Best $12 spent.

2025.01.22 20:04 confusednapkin Best $12 spent.

Best $12 spent. Don’t overpay on the 29mm Raw Leefai trucks that retail shops are getting their hands on.
Amazon has them for $12, with shipping included. Ordered less than 12 hours ago.
submitted by confusednapkin to Fingerboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 BlueMind911 Shorthness of breath, what helps?

I have shorthness of breath while exercising with weight, even if my heart rate <100 I still get shorthness of breath, if I walk or do cardio on bike event when heart rate is >110 I don't get shorthness of breath, it's like when I lift even small weights all my blood goes to muscles, blood vesels constrict and heart lack of oxygen and blood. But my blood pressure normal and at low side 110/65, heart rate with beta blockers also normal 55-65. Much salt only one thing which help a little bit. What helps you most with shorthness of breath?
submitted by BlueMind911 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 BrandonApplesauce Hawaii Residents See Largest Tax Cut in State History - It Started - Paychecks

I would guess they are going to increase the Property Tax Rate in the next few years? and the State is going to start taking some of that from the County. Go after the faster tax increases from Real Estate than payroll.
>This cut is so massive it will reduce the state budget by around a billion in the first year. <
submitted by BrandonApplesauce to HawaiiUncensored [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Dragonscarlet26511 Hi! Does anyone recognise this maybe? I cant find it anywhere. I found simmilar ones but not this one.. is it worth anything? Thanks :)

Hi! Does anyone recognise this maybe? I cant find it anywhere. I found simmilar ones but not this one.. is it worth anything? Thanks :) submitted by Dragonscarlet26511 to beatles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Artisic-Bager7 bro where my cc at

bro where my cc at not a single person wants ts
submitted by Artisic-Bager7 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Koreabooooooo The Angle gets messy

The Angle gets messy submitted by Koreabooooooo to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Coffee_Gal9 What does my crush say about me?

What does my crush say about me? submitted by Coffee_Gal9 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 artizhiai Share your prompts

Share your prompts submitted by artizhiai to midjourney [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 iMert07 Hoca efendilerim için yorumunuz nedir?

Hoca efendilerim için yorumunuz nedir? submitted by iMert07 to tibukandtoker [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Ancient-Group7173 Leaving someone

Someone has left you. It’s not the end of the world. This is the opportunity you can use to feel better, to feel superior than people around you. Go to the gym. Work on yourself. The sun rises and sets EVERYDAY. The world doesn’t stop, and whether you like it or not, you have to move on. You don’t have the option to stay still. The people who stay still are the one that lose. You need to move on, the moon sets and rises every night. Don’t let this opportunity slip up, you have to move along with life. Use this opportunity. I know you feel empty inside, I know you feel angry. I know you’re hurt, but you have to keep moving, keep doing better to get better. Focus on yourself. I personally do not understand when people say “love yourself” but I do understand self respect, self perseverance, selfishness. Even if you don’t love yourself, pretend you are a kid. Do you want this for your own child? No. Do better.
submitted by Ancient-Group7173 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Party-Car-4028 College won’t answer my phone calls or emails

I am attempting to withdraw from my college early while they are still offering a 100% tuition refund but it seems like they are ignoring me I’ve left phone messages with the registrar and the treasury dept in addition to emailing them any advice on how to get out before I’m screwed over?
submitted by Party-Car-4028 to college [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 doordep Is this bed bugs??

Is this bed bugs?? Just picked this up at a charity shop. Are the stains and gunk from beg bugs? And If so, are they active or is this damage from an old infestation? I'm about to burn my house down LOL
submitted by doordep to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Euphoric-Trouble5049 Biggest Missed Opportunity in all of Jurassic World Alive

Instead of giving Buck, Doe, and potentially junior if they add him to the game, their own hybrids (we have too many rex hybrids already), Ludia/Jamcity should've taken advantage of the flock system and made the most unique flock.
The idea:
Buck - Legendary
Doe - Legendary
Junior - Epic
Buck & Doe - Unique Flock (2 member flock): Buck + Doe
Tyrannosaur Family - Apex Flock (3 member flock with moves that do different things based on which third of its hp it is at)
submitted by Euphoric-Trouble5049 to JurassicWorldAlive [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 1221am Don't think I want to make it to 30

2 more years, 3 really, but I don't want to see it through. I know God will provide but 30 is too much for me. I don't have any real dreams, desires or goals. I'll try to go out there and see a piece of whatever I want to see. Maybe try to change my mind. But I do hope God takes me out for me. There's nothing here I want. I'll do my part and try to uphold whatever purpose God made me to be, but after that I'm just kind of done, I'll pray that he shows me what I'm here for. I've already deleted most of my apps and removed my pictures online, I don't need to be remembered, I just want to go home at this point. God is all I've got left, and that's enough for me. Maybe I'm sick and stupid for thinking this. Feeling sorry for myself for what? No reason I guess.
submitted by 1221am to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Mulberry_Big 17..181920? Anyone?

17..181920? Anyone? Stay warm Acura fam🥶
submitted by Mulberry_Big to Acura [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Miserable-Eye-5690 Defense Deoxys raid on me. 078195039638

submitted by Miserable-Eye-5690 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Outl1n3Island PUNCH A NAZI IN THE FACE

PUNCH A NAZI IN THE FACE submitted by Outl1n3Island to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Prize-Maintenance-62 This is weird

This is weird Mika was green 30 mins ago now he’s jumping between 11 and 12. Is that normal ?
submitted by Prize-Maintenance-62 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Sad-Number-9843 Any body know how much shipping costs for 2 pairs of b30s and a pair of Hermes sandal that comes out to 125 euros

Any body know how much shipping costs for 2 pairs of b30s and a pair of Hermes sandal that comes out to 125 euros submitted by Sad-Number-9843 to CNfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 Electronic-Low9 Yayakan as idiot sandwich meme

submitted by Electronic-Low9 to RakanMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 the_best_option This puzzle is proving to be a bit much for him

This puzzle is proving to be a bit much for him submitted by the_best_option to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 East_Association4455 Has anyone figured out the poem at the end of Octavarium? Because I think I got it but want to be certain.

After a lot of listening, I believe that each stanza of the poem corresponds with each song on the album in order. In the background you can hear a voice counting off, "1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc." And I'm not sure if it's just a confirmation bias, but the noise in the background sounds like clips of audio from each song. So, am I right?
submitted by East_Association4455 to Dreamtheater [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 AncientAd8712 IndigoBroker asked how I did a Martini logo. It's fairly straightforward. Gold circle, slightly smaller red circle, gold rectangle with a second one to make it taller, then slightly smaller black rectangles, and finally the text...

IndigoBroker asked how I did a Martini logo. It's fairly straightforward. Gold circle, slightly smaller red circle, gold rectangle with a second one to make it taller, then slightly smaller black rectangles, and finally the text... submitted by AncientAd8712 to RealRacing3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 metalmilitiaxv Which of the 3 aftermarket bayonet lugs for 12ga shotguns is the most solid (if any)?

I wanna trench up my 870. Obviously the best is probably the og factory mk1 sleeve but that's pretty much unobtainium so that leaves aftermarket options
The sj hardware one is nice but not worth the money to me (the gun itself was only 250), but try to change my mind if it's miles better than the cheaper lugs
That leaves the nc star lug or the tokarev ott lug systems (I have a Carlson's mag tube so I need the end cap piece). I kinda like the nc star one a little more but both look decent to me
Any insight is appreciated
submitted by metalmilitiaxv to Shotguns [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:04 c0st_of_lies احنا بنمشي لقدام ولا بنرجع لورا؟

العراق خلاص قننت جواز الأطفال.
بقول لاخويا الكبير (مسلم كيوت) عالخبر قالي غريبة و هيحددوا السن ازاي بالظبط؟
طبعا أنا من جوايا ضحكت ضحكة مريرة و قولتله من تسع سنين، تعرف ليه صح؟ قالي لأه اشمعنا تسعة؟ قولتله مش مهم خلاص.
٩٠٪ من المسلمين مغيبيييين في نعيم الجهل بجد يا جدعان. اخويا مش بيدافع عن الشبهة، ده مش عارفها أصلا و هو عايش طول حياته في مصر في أسرة محافظة و متدينة لحد كبير و كان حافظ جزء كبير من القرآن و هو صغير فوق ده كله. و بردو مش عارف أَلِف باء شبهات. الدين بجد بالنسبة لمسلمين كتير شوية ثقافة سطحية لا غير.
يلعن كسم البهايم يا اخي. سمعنا و أطعنا. محمد يعمل احنا نعمل. محمد يشخ احنا نشخ. محمد ينيك بنت عندها تسع سنين احنا ننيك بنات عندهم تسع سنين.
هما بيعبدوا ربنا ولا بيعبدوا محمد؟)[]
submitted by c0st_of_lies to ExEgypt [link] [comments]