Should I drive to work today?

2025.01.23 12:20 HorrorAvatar Should I drive to work today?

How’s it looking out there this morning? Are the roads still treacherous or what?
submitted by HorrorAvatar to Wilmington [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 auralise_ ISFP goes to therapy animation (by me)

submitted by auralise_ to mbti [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Capital-Attorney-18 Cosa dovrei fare?

Ciao a tutti, un mese fa, al lavoro, ho conosciuto questo ragazzo davvero carino. Dopo essersci scambiati un paio di sguardi, è venuto da me e si è presentato. Abbiamo chiacchierato un po' e poi ognuno è tornato al proprio lavoro.
Premetto che ci vedevamo solo due volte a settimana, quindi non tantissimo. Ogni tanto capitava di guardarci, ma sia io che lui distoglievamo subito lo sguardo (io perché mi vergognavo, lui non so perché). Comunque, un paio di giorni fa è venuto da me e ci siamo messi a parlare. Mi ha raccontato un po' di cose, mi ha chiesto cosa facessi nella vita oltre al lavoro lì, insomma, mi ha fatto un po' di domande e mi ha detto che quello sarebbe stato il suo ultimo giorno.
La sera, prima di staccare, è venuto da me, mi ha detto che gli aveva fatto davvero piacere conoscermi e mi ha salutato con due baci sulla guancia.
Inutile dire che da parte mia c'è un piccolo interesse, ma non ho mai capito se fosse ricambiato. Ho pensato che se fosse stato interessato, magari mi avrebbe chiesto Instagram o il numero, ma niente. Ho anche pensato che forse la differenza di età lo ha "spaventato" visto che pensava che io avessi 19 anni (io ne ho 25 e lui 20).
Ho trovato il suo profilo su Instagram, ma non so se seguirlo. Non voglio sembrare una pazza, quindi sono indecisa su cosa fare.
submitted by Capital-Attorney-18 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Autumndriftt Those who practice effective communication really do appreciate u.

submitted by Autumndriftt to rareinsults [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 android_tests_pac report test 23/1/2025 12:18:02 trimed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaa

submitted by android_tests_pac to automation_crossposts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Thaxann Recommendations for a newcomer to the franchise?

Hi! I'm new to Godzilla, started with the 1954 movie, which was nice enough, watched Shin, which absolutely blew me away, and then Minus One, that I did like!
So I wanted to know, what would be a good place to continue my Godzilla journey if I want movies with strong themes and horror elements? (Please, if anything in this franchise is remotely close to what Shin gave me tone-wise, please tell me! This Godzilla terrified me and I LOVED it!)
I'm really not a fan of the kaiju genre, I really didn't think I'd like... anything Godzilla related to be honest. I'm quite surprised because the three movies I watched so far were a good experience!
submitted by Thaxann to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 ivebengrimm RL Stine did a Novelization of the 80s show My Secret Identity

RL Stine did a Novelization of the 80s show My Secret Identity just learned RL Stine did a book adaptation of the under talked about tv show My Secret Identity, in which a young Jerry O’Connell gains superpowers from getting blasted by a laser from the scientist next door. I remember there was a lot of awkward flying (more like low level floating) Did anyone ever discover his secret identity?
submitted by ivebengrimm to 80s [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 SadThermometer "The product is unavailable" (Polish). Any idea why?

My account age is set above 18, i don't have any problems with any other games. Anyone's found a solution to that or just what could be the problem?
submitted by SadThermometer to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 JackFisherBooks AronRa - Creationist L.I.F.E.

AronRa - Creationist L.I.F.E. submitted by JackFisherBooks to atheistvids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Longjumping_Pain59 Looking to trade

Looking to trade Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Longjumping_Pain59 to MonopolyGoDiceLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 amanlyunicorn We're all as bad as each other

We're all as bad as each other submitted by amanlyunicorn to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Disastrous_Goat_240 React Native Mapbox Navigation: Preventing Map Reload on Screen Change

Problem Description I'm building a ride-sharing app using React Native and Mapbox Navigation. I've created separate UI screens for different stages of a ride, such as incoming order, order accepted, arrived at pickup, and journey complete.
I'm using the NavigationWrapper component as a parent wrapper to display the navigation view alongside these screens. However, I'm facing an issue where the map reloads every time the user transitions between screens. This reloading is causing a delay and negatively impacting the user experience.
Here's a breakdown of my code:
NavigationWrapper Component

import MapboxNavigation from '@pawan-pk/react-native-mapbox-navigation'; import { ScrollView, StyleSheet, View, Text } from 'react-native'; import React, { useEffect, useState, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react'; import { getCurrentLocation } from '../../utils/Utils'; import LinearGradient from 'react-native-linear-gradient'; import { moderateVerticalScale } from 'react-native-size-matters'; import SAD from '../../SAD'; import Toast from 'react-native-toast-message'; import ActivityIndicator from '../ActivityIndicator'; const NavigationWrapper = React.memo(({ children, startOrigin = { latitude: 27.6094616, longitude: 75.1016066 }, destination = { latitude: 27.6333969, longitude: 75.1245161 }, waypoints, showCancelButton = false, }) => { // Move all hooks to the top level const [currLocation, setCurrLocation] = useState(null); const [isLocationReady, setIsLocationReady] = useState(false); const [error, setError] = useState(null); const navigationConfig = useMemo(() => ({ startOrigin: startOrigin, destination: destination, waypoints: waypoints, style:, shouldSimulateRoute: false, showCancelButton: showCancelButton, language: "en", // distanceUnit: "metric" }), [waypoints, showCancelButton]); const memoizedChildren = useMemo(() => (, child => child ? React.cloneElement(child) : null ) ), [children]); const handleLocationChange = useCallback((latitude, longitude, heading, accuracy) => { console.log('Location Changed:', { latitude, longitude, heading, accuracy }); setCurrLocation({ latitude, longitude }); }, []); useEffect(() => { let isSubscribed = true; const initializeLocation = async () => { try { const { latitude, longitude } = await getCurrentLocation(); if (isSubscribed) { setCurrLocation({ latitude, longitude }); setIsLocationReady(true); setError(null); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error getting location:', error); if (isSubscribed) { setError('Error getting location');{ type: "error", text1: "Error getting location", }); } } }; initializeLocation(); return () => { isSubscribed = false; }; }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!isLocationReady) return; let isSubscribed = true; const locationInterval = setInterval(async () => { try { if (isSubscribed) { const { latitude, longitude } = await getCurrentLocation(); setCurrLocation({ latitude, longitude }); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error updating location:', error); } }, 10000); return () => { isSubscribed = false; clearInterval(locationInterval); }; }, [isLocationReady]); // Render function to handle different states const renderContent = () => { // if (isLocationReady || !currLocation) { // return ( //  //  //  // ); // } if (!destination?.latitude || !destination?.longitude) { return (  No destination provided  ); } return (  {/*  */}  {memoizedChildren} {/*   */}  ); }; return renderContent(); }); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, centerContent: { justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', height: SAD.constant.screenHeight - 200, }, loadingText: { marginTop: 10, color: SAD.colors.primary, }, errorText: { color: 'red', }, map: { flex: 1, height: SAD.constant.screenHeight - 200, resizeMode: "contain", }, bottomBox: { height: moderateVerticalScale(280), alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", }, }); NavigationWrapper.displayName = 'NavigationWrapper'; export default NavigationWrapper; 
Order Pickup Screen
here i am using NavigationWrapper to display the navigation view within the pickup screen and others screens as well

{expanded && (

{ top: 0, flexGrow: 1, bottom: 0, paddingBottom: 10 },

styles={{ marginHorizontal: 16 }}

style={{ gap: 30 }}
{ address: dropOffLoc, distance: rideDistance },
dividerStyles={{ top: -10, marginVertical: -25 }}


style={[style.markedAsArrivedBtn, { bottom: expanded ? -50 : 50 }]}
Mark as Arrived

  1. Is there a way to prevent the Mapbox Navigation from reloading every time the screen changes?
  2. Are there any other optimization techniques I can use to improve the performance of the navigation view?
  • React Native
  • Mapbox Navigation (@pawan-pk/react-native-mapbox-navigation)
I'd appreciate any insights or suggestions from experienced React Native developers. Please let me know if you need any further details about my code or the issue I'm facing.
submitted by Disastrous_Goat_240 to reactnative [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 BugletAU After a year the final 2 months were when they changed.

Hey. I’m kinda lost with things.
My ex was an amazing person for our first year together. Sure some things looking back on they might have been a bit controlling but I choc that up to how they were raised. In the final 2 months was when they became a different person. They saw me have a mental breakdown because my depression and eve thing finally collapsed on me and it flipped their switch. Suddenly the things I used to do weren’t good enough. Me forgetting things was to them me doing it on purpose. To them I was self sabotaging and didn’t listen when I told them I was just having a rough time. They didn’t trust that I did washing properly and even when I explained that It was easier for me to redo it they still said they had their reasons for snatching the washing off the line to re do it themselves. They said they didn’t want to treat me like a child (some words similar) yet it was them making a big deal of things and making it worse.
They distanced themselves from me, hid in their room and yet said that I wasn’t participating in the relationship and leaving it all on them. I know I made mistakes but they were little but my ex made them seem so big that I genuinely thought I wasn’t doing enough. I picked up every task for them, did everything they asked yet I still wasn’t contributing to the relationship. They said after we broke up that I was different since I moved in 6 months before and it was causing them depression/stress yet I didn’t change. My actions were the same the only difference was I was officially living here and not just staying over constantly so they couldn’t just kick me out.
Once they broke up with me 2 months after our 1 year they just got worse. The verbal abuse increased, the belittlement and dismissive ness. Cornering me to have a go at me. Taking the things I enjoyed away from me. They’ve admitted to some of the things they’ve done and said that it was vindictive and them being a bitch but I never deserved it. I never raised my voice at them, fought back or denied them anything. I listened to everything they said and accepted it yet they kept treating me like shit. They encouraged me to put boundaries up yet they were the one that ignored them.
And to top it all off they started dating their ex not even 3 weeks after breaking up with me. Who they had been in a toxic relationship with for a year and in turn went no contact for 3 years who I encouraged them to reach back out to because they were still best friends regardless. (Their ex reached out first and mine was unsure so I said to go for it just to see)
I’m lost and confused. We talked about a lot of things last weekend (1 months and 3 weeks after we broke up) and talked about a lot of things that has happened. There had been a lot of miscommunication about things about the stuff that I was doing but I still didn’t deserve how they treated me. I don’t know how a person can change so quick.
submitted by BugletAU to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 roboticgirl22 Working on not ordering from amazon anymore. Has anyone seen this coconut milk in a store locally?

Working on not ordering from amazon anymore. Has anyone seen this coconut milk in a store locally? submitted by roboticgirl22 to Charlottesville [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 LushKissieKitty amazing view!

submitted by LushKissieKitty to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Captain_Ayanoob123 manhwa where mc..

build a team or sect or mc just had capable allies
submitted by Captain_Ayanoob123 to manhwarecommendations [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Bujar42 Red Wing Beckman Boot Resole

Red Wing Beckman Boot Resole
submitted by Bujar42 to RedWingShoes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 WhiskeyAm Spouse visa within UK timeline

21/12 application date 23/12 paid the fee(standard, no super priority) 08/01 Bio date 09/01 received confirmation email, 15/02 estimated date 23/01 approved email
Good luck to you all guys!!!
submitted by WhiskeyAm to SpouseVisaUk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 castaway-island Has anyone suffered a huge loss of confidence after joining a company of high performers?

As per the title, I’m interested to know whether anyone has suffered from a huge loss of confidence after joining a company of high performers? And whether you have or not, do you have any advice to someone that finds themself in such a situation?
And for some quick background. I joined an industry recognised company as a senior software engineer three years ago where nearly all of my colleagues are highly capable.
I used to think I was a pretty capable engineer, but now I barely feel like I know how to code. Instead, since joining I feel like I’m constantly drowning or fighting to stay afloat. This is giving me a lot of anxiety and making work quite miserable.
I’ve considered leaving, but a part of me wants to persevere to prove that I deserve to be here; and the other part thinks I’d struggle to find another job, because of my loss of confidence.
Happy to provide more information if it’s helpful, and I’d welcome any advice as to what you might do in my situation.
submitted by castaway-island to auscorp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Liria_Rose Got a problem...

Got a problem...
submitted by Liria_Rose to StardewValleyExpanded [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 tomasjcm kings of sparta mission

I have just finished the mission of the 2 kings of Sparta, and at the end Kassandra says that she has to find out which of them is a cultist, what is the clue that leads her to think that?
I just want to know the clue that leads Kassandra to think about this, nothing more.
submitted by tomasjcm to AssassinsCreedOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 BlueLazuly Gustav, With or Without Beard?

Gustav, With or Without Beard? submitted by BlueLazuly to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 No-Leopard-5418 Moving to Sierra Leone

Hey everyone, I am looking to move to Sierra Leone for few months to start a freelancing business. Just wanted to know if it is possible to open a bank account in Sierra Leone? How easy is it to accept the payments from my clients and also is it possible for me to remit money from my Sierra Leonian bank account to my home country UK? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
submitted by No-Leopard-5418 to SierraLeone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 AstroSmokey Spoke too soon!

Spoke too soon! submitted by AstroSmokey to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:20 Do-Brother_band Tongue blocking overblows

They are possible ! I just achieved them on a A Richter Golden Melody, hole 6 and 5 !
Light be harder on hole 4 and on lower harps.
How to ? Just blow bend hole 9 on a G harmonica, while tongue blocking. Notice how soft you have to blow, and how your tongue curl while bending.
Then do the same thing on a higher harp, hole 6. The OB should not come at first (blowing a bit too much on hole 7, reed not responding). Start again and you have it !
submitted by Do-Brother_band to harmonica [link] [comments]