Why is it controversial for deaf people to make their own sign names?

2025.01.23 14:45 Fractured-disk Why is it controversial for deaf people to make their own sign names?

I saw on the asl subreddit a deaf person asking if it was okay to change their sign name. Most of the comments were mixed or from hearing people with no real exposure to the community. So I was wondering if anyone here could shed some light on this topic. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Fractured-disk to AskDeaf [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 justforkicks28 Atlanta’s brilliant gesture to Newcastle United as Miguel Almiron deal nears completion

Atlanta’s brilliant gesture to Newcastle United as Miguel Almiron deal nears completion submitted by justforkicks28 to AtlantaUnited [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 imik_ All the new StarCraft Hero Cards and how they look in-play vs in the collection manager/in-hand (made in PS, but should be close enough, I wanted to show the full portrait in place without health/armor)

All the new StarCraft Hero Cards and how they look in-play vs in the collection managein-hand (made in PS, but should be close enough, I wanted to show the full portrait in place without health/armor) submitted by imik_ to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 AzuricanKnight "Go Mavuika Summertime" #mavuika #マーヴィカ #玛薇卡 #genshinimpact #genshin #mmd #原神"

submitted by AzuricanKnight to xD1x [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 ucrbuffalo Hue Light Bulb died. I have a replacement, but is there an easy way to re-integrate the replacement into HA? This particular light is in a ton of automations and scripts.

submitted by ucrbuffalo to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 redactyl69 I'm trained for lab work and I'm probably never working in the lab again

It seems that the concept that experience gets you better paying jobs is bunk with the current economic landscape.
I live in Philadelphia, one of the largest cities and metros in the USA. I have bachelor's degrees in chemistry and physics, a masters degree in materials engineering, and 5 YoE as a chemist, research scientist, and product specialist. In an area where there are numerous companies focused on metals, ceramics, biomaterials, and pharmaceuticals, companies aren't hiring. I've quadrupled my connections on LinkedIn, and I've been applying to work to seek higher pay for more lab work, including QC, processing, and instrumentation.
Recruiters are a disaster, and about 90% of the ones that have REACHED OUT TO ME have ghosted me after I follow up.
I have had nearly 20 interviews for roughly 140 very pointed applications. It's promising that I'm not getting rejections as frequently as others, although ghost jobs have been endemic to the search. I had a lot of promise at the end of 2024 where I was interviewing for four positions at once.
Job A: Field service engineer - got ghosted after second interview Job B: Lab engineer - discussed my experience with ISO 17025 compliance, and was rejected because the company said they wanted someone with experience with ISO 17025 Job C: Senior materials engineer - went through SIX rounds of interviews over two months (!!!) to be rejected with zero feedback Job D: Technical support specialist - rejected day after interview
With my skills, I don't want to do sales, and I'm not about to willingly take a pay cut for monotonous benchwork. I get how that will provide fewer opportunities than if I took anything out there. The problem is, these companies seem to think you just have six weeks to wait around and interview, so if you make it to the end like I did, there's nothing to show for your effort than to go through the same process and prolong unemployment!
The whole point of my education was to get into lab work and learn about instrumentation, not to figure out the problems that PhDs will solve. I refuse to believe that companies are only looking for 0-2 YoE technicians and analysts. Despite this, I'm despondent in understanding that being in the middle is most likely a sure route for me to never set foot in a lab again.
submitted by redactyl69 to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 AncientMaybe1 Should I obtain flairs when there’s possibility that trading also requires more than 2 cards?

Just wondering what everyone’s perspective is on this regarding obtaining flair and if it is possible that trading follows the same concept which consume cards.
submitted by AncientMaybe1 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 Ollysin Musical sigils

Listen to it, its inspired by some of you 😀
submitted by Ollysin to spirituality [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 SnooRegrets4312 Three bison killed in Indigenous ceremonial hunt in Banff National Park - Rocky Mountain News

Three bison killed in Indigenous ceremonial hunt in Banff National Park - Rocky Mountain News submitted by SnooRegrets4312 to alberta [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 One_Falcon_4028 I found the sample from the video of north and ye in Training

I found the sample from the video of north and ye in Training submitted by One_Falcon_4028 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 Texas_3291 Paid one of my credit cards

Paid one of my credit cards Just paid off my gold card and gonna work on my quick silver next which is about another $3k. Good thing I have 0% Apr for a few more months
submitted by Texas_3291 to debtfree [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 Icy_Statement_2410 Who Else Feels Like They Need To Get The **** Out Of The U.S.

I was already feeling like I really need to leave after Trump got elected... but after Monday I feel like I need to get out NOW. They're not even remotely hiding the faschism at this point and are openly coming for basically every single marginalized group. I feel absolutely disgusted and genuinely terrified for the future of everyone in the U.S. The parallels between every executive order from "Trump" (in quotations because he clearly had a team of people writing these for months and genuinely didnt even know what some of them were) and Nazi Germany is OVERWHELMING and if a person can't see/ accept that, they're the reason why it happened.
Idk what the future holds but America is irrevocably fucked. Trump has shown the gaping loopholes in America and shown that "checks and balances" are mainly lip service, especially since the Executive branch chooses the Judicial branch, and even when congress drums up impeachment charges, there will never be enough bipartisan support to vote against him. The warning alarms are blaring right now and i feel like i need to evacuate before it's too late
submitted by Icy_Statement_2410 to Liberal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 ajw827 What Happened To Podtail Audiobooks?

Does anyone listen to audiobooks at Podtail? Podtailaudiobooks.com. It's a free audiobook site based in the Philippines I found Hyperion there and was just started The Fall of Hyperion? Now, it's just gone. Does anyone know if it has just moved?
submitted by ajw827 to audiobooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 FitLow71 1/22/25

1/22/25 submitted by FitLow71 to StephanieRuhle1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 HauntingTea1799 Don't Panic Honors Section Exam Difference

I'm in Tatiana's honors section right now for 206 but have been attending Dawsons regular section too and honestly feel like I understand him better. Is there gonna be a difference in the exams, and if so, in what ways and by how much?
submitted by HauntingTea1799 to aggies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 mrshizznat055 [WTB] streamlight tlr-1 hl

Looking to buy a streamlight tlr-1 hl
Price is between $60 - $110 depending on condition
Will also look at similar lights of other brands
submitted by mrshizznat055 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]


SELLING ADOPT ME PETS FOR PAYPAL FNF (USD) ! DM OR COMMENT TO NOTICE 💞 submitted by AleaSolace to CrossTradesInRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 xobitty 26 gaymer looking for chats so bored rn hmu

HMU!! Home alone and wanting to chat
submitted by xobitty to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 New_Zookeepergame358 Elodie

submitted by New_Zookeepergame358 to NLCelebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 CrunchyNar 2025 Best Supporting Actor Winner Prediction [1/23/25]

View Poll
submitted by CrunchyNar to oscarpolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 arsenalfc1809 Stambeni kredit za izgradnju

Pozdrav ekipa Zanima me ako ima ko iskustva sa podizanjem stambenog za izgradnju kuce. Naime nemam neku nekretninu za zalog,vec mislim buducu izgradenu nekretninu staviti pod zalog. Pa me interesira na sta obratit pozornost i kako to sve skupa funkcionira. I koliko bankama znaci ako imamo neki novac koji bi moga sluzit ko depozit,cca oko 20ak tis €
submitted by arsenalfc1809 to financije [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 Powerful_Poetry_4048 Das geheime Leben im Garten: Ein Abenteuer voller Überraschungen!

Das geheime Leben im Garten: Ein Abenteuer voller Überraschungen!
Hallo liebe Gartenfreunde und solche, die es noch werden wollen!
Habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, was wirklich in eurem Garten abgeht, wenn ihr gerade nicht hinschaut? Ihr glaubt gar nicht, wie aufregend das stille Leben zwischen Rosensträuchern, Tomatenpflanzen und Lavendelbüsche sein kann! 🌿
Erstens, betrachten wir den typischen, vermeintlich ruhigen Sonntagnachmittag im Garten: Ihr seid eingekuschelt in eure Freizeitkleidung, die Vögel zwitschern, die Sonne kitzelt eure Nase und der Kaffee duftet vor sich hin. In Wirklichkeit sind eure Pflanzen dabei, eine regelrechte Party zu schmeißen! Ja, ihr habt richtig gelesen!
Einige Geheimnisse, die ihr wissen solltet: - Die morgendliche Stretch-Session: Eure Sonnenblumen richten sich gen Himmel, als würden sie sich für ein gemeinsames Yoga-Meeting aufwärmen. - Tomaten-Wettrennen: Ganz gleich, wie gleichmäßig man sie pflanzt, jede Tomatenstaude scheint eine Todoliste zu haben. Spoiler-Alarm – die ehrgeizigste gewinnt nicht unbedingt! - Der Streichen führende Rucola: Ehe ihr euren Salat zubereitet, segeln diese kleinen Blätter manchmal in Richtung Freiheit – erschreckend flott für ein Grünes!
Ein Gedanke, der mich oft umtreibt, ist, wie viel wir von diesen Pflanzen lernen können. Jeder von uns könnte ab und zu eine ordentliche 'Chlorophyll-Fortbildung' gebrauchen! 😄

Für diejenigen, die das Abenteuer im eigenen Garten erleben wollen oder sich neue Inspiration suchen für kleine oder große Gartenprojekte, empfehle ich einen Abstecher auf die kreative Seite des Internets – schaut euch unter www.thecozynook.de um. Sie haben nicht nur hübsches Handwerkszeug, sondern auch bezaubernde Deko, um euer Outdoor Paradies auf die nächste Stufe zu heben!
Egal, ob Yogi-Sonnenblumen oder süße Tomatenrennen – lasst euren Garten kreativ und lebendig sprießen! 🌻
Worüber habt ihr euch zuletzt im Garten amüsiert? Lasst uns gemeinsam die verborgenen Abenteuer entdecken und die ein oder andere gartenbedingte Lachfalte dazugewinnen!
Gartenliebe Grüße, powervolle Gedichtseele 😊
submitted by Powerful_Poetry_4048 to OnlineLC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 bigpapilocst4 What is something you do , that you don't think other people do ?

submitted by bigpapilocst4 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 HometownTV12 Good Morning Brockville, Leeds-Grenville! Local Morning Weather Update - Thursday, January 23, 2025

Good Morning Brockville, Leeds-Grenville! Local Morning Weather Update - Thursday, January 23, 2025 submitted by HometownTV12 to Brockvilleleedsgrenvl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:45 Trick-Log5705 Umsetzung eigenes Manhunt ohne Orga

Hey wir wollen ein eigenes Manhunt Projekt starten, einfach mit Freunden ohne das zu filmen. Des Spaßes halber im Sommer. Allerdings wird es schwierig werden wen zu finden der die Orga machen will, da jeder gerne Jagen oder Weglaufen möchte. Welche konkreten Möglichkeiten würden euch einfallen um das umzusetzen? Es müsste in einem gewissen Takt der Standort automatisch rausgeschickt werden, damit Spieler schlafen können wenn Sie denn wollen und nicht immer aufermksam sein müssen.
submitted by Trick-Log5705 to manhuntmedia [link] [comments]
