Need help with components (building new gaming Pc)

2025.01.22 20:48 Bretzelking Need help with components (building new gaming Pc)

I am theory crafting on a PC I want to build. I intended not to spend more than a 1k € while still being able to play all the modern games for the next 10 years.
This is what I cam up with:
I am really new to this and don't know whether the different components will interfere with one another or cause compatibility issues. Trying to use chatgpt for general guidance but then its not always the most accurate.
If anyone can see any obvious mistakes or maybe knows similar reliant opinions for less money please let me know. It would help me greatly.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Bretzelking to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Aadi9116 M26, Right hand Dominant, any general readings or predictions? Would love to know about my career and love life :) thanks

M26, Right hand Dominant, any general readings or predictions? Would love to know about my career and love life :) thanks submitted by Aadi9116 to palmistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Wooden_Principle_844 Trabalhar no banco laranja

Participei de um processo para desenvolvedor back-end no ITAU(banco laranja) e acabei passando, o aumento de salario não é gigante mas tem, mas minha duvida é, algum dos senhores ja trabalhou ou trabalha la? Como é o dia a dia mesmo? Pergunto isso pq papinho de recruiter falando que é tudo lindo e maravilho é difícil de comprar.
ps: Eu ja estou ciente quanto a burocracia em geral que existe em banco. Minha duvida é mais na questão do dia a dia.
submitted by Wooden_Principle_844 to brdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Famous-Studio-4886 Need a new hairstyle

Need a new hairstyle submitted by Famous-Studio-4886 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Bulacano Oh no my queen?!

Oh no my queen?! submitted by Bulacano to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Kennediiiie SHEIN for SHEIN, do mine and I’ll do yours thank youuuu🥰

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by Kennediiiie to sheincodeshares [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Nate_Doge XRP Futures Expected to Go Live on CME Feb 10

“CME just added XRP and SOL futures page to their staging subdomain. Page says XRP and SOL futures are going live on Feb 10 pending regulatory review. Looks like they are preparing for the official announcement. Brace for paradise.”
submitted by Nate_Doge to XRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 NevWeezy Had to ask a HF worker for them to look in the back but package secured. Let’s compare them to the snap on now…

Had to ask a HF worker for them to look in the back but package secured. Let’s compare them to the snap on now… submitted by NevWeezy to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Overtone99 15 februari - Middag van het Fantastische Boek. Ervaringen?

Over 3,5 weken is in de bibliotheek van Utrecht de Middag van het Fantastische Boek. Ik leerde er zelf over door mijn deelname aan de Harland verhalenwedstrijd, maar ik twijfel of ik ernaartoe ga (iets met een drukke agenda).
Wat zijn jullie ervaringen van voorgaande edities? Hoe groot is de boekenmarkt? Hoe verhoudt het zich (bijvoorbeeld) tot Fantastic Reads in Tilburg? En hoe zal de anderhalf uur durende uitreiking van de Harland Award eruit zien? Mis ik iets als ik als deelnemer niet ernaartoe ga? Ik maak me in ieder geval geen illusies dat ik win met mijn eerste deelname.
submitted by Overtone99 to fantasyNederland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Gatlingun123 A Guide to Builds

Please take this with a grain of salt, as I’m making this short guide based on my experiences with the game..
There are 3 main kinds of monsters, each with their strengths and weaknesses.
Glass Cannons: these monsters have low health, but high agility and accuracy, with medium to high damage. These are best used to either snipe a KOTH position for easy coin, or in the daily challenge where damage matters more. For these monsters, invest into the eyestones for higher accuracy, and a secondary attack with high accuracy, such as the weekly daggers or the weekly special orbs. Avoid using the heart stones as the health rise is extremely negligible at that low of a health level.
Balanced monsters have more health than the glass cannons, but less power, agility and accuracy. These are best used as jack of all trades, due to their level of customization. You can invest in damage to have a monster that is capable of taking on glass cannons and walls, or invest in health to use them as guardians of a KOTH slot.
Tanks are monsters with high health, and low agility, damage and accuracy. These are best used to hold spots at KOTH, as their high health gives them the durability to land their less accurate attacks. Invest in their health with heart stones for more durability, and also have a high accuracy secondary attack that monsters are commonly weak to. The damage might be low, but it gives them more consistency in longer battle, especially against glass cannons. An eyestone might also be nice.
Also, when thinking about the secondary attack, keep in mind this game is not like Pokemon. The monsters are AI generated and therefore it’s impossible to account for everything at once. Instead, look at the trends in your KOTH lobbies and go from there. It’s nigh impossible to maintain a slot the entire game, so just have fun with it. I hope this helps.
submitted by Gatlingun123 to warcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 CloudFinancial830 BUILD

Can someone drop me their lv.100 build to get through chapter 4 Currently on the last boss and I’m struggling hard
submitted by CloudFinancial830 to BlackMythWukong [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Elarmorial Escudo de armas para un cliente privado / Coat of arms for a private client.

submitted by Elarmorial to heraldry [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Pretend-Delay-7203 Part 2 of Grand Alliance of Order and Imperium of Men wars.

Part 2 of Grand Alliance of Order and Imperium of Men wars. submitted by Pretend-Delay-7203 to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 That_Vegetable9199 Sure...

submitted by That_Vegetable9199 to CrazyFuckingVids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Th3Ego1st Roshan cosmetic visual bug

When previewing Roshan and in game it has missing particles it's the Greevil Grief that was released 2020
submitted by Th3Ego1st to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Alert_WSJimmy Netflix YOLO

Netflix YOLO Buy high sell low and I’m gay
submitted by Alert_WSJimmy to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 SoCal_Val HMS died and new build advice needed, coming from Win10 and UnRaid seems to be the way...

Caution, Wall of text, Trying to be comprehensive.
Hey guys, first off, this is going to be my first voyage into building a linux home media server. The family HMS PC died, it's probably the CPU/Mobo that quit (it's currently being diagnosed), but with Win10's end approaching, I'd thought about doing things right for the long term and kick-off a linux HMS project...any advice, thoughts, insight, laughs would be awesome.
Components that I can probably salvage:

HDDs from the PC
..over the years, we would just buy an external HDD when running out of space and add the drive/folders. I have about 16TB of data that I would like to transfer over.
Components that I will replace, but I'm unsure what to get:
Usage for new server:
Here are my questions/concerns:
  1. Is Unraid a good fit for my use case? I don't mind hiring a specialist to get things moving once the hardware is setup.
  2. What hardware would you recommend while being economical.
    1. CPU
    2. Mobo
    3. Case
    4. HDDs (I heard good things about those Seagate EXOS)
  3. Re: HDDs - I'm assuming I'm going to have purchase two 3.25"s for parity(?), just to start, to properly run UnRaid and then add from there? A cache drive is something else entirely? Still new to the raid world...
  4. I use nginx-proxy (docker), to https:// various server software (i.e., Codex) due to iOS requirements - using DDNS and Certs provided by my router, I'm hoping I can do the same thing with UnRaid or at least have a similar result via a different path. My ISP blocks port 80 and 443 for residential customers. -_- yay.
  5. Can I still use my external drives for read/write or should I plan for that data to be transferred internally just to make things easier for configuration sake?
Looking forwarding to learning!
submitted by SoCal_Val to unRAID [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 The_Holy_Goof Training 2 & 5 mile distances concurrently + lifting

Hello everyone,
Looking for tips on training for speed in both 2 & 5 mile distances.
I did my first marathon at the end of September after 4 months of training, going from maybe 10 mpw to around 42 at the peak. No injuries, no issues. Took two months or so off after that, and for the last 7 weeks or so I’ve been base building with easy runs 3-4x/week and lifting weights 3x/week. This week is my last week of this phase with my longest long run being 12 miles and mileage for the week at 29.
My strength levels are somewhat close to where I’d like to be, squatting/deadlifting around 400 and benching around 285, so I plan to dial strength training back to 2x/week and increase the running intensity and/or volume.
I’d specifically like to focus on the 2 & 5 mile. Should I continue ramping up mileage? Is there a sweet spot when training for these distances? Should I add a 5th day of running so I can do 2 base runs, 2 speed runs, and a long run? Or, should I maintain current volume at 4 runs per week and simply do 1 base run, 1 long run, and 2 speed runs? For the speed days should I just do a blend of workouts for both distances? For example, 400s, 800s, and 1-2 mile repeats; tempo runs, progression runs, etc. Just looking for general guidelines when training these distances + lifting.
submitted by The_Holy_Goof to StrengthRunning [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 AdhesivenessEarly212 Role cards need a serious update. We have idiot players insisting that Jesters appear suspicious to sheriff and keeps repeating "read rolecard" even though we tell it that it's outdated

Nothing more frustrating than people who are clearly wrong but still insist they are right because the game gives false information.
submitted by AdhesivenessEarly212 to TownOfSalem2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Pashe14 How do you get relational therapy to help instead of hurt for bpd etc.

This isn't an anti-therapy post, I'm genuinely trying to understand this process. I am in trauma-informed long term depth relational therapy. I am autistic and have some bpd traits among other things which apparently is a good modality for (please don't tell me to do DBT, been there). My understanding is that the relationship is supposed to be healing but the constant disconnections are so triggering I can't take it. The set up of building trust and depth adn vulnerablity makes it hurt so much more. The depth of work and chaos caused by my issues mean the relationship is constantly being challenged and the therapst can't pick up the peices quickly enough or meet me fully enough, im hypersensitive to disconnections and dissonance between words and expressions so little shifts can throw me. Even if I'm dissociated, the end of session disconnection can be so triggering because it feels like an abandonment. Im wondering if I or my therapist is missing something or if its just like needing to accept the limitations.
submitted by Pashe14 to therapy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 chimpansies My fiancée and I moved in together, and I got two step-sons!

My fiancée and I moved in together, and I got two step-sons! This is my first time ever getting to own cats!The fluffy one likes me, but the orange guy, well, he’s attached to me now. I’m so happy!
submitted by chimpansies to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 DB-90 Power amp and cab or FRFR can?

I’m getting ready to take the step into going digital/modeller and the QC is probably my go to choice, even though it’s way too powerful and a little expensive for how I will be using it.
But I’ve starting to thing about the best way to put together a rig for when I’m early playing a gig and for when I want to play at home through an amp.
Just want to know what everyone’s preferences are regarding an FRFR or playing through a real cab with a power amp. And what gear are you using in your rig?
submitted by DB-90 to NeuralDSP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Bean_Tiger Member of Alberta coal mining committee feeling 'disgust and dismay' over new plan

Member of Alberta coal mining committee feeling 'disgust and dismay' over new plan submitted by Bean_Tiger to canada [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Yolzoor88 Days Gone 051 I'm Good With That

Days Gone 051 I'm Good With That submitted by Yolzoor88 to youtubepromotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:48 Vegetable-Donkey6957 help for help

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by Vegetable-Donkey6957 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]