هو الواحد بيجيب عربيه يتعلم عليها السواقه بعدين يروح يطلع رخصه و يمتحن، ولا بيطلع رخصه و بعدين يشترى عربيه؟

2025.01.22 20:12 PsychoFeetLover هو الواحد بيجيب عربيه يتعلم عليها السواقه بعدين يروح يطلع رخصه و يمتحن، ولا بيطلع رخصه و بعدين يشترى عربيه؟

يعنى ازاى هتعلم و انا مش معايا رخصه، و ازاى هطلع رخصه و انا مش معايا عربيه، مع العلم ان مفيش حد حواليا معاه عربيه يعلمنى بيها و ابويا راسه و الف جزمه قديمه لا يجيب ولا حتى انا اجيب بفلوسى (مش جابرنى طبعا بس بشكل عام هو مش عايز حد بيسوق حواليه ولا ايه معرفش)
المهم، نعمل ايه فى الورطه ديا؟
submitted by PsychoFeetLover to CAIRO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Thinkingsign220 Does the F adidas jersey shrink?

Just wanna know if it shrinks just got one in the mail.
submitted by Thinkingsign220 to yeezyxgap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Oasis_951 Statue of God

Statue of God submitted by Oasis_951 to sololeveling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Hot-Squash-1631 Anime e giappominchiate fanno cagare

Non so come facciate a guardarli e ossessionarvi. Non mi è mai piaciuto nemmeno dragonball naruto o altri che ho visto di sfuggita ma che cazzo sono? Proprio lo stile dei disegni e delle trame lo trovo imbarazzante e sempre uguale, non sopporto come sono fatti gli occhi e le espressioni stile kawaii e c'è sempre l'eroe buono e puro fortissimo e il supercattivo che vuole distruggere o conquistare il mondo, e sembra che vinca giocando sporco il protagonista è quasi fottuto ma alla fine da un colpo fortissimo al cattivo che viene sobbalzato fuori dall atmosfera ma in realtà non muore e ritorna. Certo ci sono le eccezioni tipo death note che è più psicologico e il buono diventa cattivo, e mi ha pure appassionato un po, ma per il resto sta roba non capisco come faccia a piacervi
A beh se devo dirla tutta odio anche harry potter e tutti i film della marvel più o meno per gli stessi cliche di trama e personaggi.
submitted by Hot-Squash-1631 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 martedimattina Banca e dati personali

Buonasera, sono venuta a conoscenza durante una discussione futile che un membro della mia famiglia era a conoscenza della cifra che ho attualmente nel CC. I soldi inizialmente mi erano stati donati da questa persona, sono passati 10 anni e ho tenuto nel mentre, per comodità, il conto nella stessa banca (non proprio di piccole dimensioni). Lui è un correntista della stessa banca ma il conto è intestato SOLO a me. Sono molto arrabbiata e ritengo questa cosa estremamente grave, sono una lavoratrice e non ho piacere che lui abbia avuto accesso a questa informazione. Ho intenzione di cambiare banca ma come posso tutelarmi? Ci sono gli estremi per agire in qualche modo non avendo prove?
submitted by martedimattina to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 deecheezz what should i do to it? going to tint back windows soon and these are just the winter tires n rims

what should i do to it? going to tint back windows soon and these are just the winter tires n rims submitted by deecheezz to W203 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Effective_Drummer783 Anyone wanna chat about these 2

Anyone wanna chat about these 2 submitted by Effective_Drummer783 to DixieDamelioFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 PerilsOf9thDimension Luke Skywalker got The Beatles!

submitted by PerilsOf9thDimension to beatles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 XWolfyCat Whats your gender?

I feel like there’s more boys here than anything else
submitted by XWolfyCat to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Secret_Volume_9427 Understandable

Understandable submitted by Secret_Volume_9427 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Sigward_TheOnionbro The World Eaters (Warhammer 40k)

submitted by Sigward_TheOnionbro to TopCharacterDesigns [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 634

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 aswertz ich🤯iel

ich🤯iel submitted by aswertz to ich_iel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Shonmickaelsfcp Novo Treinador aparentemente - alguém seguia as equipas dele?

submitted by Shonmickaelsfcp to fcporto [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 rrobots I’m a new player! Is the quick craft unlock permanent? we

I’m a new player! Is the quick craft unlock permanent? we just a bit confused since it says it doesn’t apply to anything being crafted currently 🥲
submitted by rrobots to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Narrow-Experience235 Feel like I’ve been waiting forever 😓

Feel like I’ve been waiting forever 😓 I know that it can take years to get your conditions removed especially since it was a marriage based green card. I did end up divorcing my husband. Unfortunately, I was the victim of pretty severe DV and submitted that along with my court documents. I wasn’t officially divorced at the time of filing. I’ve since remarried and split custody of our son. I’m majoring in Psychology and also work at a hospital. These things are great but I feel like this is just hanging over my head. Lucky for me I live in upstate NY and can still go home to Canada to visit pretty much any time. This wait is just torture.
submitted by Narrow-Experience235 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 veteranguard1 Tips for C957 Applied Algebra

I just passed the OA on the first try so I wanted to give some tips.

  1. This class is not that hard so don't be scared because it says Algebra.
  2. Watch the recorded videos listed on the resource page. It's only about 3 hours total.
  3. Take the PA. After you take the PA an instructor will send you a link to explainer videos for every question on the PA. Review the ones you missed.
  4. Take the OA.
I wouldn't do anything more than this unless the concepts in the video seemed really hard to grasp. The text isn't too bad to read through but it will take a lot of time and it's not really necessary.
submitted by veteranguard1 to WGU [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 usurPUNK Nikon F801S or Canon EOS 10 qd

I want to get a versatile and fairly portable camera for mainly doing street and landscapes. And these two are in my radar coz I'm getting some good deals for it.
So I'm wondering which one would be great for learning and also longevity. I already have a 40mm ef but I can also get a 50mm 1.4 (Nikon F) from my cousin so the lenses aren't a big of a deal for me
Have any of you had either of your experiences with this camera and would be kind to give some insights would be highly appreciated.
submitted by usurPUNK to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 lss_web_1444 Text post title 702

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 LEGENDARY-TOAST What do I do once this starts making pups? Just a bigger pot?

What do I do once this starts making pups? Just a bigger pot? Got this Scarlet Star a while ago and now it has 3 new pups. The main plant still looks fine as well though. I don't really want 4 plants, should I just put it in a bigger pot or do they need to be separate?
submitted by LEGENDARY-TOAST to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 comeandsae Lisa ter Horst

Lisa ter Horst submitted by comeandsae to NLCelebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 zuperzlayzicon So I'm 16 and I found out my parents are withholding letters that are adressed to me, is that ok?

So I was trying to find out about the child trustfund thing and my parents were trying to withhold my mail from me (I needed something from my mail to help me acsess the trustfund) but i rummaged through their stuff and i found they keep a lot of letters adressed to me including bank statements, stuff from HMRC, medical documents. I don't know why they won't let me see them but like is it legal to withhold them from me as my parents?
submitted by zuperzlayzicon to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Professional_Fudge78 Got this NZXT H6 Flow Case for my new Build and also bought 3 extra fans. Where should I put those fans, and do I potentially need more?

submitted by Professional_Fudge78 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 DarkReaper110 Attack Deoxys! 1371 1159 8844

submitted by DarkReaper110 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:12 Guilty-Emphasis-3829 Why is it so painful to play S3&K?

So origins doesn't have the og soundtrack okay fine. So I find mega collection plus can be played on the 360 with the og soundtrack, great! Oh, no I live in Europe so I have to play the shitty PAL version with the shit framerate. I actually want to cry all I want to is play this game somewhat decently with the og soundtrack and I can't it's so frustrating. Also yes I know about the music issues and all that.
submitted by Guilty-Emphasis-3829 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]
