2025.01.22 22:05 DarkSaber01 Sub-Taker
submitted by DarkSaber01 to Helltaker [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 parfaitday 20-årig dræbt af Tiger i København Zoo (2012)
Jeg har et minde om, at den 20-årige blev presset til at bryde indhegningen på en eller anden måde? At han skyldte penge. Men jeg kan ikke opstøve noget om dette, så måske husker jeg forkert.
Nogle der kendte vedkommende og/eller sagen?
submitted by parfaitday to TrueCrimeDK [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 Possible-Bug-8950 In need of a legit cosigner...
I have been approved by transform credit for a 5k loan with a 183/month payment all I need is a cosigner... my situation is as follows.
I typically make about 3k/month as a freelancer I do IT/computer repair work, Doordash, taskr, art commissions, and more... my partner makes about 800/month at wendys to have some personal spending money for herself. After all bills we have comfortably about 750/month left.
This next part is going to sound made up but have documented proof if you need it...
Back in August my partner got a kidney infection that turned to sepsis and had her hospitalized for over a week in the ICU. This happened the exact same time we were moving into our new place. We had all the funds needed and even had an emergency fund of 5000. Almost immediately after she was released from the hospital she got pregnant, (we were scared that she was going to die and after it was over... well you know 😏) the pregnancy was extremely hard on her and was making her violently ill even got diagnosed with "Hyper-Emesis"? She actually lost 65lbs in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy which worried us and were in the hospital almost weekly for malnourishment and dehydration. Unfortunately week 11 the baby had no heartbeat and we were diagnosed with a missed miscarriage, (didn't even know that was a thing) she had to surgically remove the dead fetus that was slowly turning into sepsis (that's what the dr said at least) so it wouldn't cause harm to my partner.
She slowly started to recover and things were getting better our financial situation was still somewhat okay... December I ended up getting a bad kidney infection and it also turned to sepsis. I was in the hospital for a week and was unable to move and hardly had the ability to stay aware after I was discharged (they had to insert a midline iv or I would have been there for 2 weeks) me being the primary person of income this hit our financial situation HARD... we are trying to get a loan to get back on track and also to build our credit so we can buy a home in the future. Neither of us really knew anything about credit and did not make the smartest choices when we were young so we both have a score around 570. We aren't bad with money just need a little boost. Please if anyone can help cosign I would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by Possible-Bug-8950 to findacosigner [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 iamonlyhiding Need some friends, the more the merrier
Hey folks,
I’m looking for some friends so I can receive/send gifts. I’m also open to joining raids and whatnot whenever I can!! I’m usually pretty active during the week and my online status is shared so if you ever need someone to join a raid and I’m online, feel free to invite me!
My trainer code is 1359 2187 3239
submitted by iamonlyhiding to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 yesimBreadlord Terraria
I made Miku in terraria but what class would she be/what items should I try to get?
submitted by yesimBreadlord to hatsune [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 Peeecee7896 Trump's order to cut off funding to sanctuary cities could threaten L.A. fire relief
submitted by Peeecee7896 to CAPoliticalNews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:05 lowercaseray Does anyone else have chaotic save file names?
Title implies. I usually end up very hammered by the time I'm done playing and love when I come back un-hammered to see the names I decided to save my progress under. Possible that my humor is dumb and juvenile but I am curious if anyone else has wild save names for their own progress
submitted by lowercaseray to RimWorld [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 BrainBusiness3893 Murer læring sidste løntrin
Murer lærling (sidste løntrin)
Er nu udlært og for 180 +120 i tillæg (altså 300 kt) fast timeløn
submitted by BrainBusiness3893 to dkloenseddel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 wredcoll You should give your opponent the benefit of the doubt.
Why? Because you'll have more fun.
This is effectively a response to some recent discussions about "playing by intent", I think most people agree that you should in fact play by intent, but I wanted to take it a bit further and say that you should play by your opponent's assumed intent.
I know I'm going to get a bunch of pushback about hypothetical scenarios where people abuse it or start cheating or something but my response to that is: it really doesn't happen. In the last 100+ games I've played, I've felt cheated by playing this way somewhere between zero and zilch times.
Reflecting on that, I think this might be partly a mindset thing. If you go into a game, or even a turn, with the expectation you've discovered a Tactical Blunder, like your opponent placing a model so that you can see 2mm of its wing around a ruin wall, and you're really going to get a huge advantage after shooting it to death, and then someone tells you "don't do that, it's not cool", you're going to feel unhappy, perhaps even cheated. If you start with the mindset of "well he probably didn't actually mean to do that, I'm going to point it out when he moves", you'll have a much different emotional response to the situation.
Like most of these discussions, every actual situation is going to be slightly different and it's impossible to actually create a set of hard and fast rules that will be perfectly applicable, so what I'm advocating for is more of an attitude, a way of thinking about things, not a law.
To finish off, I thought I'd discuss some real world examples from games I've played.
The first example comes from the 5th round of a 6 round team event. Turn 1 starts, I'm going first, I draw behind enemy lines and move my beastpack about 6 inches away from a rhino and a unit of cultists he had deployed more or less at the edge of his deployment zone. I declare a multi-charge, roll a 10 or 11, and make my move, basing the rhino with one model and arranging the rest of the models to be able to attack the cultists. After I fight, I clean up the cultists, do a bit of consolidation and pass the turn preparing to score BEL. My opponent then gets out his ruler and spends 2 minutes very precisely measuring from the edge of his mat to my farther model and then tells me I can't score BEL because the base of my furthest model sticks exactly 1.5mm over the edge of his deployment zone and thus the unit is not "wholly within", which is the requirement to score the secondary.
This is obviously a bit annoying, so I point out that I had 10+ inches of charge movement, plus a consolidate move afterwards, I was clearly intending to be inside his DZ because that was the secondary I was trying to score and I had plenty of movement to do so. My opponent replies that it's too late, the model that was just outside his DZ was base to base so it couldn't move further and calls a judge. As the judge walks over, I get a grip on my temper and tell my opponent (and the judge) that he's technically correct, I had placed the model in such a position that it couldn't score BEL and I discard the secondary for a CP.
A couple of turns later, my opponent moves a rhino up to occupy an objective and ends up placing it such that its front hull-spikey-bits stick out over the ruin the objective is next to. When I take my turn, I move some scourges up to shoot the rhino, drawing a line of sight through the ruin the rhino is partially within. My opponent immediately tells me I'm not allowed to shoot because "only the spikes are over the ruin". I explain to him how vehicle hulls and ruins work in 10th edition and he calls a judge. While the judge is repeating my explanation, I look at the board state more closely and realize that if my opponent had moved his model slightly differently, which he had plenty of movement to do so, he could touch the objective and not touch the ruin, so I tell him to go ahead and adjust his model and we move on with the game.
The point I want to make with these examples is that, even though we weren't explicitly stating intent, "my intention is to move this rhino so that it touches this objective but isn't touching the ruin", it should be obvious to any reasonable player that it was the intention. Nobody goes "partially" within a ruin unless you absolutely have to since 99% of the time all it does it allow someone to shoot you that otherwise couldn't. Same thing with my beast pack on turn 1, I'm, obviously making this charge to score one of the two secondaries I've drawn this turn.
A moment that sticks in my mind is an argument I got into during round 1 of a gt. I'm playing vs chaos daemons and I know they have a 3in deep strike ability. I have a unit of mandrakes I'm deepstriking, my home objective is stickied but has no models on it, and I decide I would prefer that he didn't use his 3in deep strike to land on my objective. So during my turn I place my 5 mandrakes on my objective and measure 3 inches from each model such that the whole objective is screened out. But, crucially, I don't say anything. I just drop my models and measure. Then on my opponents turn he gets out his tape measure and finds a 1mm gap where he thinks he can touch the edge of the objective marker with a 3in deepstrike. I tell him that my intention was to screen out his deepstrike, that's the entire reason there are models on my stickied objective and when I placed them, I measured it so that there wasn't a gap. He says "well, there's a gap now".
All I can do at this point is say "well, do you trust me that I'm not lying to you when I tell you I put the models there explicitly to stop you deepstriking on to my home objective?". He ends up taking me at my word and doesn't land on top of my home objective, but he's obviously extremely unhappy about it, he feels cheated, and a couple of turns later he tries to bring in his strategic reserve units on turn 4, a judge tells him this is illegal and before I can offer to let him fix the situation some how (probably put his nurglings on the board in his dz or something) he starts cussing at me and storms off, conceding the game. I didn't particularly enjoy that game. I'm pretty sure he didn't either.
An obvious mistake in this situation was that I didn't explicitly tell my opponent I was trying to deny his 3in DS with my mandrakes on my home objective. Communicating like that is something I find difficult, but I certainly could and should have done it. That's on me. But on the other side, my opponent clearly had the attitude of assuming he was going to "get me" by exploiting this hole he found and when I effectively argued him out of doing that, he was mad. A different type of person might well have started with the assumption that I put my mandrakes there for a reason and a 1mm gap in their screening is just an artifact of the physical nature of the game, a minor measurement error, someone knocking into the table, a model getting bumped slightly while other things were going on.
Another situation that comes up far more frequently is deploying models such that can be shot if your opponent goes first. Yes, sometimes people do this intentionally for a variety of reasons, but you know what? The vast, vast majority of times, they do not in fact want to get shot on turn 1. And you know how you deal with this? Ask them during the deployment phase! A simple "hey you know I can shoot that if I go first" goes a long way. Sometimes they say "yup, that's fine", but most of the time they didn't realize how the terrain worked or didn't see a firing line that's more obvious from the other side of the table and things like that. And then you can fix it before the game starts.
A memorable moment comes from a game in round 2 or so of a GT, we're in the deployment phase, we've both placed most of my models and I'm looking over at whats on the board and I realize I've accidentally placed a raider so that its nose is sticking out a bit far and you can draw a line to it from my opponent's DZ. I tell my opponent "hey, I made a minor mistake, you mind if I fix this" and move it back an inch or two so its out of LOS. My opponent sees me touching my raider, immediately throws a fit about me "attempting to cheat" and calls a judge, when the judge arrives he tries to explain that I was attempting to cheat and he based his whole deployment strategy on my raider sticking out too far and I should be given a red card. The judge takes a look at both of us, tells me to put my raider back and my opponent to stop being absolutely ridiculous and to play the game. We play the game, he gets first turn and murders my poor raider and its contents and I effectively play the game at a 300 point deficit. As is probably obvious from the rest of the story, I sure as hell wasn't having fun during this game. I don't know how my opponent was feeling, but I very much doubt he was having a good time either, especially since after we finished round 5 and he realized I was 15 points ahead of him, he immediately ran off to spend the next 60 minutes convincing a judge to give me a -20 point yellow card so he could win anyways. So I dunno, maybe he was having a great time and really enjoyed the event and woke up the next day thinking to himself "wow, I'm sure glad I went to this GT and had a ton of fun", but, you know, maybe not.
My last example comes from round three of an RTT I just went to. We were both undefeated and due to the way the scores had gone in the previous rounds, knew we were playing for first place. He has a calladius grav tank alive on 2 wounds holding his home objective but sticking out to shoot down one of the major firing lanes this map happened to have. I had a single talos with a haywire blaster maybe 14 inches away from his tank. For those of you who don't know, a haywire blaster is 2 shots, hitting on 4s, anti-vehicle 4+, devastating wounds, 3 damage, rerolling hits and wounds. So the odds of it killing the tank in its shooting phase is well over 70%. It's been a long day so I'm playing a bit sloppy and I move my talos a full 7 inches towards the grav tank, planning to shoot it to death and then have my talos slightly closer to his home objective in case it matters later. I fiddle with some of my other units, and then my opponent (after re-reading one of his strategems) tells me that he can move his tank 6 inches if I end a move within 9 inches of it for 1 cp. This would get the tank completely out of my line of sight and probably make it impossible to charge, thus surviving another turn, letting him shoot all its weapons on his turn, probably kill the talos, and in general be a pretty major advantage. You know what he does? He warns me about his strategem and lets me move my talos back so its 9.1 inches away and doesn't give him the chance to use it. I proceed to blow up the tank and go on to win the game.
And you know what? We both had a perfectly nice time playing that game.
There's a lot of stuff to keep track of in 40k. Army rules, detachment rules, strategems, unit abilities, terrain rules, and so on and so forth. It's a physical game with physical pieces, we're using frankly extremely imprecise measurement techniques with tape measures not designed for this purpose. How many times have you seen people measure stuff by putting a tape measure 2 foot above the table and trying to guess how close the model on the table is to the measurement on the tape? Not to mention top heavy models constantly falling over, plastic objective markers causing things to slip and slide, and clumsy hands and tape measures bumping into models and terrain as we try to manipulate things. It's literally impossible to achieve the level of precision that you can in a computer game like TTS.
Now, obviously, I'm not telling you to not to try to be precise, as best you can, or to play sloppily, what I'm saying is to give your opponent the benefit of the doubt. Assume he's a reasonably smart person who has in fact played 40k before and is trying his best to follow the rules and win at the same time. You'll have a much happier time playing 40k.
submitted by wredcoll to WarhammerCompetitive [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 danjc757 0.01 Left, 50/100 Coins Needed
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 77364230
Almost there!
submitted by danjc757 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 Independent-Shoe5992 Is Slowbro not so broken anymore or am I just bad?
Title. I'm ranking with my teammate bottom lane, he usually plays Cinderace or Greninja, and while we can get that first push up (first 2 minutes), we're getting destroyed after the first or two ganks from the jungler, or from the enemy top lane coming bottom because... I don't know?
But even when the late game come, I just feel not so broken anymore. Scarf and Surf are doing their job but not so much, and Amnesia just left me in the middle of a bossfight, getting rushed and destroyed.
I don't know, am I playing bad or is Slowbro not the top tier anymore? I'm on a losing streak because in every game our toplane lose 2 towers in 5 minutes, and while we can ensure one tower (or two if we're lucky), we lose even our bottom lane.
What am I doing wrong? Should I play something else to ensure more defense/utility or just change approach with the big pink guy?
Playing with the buddy barrier, the exp share (that sometimes stucks me at level 3 forever) and the focus band. White and green emblems.
Any advise is well accepted, I'm on a bottom-of-the-barrel situation.
submitted by Independent-Shoe5992 to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 xique___ Minor hairline hair loss
In recent years I’ve noticed that the right side of my hairline is significantly less full than the left side, and I feel like it’s getting worse even though I don’t have hair loss anywhere else. I know in comparison to other hair loss stories that this is so so minor, but it’s bothered me for a while so I’m hoping I can somehow make my right side equal to the left. Any advice that’s worked for you guys?
Additional info: - 20s - Female - Cannot use topical minoxidil because of cats
Hair care routine: - Shiseido Tsubaki Premium Moist (red) shampoo and conditioner - Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Aloe Extract Fortifying Shampoo - Occasionally hair oil on the ends of my hair
submitted by xique___ to Haircare [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 iAmMrNobody369 Wtf is this?
just logged in to see this. logged out when my cashout was 39 cents. kinda confused but I'll take it submitted by iAmMrNobody369 to sportsbetting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:05 Good_stonks_ Resetting VR camera view
This might be a known glitch and function and I’m not familiar enough with it. I am a New player to GT7 and the GT universe in general. Just got the PS VR2 and was very excited to get GT7 as one of my very first full games. I was not ready for the full experience of the VR possible in this game
However excellent that VR experience is, I did find some weird camera Fuckery very annoying, from Sometimes starting very close to the wheel, or facing sideways needing to pause and reset camera and other weird things.
I found this video today and tried it out and it worked amazing. It completely reset your rendered position in the car seat and the track and really helped me improve my times.
Worth checking out if you play in VR,
the short of it is - reset your perspective by looking straight down in your lap, and it will reposition you in the seat properly.
submitted by Good_stonks_ to GranTurismo7 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 Saboscrivner Is there anyplace you can safely interact with/pet/hold a possum or skunk?
Hi, folks. My wife absolutely loves possums and skunks, and she watches YouTube videos of them all the time. Nothing would make her happier than being able to pet and possibly snuggle a friendly possum or a (hopefully descented) domesticated skunk under controlled conditions. In the past, I've taken her to the Orlando Cat Cafe in Clermont twice, where the cats completely ignored both of us both times, and also several trips to Wildflower Farm where she has been able to frolic in a field with adorable baby goats.
I'm aware of petting farms and touristy wildlife sanctuaries where you can pay to have your picture taken with sloths, capybaras, and other non-domesticated animals, but I've never found a place where she could have a possum or skunk encounter. You'd think a wildlife rehabber somewhere would have set something like that up, but my search continues. Neither of us would turn down a chance to safely meet and pet a raccoon either!
Is anyone aware of such a magical place? Or does anyone have a pet possum or skunk, by any chance? If so, I would make it worth your while somehow!
submitted by Saboscrivner to orlando [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 MrMidnight115 I thought I could get a run in before the patch notes. 2 in game hours away from being done with the run one way or the other.
submitted by MrMidnight115 to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 mania4conquest Tracklo rides at MTB trails are never not fun
This is from a few weeks ago but had an interview with the trail builders today. submitted by mania4conquest to FixedGearBicycle [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:05 ppyeeeerr anyone making captions for irls? will feed
submitted by ppyeeeerr to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 Interesting-Rain-894 Scraping SEAO
Je souhaite scraper les données disponibles sur SEAO (système électronique d'appel d'offres) pour une utilisation interne (analyse des données, rapports, etc.). Cependant, avant de me lancer, je me demande si cela pourrait poser des problèmes, que ce soit sur le plan légal ou technique.
Contexte : je compte pas redistribuer ni publier ces données, elles seraient strictement utilisées en interne.
Merci d'avance
submitted by Interesting-Rain-894 to QuebecTI [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 chiproller I accepted a Vaughn mission and instantly got a level 3 crime stat. Am I screwed now if I end up in prison, or is there a way to escape Klesher or do the time and use the elevator?
submitted by chiproller to starcitizen [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 Reiner_Blanco Digital watches with countdown timers?
Hello Reddit
I am considering getting a new watch, and I would really like it to have a countdown timer due to the many uses I can have for it. However, it seems that most of them have no such feature, and the casio website doesn't let me filter watches by features. Are there any you're able to recommend?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
submitted by Reiner_Blanco to casio [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 AccomplishedTax3978 Am I the only one...?? Who stopped doing story quests...
AR 55, so close to 56! Am I the only one at this stage in the game?? I used to love doing SQs (obviously the story + game play, but also the, primos, plus commissions (at the time)), but then found out you can't redo the story quest again and then sort of forgot about them....🙄🫠🥲 I honestly need to double check which version I joined. Maybe around Summer 2023, I think if that helps! I took a 4-6+ month hiatus and don't play too often unless I have copious amounts of time....It's so sad.. submitted by AccomplishedTax3978 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:05 fandommx Ex roommate stole license from mailbox.
Hi all!
I live in a sober living and until this incident the mail box was accessible by anyone in the house.
Well my replacement drivers license went missing from the mailbox after showing up on informed delivery. The girl who checked the mail that day has a felony in fraud and is on probation.
She no longer lives in the house (separate reason) and I have filed a report with the DMV and the post office (the police department say I don't have enough evidence for a report).
Is there anything else I should do? No evidence it's been used and my credit is so bad I'm not really worried about that... I'm more worried about her committing a crime with my identity.
Idk if this is even the right subreddit for this.
submitted by fandommx to IdentityTheft [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:05 cliffcliffcliff2007 To all those who complain
submitted by cliffcliffcliff2007 to Animemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:05 Paran0iaAg3nt Can you please help me identify the instrument playing the main melody of the song right as it starts? It lasts until 0:20 until the singer comes in and then repeats again at 1:03
submitted by Paran0iaAg3nt to WhatMusicalinstrument [link] [comments] |