2025.01.22 23:28 twogscoffee Concerning use of profanity in professional climbing
I just watched Noah Wheeler’s video where he sends Return of the Sleepwalker V17/9A and I’m disturbed by the use of profanity upon sending. The first thing he says is “what the f*&$” which sets a horrible example for our youth climbers. And not to mention, it’s confusing. Young man, aren’t you happy you just did it? Why are you mad? I’m honestly just confused and offended. At least we have a president here in the US now that will uphold traditional family values, and I for one can’t wait until his way of thinking penetrates the climbing community.
submitted by twogscoffee to ClimbingCircleJerk [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 test_android_feed_2 2025-01-22
This is the post's body
submitted by test_android_feed_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 ceci_art_studio My boyfriend gifted me the art book of the 2º movie and I LOVE IT!! I had to draw toothless
submitted by ceci_art_studio to httyd [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 DarthSufhtor Proving long term capital gains for taxes?
Hi all, I can’t seem to find an answer on this anywhere I look.
I recently moved some XRP from cold storage to Coinbase and sold it. Coinbase is showing on the tax document as a short term capital gain.
In reality, I bought my Xrp from 2019-2022 on both Uphold and Coinbase and it sat on a ledger for years until December 2024.
I’m wondering how I can prove it was a long term capital gain and what documents I’d need to bring to my accountant/ tax professional.
Thanks for any help
submitted by DarthSufhtor to XRP [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 MultiFandomFanboy Feel free to fill it out at your leisure
submitted by MultiFandomFanboy to Piratefolk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:28 Doorzindosoulslike Life path
every life path gets infected by relic? please no spoilers,I just wanna know if the story changes
submitted by Doorzindosoulslike to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 Top_Buy_5688 Brand new account can’t use spinwheel
I’m new to streaming and tonight was my first stream because I wanted to do a spin wheel game with like ten spots on some things and they wouldn’t let me. It wasn’t even giving me the option
submitted by Top_Buy_5688 to whatnotapp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 birdingforwhales invent a word for this
submitted by birdingforwhales to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:28 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 829
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 Ok_Mortgage_4323 H: caps,mods,big gun bobbles, mags ,maps w: acid preferably but junk offers
Lf junk
submitted by Ok_Mortgage_4323 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 eepyesme 097370239894 doing deoxys raids! add me to be invited. doing multiple :)
submitted by eepyesme to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 LabBig6480 Gostar de verão (fora do sul) é elitista e masoquista
Vi alguém dizer que curtir inverno era elitista, então hoje to a fim de provar o contrário.
- No inverno tem gente passando frio na rua: o que te faz pensar que no verão não tem gente passando calor e sede? Ce acha que eles conseguem água potável em qualquer canto? Andar debaixo do sol quente no asfalto pelando tudo bem, mas o vento frio do inverno não?
- No verão, só fica feliz quem pode ficar tomando sorvete, piscina e ar condicionado - ou seja, vc não gosta nem da sensação do calor, pq vc gosta de se refrescar - jamais vi uma pessoa suando até o rego que estivesse super feliz
- Mosquitos infestam sua casa e seu corpo o tempo inteiro
- A esmagadora maioria da população só tem acesso a ventiladores, que tudo que fazem é soprar bafo quente;
- No frio, a gente se cobre e usa roupas quentinhas mas mesmo assim, a sensação fria controlada (e não é possível controlar a sensação de calor mesmo ficando pelado) é muito superior, além de aumentar a produtividade. De acordo com estudos, estima-se que a temperatura ideal em um local de trabalho esteja entre 21 e 24 °C, com uma umidade relativa de 50%. Além desse limite, o corpo usa energia para se resfriar, e é nosso desempenho cognitivo e físico que sofre. Óbvio que muito baixo tbm é ruim. Porém nunca vi uma pessoa no pique pra fazer qq coisa num calor de 35 graus. Já a 17 graus...
- NINGUÉM acha agradável ficar pingando de suor o dia inteiro. Mesmo quem fala que sim, tá mentindo claramente. Ter que tomar um banho frio a cada 2h gasta água e tempo pra caramba, isso pra quem tem essa possibilidade.
Passei, hoje, o dia todo, PINGANDO, dentro e fora de casa, um mormaço absurdo sem poder fazer nada pra resolver. Principalmente quem é pobre e trampa em coisa braçal, é masoquismo puro gostar dessa época lascada e horrorosa do ano.
submitted by LabBig6480 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 Dismal_Fold2356 Mould line removers?
I've seen around that if you're building a knight you should get a mould line remover because of the size of some parts to make the model look smooth, however the citadel one is absurdly expensive, does anyone have a cheaper brand they recommend?
submitted by Dismal_Fold2356 to ImperialKnights [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 Kululae Shone Bus Stop
submitted by Kululae to aiArt [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 Cozmcphish $23 for the Oilers on a break
Recently got back into collecting and whatnot has been an outstanding community to be a part of. Got this nuke last week out of a break and it arrived today! submitted by Cozmcphish to hockeycards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:28 Uzer89 At turning point with IEMs need purchase help
So I've learned that I'm addicted to quality music.
In particular, I enjoy orchestral music like Nomuo Uematsu's work as much as I do modern music. Such as rock and roll and whatever you can call the Gorillaz or Hideki Naganuma's genre.
Unfortunately, due to not understanding how little grip there is on my two pin connector inside of my Moondrop Kato iems, I lost one.
So I'm wondering, can someone give me the 1-2 punch of a V-shaped IEM recommendation and possibly a Bluetooth wireless cable. That's going to make sure my 2 pin is locked in place because I feel like if a little bit of running up a staircase made it pop out, I probably should pick a better version even though the quality has always been good, I don't think it should have happened that easily.
Under 300 USD please?
(2-pin bluetooth cable under 100)
submitted by Uzer89 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 Lide_Astro-6254 Can't redownload Roland Cloud
submitted by Lide_Astro-6254 to Roland [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:28 punchyouintheliver I used stoicism for the first time today and it really worked
I have pretty intense anger issues and when things go wrong i tend to lose my cool, stay mad for hours, and then go into a depressive episode where i feel empty and start questioning life. It sucks. Today, everything that could have went wrong, went wrong and it seemed like the universe was doing everything to make me go insane. I will admit at first i went through the “why me?” “I hate my life” talk, the whole nine yards. When i got home though, instead of raging and going into a dark spiral, i made a cup of tea and listened to some music. I thought that these bad events are in the past and they aren’t for me to deal with anymore. I then realized how many things could’ve went wrong that didn’t go wrong and i showed gratitude for it. I’m now in a good mood and looking forward to my dinner, my shower, and going to bed. This seems like its not a big deal but its a huge win for me. 🙂
submitted by punchyouintheliver to Stoicism [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 metald9la The President is in town!
Trump is in town or going to be! Taken Jan 22 3:30’about lax. submitted by metald9la to LosAngeles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:28 simman521 Need Help Deciding: Nayax vs. Cantaloupe for Older Machines
I’m pretty new to the vending world and could use some advice. I’m looking to add card readers to a few older machines, but I’m stuck trying to choose between Nayax and Cantaloupe. I’ve done a some research, talked to other operators, and searched this subreddit, but the feedback is all over the place. Some people love one, others have had nothing but problems with both.
Here are the machines I’m working with:
2025.01.22 23:28 bnasty8888 The future is bright!
submitted by bnasty8888 to Commanders [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 23:28 silverssstars I would like some advice
Hello! I am somewhat new to the dog community but I have been researching dogs since I was very young. I work at a doggy daycare at the moment and in my work experience I have gotten to see many of the pros and cons of the different breeds I see on the daily. I am interested in getting my own dog in the future when I am more ready but I would love some advice on what dog breed would fit. I grew up with dogs and my family dog is a mutt. I have trained with her and taught her about 6 or so commands but she gets very bored and does not have a good work drive. For my future dog I want to do protection work and bitework, specifically schutzhund training. I know that though there’s a long list of breeds that can be used in protection work and schutzhund trainers often only accept a few breeds. I do not have a dog yet so I don’t have any reason to reach out to any of the trainers in my area, but there are multiple trainers available near me. Now as for the breeds I have interest in. - Dutch Shepherd -Belgian malinois -Belgian shepherd (groenendael) -German shepherd -Doberman -Beauceron
there are a few others that I could list, but unfortunately, there are not many breeders in my area and they are not popular in protection work. ( though they can excel at it)
While I know that all these breeds can be wonderful in protection work, I have to note that I am 5’3 and 120lbs for reference. So choosing a dog that is on the smaller side that I would be able to pick up and handle more easily would be convenient.
And before the dog community snaps at me and explains how much work specifically Dutch shepherds and Belgian mals can be I am aware !!! Maligators are not new to me and I do understand that they require A LOT of training. For that reason, I don’t think that they would be the best pic as my first dog. Also I do not plan on getting a puppy in the near future, I want to be fully prepared first!!
I know that was long and I know most people probably won’t feel like reading all this, but if anyone has any advice on what breed might work best for me or overall any tips and tricks to note please let me know!
Thank you!
submitted by silverssstars to workingdogs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 22-January-2025 23:27:50
Test body 22-January-2025 23:27:50
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 SphereOfPettiness Anyone else find Verina more convenient to use than Shorekeeper?
I love SK and pulled for her weapon, but building her concerto energy takes way too long, especially in overworld 😓 I prefer Verina because she gets it incredibly fast and is just better for my quick swap teams. Even when you mess up and accidentally swap to her, you can quickly switch back to your sub/dps with an outro buff! Rotations with her feel a lot less rigid.
submitted by SphereOfPettiness to Verina_Mains [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 23:28 lamegoblin 10/10, No notes
I saw this on a video and I had to share it here. It needs a rack on the rear and a bottle cage, maybe some nice wrap on the bars. submitted by lamegoblin to xbiking [link] [comments] |