Drew the silly 🙏⚠️ (I rarely draw on paper *sob*)

2025.01.23 05:55 DarkDesasamblyDroneE Drew the silly 🙏⚠️ (I rarely draw on paper *sob*)

Drew the silly 🙏⚠️ (I rarely draw on paper *sob*) (I rarely draw on paper so im gona re do it digitally later on)
submitted by DarkDesasamblyDroneE to murderdroneswarzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Lanky-Chain-922 The average Lithuanian sex Ed class :

The average Lithuanian sex Ed class : hi
submitted by Lanky-Chain-922 to balkans_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 jehehegjeieiueg Where can I find Vietnamese people in Dubai ?

I’m searching for Vietnamese speakers to help me with my international business with Vietnam.
submitted by jehehegjeieiueg to VietNam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 jackoftheredheart Han So Hee

Han So Hee submitted by jackoftheredheart to kactress [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 usaklireis Şırnak dağında azdım

Kürt arkadaşımın cenazesine gitmek için şırnağa gitmiştik köyleride dağın ortasında cenaze bitti yemekler felan yedik sonra bir tane kürt karı gördüm çok azmıştım tuvalet varmı dedim tuvalet dişarda dediler tuvalete gitceğeme bari şu ormanın içinde yapem dedim bir tane ağaç gördüm deliği vardı sikimi soktum kemirdiler sikimi meğersem sincap yuvasıymiş kürtlerden biri beni gördü ula hewal sen ne yapıyorsun öyle dedi hem sikim kaniyor hem arkadaşimin ailesine rezil oldum şuan köydeyim daha yeni kalktım herkes bana tıp tip bakıyorlar çok korkuyorum keleşle vurcaklar diye ne yapmaliyim
submitted by usaklireis to kopyamakarna [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 kazmaloop Russell Wesbrook Reloaded | Mid-Season Tribute

Russell Wesbrook Reloaded | Mid-Season Tribute submitted by kazmaloop to nba [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Electronic_Sky8909 is hoarding learnt or developed

i know im posting twice in a row but i had this realisation that i collect stickers to an unhealthy extent and i noticed my mom mentioned she did collect FILES of stickers in her 20s and now she collects 红包s (red packets) bc of its designs etc, and she has a box full of it.
I dont even know if i can call myself a hoarder or whatever it just feels bad to have that label but i genuinely want to find enjoyment in other things :/
submitted by Electronic_Sky8909 to shoppingaddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 jamobreemami2008 my dreams arent reocurring but have a specific feeling

Okay so i have these dreams that i get once every couple of months that are never the same, but they always leave me with this hyper specific feeling both while in the dream & immediately after I wake up. its such a visceral feeling that i hope for these dreams but i cant actually understand what im feeling. its incredibly vague while also being so hyper specific
submitted by jamobreemami2008 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Born-Active-6674 Tf we’re hypos and why where they created in early isle?

As I said in my previous post I’m pretty new to playing the isle but I’ve been watching it for a while, I’ve wondered this for a while but why tf were hypo Dino’s ever a thing in the first place, did they actually have plans on adding them to base game or was it just the devs messing around?
submitted by Born-Active-6674 to theisle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Inevitable-Age5216 Trouble in Paradise - Novel

Trouble in Paradise - Novel Check this: Readmore
submitted by Inevitable-Age5216 to pagepedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Crepes4Brunch [FO] First project I’ve ever finished!! Ready for the next one :)

[FO] First project I’ve ever finished!! Ready for the next one :) Does anyone have a recommendations for similar style patterns? I love the Kawaii cute, pixel style of these characters and the simplicity. I’m up for something a little more complex but really enjoyed this one.
It’s the first project I’ve ever completed and I can’t wait to start my next one!! Purchased from ElCrossStitch on Etsy
submitted by Crepes4Brunch to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 gardenvarietyhater Measuring behind, no fetal pole at 7w2days. Should I have any optimism at all?

I went off on my LMP and I'm very regular. I also tracked my ovulation and since we have a 6 month old, we could only schedule intimacy that one time during the whole week.
Went in last Saturday at what was 7w2d and saw a sac measuring 6w5d + a yolk sac (transvaginal ultrasound). I remember during my son's time, I had an amazing ultrasound with a good heart beat etc. Should I have any optimism at this point?
submitted by gardenvarietyhater to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 RedTaxx Twitter folks think different. Absolutely notđź’€

Twitter folks think different. Absolutely notđź’€ submitted by RedTaxx to SoundMappers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 RivFig1 Whats the piece at the bottom of the kke shock that holds the spring (the liittle cap) its at the bottom

Whats the piece at the bottom of the kke shock that holds the spring (the liittle cap) its at the bottom https://preview.redd.it/7a3i8y5mnoee1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aa9d3d1e15e309c9ebdd99104f311f569d6997e
submitted by RivFig1 to Surron [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Ari200526 Someone please answer my question

What was the password for Hua Cheng's communication array, I complelety missed that part.
submitted by Ari200526 to tianguancifu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Reddituser21_ People who consistently get 10k steps consecutively for the year, how do you do it?

I was so amazed at the end of last year when I realized that some people were able to get 10,000 steps every day for a year (Y’all are my personal heroes). That was my goal for this year, but I failed within the first month🤣. I work out six days a week but the one day I do not work out I cannot motivate myself to get off my bed and walk for no reason, to go nowhere. Moreover, it’s freezing where I live (I HAAAAATTTTEEEE the cold). How do you keep yourself motivated to get your 10,000 steps every day, even on your rest day. I’ll take the tips to try again next year :(.
submitted by Reddituser21_ to fitbit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Ok_Possession5057 I didn't get my refund money in my card and got it sent to a gift card I never used

I didn't get my refund money in my card and got it sent to a gift card I never used i bought something with my card and then refunded it but it didn't sent to my card and to a gift card insted and i bought it from my card
submitted by Ok_Possession5057 to amazonprime [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 irockthegaming My Pop (Funko) Punk Queen

My Pop (Funko) Punk Queen submitted by irockthegaming to avrillavigne [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 ZiraEmeline HAHAHA

HAHAHA submitted by ZiraEmeline to EldenRingMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Euphoric_Stop5484 Guys I'm selling Twitter account with 13.5k followers for $150. It's Premium Account. Last Payout was $39. DM if anyone is interested

submitted by Euphoric_Stop5484 to TikTokaccounts4sale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 findabuffalo Passive cooling for LED lights

Is it possible to do passive cooling for LED lights within an enclosure?
Initially I bought some 30w and 50w modules that come on a 40x60 mm aluminum plate, they basically do not stay cool with anything less than a CPU cooler. It works but the radiator and fan setup is heavy, awkward and loud. And I'm always concerned about a leaf getting caught in a fan.
I can buy larger modules that are basically rows of LEDs mounted on aluminum plates. I tested a 30w module and it was OKayish, like it was burning hot to the touch but not scalding hot so maybe 60-70 degrees C. The whole thing is sort of a 25x15cm radiator. They also sell 60w modules at approximately the same size; I can't imagine that would be cool enough to function??
I like them because they are cheap and small, but how can I manage the heat? I want one per shelf in a stack of shelves, and ideally in an enclosure.
(I looked at LED strips but the cost quickly accumulates and they seem to be quite inefficient.)
Note: I am in an awkward part of the world so I am somewhat restricted to buying whatever random chinese electronics which local retailers provide.
submitted by findabuffalo to growlights [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 ThrowRA_Apocalypsis Need to know the term for this behavior pattern

My wife grew up a household with abusive and narcissistic parents. What I now know is that for 10 years of our relationship, she was suppressing all manner of true feelings to placate me and avoid drawing negative attention on herself - which I totally understand but never desired. Still, it led me into a broadly distorted perception of our dynamic, which I’m having to come to terms with.
Over the past couple of years, she’s worked super hard to de-program the effects of her childhood through self-help techniques but lack of professional guidance (due to insurance limits) and possible blind spots in her self awareness have allowed her to subconsciously replicate some of the unhealthy modeling she grew up defending herself from without realizing it - with me as the recipient.
When she began to aggressively tackle this stuff in the past two years, positive reinforcement and validation from her started to vanish (now very rare). At the same time, she started to become more vocal about her displeasure about things - but still resists expression until it bursts out intensely, blindsiding me (I get that it’s part of her learning to feel safe in communicating her true feelings). When I try to point out things that aren’t working well, she gets super defensive and shuts me down hard and asserts that the issues are on my end despite what I’m seeing in action - and I now find myself tip toeing on egg shells so I don’t set her off. When she needs empathy in response to the issue she’s communicating via outburst though, I struggle to not get defensive myself - which sets her off even more because I’m not responding how she wants / needs (I’m working on that).
It’s as though removing the defenses has resulted in subconscious behavior patterns that look like lesser forms of the narcissism she had been protecting herself from, as if what she’s “unpacking” is being transferred to me only for that unprotected vulnerability to instead be defended by a lesser form of the modeling she grew up with - and that despite it being totally contrary to her desire to heal, and somehow outside the scope of her extensive self-awareness.
Is that a thing that’s common? Is there a specific term for that unintended behavior on her part?
It matters because I finally got through to her about what I’m seeing but she’s instinctively skeptical, as though I’m manipulating her. She wants more info that supports what I’ve described as indeed being a thing - but I need the terminology to be able to provide outside resources that can validate it sufficiently. I’ve encountered “transference/counter transference”, “repetition compulsion”, “identification with the aggressor”, “projective identification”, and “introjection” but I’m not sure any of those are quite right (though I may be wrong). Thoughts?
submitted by ThrowRA_Apocalypsis to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 OkFoundation7046 A lazy bridget.

A lazy bridget. submitted by OkFoundation7046 to bridget [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 Big-Kaleidoscope5598 Working at Philippine Stock Exchange

Anyone here who’s working at PSE in BGC? How’s working environment in PSE? May I know the hiring process?
submitted by Big-Kaleidoscope5598 to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:55 _stdio_h_ Review the spec for a laptop

Review the spec for a laptop Looking to buy this laptop.
Use: Gaming, programming, some photoshop, mild video editing for personal use
RedeemedPart Number: 83DXCTO1WW
Cost: 92,000 INR.
Please share your recommendations and suggestions.
submitted by _stdio_h_ to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]
