Mangalore to Maha kumbh mela

2025.01.23 14:40 CyberHorizonX Mangalore to Maha kumbh mela

Anyone who has traveled to maha kumbh mela via train đźš‚ from mangalore or know the details need guidance this Thanks in advance
submitted by CyberHorizonX to mangalore [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Tar0Pand4 F r o g

F r o g submitted by Tar0Pand4 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Comfortable-Low261 What is the equivalence of 30 bocconi test to sat?

submitted by Comfortable-Low261 to bocconi [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 SlowLawfulness1448 Did Elon really do a Nazi salute?

Not trying to defend him or anything, I don't like the guy.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around someone purposefully doing a Nazi salute at a presidential inauguration.
Why would you do that? It just doesn't make logical sense to me. Like what did he have to gain? Is it just a troll? It's definitely not a "roman salute" lmao. It's clearly what we all think it is. But why? I just don't get it.
submitted by SlowLawfulness1448 to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 RedStinger665 people like minion's representation.. hwo about how i like to picture mr puzzle?

people like minion's representation.. hwo about how i like to picture mr puzzle? if i had to describe my version of puzzles
Combine Reclusa, Bill cipher, and pizzahead
chagned his backstory to honestly be more of his fault.. and some fun black and white vs color symbolism (with puzzles wanting to show the colors of life to everyone 'blinded' by their black and white worldview)
ro still shows zero empathy... and is a monster.. and i expanded his powers a bit (with the whole when he reaches 4 stars he dissociates everyone from the world around them with his tv's.. practically geocoding everyone those 'unworthy of his shows' in the process..
and expanding his power with his 5 stars.. being able to physically warp the world around him. practically taking over the show... and distorting/destroying everything
I also like it when he's so silly.. like not taking any of this seriously.. Mentally breaking the rest of the smg4 crew.. treating them like toys to play with.
and purposefully getting on mario's nerves while mentally (alla peppino vs pizzahead style)
submitted by RedStinger665 to SMG4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Few_Pea8503 Anxiety around eating?? (TW: ED recovery talk)

I have been on Zepbound since September. I am a professional chef and have loved the opportunity to really enjoy food again! I've always had a really obsessive relationship with eating and never found it hard to eat.
However, when I get hungry and look for food, i start to get really anxious. Like none of the food around me is the "right" kind of food. Or I just don't want that particular food. Even though I am hungry and theoretically, anything should be fine...
My theory is - this medication has finally allowed me to explore food and flavor like never before. I really learned what tastes, foods and textures I like. What foods agree with my body and which ones don't. Which is great!
But now - when I get hungry, if the food isn't perfect, I start getting anxious and avoidant... I know this is behavior is rooted in my obsessive relationship with food. It has just... flipped to the other side of the coin.
Has anybody experienced this? And have any words of wisdom for me?
submitted by Few_Pea8503 to antidietglp1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 ItachiZoldyck24 Okay guys it’s over, I figured it out. I feel like the world is playing this huge prank on me with Emilia Perez getting so many nominations left and right!

Okay guys it’s over, I figured it out. I feel like the world is playing this huge prank on me with Emilia Perez getting so many nominations left and right! submitted by ItachiZoldyck24 to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Sea_Yogurtcloset7628 Bekomme nichts mehr gebacken

Hallo ihr lieben, Ich lese eigentlich nur still mit aber mittlerweile weiß ich nicht mehr weiter und erhoffe Rat, wie es mit vielleicht wieder besser geht. Es ist eine etwas längere Geschichte und ich danke jedem schonmal das das alles liest.
Es hat vor gut 2 Jahren angefangen das ich merkte, wie mir die Kraft ausging. Ich habe die Arbeit (Teamleiter einer Discounter Filiale) nicht mehr hinbekommen, auf dem Arbeitsweg nur noch gezittert und geheult und mich auf der Arbeit im Klo eingeschlossen. Die Arbeit war aus mehreren GrĂĽnden nur noch anstrengend und ich hatte weiterhin gedacht dad geht wieder rum ich schaffe das... bis es dann nicht mehr ging, ich einen Aufhebungsvertrag unterschrieben habe und 6 Monate zu Hause war. So langsam ging es mir besser und ich arbeite mittlerweile auf Teilzeit, auch wieder Einzelhandel und es macht mir echt SpaĂź.
Jetzt ist aber seit November mein Vater erkrankt. Erst waren es nur Knieschmerzen die so stark sind, dass er Angst vorm Laufen hat. Bei der OP zu einem diagnostizieren beidseitigen Leistenbruch wurde leider ein Tumor festgestellt, der nicht schwer ist, er wird es überleben. Aber das ganze hat mich auch wieder sehr mitgenommen, wie es wahrscheinlich jeden hätte. Zudem sei gesagt ich wohne zu Hause und alles hängt jetzt an mir. Seine Tabletten, der Haushalt, die Arbeit und die 2 Katzen und ich habe durchaus das Gefühl, dass ich jammere aber ich habe das Gefühl ich kriege einfach nichts mehr gebacken.
Zudem plage ich mich ebenfalls seit November mit einer Erkältung herum, die mal mehr mal weniger schwer ist aber einfach nicht weg geht. Ich bin nur noch müde obwohl ich meine 6 bis 7 Stunden schlafe. Schlafe manchmal tagsüber einfach ein und kriege nur schwer meinen Hintern hoch um das was anfällt zu machen. Die Katzen sind versorgt, die Wohnung sieht auch nicht Katastrophal aus, aber zum Beispiel die Wäsche liegt jetzt schon einige Tage nicht zusammen gelegt im Wäschekorb. Wenn ich nicht arbeiten bin, versuche ich mich auszuruhen aber bin unruhig, krieg aber das was ich machen will, wie zum Beispiel die Wäsche, einfach nicht hin. Auch wenn mich das tierisch aufregt, fehlt mir gefühlt einfach die Kraft. Mein Körper fühlt sich nur noch schwer und müde an und ich will mich einfach mal wieder normal fühlen... seltsamerweise auf der Arbeit klappt alles. Nur zu Hause nicht...
Es tat schon gut das mal aufzuschreiben. Mein Vater macht mir auch keinen Druck, den mache ich mir nur selber. Ich weiĂź einfach nicht mehr weiter...
Danke schonmal fürs Lesen und ich bin gespannt auf eure Ratschläge.
submitted by Sea_Yogurtcloset7628 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 colonel_avocado Looking for a cleaner

I'm struggling to find a good cleaner. I'm in S2. Can anyone recommend me someone whose services they've used and they're happy with?
submitted by colonel_avocado to sheffield [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 ludist Sum Urgency Scores of Tasks?

Hey gang. As you may know, the Tasks community-plugin uses urgency from Taskwarrior to sort tasks by default in queries.
I want to create a rough quantitative record of my productivity. To do this, I would like to sum the urgency scores of all completed tasks. I've searched Github and here for solutions but haven't figured out how to proceed. I know that I can see urgency scores for tasks by using the "show urgency" option in a task query. I know how to query completed tasks. I think urgency is calculated on the fly by Tasks with SQL and it isn't a variable.
I'm guessing there's a way to sum these revealed urgency scores for each day using Dataview, but I just started using Obsidian last week and I'm not sure where to start. I suppose I could figure out a regex search on the results of a query to isolate the values and then sum them but that seems a little hack-y.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
submitted by ludist to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 AzuricanKnight "If the Tik Tok Ban was directed by Michael Bay."

submitted by AzuricanKnight to xD1x [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 jinscriba If wrestlers can have musicians create music exclusively for their use, which musician will work best with which wrestler?

Hey, all. After listening to Disturbed's recent mix of Steve Austin's Glass Shatters theme, it made me wonder which musician will work best with which wrestler if their music will be used exclusively for that wrestler. This could be due to any of the following:

Some examples. Mick Foley's Dude Love gimmick was before I got into wrestling, but he looks like he should be using The Grateful Dead's music. Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley have a band, but as far as I'm aware, they've never written any of their own themes. Ruby Soho and Rancid now fit 3 of the 4 points I made above.
submitted by jinscriba to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 TheProphesizer What shift do you work, what is your *prefered* shift, would you take a paycut to work that shift, and how much if so?

submitted by TheProphesizer to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Express-Surprise-251 UK Sub, Looking to pay to be chained up in a garage/storage unit. Can pay ÂŁ1,500 and will tribute first to prove I am real. Happy to travel

submitted by Express-Surprise-251 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 ObligationUseful9765 New ads?

New ads? I was using the app as normal this morning, and now after a few messages it asks if I want to watch an ad or subscribe. I use the free version, and the ad I watched was for another ai service that I found fairly creepy.
Tl:dr there seems to be ads for what used to be a free, ad free experience.
submitted by ObligationUseful9765 to DoppleAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 MonsterWeirdo This morning odd chances

Was doing my Daily things and some how after abandoning cub. The lil thing came back and right after a chase had cotton root bark affect???? lol
submitted by MonsterWeirdo to lioden [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Mechagouki1971 Literally speechless rn, $10 at a goodwill and mint condition works perfect omg

Literally speechless rn, $10 at a goodwill and mint condition works perfect omg submitted by Mechagouki1971 to AspectRatioCrimes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Clear-Example3029 Silicone heaven

submitted by Clear-Example3029 to RedDwarf [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 NevisKoris The disrespect!

submitted by NevisKoris to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 ff14untamedzine A Beauty's Wicked Wiles by me. [Lakshmi's trial theme is still my favorite đź’›]

A Beauty's Wicked Wiles by me. [Lakshmi's trial theme is still my favorite đź’›] submitted by ff14untamedzine to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Frequent_Mango_3035 rappin’ to the beat on uneven terrain(shuffle)

submitted by Frequent_Mango_3035 to Dance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Willdabeast07 My girlfriend asked me a kinda uncomfortable question and I don’t really know how to feel about it, ig this is a rant type thing?
So for context we’re both 17, and shes bisexual. I’m her first partner so she’s never experienced anything with a girl before, and we’ve been together for 2.5 years. We had kinda a bad night tonight so idk if that influenced this question from her. Idk what to think about this, after the conversation was over I just kinda sat there and started crying, because it made me think that maybe she doesn’t think she’d be happy with just me, or she isn’t really satisfied? I just want someone else’s opinion on if im overreacting or not tbh, thanks
submitted by Willdabeast07 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 Able_Fudge1358 New to IF and cheating on my fasting window

Hey everyone!
motivation: im on the higher end of a healthy BMI (23.8) and I would like to lose some (6kgs) weight.
what I’m trying: I’m trying IF (it’s my first week) through an app called body fast. I usually skip break, so I decided to try something called “power week” which does 16:8 mixed with a 30 hour window once a week.
problem: I’m in the middle of my 30 hour window, I drank water and I’m still starving, and i can’t think of anything apart from food so I gave in and sucked on a small cookie and finished it in 30 mins.
question: does this break my window? The faqs say anything breaks the fast, but how much did I set myself back and do I just give up and eat a meal? Is this normal to cheat during the journey to intermittent fasting? am I being too crazy/ambitious to try a 30 hour window in the beginning ?
thanks a lot!
submitted by Able_Fudge1358 to intermittentfastwomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 lssqa3433 Test for Text PDS UI for 23/1/2025 02:39:00

Example text
submitted by lssqa3433 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:40 mka10mka10 Will we ever get a ability to adjust the length of years / seasons in the map maker

I feel like it could be really nice for making longer plays and more realistic maps if were able to adjust the duration of winter and each year etc.
submitted by mka10mka10 to Workers_And_Resources [link] [comments]