2025.01.23 09:23 Young_Economist 20/14587: Kleine Anfrage Schlussfolgerungen der Bundesregierung aus der Riedbahn-Sanierung (PDF)
submitted by Young_Economist to bundestag [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Federated Hermes to open in Hong Kong as US fund grows in Asia to tap family offices | South China Morning Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:23 lingering_POO Harbour DNKP 19% hybrid indica leaning
Presentation: Container is stylish in a professional manner. This is the second tub of this ive received (photos are actually from the first tub) and the Batch: B298 Exp: 28 Oct 2025. Has a moisture thingy and was sealed. Smell: The second you open the tub you are smacked with a strong lemony/gassy smell. It is quite strong. Supposedly this has 3.89% terps and it smells like it. I'll let the pictures show you what it looks like but they are good sized buds, not huge by any measure but definitely bigger then "smalls". Vape: So I have been using this through the S&B Plenty and Volcano. It's a really nice smooth vape that gives all those lemony floral notes. I would call this an afternoon strain, it reduces my pain quite well and isn't too "uplifting" as uplifting strains often give me anxiety. This feels quite strong for 19%, I've had 20-25's that seemed to hit similarly. Value: I went looking for a sub $100 for 15g strain. A lot of them are 18-23% and have like 0.5- 1.5% terps so when I was flitering through and found this at like 3.89% I knew it would be worth trying. It's fantastic value for the RRP of $99. It also seemingly can be picked up for $89 at certain chemists so it's even better value again.
Overall its a solid 8/10 on the flower alone. Value for money, 10/10.
submitted by lingering_POO to MedicalCannabisOz [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Malaysian Muslim comedian faces backlash for ham joke, sparking free speech debate | South China Morning Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:23 PikoCute Self-hosted VPN from home to use in China.
Hey, I was wondering If there are any VPNs like Tailscale, or other programs that is not firewall blocked in China. I wanted to run the VPN from home and somehow access my home networks from laptop and phone in China. Has anyone here ever done that before? I am going to China for sometime to work, and i do not really want to use like AstrillVPN or some others "VPN" you see on the internet.
submitted by PikoCute to homelab [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - Australian Open semi-finals: Djokovic, Zverev in tough fight; Sinner has edge over Shelton | South China Morning Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:23 Young_Economist 20/14586: Kleine Anfrage Sportstätten im Land Brandenburg und deren Förderung durch den Bund (PDF)
submitted by Young_Economist to bundestag [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Otherwise-Dog-1456 Dirty ho rse
Ive seen between her legs. I swear it had a dirty horse mange hanging down. Lucky she washed it so it was nice and fresh.
submitted by Otherwise-Dog-1456 to AdeleMareeSnark [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Getdunkedonnnnn Project recommendation
Can someone recommend me a good project for my final year Preferably around IOT
submitted by Getdunkedonnnnn to learnprogramming [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Hong Kong’s MTR Corp must ‘compress’ construction costs: transport chief | South China Morning Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:23 Global_Guide_8810 Betegségektől való erős félelem- pszichológus?
Sziasztok! Abban kérnék segítséget/tanácsot, hogy ezen segíthet-e pszichológus, vagy merre induljak el.
Emetofóbiás vagyok kb 15 éve, de évről évre rosszabb, mostanra annyira elfajult a helyzet, hogy 0-24 ezen kattogok és rettegek: nem merek tömegközlekedni, plázába, moziba, bulizni menni. Van egy közelgő utazásom lefoglalva de már ott tartok, hogy inkább itthon maradok, nem érdekel ha bukom a pénzt…
Barátom vígan éli az életét, edzeni meg társaságba is jár és rettegek, hogy hazahoz valami vírust..
Eddig leginkább csak a hányással volt bajom, de most már minden betegségtől rettegek. Az se segít, hogy mindenhol azt olvasom, hogy “a fél ország influenzás”. (Az én környezetemben amúgy senki nem volt beteg eddig)
Nem tudok aludni se, egész nap stresszelek, pánikrohamok törnek rám. Nem igazan érti meg ezt senki, mindenki letudja annyival, hogy “senki nem szeret beteg lenni”.
De nekem ez már az életemet befolyásolja. Többek között gyereket se akarok emiatt, barátom szeretne és nem hiszi el, hogy nem fogom magam meggondolni. Nem tudnám végig csinálni a terhességi rosszulléteket, ápolni a beteg gyereket.. stb
Mivel lehetne ebből kimászni? (25/N)
submitted by Global_Guide_8810 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Young_Economist 20/14585: Kleine Anfrage Fragen zur Umsetzung eines Wehrdienstmodells und zur Einziehung von Wehrpflichtigen (PDF)
submitted by Young_Economist to bundestag [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 KSG_GamingVN Interesting style
submitted by KSG_GamingVN to shittyskylines [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Young_Economist 20/14583: Antwort auf die Kleine Anfrage - Drucksache 20/14381 - Brigade Litauen (PDF)
submitted by Young_Economist to bundestag [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Cute_Maintenance_294 BYD Seal U hybrid
Ciao a tutti, cosa ne pensate della BYD. Personalmente è una macchina che solletica il mio interesse sia per la tecnologia di trazione sia per l’estetica che in generale per me è gradevole.
Rimango comunque un po’ scettico, probabilmente anche influenzato dai vari preconcetti che abbiamo sull’industria cinese qui in occidente ma anche perché ho avuto modo nel mio lavoro di avere a che fare con fornitori cinesi dove ho visto situazioni abbastanza allucinanti.
Ho visto diverse recensioni, e vengono spesso sottolineati difetti sulla tenuta di strada derivante dall’utilizzo di cerchi da 19 e una connessione volante ruote poco reattiva.
Ciao ✋
submitted by Cute_Maintenance_294 to Italia [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 mizmiztru would u get banned for having an alt that sends hearts?
submitted by mizmiztru to SkyChildrenOfLight [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 substitution-Post-01 名指しで「騒動の主犯格」 SNS誹謗中傷の実態、兵庫県議の証言 ― 虚偽含む動画投稿はやったもん勝ちの世界、裁判に時間かかるうちに動画作成者は収益
submitted by substitution-Post-01 to newsokur [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:23 Vlasterx Veoma slična situacija kao i Ukrajini 2013.
Pre nego što je počeo rat u Ukrajini, imao sam priliku da popričam sa Ukrajincima, vezano za njihovu pobunu protiv pro-ruske diktature. Situacija je bila maltene ista kao kod nas danas - režim je masovno upošljavao maskirane kriminalce da zastrašuju i tuku narod. Njih su zvali "Titushki", po bokseru kriminalcu koji je za režim na premlaćivao protestanate. Titushki Jel vam deluje nešto poznato kod ovih pro-ruskih kriminalaca? Maske, kape, kuvane motke.... FSB knjiga, svuda prisutna, pa i kod nas. Iste ovakve kriminalce Vučić koristi maltene od početka svoje vladavine terora. U Ukrajini se premlaćivanje protestanata dešavalo dok je revolt sve više rastao i do trenutka kada su protestanti zauzeli trg. Tada je režim počeo i sa ubistvima, kada je režimska policija ubila trojicu protestanata, kada u svojoj nemoći više nisu imali bilo kakav odgovor na nenasilan otpor građana. Tada je počeo i građanski rat, dok Januković, pro-ruski predsednik nije pobegao nazad u Rusiju. Situacija kod nas neodoljivo podseća na tu i mislim da će ovaj šugavi radikal vući sve iste poteze, dok na kraju i on ne bude ubio nekoga i na kraju pokušao da pobegne u Rusiju. Jedina razlika u odnosu na Ukrajinu je što Vučić pokušava da apeluje na pro-ruski deo populacije time što njihove zastave pokušava da progura na protestima, ali je dobro što studenti imaju laserski fokus i sve to marginalizuju. Pišem ovo ne zbog straha od toga šta će se desiti, već zbog toga što radikal ne zna za bolje i što nas gura u tom pravcu. Ne treba da se plašimo toga, već da budemo svesni da će mu to biti poslednji potez i da budemo spremni da štitimo tu decu koja su na ulici i po fakultetima. ON ne zna za bolje. submitted by Vlasterx to serbia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:23 KSG_GamingVN Interesting style
submitted by KSG_GamingVN to shittyskylines [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 ogasawarabaseball 🇯🇵 Japanese independent league team Saga Indonesia Dreams have announced that they will change their name to Saga Asia Dreams. This team is made up mainly of players from 🇮🇩Indonesia, with other members from the 🇵🇭Philippines, 🇸🇬Singapore, 🇱🇰Sri Lanka, 🇻🇪Venezuela and Japan.
submitted by ogasawarabaseball to baseball [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Niceresal Kitten didn’t eat for 17 hours
I adopted this 2.5-month-old kitten. She was so terrified, as she had just separated from her mother. When she came, I noticed that she had diarrhea with blood in it. We rushed her to the vet, and they said she has roundworms and mites in her ears. They recommended we give her Hill's Science Diet dry food, but she didn't eat it at all. I mixed it with her wet food, and she ate it well.
We went to the vet again, and they said that I shouldn't give her store-bought wet food; instead, I should make it with boiled chicken and potatoes and blend it. I boiled some chicken breast with potatoes and offered it to her, but she smelled it and wouldn't touch it. She hasn't eaten well for about 17 hours now.
Do you have any advice? Should I change the recipe?
submitted by Niceresal to AskVet [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Big_Expert4506 Dropped Subjects
Hi poo!! I’m a first year from SEA Department and planning to drop major subjects this semester kasi magshishift na po ako. If ever po na nangyari yun may bawas po sa tuition since konti na lang yung tinatake kong units?
submitted by Big_Expert4506 to SLUBaguio [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Petsman99 Good tool to filter projects?
Hey, just curious (before I need to get myself into coding)… is there any good tool to filter out good projects on Solana based on specific adjustable filters? Actually a bit more advanced as I could use it on Dexscreener. For example holder growth within last 24h… thankful for any idea.
submitted by Petsman99 to solana [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 Vromikos It's coming! The hunt is on!
submitted by Vromikos to fallenlondon [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:23 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Blake Lively Vs Alexandra Daddario
View Poll
submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]