2025.01.23 05:47 philippinestar DEATH PENALTY FOR CORRUPT OFFICIALS?
submitted by philippinestar to newsPH [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 QuickRundown Say “bye bye” Twitter!
submitted by QuickRundown to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 Narrow-Ad6201 so i had a dream. only i felt like it wasnt a dream.
so i had a dream. but instead of a dream it was more of a feeling. that happened in a split second. a realization. usually with dreams there's a visual element to them in the minds eye. but this all happened in a split moment it felt like. no attached visual element, no conscious deeper underlying thought.
so it was something like the realization that forgetting your loved ones for the last time as you get old and die is the last time they exist on this planet. the last time someone might know them. might feel love for them. maybe you leave some friends and family behind memories of these beings themselves if you're lucky but all your animals, your parents and grandparents. all the people you knew as your younger self this could very likely be the last of them slipping away from this world.
but this feeling felt like it came from more than me it felt like the collective unconscious reaching out as i pierced the veil with this realization. as if it was a tragedy that has played out for eons since life could self identify on this planet. since social connection had evolved to become a thing. and then we all screamed out in agony together.
submitted by Narrow-Ad6201 to Dreams [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 flower-knower Ink for EF enjoyment?
I'm new to fountain pens; my first is a Pilot Kakuno EF which I love so much. I went with EF because I write pretty small and at first I was mostly using it in my passport TN. I've only had the Black ink cartridge in it, but I want to go with something softer in appearance so it doesn't look as stark on the page. I really like the effect of shading, but I'm aware an EF nib is not going to provide that experience. Don't know how I feel about sheening, I feel like it's something I'd have to experience to know if I enjoy it. Anyway. What inks might you recommend that look nice with an EF nib?
For reference, I have and enjoy some of the Sarasa Vintage gel pens (my favorites are the camel yellow, purple bordeaux, and dark gray). I'm definitely looking in earth tones, browns, and grays. I want something somewhat neutral that I can use in my planner but still enjoyable to look at. I'm also considering getting another Kakuno so that I can switch between one neutral color and one more interesting color.
Ps. If I'm incorrect about anything I've said here, or if you have suggestions that aren't related to inks, I'm happy to hear that too. Thanks in advance.
submitted by flower-knower to fountainpens [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 Affectionate-Ad-8746 转眼间已经快是某永不沦陷堡垒的三周年忌日了
注册红迪就是来冲浪的,看注册时间大概还是贵物神友会时期,顺着某位热心吧友的指引找到了红迪和tg的据点,21年初成果tv后搬家间隔越来越短,且大小号加上买的几个号全永封后放弃了贴吧基本在墙外玩,直到听说贴吧又有了稳定新家才下回来。 时过境迁墙内外流浪情况反而反转了,虽然艳红一如既往地死妈但基本不再赶尽杀绝,倒是红迪超管和杜狗开始犯病一而再再而三的炸
submitted by Affectionate-Ad-8746 to abstractmemes [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 reanthedean PSA: there’s a guy DMing people about n this sub spoiling kiseki games for fun
Made a post earlier. Guy messages me asking if I’m enjoying the games and which ones I haven’t played yet.
I tell him I haven’t played daybreak or reverie and he proceeded to dm me blatant spoilers. Please don’t chat with random people on this sub if you don’t want spoilers
submitted by reanthedean to Falcom [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 LegitimateOutcome634 Honeynut Cheerios issue
I used to be able to eat this cereal anytime with no issues. Now all of a sudden if I eat even one bowl I wake up in the middle of the night or sooner to running to the bathroom. I personally don't have gluten or sugar issues but something has changed with Cheerios. Today I opened a new box and had it for dinner. By 12:30 I was having to run to the restroom. Sorry Cheerios we must part ways until the issue is found.
submitted by LegitimateOutcome634 to glutenfree [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 Familiar-Lie1832 Me: Smiling, nodding, and hoping u don't ask me to repeat It.
submitted by Familiar-Lie1832 to SpongebobMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 Party-Growth-6236 Asking out my optometrist - please help!
I have a huge crush on my optometrist, I have an condition with a eye which she’s curing, and it requires multiple visits to get the lens correctly made, I’ve been going for about 4 months, twice a month now.
I never told her anything about my personal life, eg, work, but she researched me and found out I was self employed and mentions it quite a bit, which got me intrigued she may be interested too. She often mentions stuff about my personal life, which you could only find out about researching,
The question is, I really want to ask her out on a date, do I do it in person or via email?
I still have 2-3 more visits left, and don’t want to make it awkward for her as well.
P.S, this is the first time ever I’ll have the courage to ask someone out!
I really don’t want to let this opportunity pass, I’ve always wanted to chase everything I wanted in life, so far!!
All advice will be helpful!
submitted by Party-Growth-6236 to auckland [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 cpb10 Marvin Mims for Jonathon Brooks
1QB Full PPR. Who would you rather have
submitted by cpb10 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 BeginningAct417 slightly annoyed contender great tiger
submitted by BeginningAct417 to punchout [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 Busy_Perception_4075 Help Washing Marks off
In the current lighting the white marks don’t seem that visible, but they’re quite visible to the eye in person. I’m not sure how I would remove them. Will using a technical detergent in the wash help wash it off? The jacket is just the regular beta submitted by Busy_Perception_4075 to arcteryx [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 GodEmperorToast Very new to digital art but this is the only thing that ive made that i dont hate
If anyone has some beginner friendly tips on where to start improving please feel free to share. submitted by GodEmperorToast to ProCreate [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 Zaaubermausss DSGVO Konformer Server
Ich trete in einem Monat aus einer Struktur aus und muss mich bezüglich der personenbezogenen Daten und Dokumente meiner Kunden jetzt um einen Server kümmern. Habt ihr hierfür Empfehlungen? Ich habe gelesen dass OneDrive nicht dsgvo konform ist. Günstige Alternativen?
submitted by Zaaubermausss to selbststaendig [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 ilustwomen Neeru Bajwa
submitted by ilustwomen to MILFsOfBollywood [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 RaguSpidersauce The Cronin Effect
https://preview.redd.it/cwa43e93moee1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=265e6ef7ff5e879544062d1d18814f087cbd6275 submitted by RaguSpidersauce to AnaheimDucks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 RipEmbarrassed1828 Just wanted to know what level is my art on? (also i am not specifiing on any specifc name beacase i don't know the levels sooo)
so like i knoe i need to work on background just been lazy to do so and shading and coloring but is there anything already there I can improve? I'm open to any advice. and srry if its at a weird angle this was taken on a Chromebook and btw I'm just beginning highschool so I don't have that many years of art as I started when was like 10. also is throwing away like art you think is bad and I like keep the good ones like I don't think that's healthy is it? because I feel like whenever I look at the old ones I don't wanna do art if I'm bad at it. https://preview.redd.it/m23xyrwwloee1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc01292356bb8f9e0a711ff51047a3cdafbadec https://preview.redd.it/hpeyzsjxloee1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb44160b12d01a84f2c3e4352dcceecfdb36aa7 https://preview.redd.it/gfwvtw8yloee1.jpg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653c31164290862efb0e5248f0dd7b8bc5fa87b2 know submitted by RipEmbarrassed1828 to BeginnerArtists [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 BeerSasquatch K98 unknown bolt
I have had this k98 for a few years, it is all matching and in original military configuration..except for the bolt. So far I have not been able to identify this stamping, or why the bolt handle is bent the way it is(half sporterized, or from a Mauser I am unfamiliar with?). Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
submitted by BeerSasquatch to Milsurps [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 Col_Flag Never fails, I tell him how I feel and he argues about it.
We had been having a good discussion about sex and libido issues (getting somewhat better) and talked about how my need for connection is before sex and his from having sex. How I need to feel romance, safe, and loved by him (not just my body) to be able to open up and fully enjoy myself.
I told him tonight that I’ve been researching data night ideas because I want to do more than stuff our faces and rush home. I feel like we need to work on our connection because I’m not feeling it from him. He kept walking away while I was talking and I kept having to call him back, hey I’m not done. You could tell it wasn’t a priority or interest to him.
I told him I feel like we need to course correct before we grow more apart because that road doesn’t lead to anything good.
I feel taken for granted like he assumes I’ll always be here and that he doesn’t need to work on anything. I told him I can’t do it by myself.
He said things were better since Christmas & new years. I said yes, since he had got back on his testosterone it was better. (Just because he stopped treating me so bad, does not mean I’m suddenly super happy with him.) I deserve better than that. He didn’t take accountability or apologize.
He got mad because he felt like we were great and now he’s got the rug pulled out from under him again, and he didn’t want to have that conversation right then.
I told him that’s fine. It’s an ongoing conversation and we don’t need to fix it right that exact minute. But I wanted him to hear me and get a feel for where I’m at and that we need to work on it.
He again said he didn’t want to talk about it right then but added because he had a different take on it and if he said what he was thinking I would get mad and we’d end up in a screaming match.
I said that doesn’t even make sense because unless he’s talking about blame what’s there to get mad about? I said his language sounds defensive and like he’s trying to turn it back on me. I just need him to hear and understand that I need something different from him. There is nothing to fight about in that statement unless he is going down that road.
He never said what he was supposedly thinking that would get me so upset. I feel like that was more of a threat to nuke or shut down the conversation.
Can’t take any criticism or accept responsibility for his actions or lack thereof. Tried to argue about my feelings and needs rather than validating and attempting to make changes. Tries to turn it around and tick me off so I’m the bad guy.
Basically I’m trying to get across to him that my needs aren’t being met and that I need him to work on it. Seems like he’s refusing delivery of that message and is telling me as far as he is concerned everything is great. That’s because everything is all about him and he’s good with that.
Then he wanted me to come talk to him while he’s in the shower, not about this, but something else. Again it’s about him & his needs. He couldn’t understand why I was frustrated and didn’t go in there. He chewed on me because I didn’t but denied that he was mad or upset. I told him I needed space because I was frustrated/aggravated and I didn’t want to say something that would make it worse right before bed. He kept trying to say that I was “upset” or “mad” and that he was calm as could be and I should have went in there and talked to him while he was in the shower. He kept going on & on and trying to reframe everything from the beginning of the conversation. I just said Ok about 50 times. He said I didn’t want to drop it. (He’s the one that kept going on while I was saying ok!) I was over this conversation at this point.
Finally he said let’s talk about it Saturday when we have more time and we can go try out that bed in a nearby town to see if we want to buy it. (That’s not what I meant about date night and he’s acting like he’s throwing me a bone. 🙄)
submitted by Col_Flag to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 ml_myoozik YYC Cheese Wheel Pasta
Hi all! Looking for a place that has cheese wheel pasta, all the posts I’ve seen about ones in Calgary are pretty old posts (from 2023) and mention Flores and Pine or Ferraro truly italian (in Airdrie) Could anyone confirm if either of these still do cheese wheel pasta or recommend a restaurant to me? Thanks!
submitted by ml_myoozik to Calgary [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 RishaRea48 Shiho, you're next..😆
They already met on White Day event so there's a possibility for them to have an event on the future..
submitted by RishaRea48 to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 orangeyousleepy Was Jj actually blinded?
Was whatever they replaced his eyedrops with actually meant to blind him permanently or obstruct his sight for a bit
submitted by orangeyousleepy to theglory [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 Unfair_Jellyfish6958 So close!!! 😕
submitted by Unfair_Jellyfish6958 to PrizePicks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:47 Ok_Comment2027 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Ok_Comment2027 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:47 oMcAnNoM8 PvZ
I dunno about everybody else. But always been terrible at PvZ. My MMR sits around 3.8-4k. Even tho, protoss late game is now amazing in PvZ, I still open forge or gateway into reactive forge and try and cannon rush my ass off or gas first into some timing attack, one or two oracles or one and a voidray into charge lot or immortal sentry, I know it's "bad" but I like playing aggressive and killing my opponent. Is this the wrong attitude? Also whenever I occasionally decide to macro, I will die to cheese literally every single time or some all in. Zerg cheese verse cannon rush or protoss cheese actually creates some really fun games, so all the Zerg bro's who hate late game, I got you!
submitted by oMcAnNoM8 to starcraft2 [link] [comments]