would angel traited elemental sword master be good for no plan a [discussion]

2025.01.22 18:08 manyfrogs2 would angel traited elemental sword master be good for no plan a [discussion]

if i elemental sword master the angel talent would that be good for rushing down the main boss in no plan a or even for the horses
submitted by manyfrogs2 to battlecats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Higherbites I ranked random cartoons

I ranked random cartoons https://preview.redd.it/04kbn37j5lee1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=b02004e94a9d1ecae16d5c3bb095d202571b56f0
submitted by Higherbites to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Kalinine Call of Duty: Warzone Season 02: All the new Content You Need to Know About

Call of Duty: Warzone Season 02: All the new Content You Need to Know About submitted by Kalinine to CODWarzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 smeehoth Well no ones going to be invested in a month-long intergalactic orgy if the ship's got insufficient fuel cells. You wanna talk reality LETS TALK REALITY!

Well no ones going to be invested in a month-long intergalactic orgy if the ship's got insufficient fuel cells. You wanna talk reality LETS TALK REALITY! submitted by smeehoth to americandad [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Techno-Demon Ruby Rose vs Scizor(RWBY vs Pokemon): Ruby Red Steel

Ruby Rose vs Scizor(RWBY vs Pokemon): Ruby Red Steel The definition of vibes with nothing else ngl
submitted by Techno-Demon to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 bot-bouncer Overview for SleekReader

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Ok_Bodybuilder_2465 Long distance is really the worst. Ive been doing this for 2 years now. And let me tell you I hate it. On some days it is so hard to push through. How do you guys keep yourselves motivated? I just wish I could have a normal relationship. Why didn’t i fall in love with someone in my city 😭

submitted by Ok_Bodybuilder_2465 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Catmom_fitmom 1:1 trades!

1:1 trades! Let’s trade! Hoping to finish some albums :)
submitted by Catmom_fitmom to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Particular_Airport80 Which would you get? 😩

Which would you get? 😩 Guys… I’m torn.
This is going to be my first Harley
I can drive about 5 hours out for a 2022 iron 883, 1500 miles, needs a battery, new left side kick stand, foot peg, and shifter peg, needs new rear left blinker. and has a little dent in the gas tank from the handle bar. that I may be able to get out at work, we have a dent guy in sight who may be able to pop it out. The rest I can do myself. And already priced the parts out.
A 2011 883 super-low with 16k. Never dropped, in dang near mint condition. Also 3k and local.
Planning on doing a bobber build down the line to either bike.
Do I go with a possible easy fix but questionable internal issues? It looks like the drop was super minor…
Or do I go with the older generation and different styling package… I love the look of the iron.
but the other one is pretty much guaranteed to be good to go off the bat. Both clean titles in hand. Both 3k.
I like to live dangerously… but.. I’m indecisive as shit 😭😭
submitted by Particular_Airport80 to sportster [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Yosei_chan My makeup 🤍

My makeup 🤍 submitted by Yosei_chan to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Moondaeagle High Stakes Sonic thought

I remember when I first saw ''High Stakes Sonic''.I loved it and I still do!And zone Ankha started getting popular,And in ''High Stakes Sonic'' there are scenes where Robotnik is wearing a revealing paraoh outfit.I immagined paraoh Robotnik doing the Ankha zone dance.
submitted by Moondaeagle to copypasta [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 MaseratiFalcon Raid Land Mobile?

This could be a great project 😅…
Also, when is the raid.land domain coming back?
submitted by MaseratiFalcon to RaidLand [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Abject-Rich-5593 Frische Beziehung, FOMO

Hallo ich M19 bin seit knapp zwei Jahren mit meiner Freundin W18 zusammen. Es ist ihre und meine erste Beziehung. Am Anfang war alles sehr aufregend und mit sehr vielen Emotionen verbunden, logischerweise ist das jetzt nicht mehr so stark. Irgendwie kommt in letzter Zeit immer mehr das Gefühl etwas zu verpassen, da ich noch nie Geschlechtsverkehr hatte mit einer anderen Person. Ich bin von Natur aus ein sehr sehr neugieriger Mensch. Momentan ist es so, dass ich es mag, andere Frauen anzusehen und mir gewisse dinge vorzustellen.
Der Geschlechtsverkehr zwischen meiner Freundin und mir ist wirklich sehr schön und ich finde sie auch sehr attraktiv, aber sobald sie nicht in meiner Nähe ist bin ich nicht in Gedanken bei ihr oder bei unseren Bettgeschichten, diese turnen mich dann eher selten an, stattdessen turnt es mich an wenn ich andere Damen mit kurven sehe. Ich fühle mich dabei aber sehr schlecht und habe das Gefühl meine Emotionen nicht unter Kontrolle zu haben. Ich kann mir aber auch unter keinen Umständen vorstellen fremdzugehen, dann würde ich den weg der Kommunikation wählen bzw. Schluss machen um meine Neugierde zu stillen aber ich möchte nicht etwas so wertvolles für etwas sehr trockenes und bedeutungsloses wie ein one night stand aufgeben. Ich frage mich wie ich das mit ihr kommunizieren kann, denn es ist mir wichtig dass ich ehrlich bin. Vor allem bin ich jung und ich möchte nicht dumm sein und irgendwas später bereuen, denn unsere Beziehung ist wie in einem Bilderbuch, nur mein Kopf, nervt mich sehr mit diesen Lüsten und Neugierde, FOMO etc.
Bitte um Rat
submitted by Abject-Rich-5593 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 rhodologist Mystery Box Question

Just curious, are they shipping out the $50 mystery boxes first and then shipping out the $100 and $150 mystery boxes afterwards? I see everyone getting their merch and haven’t gotten mine yet. Still being patient tho.
submitted by rhodologist to G59 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 mweepinc [DFT] Cloudspire Coordinator (IGN)

[DFT] Cloudspire Coordinator (IGN) submitted by mweepinc to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 MaseratiFalcon Raid Land Mobile?

This could be a great project 😅…
Also, when is the raid.land domain coming back?
submitted by MaseratiFalcon to RaidLand [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 magmafan71 Not that we has much, but just t make it clear

Not that we has much, but just t make it clear submitted by magmafan71 to AfterBeforeWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Almifor_Derygon Fast pic i did before going to watch my friends metal band training !

Fast pic i did before going to watch my friends metal band training ! I should do make up more often. I did this one in 7 minutes and take fast pic because i was late !
submitted by Almifor_Derygon to EmoFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 MrsGarland Cannot figure out backups/file storage on external drive

I'm having issues with my Macbook Air (it's Big Sur if that matters?), and I don't fully trust iCloud, so I decided to buy an external hard drive (Seagate) to hopefully do a Time Machine backup AND store various files. I cannot, for the life of me, make this work. I have erased and reformatted over a dozen times and I don't know what I'm doing. If I mess around enough I'll be able to drag and drop files to the Seagate via Finder. But the second I try to back up via TM it seems to change it, it erases everything, and I can no longer drag and drop. Is it not possible to do both? (Also it never actually does a TM backup, saying the computer is too full) I don't understand volumes and partitions and frankly I'm nervous to add anything now at all because I'm worried the next time I try anything it'll be messed up again. Are there any extremely easy solutions to do both? Do I need to just choose one or the other and stop erasing and reformatting before I break something?
submitted by MrsGarland to applehelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 phiasch And they said endgame is a myth

And they said endgame is a myth This board will replace the nearly identical one I’ve been using for 3 years. The only upgrades are Bluetooth and factory silenced switches
Rufous Choc Ambient 15g CS caps / T1 artisan thumbs Xiao-ble
submitted by phiasch to ErgoMechKeyboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 HollowPurple451 Shinjuku Alleys

Shinjuku Alleys My first time shooting analog. Proud of how the colors on these turned out !
submitted by HollowPurple451 to japanpics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 ReglyarLervin I just realized I didn't like Story and Song :(

This is probably retreading a lot of conversational ground but what else is there to talk about right now?
I liked Balance and I've continued liking it since it ended with several re-listens between then and now. I've been listening to it again while I've been playing Elite Dangerous because that's like cigarettes and drinking for me. As I was finishing up this time, I had a sudden realization that well gosh, wouldn't you know it? I don't think I've ever, ever, ever managed to make it through Story and Song a second time all the way through. After it was released, I only ever listen to the end of Stolen Century before I go to a different podcast.
I would put my total "full" listens at maybe eight. I listened to it a lot while I was working in kitchens. But in all of those listens, I never really appreciated how much second-hand embarrassment I got during Story and Song. I've been forcing myself to get through it this time, but yikes.
I didn't mind Stolen Century generally, but the shift from one game to the other and back feels wack as all hell. They went off the rails Stolen Century and then return to the more rigid format while trying to maintain some of the fluid straight-up radio drama of Stolen Century. Griffin just tells people to take damage a lot of the time. The PCs are put in the back seat for so much of it. The four judges are supposed to be menacing but they get fuckin' blasted by NPCs before they even have a chance to do anything. The players don't really do a proper D&D battle until they fight Hungry John, and even then it feels totally scripted.
On this listen, I'm realizing the players are kind of floundering as well. Catchphrases get dropped in awkward places because no one knows when the climax is supposed to be. No one seems to know what the end goal even is because the NPCs are taking care of everything. Whatever Griffin wanted Merle to do when they were playing chess doesn't feel like it took. Taako just gets to transform something that required a roll previously EVEN AFTER a 25 didn't do it. Griffin telegraphs things and I'm not sure anyone really knew how to respond. He fully took the reins of the story and chained everyone behind the cart. It suddenly dawned on me that I felt and feel awkward when listening to the finale.
For as much as people love to dunk on Travis for not having real stakes, playing overpowered DMPCs and forcing people to play HIS game, Griffin has a lot of the same instincts enacted in a more competent story.
All this to say: Johann saying "You're going to have to fight and you're going to win." gives me actual shivers in a bad way..
submitted by ReglyarLervin to TAZCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Medili7 Dadalhin daw ako sa OB to check if i'm still a V or not

Hahaha, as you can see from the title… long story short, my mom and I had an argument (my mom has always been toxic, so we fight a lot). Then she asked me if I’m still a ‘virgin’ or if I’ve already given it away
and yes may bf ako
I’m 18, but I’m not saying that just because I’m 18 na kesyo I can do things like this and that pero oo i've done it before na with someone and I lost it even before I turned 18
I can’t do anything about it now because nangyari na and poor decisions ko yung mga yun since close minded pa ako and mind you bata pa talaga ako i think around 16/17ish
but anyway, my mom said I shouldn’t lie to her and she’s threatening to take me sa OB to check if I’m still a virgin like is that even allowed???
I’m fine with it na magpatignan but knowing how my mom reacts to situations like this, she’ll definitely panic and freak out
submitted by Medili7 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Designer_Fold3684 Video finna be 🔥

submitted by Designer_Fold3684 to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 18:08 Neat-Ad-9297 Giving a supplement to a cat.

Hello everyone I wanted to ask a few questions about giving a human supplement to a cat. My cat suffers from pre-bath anxiety and I need a way of getting her a little more calm so that I can give her said bath. She is 2 years old and is a female tabby mix.
The supplement contains 600 mg of ashwagandha and 200 mg of l-theanine, it also contains vegetable cellulose, crospovidone, silica, vegetable stearic acid, vegetable magnesium stearate, and vegetable glycerin.
I planned on breaking the supplement into 4 parts, my thought process was doing this so that I could avoid giving her too much ashwagandha and avoid any other gastro-intestinal problems that might come with giving her too much of any of the other ingredients.
Any thoughts would help, thanks!
submitted by Neat-Ad-9297 to AskVet [link] [comments]
