Arctic Liquid Freezer III 420 is a beast AMD 9950 X Cinebench Test - default settings - max 74 Celsius - the case is not closed yet :)

2025.01.22 22:03 CeFurkan Arctic Liquid Freezer III 420 is a beast AMD 9950 X Cinebench Test - default settings - max 74 Celsius - the case is not closed yet :)

Arctic Liquid Freezer III 420 is a beast AMD 9950 X Cinebench Test - default settings - max 74 Celsius - the case is not closed yet :) submitted by CeFurkan to arcticcooling [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 lifessurprises1702 Why am I feeling guilty about this? Watching Muslim porn with my girlfriend without telling her.

Thank you to the moderators and community for creating a space where we can openly discuss our dilemmas.
I'm seeking advice on a sensitive topic. My girlfriend, who is Muslim and wears an abaya, and I (a non-Muslim) watch adult content together. I've been searching for videos featuring women in traditional Muslim clothing, hoping to make my girlfriend feel more comfortable while watching.
However, I didn't disclose my intentional search to her, and now I'm wondering if I've made a mistake. She's never questioned me about this, which leaves me pondering whether she assumes I'm only interested in this specific type of content.
As someone from a different cultural background, I'm concerned about unintentionally perpetuating stereotypes or reinforcing cultural differences. I'm unsure if my actions were considerate or if I've crossed a boundary.
I'd appreciate any feedback or advice on this situation. Am I being weird or wrong?
Edit: Appreciate constructive feedback and advice. Please keep comments respectful.
submitted by lifessurprises1702 to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 ProfessionalFox8057 22 M looking for friends :)

Hi im 22, from Florida & just looking for some gay friends. Quick disclaimer, I am in a very healthy realtionship with my man and am not looking for nudes or someone to flirt with, I just simply am interested in making some gay friends so I can also have some people to relate to.
submitted by ProfessionalFox8057 to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 mustabeenaghost4 Cramping experiences?

FTM here.
I'm experiencing cramping (nothing unbearable), and I know it can be normal, but I'm so anxious over it. I had a MC 2 months ago at 6weeks, so anytime I feel cramps or wipe, I'm scared.
I took a test this morning again and it was still bold. And no bleeding. What's everyone's experience with cramping?
Just stressing!
submitted by mustabeenaghost4 to September2025Bumps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 sovnations "Tucker Carlson’s rhetoric reveals a troubling indifference to anti-Semitism disguised as skepticism about Israel."

submitted by sovnations to SovereignNations [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 Milk_Turtle_official Sparkle b580 rgb?

Does the sparkle b580 have rgb? And if it has rgb, where?
submitted by Milk_Turtle_official to IntelArc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 RockPop_ I just finished season 2 and i am distraught

i can't do this... dude... my jaw would've detached from my skull if i didn't have muscle and skin keeping it in place
wdym abigail is alive??? to be fair, i should've expected that-- after all, we didn't see a body, only an ear, and that's pretty suspicious. but then. bringing her back just to kill her?? in front of will graham??
hannibal has also made multiple references to how he feels parental towards abigail. and how he felt that him and will were her new dads. in season one, abigail watches her dad kill her mom, and then he slits her throat in an attempt to kill her. then, in this scene, hannibal kills will and then slits abigail's throat in an attempt to kill her. he cut her on the same side of her neck that her dad cut her, too. the only difference is that there's no will graham running in to kill her dad and save her life this time. it's all so sick, i almost hate the parallels, but the writers knew what they were doing.
the other stuff was diabolical too-- obviously, we already knew what would happen to jack because of s2e1, but holy fuck, when i saw abigail i did NOT expect her to shove alana out of a damn window. like, i had to pause because abigail was there, and then i unpause, and then alana is defenestrated-- talk about whiplash. nothing gets me like that last scene though. i hate hannibal. i mean, you've gotta love the guy, but damn do i hate him, he has no chill
submitted by RockPop_ to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 PlanetJayyTarot Offering Free Readings

Who wants one? First 15 people.
submitted by PlanetJayyTarot to TarotReading [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 kriscables What, never smoked a keyboard before?

What, never smoked a keyboard before? submitted by kriscables to MechKeyboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 _zayyyy I Went to the Backrooms...

submitted by _zayyyy to YoutubeSelfPromotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 maplesyrup_honey Is steak with minimal slime that’s clear and not sticky okay to eat?

Sorry if this is a dumb question. I was vegan for 3 years and never much of a steak eater to begin with. I opened a pack of steak and noticed around the fatty parts there was a clear, thin slimy texture. Google said that’s a sign of spoilage so I went to the store and got a new pack. Same thing. Is this normal? Neither packs were expired and neither of them have a foul odor
submitted by maplesyrup_honey to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 MiserableAd3169 First Response Negative 10DPO - Cycle day 27

First Response Negative 10DPO - Cycle day 27 Hey all 👋🏽 Looking for some support! I’m 10DPO and was expecting to have my BFP by now. I’m so deflated because I just keep getting big fat negatives. I’ve had the most vivid and crazy dreams all week and yesterday had a dream I tested positive, I clearly love having my feelings hurt because I tested 3 times yesterday all resulting in negatives. I had cramps 2 days ago which I thought was implantation, today I’ve been so nauseous and I’m extremely bloated. I genuinely don’t feel pregnant and I’ve always thought I would just know.
Has anyone else experienced similar situation and gotten a BFP?? I feel like I’m out this month 😭
submitted by MiserableAd3169 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 tone_creature Muwat Kentucky Fire Cured!

Muwat Kentucky Fire Cured! Chunky is a great smoke so far! Enjoy the snow day if you got one! 🤙
submitted by tone_creature to cigar [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 BrilliantElk1748 michelin

michelin submitted by BrilliantElk1748 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 bananapanqueques Seattle loves transplants, except when it doesn’t.

Seattle loves transplants, except when it doesn’t. submitted by bananapanqueques to Seattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 DescriptionExtreme28 NCAAB PRE-BET LOTTO PICKS - don’t ask why just alter to your liking 🍀🍀🍀🎰🎰🎰🎢🎢🎢

submitted by DescriptionExtreme28 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 executive-coconut Why no news on reddit about ther german afghan knife attack?

I open the news tread, nothing. I look for key words in the search function here, nothing
A 2 years old was stabbed to death my an illegal asylum seeker that was tpld to leave germany yet NO media coverage on reddit and all links are blocked/not available
My question is, are we seeing a return of the pendulum and a censorship by the left?
submitted by executive-coconut to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 MailAppropriate1285 Mustache or no mustache

Mustache or no mustache submitted by MailAppropriate1285 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 CaterpillarWrong8700 Hospitable Card Club 18+

Looking for a group of mature card players for my online room! Message me
submitted by CaterpillarWrong8700 to ClubGG_Poker [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 LurkerNoLonger_ Custom cake recommendations?

Hi y'all,
Looking for a bakery that makes "custom cakes" in special shapes. Ideally the cake(s) would be our pet(s). I'm also open to browsing a catalogue if that's the only option available.
Google search and subreddit search haven't been helpful. Please let me know if you had a good experience or recommendation!
submitted by LurkerNoLonger_ to SanJose [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 adetrixVI what should i do to improve and what schools to aim for?

Florida, Asian, middle to high income, parents one master and one bachelors (Non US Schools)
(want to major in comp sci or major in both comp sci and finance)
(High School Junior)
4.0 UW 4.7 W (highschool) 4.0 (dual enrollment) multiple IB MYP Honors classes 1 AP full time dual enrollment (seeking associates) taking SAT and ACT soon
College President’s List Certificate of Academic High Honors
reselling clothes, depop ebay grailed graphic design 4+ years video editing 4+ years content creation 4+ years (went from youtube videos to just posting edits) Volunteered at red cross blood drive (this was for one day) Key Club Gym 2 years Publix Grocery Clerk
submitted by adetrixVI to chanceme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 Significant_Froyo_79 How to unlock this myth

How to unlock this myth I already have obtained Farspace Bloomfall. So do I need to get Farspace Deprivation so I unlock the story?
submitted by Significant_Froyo_79 to LoveAndDeepspace_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 HesWrongShesRight Streaming everywhere tomorrow! Engagement Algorithms, Handicapped Dogs, and Awful CGI - HWSR Ep 127

Streaming everywhere tomorrow! Engagement Algorithms, Handicapped Dogs, and Awful CGI - HWSR Ep 127 submitted by HesWrongShesRight to HesWrongShesRight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 True_Loquat_3661 Names that go with Finn + Tripp?

It feels like I already have the perfect match up for sibling names! But we’ll be adding one more soon 🥰
Anyone have any name suggestions for short names that end with a double letter?! That would go well with Finn and Tripp? (Those are our two sons names!)
Boy/girl/gender neutral? Interested in hearing them all!!!
submitted by True_Loquat_3661 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:03 humdrumnsteak56 Some help with sz on steam

Some help with sz on steam What achievment is this in the hidden tag i got like 47 and trying to get all so 2 left?
submitted by humdrumnsteak56 to SparkingZero [link] [comments]