Ländervorwahl 00373: Mögliche Spam Anrufe (Ping Calls, Werbung) aus Moldawien. Verpasster bzw. unbekannter Anruf beginnend mit der Internationalen Vorwahl +373. 373 Бесплатная база данных телефонных кодов городов и операторов всего мира. Более 690,000 кодов. від 17 квітня 2019 р. № 373 ПОРЯДОК надання пільг на оплату житлово-комунальних послуг, придбання твердого палива і скрапленого газу у грошовій формі Кабінет Міністрів України; Постанова від 23.03.2011 № 373 (Редакція станом на 28.07.2021) Die Vorwahl 00373 bzw. die Ländervorwahl +373 gehört dem Land Moldawien. Um Telefonate aus Deutschland nach Moldawien führen zu können ist die Benutzung der internationalen Vorwahl 00373 obligatorisch. 嘟嘟网络游戏服务网dd373为广大游戏玩家提供专业的游戏币、账号、装备、点券等交易服务,是国内专业安全便捷的游戏交易平台,游戏交易就上dd373.com! На субpахунку 373 «Розрахунки за нарахованими дoходами» ведеться облік нарахованих дивідендів [Додатково: Скачайте довідник "Дивіденди"], вiдсотків [дивітся Облік депозитів], роялті тощо, які ... Номер: 373 Дата: 26.03.2022 Видавник: Кабінет Міністрів України Международный телефонный код страны Молдова: +373. Столица: Кишинёв. Регион: Европа ... ЗАТВЕРДЖЕНО постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 29 березня 2006 р. n 373
2025.01.22 22:13 lss_web_1444 Text post title 373
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 SolocacherNO Any punny (or funny) pokemon names out there?
I'm quite pleased with this one myself! I also have a Puff Daddy and Woop Dogg. Please share your best ones! submitted by SolocacherNO to pokemongo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 AmazingConsequence55 Vocês julgam as pessoas pelo tipo de calçado que elas usam?
submitted by AmazingConsequence55 to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 DeathLost3645 Roblox support bot is horrible.
I went to use Roblox support, which is now a robot, I don't know why, and everything went wrong, I told him to do one thing and he did another, in short, it's horrible.
submitted by DeathLost3645 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Fantastic-Welder-679 Choosing Between Lax-Tech Job and MBA?
Using a throwaway acct because my main is too tied with my personal info
TLDR; need to choose between Full Time MBA or Full-Time Lazy Job
I have one of those rare tech jobs where I make around 80k/yr TCP to just kind of sit around all day and do nothing - I'd say in a given week I do no more than 3hrs of focused work. I've been working here for 3yrs by August 2025. I know those are rare, and I don't want to give that up, but I work for a large tech firm and most of my coworkers have ended up either retiring or being laid off. I know there's more work coming my way that would require me to travel and work 8-9hr days every day, but I can maybe put that off for a year or so.
In the meantime, I have an offer at a T20 Full-Time MBA Program with a full fellowship that covers tuition + fees, as well as healthcare in a pretty affordable city. I have around 130k in savings, stocks and cash so I can afford to live during that two years without really dipping into anything. The initial plan was to just do both, for obvious reasons, and then any conflict I could arrange with a faculty member but I was told by HR in no uncertain terms that I couldn't do both. I don't really see any growth here, it's an international company so they don't promote Americans, and I find that when I try to do work, my opinion isn't valued.
My post-MBA goal is to step into either brand- or product-management, and I did ask if I switch to that at my current company, and the answer was pretty much "...probably not."
I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit around August, I have my annual review coming up where I need to provide some semblance of an answer. But I'm wondering a few things:
2025.01.22 22:13 KeyWillingness9301 Deco & Deco Hardware logo
submitted by KeyWillingness9301 to mildlypenis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 Piqka143 Can someone help me with seeing if I have anything here
submitted by Piqka143 to coincollecting [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Festina_lente123 TIL that according to a survey of schoolchildren (6-18 years of age), 86% did not know what a pager was, 71% couldn't identify an overhead projector, and 67% could said they had no idea what a floppy disk was.
submitted by Festina_lente123 to todayilearned [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 JB92103 I can still hear that smooth jazz
submitted by JB92103 to nostalgia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Extendedchainsaw Heat Pump Climate Use?
I have a '23 XLT and you can see the climate use at - 20C in the photos. Those with the Flash, with the heat pump, are you seeing lower climate use this winter? submitted by Extendedchainsaw to F150Lightning [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 mabee_steve General question about so-called "Smart Thermostat"
I'm in the early stages of researching a "Smart Thermostat" that I may integrate into my HomeAssistant setup. I'm finding as I read the marketing copy for many of the popular products out there that I'm unclear if some basic functionality is supported. Like it's so basic, so standard that they don't bother to mention it. For example, I have radiant floor heat and my current, super cheapo thermostat has a basic design where it will call for heat until it's set point is reached. The problem is, the floors are still heating up, still building thermal mass and as a result they overshoot the set point. To me, a "Smart" thermostat would learn this behavior and adjust it's strategy accordingly (e.g., average overshoot is 2 degrees so cancel call for heat -2 degrees from set point.)
Another scenario is when the heat comes on in the AM before the sun is up. I have a lot of windows so once the sun hits the house the temp starts to rise inside very quickly. It's frustrating when the thermostat calls for heat at 4am, reaches the set point at 7am and the sun hits the house at 8am and immediately it starts to get hot inside - I would have preferred the thermostat to learn (from historical weather data) and thermostat/heat performance. Then it would know based on the days forecast that "oh, it's going to be sunny and historically when it's sunny I see the house heat up 2 degrees an hour. I'm not going to call for heat because the sun will take care of it shortly."
Do all "smart thermostats" handle this kind of basic stuff. Is there a marketing name for it that maybe I'm seeing but not recognizing it for what it is?
submitted by mabee_steve to smarthome [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 capressley Converging rivers
submitted by capressley to VTTMapGenerator [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 10qpwo [Vancouver, BC] [H] Asus PG279Q 27" [W] LG 27GL83A-B or 27GL850-B
Looking for an LG 27GL83A-B or 27GL850-B.
Have an ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q 27" 1440p 165hz to trade.
Timestamped image
submitted by 10qpwo to CanadianHardwareSwap [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Disastrous_Vacation1 399474283124 attack deox
submitted by Disastrous_Vacation1 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Papa_Smurf82 Dark angle space marine the arm broke
I'm ordering a new arm for my dark angle space marine
submitted by Papa_Smurf82 to warhammerActonfigures [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 themenacee Thought I'd join the trend
We need these for every lgbtq ship in the sub, mod approved submitted by themenacee to SakuraSchoolSimulator [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 josha254 nintendo consoles are the toyota corollas of consoles. you can repair them with tape, and it's fine.
ignore cheezies in background
submitted by josha254 to techgore [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Stellar-Unicorn Caleb’s voice
I actually really like Caleb’s voice ! I saw a lot of comments and posts of people who weren’t really liking it from the teasers that were posted but I love how casual yet emotional his voice is!
submitted by Stellar-Unicorn to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Few_Skill9740 I’m here to file a complaint. Today my human was home all day, and instead of playing with me, they sat in front of some glowing screen. They call it “work.” I don’t know how I’m supposed to tolerate this. Woof
submitted by Few_Skill9740 to cockerspaniel [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 Tiny_District6687 How do you know if something you do is caused by your autism or not?
I find it hard to know what’s autistic and what’s not since there’s such a vast amount of different symptoms and it looks differently in everyone.
submitted by Tiny_District6687 to aspergers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 AdvancedThinkerKenny Fog of war
submitted by AdvancedThinkerKenny to PhotoModePhantoms [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 ExactlySorta Simply no idea what to say anymore
submitted by ExactlySorta to facepalm [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 latino666 Trying to get back at the game after a two year hiatus
So since they released Johnny I decided to get back in the game to play him.
Apparently the games meta has been changed a lot since I last played.
Was wondering if you guys could suggest me some johnny player to try and learn the character, and if possible, what are his weaknesses and strenghts
submitted by latino666 to Guiltygear [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 SSJmole You were Hercules!
I admit I don't keep up with every celebrity and I was watching Xena on amazon and thought "I wonder what hercules is doing as everything gets legacy sequels ect... I'd love another show like them. The fucking first thing I saw ...... breaks my heart. He was one of my favourites as a kid. I have lived long enough to lose my batman (tas) , lose my favourite power ranger (mmpr green) , see my superman (Dean cain) become a right wing troll , see my favourite wrestler growing up finally retire (undertaker) , seen one my favourite comic authors (neil gaiman) be outed as a sex pest , see another (Frank Miller) become really racist in his work. And more. This isn't a "I didn't like ___ so that movie or company ruined my child" this is literally depressing as everyone I liked a kid is dying , retiring , defending nazi salutes, trolling politically (I e em say i can tolerate anyone voting any as not every one voting = bad people ect.. as I've seen good peopke in rl vote it because of tax or money ect..) But it is depressing. I turn 40 later this year and this is a sad time. submitted by SSJmole to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 RazzleDazzle-_- Looking for verification on these carts.
Looking for some help thanks in advance guys. submitted by RazzleDazzle-_- to gameverifying [link] [comments] |