Web: Logos, Verbum, Ebooks, General, Biblia Faithlife, Faithlife TV, Lexham Press, Kirkdale Proclaim, SoundFaith, BibleScreen, MobileEd Bible Study Magazine, Faithlife Study Bible… Logos User Wiki L/V 10 Tip of the Day Index 怎么理解古希腊哲学中的逻各斯(Logos)和努斯(Nous)的含义? 邓晓芒的《古希腊罗马讲演录》里说,苏格拉底的“逻各斯的客观普遍性已经不是以前那种自然的客观性,而是在语言层面上所建立的、所发现的一种精神的客观性”,这… appeal to logos=reason with reader/audience(have a strong argument) appeal to ethos=appeal to authority. 这种..怕答了被几个同校的看到..sat写作读过的基本都知道..或者ap写作读过的也是..知道就知道不知道看一遍也知道了的类型,没什么好骄傲的,匿了。 Logos used to have community pricing for older books that they sold in large collections. Logos lost interest in the program and discontinued it. Now the collections are being sold as regular prepubs, but all the information on the individual books is missing, so the only information a potential buyer will see is the book… Optimisez votre cabinet dentaire, gagnez du temps grâce à votre logiciel. LOGOSw est le premier logiciel pour cabinet dentaire agréé CCAM.
2025.01.23 00:05 Armadillo-Real OC team character logos
I don’t know what they call these but, I attempted to make some for my OC team and hope there is some good feedback from it.
If there isn’t then, ehh I tried.
I know this is not like cannon RWBY symbols, so if there are any tips than thank you.
submitted by Armadillo-Real to RWBYOC [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 pdotcnffc Burnet at the weekend
Any help much appreciated does this need looking at hurts a little bit submitted by pdotcnffc to firstaid [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 Draw-Warm are EA going to update Martinelli's price range? I have sniped 20 of his IF cards the last few days in hopes to make some coins but now they are coming back on the market
submitted by Draw-Warm to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 MerkadoBarkada Bright Kindle executes deed with Strong Built; Synergy Grid has "no knowledge" of MWF offer; QUESTION: Can REITs make me rich? (Thursday, January 23)
Happy Thursday, Barkada -- The PSE gained 8 points to 6348 ▲0.1% Slept through my alarm so I'm rushing to get this out! I'll do a better greeting tomorrow, I promise. (Sets back-up to the back-up alarm)
▌In today's MB:
MB is written and distributed every trading day. The newsletter is 100% free and I never upsell you to some "iNnEr cIrClE" of paid-membership perks. Everyone gets the same! Join the barkada by signing up for the newsletter, or follow me on Twitter. You can also read my daily Morning Halo-halo content on Philstar.com in the Stock Commentary section.
- [UPDATE] Bright Kindle executes Deed of Exchange for Strong Built... Bright Kindle [BKR 1.26 ▼9.3%; 66% avgVol] [link] said that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Brightstar Holdings and Development Inc (BHDI), signed a Deed of Exchange to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of Strong Built (Mining) Development Corporation (Strong Built), using ₱5 billion worth of newly issued shares of BHDI. Strong Built is a magnetite iron sind minder that has a mineral production sharing agreement that expires in seven years.
- MB: This has always been a weird deal. This is technically a “reverse takeover”, where Strong Built’s owners are buying BHDI using their Strong Built shares as payment. On the surface, that’s a tautological and strange move to make. From BKR’s perspective, the newly issued shares to Strong Built will almost entirely dilute BKR’s ownership of BHDI. They’ll be left with just under 3% of BHDI’s common stock once this deal is completed. From BKR’s perspective, there really isn’t much to cheer about here. But things change when you look at this from Strong Built’s perspective. By using their shares to purchase overwhelming control of BHDI, they’ve gained ownership of a shell that can be used for future fundraising efforts. Usually with subsidiaries like BHDI you’re thinking about the possibility of an IPO by way of introduction (which is basically like doing an IPO using a property dividend of shares of the subsidiary), but this case is a little different because the potential source listed company (BKR) is only a tiny shareholder of BHDI. That doesn’t necessarily make an “IPO by intro” impossible, but it makes it kind of weird since the resulting shareholding structure probably wouldn’t have a sufficient public float. Something is up with this Martin Romauldez-owned stock, though, because the price has increased more than 85% since November. Are these knowledgeable insiders buying up the stock ahead of some bigger deal, or were these buyers caught trying to predict something that didn’t come to pass? It’s hard to say, but BKR is down 20% from its peak price of ₱1.58 that it hit last week, so maybe this reverse takeover isn’t what those buyers quite had in mind. I feel like we don’t know enough about this yet to say, though. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know! I’m curious to hear what you think is going on here, and why.
- [UPDATE] Synergy Grid has no knowledge of Maharlika Wealth Fund terms... Synergy Grid [SGP 13.12 ▼0.3%; 62% avgVol] [link], the holding company for National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), responded to the Bilyonaryo article I covered yesterday to say that SGP “has no information or knowledge on [the matter]”, and that NGCP “has not received any formal correspondence from the Maharlika Wealth Fund regarding any investment into NGCP.” The Bilyonaryo article referenced insiders who claimed that the Maharlika Wealth Fund was seeking up to four board seats on NGCP, and that NGCP owners Big Boy Sy and Robert Coyiuto were not willing to sell more than 20% of NGCP to the fund.
- MB: There are several angles here. The first is that news from unnamed sources will always be “loose”; without knowing who the source is, it’s impossible to tell how fresh their knowledge might be. What might have been true to the source at the time the source gained the knowledge might not be an accurate representation of the deal now, especially if the source is the mythical law office photocopy clerk. With that in mind, though, Bilyo has come out on top seemingly more often than not in disputes with companies over the accuracy of its information from unnamed sources. The second angle here is one of semantics. It’s interesting that SGP would say that it has “no information or knowledge” of what the source was talking about in the Bilyo article, but that’s not what SGP said about NGCP’s management team. For NGCP’s team, all SGP would say is that NGCP hasn’t received any “formal correspondence” from Maharlika Wealth Fund. Maybe it’s just my rusty legal skills, but it feels like SGP’s statement doesn’t mean that Bilyo’s sources are wrong. There’s a world where Maharlika reps spoke directly with NGCP representatives over the phone (informal correspondence) or in person (informal correspondence) about the terms discussed in the Bilyo article, and it’s even possible that the parties met and had substantial negotiations about those terms, but that Maharlika had simply not yet sent a signed written letter (on letterhead) to NGCP to formalize the correspondence. In that world, SGP’s statements would still be accurate (though misleading in a practical sense) and Bilyo’s sources would still be accurate. The third angle is that SGP’s statement says that it has received no formal correspondence from the Maharlika Wealth Fund, but there is no formal entity called the “Maharlika Wealth Fund”. There’s the Maharlika Investment Fund, which is the actual pool of money that can be invested, and then there’s the Maharlika Investment Corporation, which is the government-owned and government-controlled state body that is responsible for managing the Maharlika Investment Fund. Is this sloppy/lazy drafting from SGP, or is this clever pseudo-sloppy drafting from SGP?
- [QUESTION] Can I get rich with REITs?... Short answer: no. But baby it’s not you, it’s just the math. Now, we can get bogged down on arguments of what it means to be “rich”, or whether the question is really talking about passive income more than it’s talking about net worth, but I’m going to save all of that detail for other blogs to cover. According to some surveys, to be in the top 10% of income, you need to earn ₱60k to ₱70k per month (or more), and to be in the top 1% of income earners you need to earn ₱150k to ₱200k per month (or more). Of course, with something like weather, temperature outside can be 35C, but there’s a difference between 35C with 80% humidity and a light wind, and 35C with 100% humidity and no wind at all. That 35C can “feel like” 40C in a hurry. Income is like this as well. There’s a difference between earning ₱50k/mo while living at home in Tarlac and earning ₱50/mo while living on your own in Makati. That ₱50k/mo can start to “feel like” ₱20k. But let’s forget all of that. Let’s just try to get into the top 10%. Using REITs, what do we need? Well, we need to generate at least ₱60k (gross, before tax) per month. Let’s convert that to a quarterly figure (x3) which is ₱180k, and an annual figure (x12) which is ₱720k. Forgetting about the capital appreciation (or depreciation -- amiright, DDMPR?) side of REITs for a second (that’s not income-related; we’re focused on the dividends which will be converted into money in our pockets), the highest-yielding REIT right now is VREIT with an estimated annualized yield of 9.93%. The lowest-yielding REIT is AREIT with an estimated annualized yield of 5.82%. That means if we invested ₱10,000 in VREIT today we’d hope to earn ₱993 in dividends this year, and if we invested ₱10,000 in AREIT today, we’d expect to earn ₱582 in divs. Of course, these annualized yields are just guesses based on past performance, and past performance does not guarantee future performance. We can’t be certain that these REITs will continue to payout at these levels. Many REITs have seen their dividends fall off significantly, like DDMPR, FILRT, and PREIT. Many have seen their dividends grow over time, like AREIT, RCR, MREIT, CREIT, and VREIT. Ok, so what initial investment into AREIT or VREIT would it take to get our annual dividend income up to the ₱720k/year we need to qualify for top 10% income? For AREIT, we’d need to own ₱12.4 million worth of stock. For VREIT, we’d need to own ₱7.3 million worth of stock. That’s the basic problem: REITs (and interest-generating investment options) are just one tool that a person can use to generate wealth, but they themselves are not the thing the wealthy use (or even could use) to become wealthy. If you have ₱12 million to dump into REITs, you’re already doing great, and you probably already earn a salary that puts you in the top 10% of income earners (even mostly likely into the low single digits). REITs are a great way to generate some income, to reduce the ravages of inflation, to diversify your portfolio, and to gain exposure to certain real estate types without having to actually own property.
- MB: To me, some REITs (not all REITs) operate the way that a stablecoin like Tether (USDT) or USDC might in the crypto space; they’re a way to lock-in gains from my more risky investments in a way that keeps the money “in the market” and available should a better opportunity arise. They’re not exactly the same thing (stablecoins are configured to remain pegged to the US Dollar, whereas REIT valuations fluctuate), and this analysis ignores the massive impact of what could happen to your investment due to shifts in the underlying price of the REIT, but the comparison is helpful to frame REITs properly as a helpful tool for passive income generation rather than as a cheat code for entrance into the top levels of wealth. As I hope this example has shown, you need to already have a massive pile of cash (₱7 million to ₱12 million) to even own enough REITs to hope to generate enough cash to make the equivalent of ₱60k/month, and that’s an ask that is beyond the reach of all but a select few. REITs are a great saving tool, but as with any saving tool, the income you generate to put into the tool is (by orders of magnitude) more important. If you currently make less than ₱60k/mo, I guarantee you will make bigger monthly gains by reducing your expenses and figuring out other ways to increase your income than you will putting some portion of your income into REITs. I love REITs, they’re just not a magic bullet!
2025.01.23 00:05 Flamingodallas Should I do this? To potentially grow my faith.
I want to reach out to someone. A friend I used to have, because I think that me checking in on them will help me give it to God and help me to abide.
I’m afraid that it would make me worse if it goes wrong. I am too dependent on this. I want to let go so i can abide in Jesus.
I am planning to reach out to them tonight to talk with her personally. Because I believe God had been bringing her back into my life. We see each other 4 days a week when it was 0 beforehand.
I appreciate any advice, wisdom and verses. God bless!
submitted by Flamingodallas to Christianity [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 topleftfoodchest Best Lights?
I love decorating in games but lighting it always an issue for me because I hate the look of poorly lit rooms- so what are the best lights or your go to lights? Every time I use a ceiling light it looks like I'm making an interrogation room at night
submitted by topleftfoodchest to Palia [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 Sxvorii [S] Savivor Season 6 Thailand | SIGN UPS
Welcome back to Savivor! For this season, we will have 16 survivors competing for the grand prize!
For Savivor, I will create a google doc with write ups where I narrate the characters' games. They will also all be added to a wiki!
This season, I will only be accepting 14 contestants!!! This is due to the returning players twist, where two contestants from Big Brother will compete on Savivor each season. Characters MUST be 18+!! You may submit 2 characters, and after 24 hours you may submit a 3rd!
On top of that, I will NOT BE ACCPETING characters from Savory's Big Brother!!!! Again, this is due to the returning players twist, making these a part of the same universe.
Name (First + Last):
Appearance (Either a FTM or a description for me to make a FYM)
Description (Personality/Backstory) (Minimum of 5 sentences please!):
Would your character be in a showmance/relationship in the season?
If so, Character Sexuality:
CHALLENGE STATS (The total of these three can NOT go over 16, but can equal 16)
OTHER STATS (The total of these four can NOT go over 16, but can equal 16)
Social Skills:
Strategic Ability:
Male Spots FILLED: 0/7 FILLED
Female Spots FILLED: 0/7 FILLED
submitted by Sxvorii to BrantSteele [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 Potato-Nice water
messing around more with painting water. posted some water in this sub a couple weeks ago and have kept trying it out.
submitted by Potato-Nice to Watercolor [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 Ok_Curve_1274 Gm
submitted by Ok_Curve_1274 to GMselfie [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 zaneballzz Pc both
34 and XXL fit xl submitted by zaneballzz to robinsjean [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 OsirisAI Stock Information for USDCHF - 1d
#USDCHF #1d #Forex───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 45 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble predicts that trading will be attractive in the nearest future. The synthetic directional indicator equals 10 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests the market will tend to be bullish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 482 candles. The market is currently bearish, depreciating by 3.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.
2025.01.23 00:05 HalfNattyBrah Kill Tony New Year's Eve 2024 - December 31st, 2nd episode from NYE
submitted by HalfNattyBrah to Killtony [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 Outrageous-Meal1546 What Church?
I know a lot of people on here are atheist but this is for people that left the Adventist Church but are still Christians.
I have recently come to the the decision that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a cult. They have a false prophet, a false atonement, and a false gospel. This is something that I have been thinking about for about 6 months now while still going to the Adventist Church.
And technically I still go to the Adventist Church. I think it's called PIMO. But the reason I go is because I'm not sure where else to go. I still believe in God. I still consider myself a Christian. And I can't figure out how to biblically disprove the Adventist doctrines on the State of the Dead, hell, and the second coming of Jesus.
I guess I have two questions. The first one is how do I disprove these things from the Bible? The second? What church should I go to? I guess I'll also ask what church you go to and why.
submitted by Outrageous-Meal1546 to exAdventist [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 JimCripe OMG! Trump has PUBLIC MELTDOWN when CALLED OUT by Reporter
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 ocolly Chocolate Almond Podcast Episode 4
submitted by ocolly to ocast [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 Acrobatic_Dog_5411 Golden Forest - Beautiful Sounds of a Beech Forest in Late Autumn 360°
submitted by Acrobatic_Dog_5411 to SOFnature [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 Oswal-D-Octoman Flair check, freaks
Spread e- I mean Show em... and spread em why not submitted by Oswal-D-Octoman to FreakyKaisen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 Katenashi What would you recommend based on my playlist?
submitted by Katenashi to spotify [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 Haunting_Ad3988 What else can I do?
Hi everyone! Little backstory of my skin. I had a ton of acne growing up, specifically in high school that have left me with some acne scars, mostly treatable and a couple icepick scars. I am very grateful for that. I am now 25 and continuously struggle with my skin. For the most part, my usual breakouts have ceased, however, a few will pop up every once in a while. What I really struggle with is texture and very noticeable pores, specifically around my cheeks and nose area. I currently am seeing an esthetician for an erbium laser for my scarring and texture, but what else do you recommend that I do? I feel as though I have tried everything (niacinamide, vitamin C, retinol, moisturizers, etc) I do wear sunscreen everyday Please help, thank you so much ❤️ submitted by Haunting_Ad3988 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 ooodelali know where you're going or pick a lane and stay in it
this morning at 1150am i was driving on glenmore trail eastbound turning onto crowchild trail. the turn off has 2 turning lanes and i was gonna go into the left lane which is an added lane. this chevy black suv in the right lane moves over to the left, i brake and honk my horn to get their attention, they nearly miss my car by braking in front of me, finally they speed off onto glenmore. thankfully there was no impact but omg! if you're driving and realize you're not where you're supposed to be, don't change lanes last minute or swerve into other people. keep driving until you can make a detour SAFELY. pay attention and don't be a jackass :)
submitted by ooodelali to Calgary [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 Unfathomable-swag Adults on ps (mic’s)
I don’t know if this is the correct way to do so; but, I’m looking for adult gamers 18+ for nightly mic’d sessions for more socialization lol Myself I’m not an mmo, or fps player but am really into the souls series and elder scrolls and am currently playing kingdom come.. I’d love people to talk to and potentially make friends! Also, my tag is JTS2055 I hope people see this and add me and actually want to have a mic d up relationship on ps5
submitted by Unfathomable-swag to PS5 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 AverageGuy_76 Does anybody know who it could be?
Sorry for the vague question title but rules.
A while ago I saw a random YT video where the creator (a photographer, himself), while having lunch saw a picture on the wall of the restaurant he was in and discovered a photographer he never knew existed.
The photographer had lived in a small village, in Great Britain, ran a photography studio, and spent his free time photographing the people that lived in the village. Basically a street photographer in the age of large format cameras. What the creator, and I, find remarkable is that the photographer was able to get his subjects, both foreground and background, to pose motionless so the photos look as if they could have been taken with a 35mm camera.
I've gone back through my watch history, and searching using pretty much the paragraph I wrote above but I can't for the life of me find who the creator is or the name of the photographer and was wondering if maybe the video sounds familiar to someone here.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by AverageGuy_76 to AskPhotography [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 00:05 AriesOffical You guys know where I can post this
It’s a book cover of an actual book series I’m writing but I don’t know what sub to post it on, help would be appreciated. Thank you submitted by AriesOffical to WingsOfFire [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 makbb023 Seeking Clarity
This speaks specifically to AOS cases, but what about persons going through consular processing? submitted by makbb023 to USCIS [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 00:05 Imnotheretodoanythin Eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by it’s
submitted by Imnotheretodoanythin to AskOuija [link] [comments]