Flexible Leagues open?

2025.01.22 21:52 J-Sensei95 Flexible Leagues open?

Anybody got any open leagues on NBA 2K25? Preferably a league that’s flexible i do be busy
submitted by J-Sensei95 to 2KMyLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 rodrigo363 Partizan Mozzart Bet slomio NBA Pariz i zatrčao se ka plej-inu | Mozzart Sport

submitted by rodrigo363 to partizan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 RonSwanSong87 Chaturanga -> Urdhva Mukha Svanasana transition is ruining my mat. Is it me or the mat?

submitted by RonSwanSong87 to ashtanga [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 SprocketTheWetToad This traitor should never be allowed inside the Capitol ever again

This traitor should never be allowed inside the Capitol ever again submitted by SprocketTheWetToad to facepalm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 TotallyNotDad I sold my PC off about eight months ago

I sold my PC off about eight months ago, I was addicted I didn't like who I was. I didn't like that I was ignoring my wife and kids but man, do I miss it. I had an awesome group of friends I played with I see them hanging out on Discord and wish I was in there with them, I looked forward to playing every night. I picked up other hobbies but all I want to do is play some games with my friends, I don't know why but I truly just miss it.
submitted by TotallyNotDad to StopGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 zantetzou Looking for someone to design and make a blaster

Im looking for someone that has the skills to turn the "guts/carnage" https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6224873 shotgun from cyberpunk into a tube fed stringer, the body is available for download but i sadly I lack the modelling and engineering skills to accomplish this. if someone would be willing to help or point me in the direction of help it would be GREATLY appreciated
submitted by zantetzou to nerfhomemades [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 DTheDude97 How does it make you feel when a customer prefers another server over you?

My restaurant is set up like a serving line where the workers are behind the line serving and the customers are on the other side. I was getting ready to serve a customer today. I asked her, "What can I get for you today?" She goes, "I'll wait for Shaunie (My coworker)."
I jokingly asked, "You like Shaunie better than me lol?"
How does it make you feel when customers do this?
submitted by DTheDude97 to TalesFromYourServer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 No-Argument9627 Need help finding specific video/stream about grief/acceptance and moving on.

Hey all,
Question: Does anyone know the Dr. K video or stream where he talks about grieving your past, what you could have been, and dealing with negative emotions, then learning how to accept and move forward?
Context if interested: I’ve been struggling for years (really as long as I can remember) due to a traumatic childhood with abusive, alcoholic parents, along with financial instability. I’ve been watching Dr. K for a long time, but for much of that time, none of it really sank in because I was caught up in smoking weed, drinking, and gaming. I didn’t fully grasp the gravity of the situation I was in.
Recently, I’ve stopped smoking weed and cigarettes and have drastically reduced my alcohol intake. I’ve also started walking for 1-2 hours daily, allowing myself to reflect, sit with myself and with the reality of my situation. It’s been tough coming to terms with the fact that I could have had the social life I used to enjoy, been more successful, healthier, or even in a loving relationship. I had those things at one point, but I didn’t process my trauma in a healthy way, which led to me isolating myself for years, playing games/smoking/drinking, and thus losing it all. I'm now working on accepting things as they are and moving forward.
Thanks, everyone.
submitted by No-Argument9627 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Training-Virus4483 Baron's influence gain rate

Does anyone per chance know how much influence the baron gets per month without taking any bandit camps.
I own all but the 2 regions the baron starts with, just wondering if he's able to make claims still or if he can only defend mine against him. Thanks
submitted by Training-Virus4483 to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Nobius Dynamo brought back the ability to sync the schedule to your calendar

submitted by Nobius to dynamo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 New-Blacksmith-520 How are PMCs even legal? I don’t understand

submitted by New-Blacksmith-520 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 ProfAlastor Eu não quero mais ser o Guts da Vida Real (ou pq vc não deve se inspirar em personagens fictícios)

Eu fui conhecido como o Guts da Vida Real por algum tempo no Reddit, até eu sumir da rede por um tempo.
Quem acompanhou a polêmica sabe que ela só aconteceu pq eu quis ser igual uma imagem distorcida do Guts, o personagem principal de Berserk.
Nesse último mês sem celular, eu acabei aprendendo algumas coisas e uma delas é que nós não devemos ser "literalmente ele", isso é, nos inspirar totalmente em personagens que gostamos.
Veja, nossa personalidade é composta por experiências e cultura. Entre as experiências que podem nos moldar estão os filmes, animes e mangás (e outras mídias) que consumimos, que podem influenciar na forma como vemos o mundo. Mas essas mídias não são as únicas experiências que temos, pois nós ainda somos seres humanos que vão passar por uma infância com a família, que vão fazer amizades e namoros ao longo da adolescência, que vão trabalhar e por aí vai. Quando você quer moldar toda sua personalidade em torno de X personagem, você tá querendo apagar todo um alfabeto de experiências para deixar só o X personagem. Isso mata sua individualidade, aquilo que torna de você, você.
E isso pode ser muito ruim, eu que o diga. Saber que passei por toda aquela polêmica e que talvez eu va ser reconhecido como o Guts da vida real em algum canto do reddit é algo que me deixa muito desconfortável. Ser reconhecido como "o cara que quis ser igual a X personagem" não é legal, pelo contrário, é vergonhoso.
O que você pode fazer é aproveitar a experiência com o personagem que você admira e tentar entender pq vc gosta dele e oq você pode aprender com ele. Por exemplo, eu assisti o Poderoso Chefão esses dias e eu amei o filme. Amei o Vito e Michael Corleone e tive uma nova visão sobre relações familiares depois desse filme. Mas msm assim eu sei que nunca vou ser igual o Michael ou igual o Vito, simplesmente pq é impossível.
Podemos aprender com personagens? Sim. Devemos ser iguais eles? De forma alguma.
É isso, adios.
submitted by ProfAlastor to gutsdavidareal [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Gaijingamer12 Galactic Core on Maps

I feel like I’m losing my mind looking at 40K maps. Where is the galactic core on them? I can’t find it.
submitted by Gaijingamer12 to LeaguesofVotann [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 IMSTEPHANY Healthcare in Texas?

Hello All,
I am a Trans fem person in Texas without health insurance and about to run out of my hormones. I curently do not have income and was wondering if there are any resources that could help me with free or low cost health care. I am located in the Greater Houston Area.
submitted by IMSTEPHANY to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 star-tribune Maple Grove church planning tiny house community for chronically homeless residents

submitted by star-tribune to TwinCities [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Evening-Storm-4395 should i buy?

I’m 14 and 4’11 (don’t judge) and I want an e-bike just to ride around and my mom suggested a ridstar but all my friends call it a “shitstar amazon bike” so should i get it or not also I never bad experience with an ebike before.
submitted by Evening-Storm-4395 to ebikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 itsme2384864 Chat, persona 5 reference

submitted by itsme2384864 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Smasherjet Why is every subreddit banning “X” links, I’m confused what is the end goal?

submitted by Smasherjet to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Beautiful-Ordinary86 Would y'all agree with generational influences peaking roughly every 10-15 years?

Boomer influence peaked around 1980 (1978-1982)
Gen X influence peaked around 1995 (1993-1997)
Millennial influence peaked around 2010 (2008-2012)
Gen Z influence is peaking right now, around 2025 (2023-2027)
Gen Alpha influence will peak around 2040 (2038-2042) and Gen Beta influence will peak around 2055 (2053-2057).
this sounds about right to me...
submitted by Beautiful-Ordinary86 to decadeology [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Deep-Guarantee-7677 Anyone lost a husky?

Red and white husky spotted near garden springs elementary.
submitted by Deep-Guarantee-7677 to lexington [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Mister_Snark Americans who voted for Elon, sorry Trump. Are you happy with what you’ve got so far?

submitted by Mister_Snark to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Affectionate_Fail690 Is that possible

Is it possible to have Onenote like two sidebars in obsidian. One for folders and one for notes?
submitted by Affectionate_Fail690 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Final_Bedroom6353 Is this good

Is this good submitted by Final_Bedroom6353 to MarvelContestOfChamps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 Ok_Money_7248 Psiholog Banja Luka?

Pozdrav, trebao bih preporuku za psihologa na podruciju BL
submitted by Ok_Money_7248 to srpska [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:52 MysticMeerkat Should I remove my information?

I don’t know if this breaks the rules of this sub. And even if it doesn’t I’m still deleting this as soon as I get an answer.
I’m terrified, but I’m not gonna go into details. Would it be safe for me to go into workday and remove my pronouns and change my name back to the one on my ID?
Thank you.
submitted by MysticMeerkat to GameStop [link] [comments]
