honesty that I just loved, and I had very rarely found in others, even up to this day.
It just felt like it was, "meant to be", if that makes sense. Sadly, she led a lifestyle that was quite different from mine as a Baha'i, so even if she were interested, it wouldn't have worked out. She smoked a lot of weed, which normally doesn't bother me, but I think she may have had an addiction.
Anyways, while I have gotten over her, I struggle with the idea of relationships as a Baha'i. I've been asking out girls since I was 12, but I've never liked anyone as much as her. In fact, the girls I've liked the most have been non-Baha'is from my high school or university. Sometimes I end up liking a Baha'i, but then when I start to talk to her, I realize she doesn't have the conversational skills I'm looking for in a partner. I think what's challenging is that I'm someone who loves questioning things and exploring new topics, and that's something that most religious people simply aren't inclined towards. I mean let's be honest here - most Baha'is are part of this religion because they're just emulating their families. Most of us can't really explain why we're Baha'is as opposed to a different religion.
I feel bad, because there are some nice Baha'i girls who have shown interest in me over the past few years, but I'm just not attracted to them mentally or even physically, for that matter. Is it just time for me to "grow up" and date one of these girls, even if I don't like them?
I feel a bit lost as to the morality of things like this. Like obviously the girls I mentioned in the prior paragraphs would be better partners on paper than the girl from university, but I just can't seem to force myself to ask them to hang out. It just feels....disingenous. And yet I've also read advice online that says, "Go for the girl who likes you, not the one you like."
Can you guys tell me whether I'm being naive? Is it worth trying to find someone more compatible, or is this just a sign I need to let go of the idea of romance and just find someone nice to be in a partnership with?
submitted by theglobaloptimist to bahai [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Imaginary_Gas1344 För er som bott med "Studentbostäder" (.se)
Enligt deras regler måste man för att få bo kvar kunna uppvisa en studietakt på 15HP/termin.
I ett hypotetiskt fall där man pausar sina studier och gör ett "kompletterings-uppehåll" för att komplettera och beta av släpande tentor och HP. Kan man bo kvar ifall man kan beta av 15 HP/termin från oavklarade examinationer, trots att det inte är inom ett pågående program? Bryr de sig var HPn kommer ifrån?
submitted by Imaginary_Gas1344 to sweden [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Mean_Ad_4762 Avoidance
Does anyone else struggle with avoidance as their primary compulsion?
Mine has become considerably worse after a period of trying to force myself to ‘be normal’ about some previous compulsions before i knew they were compulsions. For various reasons i am no longer physically able to engage in the those old compulsions.
The anxiety of that situation became unbearable and without my safety net i shut down into an extended period of severe avoidance which i am still in. I have always had avoidant tendencies and think it’s been my no1 compulsion all of my life.
I have even wondered about Avoidant Personality Disorder. But if i do have that, i’m certain OCD is the root cause of it. I do not want to be this way on any level and it is ruining my life. It is not me.
It feels combined with my ‘just right’ theme in the sense that often i waste entire days not being able to get out of bed because it doesn’t feel ‘right’ and i am waiting for ‘things to settle’ or to ‘feel ready’. The feelings of right / not right, ready / not ready etc are extremely real and visceral in my physical body.
The bed thing is an extreme, but a common one. However this manifests in so so many different ways in my day to day.
I cannot read books anymore. I can hardly go outside. It takes me hours to even consider trying to change from one set of clothing to another. Showering is sometimes impossible. I have lost touch with most of my friends and extended family. I have seen 2 friends in the past year. I am an extraverted person with lots of friends and i love them dearly - i would say they are at the very top of what is important to me in my life. I can hardly text them anymore.
And it isn’t depression (although it certainly triggers it), it isn’t that i lack motivation or desire to do things. I just have become so burnt out and so unable to control my thoughts that i cannot move.
It is ruining my life.
submitted by Mean_Ad_4762 to OCD [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Witty_Project2369 LFO...Retrigger?
Hi all. Is there seriously no function of the LFO MIDI device that allows for retrigger per midi note? Within Phaseplant, I often send random values per note by setting their random device to 0hz and retriggering it per note. Apparently within an actual full DAW, this isn't possible?
submitted by Witty_Project2369 to ableton [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 android_tests_pac This is a new title test for 2025-01-22 17:04:59
submitted by android_tests_pac to automation_crossposts [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Fabulous-Comfort7846 TENHO CHANCES???
Amigos não entendo muito sobre a classificação, prestei para SI na Each noturno, será que tenho chances baseado na clasificação do ano passado de pontos maximos e minimos?
submitted by Fabulous-Comfort7846 to USP [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Melodic_Bass_7693 Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 Round-Up: Showcases, Announcements, Launches, and more
submitted by Melodic_Bass_7693 to GadgetBridgeDotCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 solannge ¿Qué es lo más loco que hiciste estando enamoradx?
Siempre que me junto a hablar con mis amigas nos acordamos cuando un día me acompañaron a espiar al chico con el que salía porque se había juntado a comer con los compas de su facultad. Todas encapuchadas, escondidas atrás de un puesto de revistas, solo para chequear que esté ahí... Hasta el día de hoy nos reímos. Obviamente pasaron los años y se lo confecé.
submitted by solannge to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 slynchmusic AFCI breakers and older panels
My home has a 200A Cutler Hammer panel. The panel has only one neutral bar which is located to the right of the breaker bus. I am planning to replace many of the breakers with AFCI breakers and I will need to use the pigtail type.
Connecting AFCI breakers on the right bus bar seems simple enough, but how does one install AFCI breakers that are landed on the left bus if there's no neutral bar on that side of the panel? Can an additional neutral bar be added? Or can the pigtail be spliced with an additional length of wire so it can reach the neutral bus on the other side? What's the safest/best procedure here short of upgrading the panel entirely?
submitted by slynchmusic to AskElectricians [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Gerelt389 Expansion ig
submitted by Gerelt389 to Felts [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 PsychologicalRow9617 exam is tommorow ... will i pass with this marks ... i only select which i am confident ???
submitted by PsychologicalRow9617 to PassNclex [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:07 Sou_Anardedria O que fez o Bob fica tiste?
submitted by Sou_Anardedria to ShitpostBR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:07 ZealousidealBrief627 Gentoo against distrohoppers
The first Linux distribution that held me from distrohopping is Gentoo. I was using it for several months already and (I am an asshole) decided to switch to ~amd64 out of curiosity.
As a result, something stopped working, like loginctl hibernate and several gnome things. I say okay, let's roll back, but lazy to recompile. Okay I say, let's hop to another distro, but too pity to erase Gentoo cuz I installed it for so long and configured everything.
As a result, I just deleted ~amd64 keyword, recompiled only elogind and gnome-control center with online accounts. And it worked again. Will not do full rollback, I will eait till the stable branch catches up with me and update.
Gentoo stops you from silly things. Gentoo apologizes you for doing dumb things. Gentoo let's you fix it without reinstall. Gentoo is the way. The only distro that makes me really learn Linux and not be dumbass. Thanks Gentoo
Do not daily drive ~.
submitted by ZealousidealBrief627 to Gentoo [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 jcbeltran Defense Deoxys 013794470148 6ppl to start
submitted by jcbeltran to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 No_Career4154 Hosting deoxys attack form - 611549730893
submitted by No_Career4154 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 B9W4N1 Goblin techkeys Doodle Glasspad
Goblintech doodle glass pad
First off, I want to say thank you to Goblintech for sending me the pad. Even though this was sent out to me, all thoughts are my own.
Packaging: The pad comes in a plain white box with goblin techkeys on the front. The packaging is decent, and I didn’t notice any damage during shipping. The pad also comes with skates (haven't tested yet), two basic sleeves, and a cloth to wipe the surface.
Size: The pad comes in at 450X400mm and it’s 3.2mm thick. With the 450x400mm size, I was worried it would be an issue since it’s smaller than 490x420mm, but I didn’t have any issues running out of pad. Also, after using some newer glasspads that are thinner I thought the thickness might bother me but it didn’t bother me at all.
Design: The art is nice and matches the doodle keycaps I have from them. The design looks good in pictures but up close in person the design comes off a little washed/fuzzy. Personally, I wish it was a little clearer, but it’s still nice overall.
Base: My main issue with the pad is the PU rubber base. Since my desk is wrapped, if I set the pad on my desk and pushed on the lower left corner I could turn the pad. I didn’t have an issue with it in game and it seemed to stick better to my desk with more use. I also noticed that the top right corner didn’t lay flat on my desk but again it wasn’t an issue in game or something that affected performance.
Surface: In terms of speed, it’s a little more on the faster side but still offers a good amount of stopping power. The pad IS skate dependent, but in my testing using jade/jade airs it performed very well. The surface has a very noticeable texture but still feels smooth when using it.
Performance: I mainly tested the pad in PUBG and performance wise it played well while tracking, controlling recoil, and micro adjustments. The pad does have a fairly noticeable texture feel to it but still feels smooth on the skin and I didn't have to use a sleeve when gaming on it. Climate didn't seem to affect the performance of the pad from feeling cold to being room temperature and performance felt consistent across the board.
Overall: I think Goblintech did very well for their first glasspad. I think the base could use some work as well as the image clarity, but I see the pad staying in my rotation and can't wait to see what they come up with for the next one. I would rate the pad a 7.5 out of 10 due to the base and art clarity and I hope they can improve it on the next one!
submitted by B9W4N1 to MousepadReview [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Potentially-Insane Auspicious Armor item trade for Malicious Armor
Looking to try and get a Ceruledge in my Scarlet game. I have Auspicious Armor and 5 IV Charcadet in Dream balls and Moon balls. I have other 5 IV mons as well if you would like something instead of Charcadet.
submitted by Potentially-Insane to pokemontrades [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 341Can HiHat Stand Recommendations for VH-11
I bought a Mapex H250 last year and I regret it a lot. I guess it's just too light for an electronic hihat because I can't calibrate it correctly and controller almost always mistriggers.
Anyways, I'm in between Mapex H800, Pearl H830 and a used Tama Iron Cobra 900 Lever Glide (it is quite worn tho). The prices are similar so I'm not sure which one to pick. If you could give some tips for which one would be the best for a vh-11 that would be much appreciated.
submitted by 341Can to edrums [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Queen_Magix Cupid's gotcha 💘
I love not having to worry about drawing eyes when I draw Lyra Rae, makes my life way easier ♥ submitted by Queen_Magix to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:07 Jonny_Anonymous X-Men Personal Politics?
Obviously, X-Men is political as a whole. All of them are pro-mutant rights and by extension minority and civil rights. But has any of the X-Men talked about their political views besides or in relation to that? I'm talking about the kind of stuff you are likely to see in a Daredevil or Green Arrow comic.
submitted by Jonny_Anonymous to xmen [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 SRSDemise Demi$e - Zooted [AMV]
submitted by SRSDemise to UpcomingRapperz [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:07 StoneCarrots Poll: Free Myth Pair reading recommendation for new players.
Which Myth Pair do you recommend new players to read? :D https://preview.redd.it/50cede1bukee1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1b5c2d8deecc411594c6a05c85cb48c45a6ae7d View Poll submitted by StoneCarrots to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:07 Curly_Cucumber [S][USA-WI] Samyang RF 85mm F1.4 AF, $600
Timestamp and photos: https://imgur.com/a/0fs9WeI
Selling my trusty Samyang RF 85mm F1.4 AF that I’ve used for many portraits. This isn’t produced anymore (to my knowledge.) This lens has autofocus (that works very well!)
I have the R5 body and RF 24-70 for sale as well, check my other post.
submitted by Curly_Cucumber to photomarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 theswarley30 Suggestions on new bulbs / replacements for low & high beams - 2014
I do a fair amount of driving at night, both county roads and interstate. The low beams are god awful. I feel like I’m overdriving the headlights at 30+mph.
I’m not looking to blind oncoming traffic, but I would like to feel relatively safe at 55+.
High beams are actually not awful but that’s not an issue.
submitted by theswarley30 to Silverado [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:07 Tricky_Sympathy7224 How am I supposed to progressively overload with 30kg on an adductor machine?
submitted by Tricky_Sympathy7224 to WeightTraining [link] [comments]