知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 1、学完并通过所有五个课程,并通过最后的一场线下综合性考试,并不能保证你被mit录取(这是当然),但这可以作为mit决定是否录取你的一个参考。而且,教授说了,就目前的情况,可能得每门课拿90分以上,这个参考才有一定的价值。 mit招生办也将在12月24日至1月3日放假,期间将不再回复申请人消息。 文中提到,考虑到新冠疫情的影响,一方面必须给申请者更多的时间来处理问题。 另一方面文中透露在过去的几周里招生办的工作人员已经连续加班审查申请者的资料,忙的晕头转向, 不知道 ... MIT EECS博士每年录取非常非常少,基本上是PhD申请的套路(科研,强推荐信等)。冷门一点的子方向会好申请,热门的例如AI之类几乎都是国内Top2或者北美CS四大(Stanford, CMU, Berkeley, MIT)本科生中的佼佼者。 “MIT License MIT是和BSD一样宽松的 许可协议 ,作者只想保留版权,而无任何其他了限制.也就是说,你必须在你的发行版里包含原许可协议的声明,无论你是以二进制发布的还是以 源代码 发布的。 2025年一月台式机电脑diy配置推荐(这篇文章每月都会更新,可以收藏) 本文内配置单无任何利益相关,配置推荐以性价比为主,每月月初会及时更新,希望大家可以点赞支持一下哈~纯为爱发电,大家的支持就是我的动力。 本文由AdmitWrite留学平台入驻导师 MIT 闫学姐 提供 (注:导师学历已通过平台审核,真实可查) 前言 现在很多同学都会选择在本科毕业之后申请到美国读硕士项目,而在这个过程中,很多对于自己本科专业并不是很满意的同学也会趁着这个机会转专业。但是跨 ... MIT内容与三条款BSD许可证(3-clause BSD license)内容颇为近似,但是赋予软体被授权人更大的权利与更少的限制。 被授权人有权利使用、复制、修改、合并、出版发行、散布、再授权及贩售软体及软体的副本。 mit、斯坦福没有在用,2本都没在用。 国内在用的学校大部分是国际合作项目。 最后,来说说清华教授对两本书的评价(不提名字了,因为工作关系和很多老师聊过这两本书):两本书的难度都不如同济版的高等数学,但是都比同济版好很多,讲述方式都很好 ... 正好mit也是题主想去的学校,所以今天我也和大家分享一下我的申请经历,希望可以为同样想要跨专业申请或者想去mit的同学提供一些参考和帮助。 在我和大家分享我的经历之前,我先把自己的背景放在文章的最前面,这样大家也可以更好地借鉴我的申请
2025.01.23 05:41 Complete_Steak263 Jede Diskussion mit Grünen/SPD
submitted by Complete_Steak263 to gekte [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 BlueFireFlameThrower Why didn't Nixon do what John Kerry did to Ron Paul in L&L at the debates in 2008 and ask JFK at the debates in 1960 "ANSWER ME JFK, WILL YOU, OR WILL YOU NOT TRY TO PASS CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION DURING YOUR TERM AS PRESIDENT?" As a way to exacerbate the ever-growing north-south divide between Dems?
submitted by BlueFireFlameThrower to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 OutsideShare4730 please help me out yall😭🙏🏻
guys so theres a movie i watched when i was a kid but i cabt fucking remember the title so like its a horror movie i think the evil spirit or whatever is japanese or like asian and i dont remember much about her backstory but she was in a huge place with a bunch of ppl that were cooking and stuff then an older woman was like ifk talking to her in a harsh way then she took this cleaver i think and cut her in half from her head to her chest i think, i also remember a scene where that woman who cut her was on her bed or smth and she was throwing up her own bones.. GUYS PLEASE HELP ME OUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT MOVIE IS IT PLEASE IM BEGGING YALL
submitted by OutsideShare4730 to HorrorMovies [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 keevanlol went to crystal cove
new front lip and hood on! Same style hood but just better quality and fit. submitted by keevanlol to BMW [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 G-Unit11111 He really thinks there's a magic switch.
submitted by G-Unit11111 to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 That-one-apollo-kid What's the first tallyhall song you heard/what's the tallyhall song that made you love their music?
I'd say that Spring and a storm is the song that made me love their music. As for the first one I heard, it probably was either & or Turn the lights off.
submitted by That-one-apollo-kid to tallyhall [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 Capt_Prince Which skill point to increase on him??
submitted by Capt_Prince to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 Juanderfulpablo Trades?
What i have and need! submitted by Juanderfulpablo to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 NeuronsToNirvana Clinical Trial: Mushroom Supplement May Halt Prostate Cancer🌀 Growth (5 min read): “‘Food as medicine’ Treatments” | SciTechDaily: Health [Nov 2024]
submitted by NeuronsToNirvana to NeuronsToNirvana [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 Dont_Harass123123 My gold glitched out and i dont know what to do
So as one does I put gold in my travelers chest and when I opened it for whatever god forsaken reason the game glitched out and now i have around 5000 stacks of 99k gold this is annoying cause Id like to put things in my travelers chest and actually be able to find them so is there some mod or way I can get the gold out without my game crashing cause every time i shift click everything and put it in a barrel that ill put somewhere random my game instantly crashes (No im not lying about my gold turning into that much I have no idea how it happened)
submitted by Dont_Harass123123 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 arcticrabbitz Grading penalty for on-card autographs?
I’m thinking about sending in some of my player-autographed cards to SGC for grading, and I’m wondering if the autos will ding the grade at all. They got signed at games/events so they’re not “official”, and I cleaned off all the fingerprints and whatnot.
I’m interested in getting them graded for display, no plans of selling, otherwise I’d send them for authentication to a different service. Since the cards themselves are getting graded, is there a chance that having them on there will lower the grade given?
Sorry if this is a dumb question I’m very unfamiliar with the process, this would be my first submission.
submitted by arcticrabbitz to baseballcards [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 reubjs 5-unit residential high-ratio mortgage
Can you find a high-ratio mortgage on a 5-plex if it will be owner-ocupied, or is this a complete non-starter? I am not yet working with a broker and am hoping to be pointed in the right international direction.
submitted by reubjs to MortgagesCanada [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 FunkyKongForSSBU The perfect gift doesn't exi..
submitted by FunkyKongForSSBU to madlads [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 DefenseExpress Denmark’s Hidden Aid: How 2S1 Gvozdika Howitzers Joined Ukraine’s Arsenal | Defense Express
submitted by DefenseExpress to UkraineWarRoom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 MeanCalligrapher9679 (WIP) potential TFN Wheeljack? (By Me)
Decided to give a shot at making a wheeljack contest for that transformers nemesis game. Even if it doesn’t make the cut I think it’s still good drawing practice. What do you guys think? submitted by MeanCalligrapher9679 to TransformersArt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 Eclipse_Canon Sparkling Bocchi-chan
submitted by Eclipse_Canon to KessokuBand [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 Small_Cockroach_6400 QF LE MANS DAYTONA
Can anyone send me a link or a TD that has the new QF Le Mans Daytona v9 tungsten version of 175 grams? Can’t find it please appreciate your help
Thank you
submitted by Small_Cockroach_6400 to RepTime [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 wildcard_71 Favorite Sitcom Theme Songs?
I’m partial to The Jeffersons, Laverne and Shirley, and Family Ties. And the Spider-Man cartoon from the 60s.
submitted by wildcard_71 to GenX [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 Musical_DoughnutDuck I think I’m doing this wrong?
Hello! So I’m making a dolls dress, I’ve never knit anything other than hats and plush toys so this is technically my first garment. I’m confused because after the row I highlighted I have 59 stitches on my right needle but I still have 47 on my left needle. Did I do something wrong? Am I meant to use my 4mm needle and knit the remaining stitches and if so how would I work the next row? Sorry I’m not sure how much sense this makes but I’m very confused and I’d really appreciate any help! submitted by Musical_DoughnutDuck to knittinghelp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 Melodic-Painter-6249 H4H HEREE!
Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie https://onelink.shein.com/8/4d67z4rkvs3q i can help you with any games (10 gifts, money tree and etc) if you help my 🐶 P.S. please COMMENT your username or send a screenshot to get help back. thx submitted by Melodic-Painter-6249 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 Funny-Spring2900 Is this a throat infection?
submitted by Funny-Spring2900 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 mollymalone222 Looking for info on Hep C transmission when sharing a bathroom (and house) with someone who also has diabetes and tests daily.
I'm not certain this is the right place, please if it's not, let me know where I can (if you have a suggestion). Not asking for medical advice or dealing with issues of anxiety, but curious what, if anything, I should be doing.
So, I am currently staying with friends while my house is being finished and sharing a bathroom with someone who has Hepatits C and is also a diabetic, so they test daily in the bathroom. She also gets nosebleeds frequently, was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease, has regular bouts of diarrhea, and vomits daily from her chemo pills.
After I moved in (and can not move again for 10 months/storing furniture etc here as well), I see what appears to be blood stains (albeit old) all over the bathroom counter, toilet seat, and floor. I was cleaning the counter and toilet seat daily with Lysol disinfecting wipes, but, in looking this up today online, I'm uncertain if that is helpful or necessary. I seem to be seeing info telling me Lysol disinfecting wipes are good for this and other places saying a bleach spray (which I think would damage counters/seats) or other types of wipes like those for hospital surfaces. Just looking for something I can use if needed.
submitted by mollymalone222 to AskMedical [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 young_star8080 In the Era of Boring INSHOTS, STANCE came as ________ , fill the blanks
I got this App and getting update daily Blogging in Masked 😍 submitted by young_star8080 to StartUpIndia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 05:41 owoCuteFurry I love girls
What do i do???
submitted by owoCuteFurry to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 05:41 marlon1505 Any Harlequins leaks yet?
submitted by marlon1505 to Eldar [link] [comments]