Why does anyone like "when boys were girls"?

2025.01.23 03:33 Luke1036 Why does anyone like "when boys were girls"?

Its always been my least favorite episode, the premise is insulting and just makes no sense. Lois thinking about what daughters would have been like? interesting concept I guess, but her just zoning out at random moments and creating a fantasy is lazy and can't create any real growth.
How does just thinking about it make her happy when she's immediately going to return to reality? Why is she so naive as to think girls are easy when if anything she's feuded with more women than men (and girls, remember Jessica?) Why does her own fantasy randomly turn on her?
Then theres the boring hal B plot that may as well be a wiley coyete cartoon, the conflict with the boys was decent, but reece always carries the show so that's no surprise
It would have been better to have the girls been real characters, maybe their mother who's also pregnant agrees to swap for a day so we get a B plot that's actually related to the theme of the story
submitted by Luke1036 to malcolminthemiddle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 kfresh28 McDonald's alternative to Prismatic

McDonald's alternative to Prismatic I'm one of the many unfortunate people unable to get their hands on any Prismatic Evolution. So decided to scratch the itch by picking up some Happy Meals. I'm Lovin it!!
Big kid buying Happy Meals is probably the most nostalgia thing I've done in a long while. The art and packaging is a lot of fun. What do you guys all think?
submitted by kfresh28 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Kai_728 2 plat ticket will get what

2 plat ticket will get what should I spend my 2 plat tickets here or there's something I can do better?
submitted by Kai_728 to BattleCatsCheats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Nervous-Day-4486 Half way there

Half way there submitted by Nervous-Day-4486 to LongMaleToeNails [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 looloo600 Toner help?

Toner help? What would be a good toner or toner combinations to combat this yellowness in the hair around my face? I like the tone in the second picture where I’m pointing but the rest has a bit of yellow to it. Thank you!
submitted by looloo600 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 XYZelite ESPN Posted About an NFL Player Maxing His Account

ESPN Posted About an NFL Player Maxing His Account Was not expecting to see a post about Oldschool RuneScape from ESPN and Sportscenter today.
submitted by XYZelite to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 carlanpsg Trump Won!

Trump Won! submitted by carlanpsg to cringepics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 CockroachParking2005 How’s everyone team looking

TOTYs were a game changer for me
submitted by CockroachParking2005 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 woah2jznoshit 35M from Indiana Looking for a Friend to Chat and Connect With!

Hey there! Bare with me, there’s a lot, but I’m looking for someone to connect with, maybe chat daily, and get to know each other better. Here’s a little about me:

I’m pretty terrible at making friends, though. People always seem to ghost after talking for a short time, and I never quite get why. I’m all for deep conversations when they happen, but I also get busy with work and life sometimes, so don’t be mad if I don’t respond immediately. If you’re down to chat and see where things go, hit me up!
submitted by woah2jznoshit to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Exotic-Writing-6557 Before I could drink, I had to find the rum.

I could say… “Why is the rum gone?”
submitted by Exotic-Writing-6557 to drunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Sand_Academic AI Slop

AI Slop submitted by Sand_Academic to undergroundhiphop [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Bliss-Smith [Poem] Catastrophe Is Next to Godliness by Franny Choi

Lord, I confess I want the clarity of catastrophe but not the catastrophe.
Like everyone else, I want a storm I can dance in.
I want an excuse to change my life.
The day A. died, the sun was brighter than any sun.
I answered the phone, and a channel opened
between my stupid head and heaven, or what was left of it. The blankness
stared back; and I made sound after sound with my blood-wet gullet.
O unsayable—O tender and divine unsayable, I knew you then:
you line straight to the planet’s calamitous core; you moment moment moment;
you intimate abyss I called sister for a good reason.
When the Bad Thing happened, I saw every blade.
And every year I find out what they’ve done to us, I shed another skin.
I get closer to open air; true north.
Lord, if I say Bless the cold water you throw on my face,
does that make me a costume party. Am I greedy for comfort
if I ask you not to kill my friends; if I beg you to press
your heel against my throat—not enough to ruin me,
but just so—just so I can almost see your face—
submitted by Bliss-Smith to Poetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Entire_Mastodon7575 Got My First ever credit score as a 20year old

Got My First ever credit score as a 20year old Suggest some CCs and some tips.
submitted by Entire_Mastodon7575 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 New-Advertising-4209 Com2us, Take notes

Com2us, Take notes Ritsu buff idea is so smart
submitted by New-Advertising-4209 to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Only-Language351 Long-Term Xbox Online Dynasty (Year 4, Week 5) - Need 2 more Users!

Looking to fill out our long-term league with 2 more active users, currently on week 5‼️ Fun conference realignment every season to switch up comp and keep it all even. 6 min quarters, heisman difficulty, 4th down rules, 48-hour sim. Chill active league - If you're interested, PM and I'll give you the join code! We're on year 4 and more to come 🏈
Note: Some of the teams below are no longer in power conferences, so if you want them, you'd have to brave a mainly-cpu schedule until the next realignment in the offseason. PM me the team(s) you're interested in, and I'll let you know! This is a long-term league, so even if your team doesn't have many user games now, you will have much more next season.
Notable Teams with OVR, # of user games left this season, and current record:

Note: More teams than just this are available. Lmk who you're interested in and I'll give you the info!
submitted by Only-Language351 to CFB25 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 FishPerson14 PhotoPass sharing

Me and my friends are linked In the app I can see their pictures. If one of us buys PhotoPass (memory Maker?) do we all see the pictures without the watermark. We are trying to split the cast discount 99 one
submitted by FishPerson14 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Eastern-Commission23 Skibidi Reze

Skibidi Reze https://x.com/lafertealanis/status/1878960906140602758?s=46&t=bpfj8OM8Hu3y251wzBoYwA
submitted by Eastern-Commission23 to RezeCult [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Edenowo [Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony] Shirogane looks concerned

[Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony] Shirogane looks concerned submitted by Edenowo to explainthisscreen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Fine_Mycologist_7094 What is your favorite dessert?

submitted by Fine_Mycologist_7094 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Informal-Fish5894 Is this a cultural thing, or am I right about my suspicions? Confused about my South Indian boyfriend’s sexuality (31F Latina, 31M South Indian)

Hey everyone,
I’m really confused and need some advice. I’ve been in a relationship with my South Indian boyfriend for 3 years now. At first, everything seemed great—we met in Dubai, and he was very attentive and supportive, which felt amazing since I’m Latina, and I hadn’t experienced that level of care before. But over time, I started noticing a few things that seemed off and now I’m left questioning whether there’s something more to it.
Here’s a list of the red flags that have been building up: 1. Lack of sexual initiative: In our entire relationship, he rarely initiated sex. I was always the one guiding things, which felt exhausting over time. 2. Sexual dysfunction: He often struggled to maintain an erection and could only finish in specific positions—either with me giving him oral sex or in doggy style. It made intimacy frustrating for me. 3. Repeated excuses for sexual issues: He kept blaming his erectile dysfunction on stress, low libido, and cultural differences. He always stated he didn’t have a girlfriend before and very less sexual experiences. 4. Unusual behavior with his friends: His closeness with his male friends, his childhood friends or colleagues was always uncomfortable for me, but I tried to be understanding since I knew about the cultural stuff. 5. Lying about whereabouts: There were multiple instances where he lied about where he was. 6. Porn addiction: He confessed to being a porn addict, which raised more concerns about his sexual behavior and needs. 7. Suspicious photos: I never checked his phone but once he showed me his gallery and while scrolling to his gallery there was a pic he said it was two of his friends waking up together hugging in the morning and that was fun for the rest of them so they took pic to make fun of them. And another photo of a guy wearing pink shorts. Which he explained he was making fun of him. 8. Withdrawn affection: Over time, he became very emotionally and sexually withdrawn. He rarely expressed physical affection or sexual desire, and I started feeling like I was just a “roommate” instead of his partner. 9. Friends constantly around: His friends, especially his new business partner, were always with him. On weekends, it was common for multiple friends to be at his place, and I felt like I was never prioritized. 10. Avoiding deeper conversations: Whenever I tried to address these issues, he would shut them down by attributing everything to cultural differences, his health issues and porn addiction. 11. Confusion about past relationships: He mentioned that he had similar issues with his ex-girlfriend but didn’t provide many details. I don’t know if that relationship was just as distant or if he’s not being open about his past. 12. Unwillingness to share personal details: He was always secretive about his phone and interactions with friends, which made it difficult for me to trust him. 13. Sexual reluctance and emotional distancing: As time went on, he distanced himself more emotionally and sexually. He wouldn’t acknowledge the lack of intimacy between us, and I had to keep bringing my frustration often without seeing change.
We were both really into the gym and heavy lifting when we met, and he was athletic when we first started dating, but he later revealed he had once struggled with being overweight. Unfortunately, during the last year of our relationship he gained a lot of weight due to financial and personal struggles, plus he never wanted sex and we both stopped going out and working out.
However, these issues have made me question a lot about the relationship, especially considering his secretive behavior and lack of honesty. My gut is telling me that something might be off with his sexuality, but I’m not sure if it’s me overthinking things or if this is truly a cultural difference.
I’m really stuck—could this be a cultural thing, or am I right about my suspicions regarding his sexuality? I’m feeling confused and need some clarity. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Informal-Fish5894 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Worried-Risk-5886 Don't look at me like that :⁠-⁠(

Don't look at me like that :⁠-⁠( submitted by Worried-Risk-5886 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Educational_Bread_ Large pipe leading into ground leaking

Large pipe leading into ground leaking How painful is this fix going to be? Renting from a slumlord and I’m sure it’ll be weeks before it gets repaired, can I do it myself?
submitted by Educational_Bread_ to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 TypicalFlight8311 Never thought I would post this but how do I keep my cat out of my turntable?

Never thought I would post this but how do I keep my cat out of my turntable? Before this ends up in vinyljerk, is there any way so this doesn't happen? It happened before but not on my turntable but on my keyboard, any help would be appreciated.
submitted by TypicalFlight8311 to turntables [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 ilArmato Ludwig reveals streaming revenue - $58000 in the past two weeks alone

Ludwig reveals streaming revenue - $58000 in the past two weeks alone submitted by ilArmato to youtube [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:33 Aggressive_Video_586 Mornings

I had lasik about 7 months ago. I had several problems after it such as halos, light sensitivity. I went to a super good doctor and he put punctual plugs into my eyes, which helped a LOT with my night vision and even my whole vision is more clear now. I still have few painful nights, after a long day and light sensitivity its bad during the day, additionally I live in Dubai, so super strong sun light everyday. My main problem, after waking up, at morning my eyes look like the same as the picture (I took this morning) There is no pain, only redness. The doctor only give me more and more eyedrops. What I can do to help? Anyone any experience like this?
submitted by Aggressive_Video_586 to Dryeyes [link] [comments]
