Que no llegooo

2025.01.23 01:16 Lestiborns Que no llegooo

Que no llegooo submitted by Lestiborns to MemesEnEspanol [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 oofdunno internship vs bf

we originally had offers in the same city but i just received a one more aligned to my career interests across the country for the summer. the original offer is energy consulting vs the new one is at a large biotech company & im an engineering student interested in product design/development so the choice is pretty obvious. the first one is not bad either but he thinks i should seriously consider the second & pick the one thats better for my career. we’re both ambitious & wouldn’t pass up an opportunity that makes sense for me, but this is just such a hard thing to decide on because we’re long distance all throughout the school year already & had plans for a summer apartment together :(
submitted by oofdunno to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Same-Ocelot-8783 Can someone double-check this?

Can someone double-check this? submitted by Same-Ocelot-8783 to windtunnels [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Jutau14 Is it wierd that I kinda like my schizophrenic hallucinations?

It makes things really wierd, and thus interesting, and makes me less accountable for not adulting as much. Thoughts?
submitted by Jutau14 to INTP [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Wereyourgrandmas [Japanese>english] i would love to know what is going on in this print!

[Japanese>english] i would love to know what is going on in this print! This is a woodblock print that was gifted to my grandfather in the mid to late 1940’s while he was serving in Japan. I would love to know what is going on in this print!
submitted by Wereyourgrandmas to translator [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 MIKEPR1333 Groundbreaking For The Windmill.

submitted by MIKEPR1333 to MrRogersNeighborhood [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 zerof3565 Super Cheap, Galaxy S25 Ultra 256GB for $650, No Trade-In Required

Google Fi is doing a pre-order for $650. You will need to keep the service for 120 days ($100 total for 120 days) and then you can disconnect. The phone is fully unlocked from day 1 so no need to wait 120 days and you can use it with any service provider worldwide.
Are you in?
submitted by zerof3565 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Fabulous-Lecture5139 How much should I be feeding my 8 lb cat?

I just adopted a cat and was wondering what the healthy ratio & amount of wet and dry food I should be giving her? I went to the vet and he wasn't too specific. She's a 3 year old, 8 pound DSH. How many ounces of wet food and how many cups of dry food should I be giving her per day?
submitted by Fabulous-Lecture5139 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Antique-Data-5013 Free link please

Free link please submitted by Antique-Data-5013 to Novelnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Tacoble Need help

Need help I think this is hormonal acne but still your insights would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Tacoble to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Maleficent_Tiger_151 Can people use TW and/or be mindful of their wording in posts about NY?

The finale was shocking and dark. They used the R word a lot instead of things like SA. They weren't "passive" or "gentle" with their wording but it's understandable with them being in the moment.
We aren't in the moment so we should be able to blank out words or use trigger warnings here and there.
Some people may want to talk about the epsidoe and their own experiences. Being met with people using and throwing around certain terms or not being mindful can be triggering.
We should crate space where everyone can discuss the epsidoe in an open and safe way.
That's all I wanted to say. ❤️
submitted by Maleficent_Tiger_151 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 FireSheepYinFish DustMagnet tear-down cleaning?

Has anyone taken this thing apart to thoroughly clean the fan intakes? Since the 'table' shelf appears fixed, there's no easy way to clean it completely due to the limited gap.
Is there a secret maintenance or dis/assembly manual I haven't found? Otherwise I'll wing it.
submitted by FireSheepYinFish to Blueair [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 CosmosOfTime When is supercell going to fix the dragon targeting?

Jesus, this game has been out for 12 years and the dragon targeting is still horrible. I know they’re strong at TH17 and for lower townhalls, but it is literally impossible to truly plan an attack with dragons.
The way they path is stupid. They go to the closest building but they pick any point on the building, so they will spend the extra second to go to the other side of it and get targeted by an air defense or whatever else.
This also causes the dragons to split up 99% of the time because the next closest building will be different for each dragon, which severely hurts the attack. They should just do what every single other troop does, and attack the side that’s closest to them.
I’m sure there’s a reason for this, because the baby dragon has the same problem. When funneling, it will purposely go on the inside of the building so it can get picked off by defenses super fast. It’s annoying.
submitted by CosmosOfTime to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Specialist-Slip-1947 Miren las dos imágenes. ¿Que es ser políticamente correctos y moralmente incorrecto?

Miren las dos imágenes. ¿Que es ser políticamente correctos y moralmente incorrecto? submitted by Specialist-Slip-1947 to BOLIVIA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 ExtHD EU state’s PM warns of new ‘Maidan’ | Slovakia’s Robert Fico has claimed his political rivals are preparing a Ukraine-style coup with help from abroad

EU state’s PM warns of new ‘Maidan’ | Slovakia’s Robert Fico has claimed his political rivals are preparing a Ukraine-style coup with help from abroad submitted by ExtHD to fight_disinformation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 SKULL_caps202 Got a baofeng Uv-5r and want to talk to other people without accidentally getting in trouble

So I'm fairly new to radios and stuff and I wanna talk to some people but I don't know what channel to use and I really don't wanna get in trouble so if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated
submitted by SKULL_caps202 to amateurradio [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 TheSoaringDingo Selling Hatsune Miku best of Deadball-P CD for $12 (ebay link in comments)

Selling Hatsune Miku best of Deadball-P CD for $12 (ebay link in comments) submitted by TheSoaringDingo to hatsune [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Diego_0213 Invertir o pagar deudas?

Buenas, desde hace poco tengo la oportunidad de ahorrar juicioso y ahora me está llamando la atención invertir en acciones o EFT, sin embargo, tengo un crédito hipotecario con un interés de alrededor de 8% ea.
Que es mas recomendable, empezar a invertir o salir primero de la deuda?
submitted by Diego_0213 to ColombiaFinanciera [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 scottd90 Glass hall, safety concern

Why not an acrylic ball or something that wouldn’t send shards of glass to competitors or leaving shards of glass on a field. Yikes.
submitted by scottd90 to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Kiyesss Trevor

Trevor submitted by Kiyesss to funny [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Sakent Virus?

Virus? Are these spots/streaks on my Angraecum Eburneum indicative of a virus? It's otherwise a mature, very large, otherwise healthy plant, all the leaves look like this.
submitted by Sakent to orchids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 DifferentCategory133 he wants to be included

he wants to be included submitted by DifferentCategory133 to PikminBloomApp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Dangerous-Attempt-20 Thx for hosting the Akahoshi Ramen forum dinner!

Thx for hosting the Akahoshi Ramen forum dinner! Just got back from the dinner tonight and wanna thank Mitch and all the mods for all you do. I got the spicy duck special. The noodles, as everyone says were absolutely stellar. Great service and a great meal for a cold snowy night!
submitted by Dangerous-Attempt-20 to chicagofood [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Few-Pomegranate-7918 Open curriculum question

Hi guys!
I am a propsective student for Brown university and I have a question about the open curriculum. I understand the concept that students are allowed to freely choose the units that they want to study for each semester, but how does that work when you are selecting your majoconcentration?
Would a portion of the units that you select have to be related to the major?
Are there any requirements for selecting other units that aren't related to your major? For instance, could I select all of my other elective units as related to a specific subject?
If I was to choose something like mechanical engineering, would I need to have completed certain units beforehand to declare it as a majoconcentration?
Is the engineering school at brown good? Do you find the professors to be good at teaching or is it a mixed bag?
submitted by Few-Pomegranate-7918 to BrownU [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:16 Ecstatic-Ad-9514 Letting go of your masculinity

What’s it feel like to let go of your masculinity and start using feminine mannerisms? What do you think about to make it easier to act that way?
submitted by Ecstatic-Ad-9514 to crossdressing [link] [comments]
