Can Nova handle multiple platforms?

2025.01.23 01:23 Realistic_Dog7932 Can Nova handle multiple platforms?

I’ve been using Nova to snipe on Photon and Bull X, and it’s made my trades way faster. I’m loving the speed, but I still have to manually set up each task through Telegram. Is there a way to automate this process?
submitted by Realistic_Dog7932 to solana [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 KYPossumLady Did a photo shoot with my girl Lemony Snakeit 💅🏻✨

Did a photo shoot with my girl Lemony Snakeit 💅🏻✨ She did such a good job 😭
submitted by KYPossumLady to snakes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Psychological_Toe357 Mold in junk journal??

Just started junk journaling and one of my first pages I made with snack wrappers, I cleaned&dried them well before putting them in but my journal smells like one of the snacks now and I’m scared it’s all gonna mold….what do y’all think?? Has this happened to anyone??
submitted by Psychological_Toe357 to junkjournalideas [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Legitimate_Victory14 Why is my dog obsessively smelling metal objects?

Recently, I’ve noticed that my dog has become obsessed with sniffing metal items around the house, like weightlifting plates, table legs, and various other metal objects. He’ll spend several minutes intensely sniffing them as if something is attracting him to the material. Sometimes, when sniffing these objects, he even gets a small static shock but continues to sniff anyway. Is this behavior normal, or could it indicate a health, behavioral, or environmental issue? It doesn’t seem like he has any health issues it’s just very strange.
submitted by Legitimate_Victory14 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 KraftyPants I did it

I did it Super swollen and it’s only day 2. I’m making a compilation of progress photos and videos. Can wait to see the end
submitted by KraftyPants to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 LupinX96 I love my man

I love my man submitted by LupinX96 to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 infamouscoma H: 4 stars. W: offers

H: 4 stars. W: offers submitted by infamouscoma to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Current_Ad910 Can we please have a "sell all" button???

We need a "sell all" button at vendors... its annoying AF having to first mark all as trash to be able to sell all items OR spam clicking through your entire inventory... y first mark as trash when i know beforehand it's trash??? like i'm gonna take a marker and write coca cola on my coca cola. i'm going for a reason to a vendor, to sell my inventory.
Does this mean the "mark for junk" option is useless? yes, yes it does. the "mark for favorite" is way more useful and i'd argue even mandatory (not really, but keep it). if there was an option to disable "mark for junk" but then a "sell all" button would appear at vendors, i'd use it insta.
so, because i'm considering every person that plays this game the best course of action would be to actually give players a toggle in settings to either use default vendoring: [✔mark for junk/❌sell all button] or custom vendoring: e.g. [❌mark for junk/✔sell all button]
TLDR: "sell all" button > "mark for junk" button.
submitted by Current_Ad910 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Potential_Deer_8295 will there be a harvard ii wave tmrw?

plz let me know so i can either take a break from the obsessive refreshing or live my day in peace
submitted by Potential_Deer_8295 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 ForkzUp U.S. Rep. Greg Stanton blasts Trump executive order he says could cost Arizona billions

U.S. Rep. Greg Stanton blasts Trump executive order he says could cost Arizona billions submitted by ForkzUp to azpolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Vivid-Ad7771 Trade creeps 050ba1ddf2f35a80e89deee67157b50e8d6b67abc5c2bd26635846fd1e699b9160

submitted by Vivid-Ad7771 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 BC_Arctic_Fox I'm needing healing vibes, please.

I'm struggling.
Physically, I'm fighting shingles. I gotta say, this is expanding my ability to handle pain.
I just moved December 15, leaving a toxic landlord/roommate environment; I thought that where I moved, I'd be able to stay long-period. Nope. A couple of weeks ago, I got to witness the twisting of my new landlord/roommate, indicating either unmedicated mental health issues or drug use. I must move again, and quickly. She's highly unstable.
This is not a coincidence - this is a pattern of me bringing dangerous people in close proximity, without recognizing any signs until way too late.
Me recognizing this pattern, and knowing that I must move AGAIN, is the stress that kicked shingles into action. So now I must move, but while recovering from shingles, maneuvering around a volcano roommate.
The housing crisis is not kind to lower incomes, like mine, hence my needing a roommate at my age.
I'm literally frustrated with my own body - it feels like it turned on me when I needed it the most. I'm strong, and resilient, but I'm getting fucking tired.
My thoughts have not been my friends - they pull and tug at me. They're refusing to flow through - they're trying to drown me.
I don't understand.
I do not know my lesson here. I cannot see it.
Please, anything you feel drawn to speak, please provide feedback. I don't even know who to talk to about this!
submitted by BC_Arctic_Fox to spirituality [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Good_Morning-Captain Some of you guys shifting blame from Josh ("she was a clout chaser", "she wanted it for publicity", "Based instigated it") need to seriously get a grip

Why does he have plot armour? Because there's always excuses.
Why do people let him off with the racist outbursts? Well, he learned those from Quinn. How can people have sympathy for him with all the bile he reserves for fast food workers or the homeless? Pfft, manipulated by Based to freak out, of course. How has he never been clocked one in the face? Because he's a gentle, autistic softboi who misses his mamma, so it would be cruel to hit back, even though he acts like a deranged crackhead.
He was forcing himself on that girl and she kept having to peel him off, we all saw it. I don't care if she plans to milk her appearance on that stream to promote OF; it's an irrelevant, negationist excuse to spin it on her as a way to ignore Josh's agency. Autism or no autism, he has an entitlement complex and has no literally concern for others, so he takes if he wants, and if now he wants to be sexually upfront to whatever girl Based drags on stream, he'll just get worse if people excuse shit like this. Remember how Chris Chan escalated.
submitted by Good_Morning-Captain to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Arlina_GD Notifications still appear blank after a while and actions on messages (mark as read and reply) appear in another language

The notifications (forum) in the mobile app continue to appear blank after I exit the application for a while and in the conversation notifications only the text appears and not the "reply", "mark as read" and "silence for one hour."
Now, in relation to those buttons I have to say that my phone is in Spanish so that is my first language. So I entered Discord, chatted with some friends, and when I logged out and got the notification for that conversation, the buttons appeared in English. I deleted the message a couple of times and they still appeared in English. The thing is that I also received WhatsApp messages and on these the buttons did appear in Spanish. I don't know if it's because the night before I restarted my cell phone (I turned it off and on) because it's already happened to me that I do that and for a while certain applications like Instagram and Face are momentarily in English until after a while they adjust to Spanish and I have to say that I had not joined Discord until a while ago.
submitted by Arlina_GD to discordapp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 NoEffortEva First day of my life (Mac Miller cover)

Does anyone know where I can find the og video/audio of Mac Miller covering first day of my life?
Would make my year 💜
submitted by NoEffortEva to MacMiller [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Forsaken-Revenue4360 Iron Maiden "Japan '81" 2xLP red / white splatter vinyl preorder!

submitted by Forsaken-Revenue4360 to ironmaiden [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 comfybonfire Kaakha Kaakha remains an excellent cop thriller today, with Suriya acting well in the role. The pacing stumbles at times but the tight writing shines through, with the story not afraid to kill main characters off at a moment’s notice. For GVM’s first movie in this genre, this is a fantastic attempt

submitted by comfybonfire to kollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Loud-Watercress131 O que é sentir atração sexual?

Sou M (20), já fiquei com mulheres há muito tempo, porém só foi beijo de festa. No entanto, existem algumas situações em que o corpo feminino me atrai. Eu tinha uma amiga que em algumas situações ela me dava um negócio bom, por exemplo: Teve uma vez que a gente estava em uma festa e ela estava com um decote que dava para ver o colo dos seios e ela estava dançando, olhando para mim, eu só consiga ficar olhando para o peito dela (é claro que eu evitei olhar por ser desrespeitoso), mas eu não consiga parar de olhar. Outro exemplo foi um clipe da "Tati Zaqui" (Água na Boca), o que mais me atraiu foi o corpo dela, eu ficava vidrada nela, principalmente a parte em que a câmera gravava a parte da calcinha dela de baixo para cima.
Desculpe se isso que estou falando parece ser errado mas eu quero entender se em situações como essas é atração sexual ou é algo normal que por exemplo, uma mulher HT, também passa e sente.
submitted by Loud-Watercress131 to BissexualidadeBr [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 esoJ_naS Also I really don't get the Trump glazing. I can understand why you may view his reelection as a win, but he certainly ain't a libertarian, and supports a lot of stuff that goes against the idea of libertarianism.

Also I really don't get the Trump glazing. I can understand why you may view his reelection as a win, but he certainly ain't a libertarian, and supports a lot of stuff that goes against the idea of libertarianism. submitted by esoJ_naS to libertarianmeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 bunnylake21 Health Insurance Fraud?

Amidst all the chaos with the recent hacking, I recently signed up for the temporary Health Source RI option through the BCBS Vantage plan. I received email approval and an effective coverage start date of 2/1.
But today I received a welcome letter in the mail from United Healthcare which included a membership card with my name on it and a PCP, also with an effective start date of 2/1. I have never once visited the United Healthcare website, and I definitely have not applied for coverage with them. Before all this mess, I had filled out an application on Health Source RI, but I never actually chose a plan - and honestly I don't remember United Health Care even being an option on there? But I could be wrong.
I'm planning to make some calls tomorrow during service hours but I'm kind of alarmed at the moment, and also wanted to alert the community. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a logical explanation or does this sound like straight up fraud?
submitted by bunnylake21 to RhodeIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Safe_Message2268 Merge Labs- Tiled [Special introductory low price! 25¢! Until 01/30] **link in comments**

Merge Labs- Tiled [Special introductory low price! 25¢! Until 01/30] **link in comments** submitted by Safe_Message2268 to SamsungWatchFace [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 ShiraoriStan I wanted to draw them in mythology AU \⁠(⁠ϋ⁠)⁠/⁠♩

I wanted to draw them in mythology AU \⁠(⁠ϋ⁠)⁠/⁠♩ submitted by ShiraoriStan to yumejoshi [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Daeodude (OC) Digimon Bookmark Design

(OC) Digimon Bookmark Design First image is the full design
submitted by Daeodude to digimon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Ok-Lock-6886 Quien me hace rol? (Soy chica )

submitted by Ok-Lock-6886 to Latino_roleplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:23 Teo8642 Dr. Hipokrit ali kako sem vzljubil trole

Ko nekdo tu napiše "Trst je naš!" dobi pluse.
Ko tu napišem "Slovenija uber alles" dobim pluse.
Ko Elon stegne roko vsi skočijo v zrak zaradi nacizma.
submitted by Teo8642 to Slovenia [link] [comments]