Yall… fruit salad.

2025.01.22 22:16 DunyaOfPain Yall… fruit salad.

submitted by DunyaOfPain to ShittyRestrictionFood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 littlebitinluvwu Do you see me as a CEO boss ruler girl

Do you see me as a CEO boss ruler girl apparently my role in this society to have a mass community so am i living up to my identity🩷✨
submitted by littlebitinluvwu to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 theANAboy Super proud of the team I built, what do you think?. Also I’m excited to see what Mbappé is gonna be like when maxed.

Super proud of the team I built, what do you think?. Also I’m excited to see what Mbappé is gonna be like when maxed. submitted by theANAboy to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 IVpolecat ELI5: Do visibly impaired people have better than average balance ?

When I close my eyes, cross my arms across my chest, and balance on 1 foot, I’m lucky to make it 10 seconds. This test gets harder as we age. I wondered, if people without sight would have heighten internal mechanisms (like their inner ear) that would give them better than average balance. I hope I’m asking this question correctly.
submitted by IVpolecat to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 mercifulalien I could use help with an inhaler

I don't have money for copays to see the doctor or for a prescription. My husband was randomly garnished for a 10 year old credit card so we had to borrow money from my brother to pay rent. My husband had worked over time to try to take care of bills last month so they knocked our food stamps down to $12 a month and still haven't updated it. Been applying for jobs and going to interviews, but I still haven't been able to land a job. We are so unbelievably strapped for cash, so I kept putting off the inhaler and now it's empty and nothing has come up to make it so we can afford it.
If I could just get an OTC primatene mist inhaler from Walmart, I'd be fine until hopefully our tax returns hit. They're $29.99 and all I have is cash app. If anyone could help me with that, it would be greatly appreciated. This year has been so unimaginably horrid, I can't believe I have to resort to asking online strangers for help so I can having breathing medication.
Thanks to anyone who reads this.
submitted by mercifulalien to Assistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 tanG_Merci Let's Go Gambling!

Let's Go Gambling! submitted by tanG_Merci to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 teetle223 Hey everyone, I found what looks to be a great deal on facebook marketplace. Is it worth it?

The seller wants $900 for a Riley Hopkins JR. Bench Mount 6 / 2 that also comes with the roller workbench. They're also including a 16x16 ryonet flash dryer, a 20x24in Aluminum UV Screen Exposure Unit with Compression Lid, and a few different sized platens.
submitted by teetle223 to SCREENPRINTING [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Illustrious-Emu-4130 Please add my IG, where I promote my book @saintmesziahreyna

All people that follow will receive free copies,when published. Thank you for any and all support.
submitted by Illustrious-Emu-4130 to NewAuthor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 PossiblyYourFriend I wish you could've just been honest to me.

It was already 2 months ago since we broke up. It was so out of the blue, completely blindsided I felt and it hurt so bad.. But even now I look back and notice how things truly never would've meant to be from the start.
I don't miss her, I really don't. Sometimes I feel sad, but that sadness isn't over missing her, it's just wishing she could've just been honest. I admit I've messed up some things in our relationship, but I wanted to fix things. I wanted to try the best I could, to show her that I could change, but even those things I've done she just had major issues for, maybe just red flags I should've just noticed from the start. She expects so much out of me that I don't even know about and just assumes I'm changing without telling me *how* to change. I don't wish anything bad on her, but nothing good either. I just want to forget and move on, but I know that will take time too.
We were a long distance relationship, both in college and just working on our futures. We were close, she opened up that day and we grew closer and closer every other day. Things really felt so perfect, and suddenly 10 months later it ended. She felt smothered, she felt like she had no time for herself, like she couldn't cry with me, or anything. An ex-friend tells me she would have panic attacks how much I dm'ed her. It all was a total shock to me as we broke up and my ex didn't even tell me all the real reasons why we broke up. She just hid that until I approached her that very last time for her to be honest. Everything boils down to just "I didn't want to hurt you" or "You know I have trouble saying no/standing up for myself" when it came to me wanting to play games or do things, etc.. I had to approach an ex-friend a few days before just telling them I felt so lost and then they basically explain how much of a "shitty bf" I was, apparently lovebombing her and everything. It genuinely destroyed me, because I never would've wanted things to be this bad. I wanted her to be honest to me. I know she had really bad troubles with a past ex yet I wanted to help her move on, but it felt like now she couldn't even as we dated because she probably just kept seeing my ex as me and couldn't bare to hurt my feelings when they never would've been hurt. I hung out with a female friend she didn't like, and we had a whole argument about it throughout the night as she felt so uncomfortable with me hanging out with this friend who she thinks I'd just cheat on her with or something. I genuinely, genuinely tried to explain they were just a friend. That's all we had going on. I know she's had troubles with suggestive things in the past from her ex, and my friend, was definitely something of that but the same friend kept their interests to themselves. They're not shoving weird stuff down my throat. We hung out because we were just friends and it hurt me so badly to remove that same friend to try and improve my relationship with my ex. I handled it poorly, I admit, but I never wanted to move on from that friend. I destroyed my friendship with her because of my ex just wanting the best for us when she probably didn't give a fuck about my feelings considering she'd be STALKING her YT channel. once a week. probably before and after i removed them, too. She uploaded one last video with me in it, just us playing minecraft and probably was gonna continue the series without me, and my ex blew up probably thinking I lied and how dare I do this or that. My ex on our breakup tells me how I "emotionally cheated" on her because I still hung out with this other friend who I know she didn't like.. and yeah, it was very wrong but how do you just tell a very close friend "sorry, we can't hang out anymore because my ex doesn't like you"?How do you handle that at all? It's not like it fucking mattered if she just still kept stalking this friend after I removed her from my friendships. That's where the feeling of "lovebombing" I felt came into play, because it was never intentional. I did grow too emotionally attached, and I felt like she was just as attached but I hurt her life in such a harsh way that I never would've wanted if she just spoke honestly to me. I wanted things to work out, even if they couldn't, I'd understand if she wanted to break up on good terms. I just wanted honesty. I never would've wanted it to be like that, but having her not trust me at all should've just been a red flag from the start. I ruined so many friendships because I felt scared she'd just start thinking I'm hanging out with this other 'female friend' and then she's upset all over again. Even after my breakup, reconnecting with this friend she tells me all about how she knew I never wanted to remove her. Just know that your relationship shouldn't be compromising your friendships, either. Never should. She knew I was in a sort of controlling relationship. Everyone I've gone to talk to about this always tells me the same, "controlling" and emotionally abusive. How much of a toxic person they were, how I genuinely deserved better.
I know my ex had personal problems in her life. I know she was depressed a lot. I just loved her deeply, I wanted to show her that I cared. I wanted to be there as much as I could. I cared too much.. and I guess that got too much for her. I guess that's why she moved on so quickly, cause she had more support from my ex-friend group that was there for her more. Maybe the breakup was always on her mind. Maybe she just fell out of love months ago and wouldn't tell me. Maybe she really didn't care. She failed in communication, and most importantly, trust. She probably never trusted me just as much as I trusted her, which was a lot. I wanted her to open up, to be honest to me, yet she wouldn't because she "doesn't want to hurt me" when I wanted to be the best for her. Oh well, it's all in the past now, but the feeling of just "why couldn't you be honest to me?" hurts everyday, and sometimes I still find myself arguing about it.
I should've noticed red flags sooner, yet I held out on hope things could be better. I knew she was just going through rough feelings so I held out on the hope things could be better. But she probably hates me so much more and I just sit here every other day, hanging out with reconnected friends and more that understand my feelings more then she probably did. She probably moved on way faster then I did, but even I'm still doing just as better too understanding that I really wasn't entirely at fault either.
Don't let your relationship compromise your friendships. Long distance is a hard thing to manage, but sometimes you get to work; you just need true trust and communication. You need to trust each other, talk to each other, understand each other. I tried my best, but it was never meant to be, I guess. I wholeheartedly accept I've done bad things, you can tell me if I have or haven't, but I look back on my mistakes and know they weren't coming from a bad place but just how *I* felt on those situations that she wouldn't look on my side for, only hers.
submitted by PossiblyYourFriend to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Soft_Cow_6339 What is the best batch for the hooded cardigan. Is it RK? Tmx looking nice too

submitted by Soft_Cow_6339 to MonclerRep [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Tough-Advertising526 Tail if you dare CBBM

Tail if you dare CBBM Let’s go
submitted by Tough-Advertising526 to BetMGM [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 aalaa1 I was learning Software Testing. Will it give me an advantage when I learn DevOps?

Any Advice 
submitted by aalaa1 to devops [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Large_Cut5570 Captions

Comment below
submitted by Large_Cut5570 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 BeckyLynchDomination Rhea bloody Ripley holy shit 😍

Rhea bloody Ripley holy shit 😍 submitted by BeckyLynchDomination to WomensWrestlingDoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 UnsteadyEddie7 Improving/Cheaper Gaming PC

I'm in the process of getting my first gaming PC and I need some help with some stuff. I feel like some parts aren't compatible with each other and I would also like to get some more performance with some of the parts. Anything helps so please comment down something! pcpartpicker
submitted by UnsteadyEddie7 to pcpartpickerbuilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Fusillipecorino NAC (and endo, anti/well aging)

What do you think about NAC especially in regards to endometriosis and/or anti aging?
On 600mg right now 4-5 times a week.
submitted by Fusillipecorino to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Hessie_James What happend to the „This is it „ Video - with a clean View on a Drone

I watched the Video - which had a clear view on one of the Jersey Drones because someone had a bright flashlight to lighten it up. A low flying drone with an interesting shape… i wanted to download it, to analyse it a bit more… Zapp - the whole post was gone! (See Screenshot about). This was the first really interesting post with a clear view on one of the drones - from my Point of view! ☹️🤬🧐
submitted by Hessie_James to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Mermel_Ada Los aliens existen

Los aliens existen submitted by Mermel_Ada to Carola [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 ApeMoneyClub Hello everyone. It was suggested that I share the following message here, please delete if not allowed.

submitted by ApeMoneyClub to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Mohzol What do you do when you're bored?

Im bored. I tend to scroll reels or play a few rounds of cod, but want to do something other than that.
submitted by Mohzol to istp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Extra-_-Light Stop Building Ideas No One Wants(Part 1): How I Helped Founder Validating AI Medical App Without Single line Code MVP

In one of my free testimonials for my idea validation framework, a founder came to me with an idea for an AI medical assistant. The concept was to use AI to help in emergency cases, reducing error rates.
The founder, coming from a nursing background, was non-technical but had started learning programming to build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). She wanted to test if the idea was worth investing in. However, she didn't realize that learning programming is a huge investment of time and effort in itself. In This post i will show you how I helped her validating that the idea get her first customers in 2 weeks stragity without a single line of code
To help her, I structured our conversations around these questions:

  1. The Ideal audience?
  2. psychological Need
  3. The Solution Statement
  4. SMVP (Smallest MVP)
#1 The Ideal Audience We started with the target audience. I asked, "Who are your target audience?"
She answered, "Doctors and nurses."
To me, that was the wrong answer. Before I share my answer, let me explain how I define my ideal audience.
Any of my ideal audience should satisfy these points:
Doctors and nurses might satisfy point 1, and maybe point 3. They could directly benefit from the solution by allowing them better handling of the situation, and they might pay for a subscription if it's convincing. However, to make the system work, it should be used by all the staff to make the AI coordination effective.
So, can doctors and nurses enforce this system on everyone in the hospital? They can suggest it, but enforce it as policy? I don't think so.
After excluding the medical staff as the ideal audience, my answer was that the hospital management could be the ideal customer.
So, after we know the ideal audience, we need to identify the psychological problem we're solving.
#2 The Psychological Need You might ask, "Why does it matter? We already know the need, the customer, and the solution. What does 'psychological need' even mean?"
Actually, the psychological need is way more important than you might think.
Basically, it's the human motive to use or buy your service, and it can shift the solution in different ways. Let's identify the psychological problem for this customer that would make them buy it from you.
Need Description - Version 1:
"We're going to improve emergency handling cases using AI." To determine if this is the psychological need, we should check if it's "time-traveler proof." In other words, if we went back 10,000 or a million years and described this need, would they understand it? Probably no.
Need Description - Version 2:
"We're going to reduce human error in emergency cases in hospitals." This version is better, but for someone from a million years ago, what do "hospitals" or "human error" mean?
Need Description - Final Version:
"We're going to increase people's trust in the thing you do."
I think this could work because humans trust, distrust are a built-in survival senses.
You'll see how important this description is when we start designing the smallest MVP.
#3 The Solution Statement The solution statement will be our guide to validating the need. It consists of 3 parts:
"Psychological Need" + "Solution" + "The Way"
In our example, it would be:
"We're going to increase people's trust in the thing you do" + "through reducing human error in emergencies" + "via an AI medical assistant app."
#4 The Smallest MVP As I mentioned, the founder was learning programming to validate this. Learning programming is a good thing, for sure, but if we're doing it only to build an MVP for idea validation, it's not the right investment, at least for me.
What is an MVP? I know you know it means Minimum Viable Product, but does it mean the smallest working product? Many people think the MVP should be similar to the goal but smaller, like an AI app with the fewest features. For me, if that MVP takes more than 3 working days from one person, it might not be the SMVP (Smallest MVP).
And here, the psychological problem will play a core role in defining the SMVP.
First, you need to know that all technologies are just tools to help you with your solutions. There should be a way to replace them with something else if needed.
The problem we want to solve, or the value we're bringing, is:
"We're going to increase people's trust in the thing you do" + "through reducing human error in emergencies" + "via an AI medical assistant app."
The app is just a way to implement the solution, but the solution itself is the way of handling the emergency.
So, our plan to validate this is that the founder will start by acting as the tool for solving the situation herself. She will design the workflow for handling emergencies and act as the AI coordinator on the job.
This way, she will:
Once the founder has the right algorithm/flow for handling emergencies, and once there's a decrease in human error, she can share that with the management. Why would they listen to her?
Next, she can test the same approach with other hospitals. Why would they listen to her?
This way, she can not only validate with real market feedback and be confident that she's building the right thing but also gain her first customers.
P.S. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you want help validating your idea in the fastest way possible![](https://diaaziada.substack.com/p/how-can-we-sell-hoodie-to-cain-the)
submitted by Extra-_-Light to StartupLaunches [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 michaeljton Want to fly but don’t have a STEM degree

Hey y’all. I want to fly in the Marine Corps. But my degree is in business. Have a 3.5 gpa, likely to rise. I’ve been told that the Air Force and navy want stem degrees. But I’ve had people tell me in the past with the Marines, you can basically run away from your degree and grades. Is that true in a modern Corps? Or am I boned and should have gotten a stem degree.
submitted by michaeljton to USMCocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 Speedwizard106 Just got a great deal on the LG 32GS95UE-B at BestBuy

Just got a great deal on the LG 32GS95UE-B at BestBuy I went to BestBuy to look at an open-box Excellent LG that showed up on the website. Lo and behold, when I asked to see it, nobody could actually find it in the store. So for the inconvenience, the sales guy let me get a brand new one for the price of the open box. Came out to $860 as opposed to $1099. Not totally sure I’ll end up keeping it, but excited to test it out.
submitted by Speedwizard106 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 iLL-Egal Question. Did this sub ban that Nazi Fuck yet?

submitted by iLL-Egal to minnesotatwins [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:16 luvstrok r/luvstrok

Your opinion please Ok so an associate of mine throughout the years we have been cool and the rest of his family, I’ve seen him and his baby mama numerous times and we always showed love when we seen each other I’ve been by their house maybe 3 times in the past 6 years. We didn’t call each other that much we never road together or went out together but we always talked and joked around when we did see each other. I never ever flirted with his baby mama never even gave her a certain look, never even crossed my mind. Nine months ago he was killed in a tragic accident so about 3 months ago I asked her for her number and now we’re together, some of his family members says I’m not loyal and it’s wrong for us to be together and some of his family members are ok with it , but he’s no longer here and when he was I never crossed that line. Open discussion what’s your thoughts?
submitted by luvstrok to dating [link] [comments]
