Wedding Special Request

2025.01.22 19:14 DaveFeisman Wedding Special Request

Wedding Special Request Guys, so many appointments opened up ! I won't be able to make it to the mothership this year as I'm saving for a wedding and can't pay for a flight to go out that far. Any chance anyone would be willing to pick me up a high loft and wind pro and ship to me? If so, hit me up! 😁
submitted by DaveFeisman to Melanzana [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 Techster17 Marvel announces ‘Spider-Verse vs. Venomverse’ #1

submitted by Techster17 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 notyodarling87 [CHAT](Mod approved) - Want to chat about needlework and help me out in the process?

Hello everyone!
I am finishing a course and my final project is about cross stitch and embroidery. More specifically, how we find patterns.
For my project to work I need to interview people who take part in these hobbies. Hence this post!
Calls do not have to be video, take about 30 min and your contribution will be anonymous! Your name will not appear anywhere in the project, and I promise to not tell anyone who you are. (:
Since I am based in Europe and I assume many of you are in the US I set up a link for scheduling calls taking into account time zones and whatnot. If you have a spare 30min and are in the mood to help me (and chat about out favourite hobby, obvs) send me a PM or comment here and I will send you the link.
Mods have vetted me and can assure all of you I am a real person and this is a legit project.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by notyodarling87 to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 Ethan_Media Is this kit rare?

submitted by Ethan_Media to Audi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 Blendi_369 Skin peeling

Hi folks. I’m a 24 year old guy and I started using tretinoin about two months ago at 0.05 since I can’t find it at a lower (or higher) concentration in my country. Haven’t had any breakouts but my skin peels like crazy. Putting sunscreen on becomes a challenge because of the peeling skin becomes super visible and I look like soil that hasn’t seen rain in millennia (okay, I’m over exaggerating). I just want to know if there’s something I can do to make it better or if I just need to wait it out.
So I’m currently using it once every four days. I have oily skin and seborrheic dermatitis. Below is my daily routine.
A.M. Plain water for cleaning the face. La Roche Posay Toleraine Double Repair Face Moisturiser. La Roche Posay Antihelios 50 spf.
P.M. Bioderma Sensibio DS+ cleansing gel. Bioderma Sensibio DS+ soothing cream and LRP toleraine (leave it one for 15 min). Tretinoin (leave it one for 15 min). LRP Cicaplast Baume B5+.
submitted by Blendi_369 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 VirtualRecording7443 Her IG user analytics

This was a week ago but posting now for those blocked. Not much here to see - I guess all those hundreds of thousands of bots who make up her audience are classified as women 35-54?
submitted by VirtualRecording7443 to meghanking [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 solorpggamer
submitted by solorpggamer to lonelyfun [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 Badviper Can the K65 Plus Connect to a Slipstream Wireless Reciever?

To be specific, I'm asking in regards to SKU # CH-91D451E-NA. I would like to multipoint connect it to the same Slipstream receiver that comes with the M75 wireless mouse (SKU # CH-931D01F-NA). Is this possible, or do they require separate receivers since the K65 Plus does not support Slipstream? Or, alternatively, can the M75 also connect to the K65's legacy USB receiver at the same time?
submitted by Badviper to Corsair [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 turn_for_do Do we truly live in a world of no consequences as long as you are wealthy/in power?

While this question is influenced by politics, it's not meant to be 100% focused on it.
Laws exist, but time and time again throughout our lives, as long as you are higher up the ladder, the consequences are either non-existent or much less severe than for the average folk. You'll have people going to prison for months to years and have their lives ruined over something as low as marijuana possession, whereas you'll see in the news how some millionaire/billionaire violated some various business or trading laws netting an indescribable amount of money and they get a slap on the wrist in the news, maybe apologize, and go right back to their work. I'll see the argument so often when it comes to courts, that as long as you have the money for a better lawyer, you can basically get away with anything, or at the very least settle.
It's not like this is new in human history of course. Power always gets you more benefits than those without out.
Are we too naive as a human race to think that things will actually progress and justice will be equal at any point in our species' time on this planet?
submitted by turn_for_do to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 bad_at_coding_wow Northwestern mutual - do I have to sell to friends and family?

I have been doing interviews with NWM and things have been going well, they seem to be rated well online, the position was for a financial advisor intern.
Worth it to continue? I am not against sales, but I am against selling to friends and family, that sounds awful. Any advice? Finding internships is hard and I need something good on my resume
submitted by bad_at_coding_wow to internships [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 SufficientCourse7080 tem chances em contábeis na fea-rp(AC) ?

Tardeee, é possível passar em Contabilidade na FEA-RP (AC) ou fui de F? Posição 91.
submitted by SufficientCourse7080 to USP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 SuccessfulPath7 Is it just me or is the level curve jump so high from four stars to five stars for raid battles so high?

It feels more like ten stars ffs
submitted by SuccessfulPath7 to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 LilyFancyMe07 On the set for 'Out Of Time' (2022)

On the set for 'Out Of Time' (2022) submitted by LilyFancyMe07 to HoYeonJung [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 Willing_Study508 Is there anyone who would like to hop on bo6 prop hunt?

Is there anyone who would like to hop on bo6 prop hunt?
submitted by Willing_Study508 to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 Axrtinnnn DirecTVStream

Hi everyone. I’m currently a user of Youtube TV but I’m looking into DirecTV Stream. I’d like someone to compare and contrast both services. I appreciate how YTTV allows up to 3 devices at once, and the library feature, allowing to view an episode on demand. I also like how Youtube TV is just an app and no box is necessary. How does YTTV compare to Directv Stream?
submitted by Axrtinnnn to DirectvStream [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 hotsun3681 what do you folks think about this..

i saw this youtuber post this video today. watch it and let me know what you folks think lol.
submitted by hotsun3681 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 NinjaPop_io Best ways to get more google reviews?

Ive been using these: and a lot of my friends tell me about Birdeye but wanted to see what everyone is using?
submitted by NinjaPop_io to GoogleMyBusiness [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 OhiOstas It is always possible for Steelers to move on from people, but waiting this long doesn't look good so far..

It is always possible for Steelers to move on from people, but waiting this long doesn't look good so far.. submitted by OhiOstas to steelers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 harara_ Rented house heating not working overnight - House temp in the 40s

Me and my roommates are renting a house and during the last couple of nights our furnace has stopped working around 10pm, making around 45 degrees throughout the night. Heating goes back into working in the morning and then goes off at night. We have no schedule set up on our thermostat, and we have tried to restart the furnace but it goes off after a minute or two. By the time maintenance comes in the morning the furnace it's working again and they say that since it's up and running they cannot do any diagnoses (even we have videos documenting the issue). Something similar happened back in December but given it was a one time thing all they did was changing the air filter, they claim that is not the problem this time.
This morning we were told they'd send an HVAC technician but later called to say they're not sending anyone UNLESS it stops working BEFORE 5pm. When we called them last night all they say it's that they're sorry the house it's in the 40s but they cannot send anyone in until the morning. Given the temperatures in our area (below 0 for the last couple of nights) we got an hotel and spend the night there. We're afraid this is gonna keep happening. We're only halfway through the winter and we feel these are inhabitable conditions.
Our lease forbids the use of space heaters unless allowed by the landlord on emergencies (they haven't given us permission to do this neither we own space heaters), and it also doesn't state anything regarding HVAC maintenance (besides changing the filters)/emergency repairs.
Is there something we can do to force them send an HVAC guy when it stops working at night? Should we pay for the technician and ask them to pay us back? Can we/Should we declare this inhabitable conditions and move out early?
Please help! We're out of state/international students and are not familiar with tenants rights in the state.
submitted by harara_ to SouthBend [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 AIArt-Gallery AI Art Gallery #085

AI Art Gallery #085 submitted by AIArt-Gallery to AIArt_Gallery [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 Tersiv David Einhorn says we have reached the 'Fartcoin' stage of the market cycle

submitted by Tersiv to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 el_wakim 1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Fastback: A Blue Streak of Muscle | EN.WHEELZ.ME

submitted by el_wakim to wheelz_me [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 JustYourLocalProto fan help

should i plug my fan hub into a normal fan port or the aio port, on one hand the aio port means they run faster and therefor makes my components cooler but also im not sure if i should be constantly running my fans so fast, what should i do?
submitted by JustYourLocalProto to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 stayingjin I have an idea

Where GOT Arya gets sent back in time to where asoiaf starts but its SI at the same time, because she tried to kill the night king but she's not pwwp so instead the gods give her a second chance. (I kinda don't know what SI means but I'm hoping it means just having my own take on Arya)
submitted by stayingjin to AsoiafFanfiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:14 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 22-January-2025 19:13:59

Test body 22-January-2025 19:13:59
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]