original dazz camera

2025.01.23 05:03 Defiant_Crab_4715 original dazz camera

original dazz camera submitted by Defiant_Crab_4715 to DazzCam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 WAYOFTHEKNIGHTT Invisible Woman Auto Lock On

One quick question: Does The Invisible Woman have a lock on feature with her primary attack like Cloak & Dagger’s dagger attack?
submitted by WAYOFTHEKNIGHTT to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 Cyborg_XXI Is there a chance that I might get a refusal

I completed a program on switzerland but i still didn't receive my degree due to uncompleted accomodation payment, and I got accepted to a fully funded scholarship program from my country in UNSW, is there a chance that my visa gets rejected? I didn't apply for it yet but im going to very soon
submitted by Cyborg_XXI to AusVisa [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 DreamyAva He's cute, right?

He's cute, right? submitted by DreamyAva to VoidCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 AgentZeroFREEME Tired of losing? Joined a week ago and I am up over $1500+ PROFIT 🔥 DM/Comment For the CHEAP MEMBERSHIP

Tired of losing? Joined a week ago and I am up over $1500+ PROFIT 🔥 DM/Comment For the CHEAP MEMBERSHIP submitted by AgentZeroFREEME to PrizePicksDaily [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 el_turco Angling Toward Armageddon

submitted by el_turco to TurkishGeopolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 EmbarrassedFinger477 Drew sasaki kojiro

Hope you'll like it😀😃😄😁)
submitted by EmbarrassedFinger477 to vagabondmanga [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 Individualfromtheusa Low wages, by the cent

Went to corporate state I don’t know if this might have any effect, also no workers rights at all. Why is it so low? Buildings are raking in thousands and the workers are paid by the penny.
submitted by Individualfromtheusa to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 itinsightsNL SK Hynix-aandelen kelderen: Waarom investeerders niet onder de indruk zijn

Yo, hebben jullie gehoord over SK Hynix? Ondanks een recordkwartaalwinst zijn hun aandelen met 4.7% gedaald. Het lijkt erop dat beleggers meer verwacht hadden, vooral met de groeiende vraag naar AI-geheugenchips. Wat denken jullie, hebben ze de plank misgeslagen met hun bescheiden investeringsplannen? Of is er iets anders aan de hand? Deel je mening en laten we het erover hebben! #SKHynix #Investeren #Aandelen
submitted by itinsightsNL to ITInsightsNL [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 ricky_malone this game would be great if it weren't for the servers

i could do literally anything and i would be endlessly teleported back to the same corner where the same iron fist continues to beat me up. until they get actually decent servers i'm dropping the game.
submitted by ricky_malone to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 whitebattlehawk Do I pursue a career with my degree or start my own business?

For some background, I worked the trades (roofing) for 4 years out of high school then decided to get a degree in the environmental science field. Got a job in the field, paid shit, hated the work and eventually quit after a year and went back roofing while looking for other work in the field.
Fast forward to the present, I made 4x more money roofing in the 6 months of being in between jobs than I did for an entire year at my previous environmental job.
My wife and I were able to pay off all our debts and go on a month long trip to Europe because of my roofing job. While roofing isn’t my Favourite thing to do I feel like I can make a lot more income doing that but not sustainable for more than 10 years (as I’ll get old and frail). That being said, I’m fresh out my degree (less than two years since graduation) and these are the years I should be gaining experience for a nice cushy office job in the future. I feel like I’m wasting these years in roofing when I should be grinding in the environmental field to set myself up nicely for the future.
What should I do?
submitted by whitebattlehawk to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 aryvixen [Repost] [Academic] Exploring Pet Ownership and Personality Traits: Survey for Male Dog and/or Cat Owners (18 yrs or over)

I am an AP Research student conducting a study to explore potential patterns between male pet ownership and specific personality traits. My research investigates whether certain characteristics are associated with owning dogs, cats, or both.
If you identify as male, are at least 18 years old, and own a dog, a cat, or both, I would greatly appreciate your participation in my survey.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain completely anonymous and will only be used for academic purposes.
Thank you so much for your time and contribution—it means a lot to me!
submitted by aryvixen to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 Routine_Comparison79 Session if my mom makes your cock hard, trust me (I have more pics of her plus audio of her moaning during sex) 054c1f08f85c93c502136b15390e139b3d326fd38cf80ef8b70571bb20b5dd5224

Session if my mom makes your cock hard, trust me (I have more pics of her plus audio of her moaning during sex) 054c1f08f85c93c502136b15390e139b3d326fd38cf80ef8b70571bb20b5dd5224 submitted by Routine_Comparison79 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 ava_dirnt fat but smol

submitted by ava_dirnt to IllegallySmolCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 ConstipatedFarmer Defense Deoxys need one more 856206440049

submitted by ConstipatedFarmer to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 GTSBot [GTS] We’re now getting to a point where even the fucking 1960s have more equal rights.

[GTS] We’re now getting to a point where even the fucking 1960s have more equal rights. submitted by GTSBot to guessthesubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 melty_lampworker #1 SOOC, #2 Edited (not final, explained below)

submitted by melty_lampworker to OMSystem [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 Personal-Crab-2667 Not feeling happy about acceptance

Hi everyone, I got into USC for MS aerospace engineering. However, I’m not feeling that happy about it because I see everywhere that MS at USC is not really worth it. While there is a lot I believe I would like about the school, I just feel like the program is scammy. I can go to my state school which is pretty good in the field with TA/RA funds, but idk. I want to be ambitious but I don’t want to be stupid.
submitted by Personal-Crab-2667 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 Jessie_brawlstars Why am I getting platinum's and gold's when im peak b3? (suggestions on how to improve?)

I've lost so many games due to just me being stupid, and getting one tapped because im not good at shooters. Most of my friends have played since they were 5, i started two years ago, at 13 because my parents wouldn't let me. maybe that isnt the reason i suck, i mean idk. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/MIRKAP%237878/overview this is my account. I know i suck, roast me lol. But back to my question, I just lost like 7/8 games because I sucked and I don't coordinate well. I dont know, do yall have any suggestions? Ill play more if that really is the issue, tdm, anything. Or like any suggestions on agents to play? Because really I kind of dont like playing duelists, mostly because everyone in bronze lobbies insta locks reyna, jett, neon, or pheonix. atleast one person on my team each time lol. Oh yeah, and why am i getting such hard players when im solo q'ing and not really going top frag ever? I usually sweep the floor. thanks!
submitted by Jessie_brawlstars to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 druetschsa Krank mit Grippe - wie Betreuung des gesunden Kindes managen

Hallo, mein Mann hat seit 2 Tagen Fieber, Gliederschmerzen, extreme Erschöpfung und Husten. Seit gestern wissen wir durch einen Test, dass es die echte Grippe Typ A ist. Er war auch beim Arzt und ist krankgeschrieben. Seit heute Nacht geht es mir auch ganz schlecht. Ich bin zwar geimpft, jedoch dennoch Gliederschmerzen, Halsweh, Husten der stark in der Lunge schmerzt, kurz gesagt uns geht’s beschissen. Aber das eigentliche Problem ist, dass ich nicht weiß, wie wir die Betreuung unseres 21 Monate alten Kind richtig managen. Wir haben den großen Vorteil, dass die Großeltern nur 10 min entfernt wohnen und ihn oft sehen. Gestern haben sie ihn wie sonst auch von der Kita abgeholt und bereut während ich im Büro arbeiten war. Er geht gern zu ihnen und fühlt sich dort wohl. Er hat auch schon mehrmals alleine dort geschlafen. Dennoch bin ich, die Mama, natürlich seine Hauptbezugsperson und er braucht mich. Gestern haben wir spontan aus der Situation entschieden, dass er dort übernachtet. Naja, jetzt wo ich scheinbar auch die echte Geippe habe die Frage: soll unser Kind lieber die nächsten Tage bei den Großeltern bleiben, bis wir über den Berg sind. Er soll sich ja auf keinen Fall anstecken, für Kleinkinder ist die Grippe ja gefährlich und alle drei daheim krank ist auch eine extreme Belastung. Ihn aber nicht zu sehen ist aber ja auch verrückt, mehr als 1 Tag war er noch nie von mir getrennt. Ich weiß nicht was das richtige ist. Ich will ihn schützen und mich auskurieren, aber dennoch will ich ihn sehen und wie er das finden würde bzw. überhaupt mitmachen, weiß ich auch nicht. Habt ihr einen Rat ?
submitted by druetschsa to Eltern [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 nabiinabiinabii (NSFW- sick baby white tree frog) Worried about this frog :(

**Photo attached is the frog. My hands are clean, and i removed most of the hide stuff from the tank before taking this photo.
For context, my parents got me 2 WTFs for my birthday. I was fully equipped for them and knew what I was getting into. They have a tall tank, temps stay between 67-74 degrees F (i have a thermostat in the tank and a heat ceramic bulb) hides, spaces to climb, and humidity stays between 50-65 consistently. I change their water daily, they get crickets dusted with calcium power without d3 (they have adequate UVB) and fresh water every day.
The issue: they got them from pet smart. Ive always heard of horror stories from pet smart. But my parents were so lovely getting the frogs for me, and they even bought their current tank and stuff required to start (i upgraded a lot of it). I had been talking about getting WTFs for a bit anyways. And when they got me the frogs I was so estatic.
One of the frogs passed away a few days ago, I've had them for about 2 weeks. Pet smart refunded the frog, so unfortunately I have one just hanging out in the tank by itself. But this one has been acting odd since the other one passed. It wont eat, and today I found it trying to wedge itself between the water bowl and the glass side of the tank. It was very dark in color. But the one that passed away unfortunately was in the water bowl (shallow, no chance of drowning.) And the other one was sitting in the water bowl when it passed and wouldn't move until I extracted the dead frog and moved the other frog (with clean hands) Is this my fault? Am I doing something wrong? This marks day 22 of having this frog. Is it a pet smart issue? I feel like this is all my fault somehow and I'm so worried.
Thank you guys so much, I hope you all have a great day. Ps: i noticed the odd coloring on this frog's back and it concerned me.
submitted by nabiinabiinabii to frogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 Automatic-Week3806 What does this mean? What do i wear?

I'm a teen and ive modeled before and tomorrow I have a casting and the the dress code is "Business casual attire (dress to impress)" but I don't know what it means please someone help
submitted by Automatic-Week3806 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 CantDoThatToNathan her promise needs to be kept

submitted by CantDoThatToNathan to chicken_tornado [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 Opposite-Locksmith19 NVGO Graphical Glitch

I’m using the Next Generation Visual Overhaul mod list, and I’m getting this weird graphics glitch where parts of the characters are invisible. Any idea why or suggestions to fix? This is the mod list from wabbajack without any changes to the list. I can dm a photo of the issue. PC specs CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x; GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060TI.
submitted by Opposite-Locksmith19 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:03 elsabannister HELP - Looking for a lens recommendation for a present for a cannon lover

So I know almost nothing about cameras and my husband has a canon eos m mark ii. I was thinking for his birthday that I'd like him to get a lens that creates the 0.5/0.6 effect that you get on a smartphone. I'm aware you can get lenses made for mirrorless or use an adaptor for the SLR lenses - I suppose ideally I'd be going for one that fit the mirrorless but would also be interested in hearing about the SLR ones.
Also if anyone has any options on the "cheap" ie. under $1000 I'd be interested in that as he'd probably be horrified if I dropped multiple thousands on a birthday present for him (but I do love him a lot so expensive options are, of course, welcome).
Anyway, thanks in advance!
submitted by elsabannister to canon [link] [comments]
