Any cocos in kengeri Blr?

2025.01.23 14:27 yoohunn Any cocos in kengeri Blr?

I just wanna know. I really wanto hangout and have fun but i can't so just asking
submitted by yoohunn to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 upentakill Atendente riu de mim porque comprei camisinha

Bom dia comunidade, espero que estejam bem.
Hoje meu maior pesadelo aconteceu, as pessoas sempre me diziam que comprar preservativo era de boa, que o funcionário não estaria ligando e que seria só mais um dia para ele, mas absolutamente não foi assim que aconteceu comigo.
Eu trabalho relativamente próximo de uma farmácia, e levando em consideração que era de manhã eu aproveitei para ir na farmácia e comprar preservativo pela primeira vez, eu estava com bastante timidez, visto que foi a primeira vez. Eu não sabia qual tamanho comprar, então peguei 2 do tamanho padrão e 2 do tamanho grande.
Quando coloquei encima do balcão no caixa a atendente (mulher de uns 22/24 anos) pegou na mão, olhou, deu uma leve risada e balançou a cabeça de forma negativa, como se estivesse debochando, eu não soube onde enfiar a cara, não esbocei reação, apenas continuei quieto, mas por dentro eu estava muito envergonhado.
Enfim, esse foi meu desabafo, sinceramente não sei se terei coragem de ir uma próxima vez.
submitted by upentakill to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Flight2039Down Shadowlands was awful, how do I get back into WoW? Can’t cope with how slow Classic feels and SoD is probably not for me.

I've got a handful of level 60 characters in WoW that I've just checked in on. I want to play casually with some friends and get a "fresh" start.
The part I've enjoyed most about WoW was new zones, new content, and exploration. I've seen all of the two main continents, northrend, and hated outlands. I've never seen Pandera, but it's not important to me.
If I start a new character now, and level up to 60/70, what's the best route to see new content. I want to ignore all of shadowlands, if possible.
The few videos I have seen on YouTube seem to suggest that everything has really been condensed into dragon isles right now. Is there a story reason for that? Can I just play through that and get into the war within after I explore the isles? I've got a lot of love for the old content, I just don't want to do it again.
I already have a hunter and a Druid at 60 from shadowlands. I'm looking to play a priest, as I never have. Is there enough content to level 1-60/70 on the isles, or am I going to have to find some filler from the old worlds?
Since WoW is so different now, I'd like to treat this playthrough as WoW2, essentially. I don't mind boosting to 70, but I tend to get bored at level cap, so I don't mind doing the entire 1-60 again, if I can explore new areas and content. It's also easier to learn a character with a few skills at a time, instead of overwhelmingly all at once.
Please help!
submitted by Flight2039Down to wow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 ItsBetterOnAStick I have a history of balding, but a full head of hair, what preemptive measures should I take?

I'm 19, and while I have a full head of hair right now, I know for certain I'm going to start balding soon. Both my grandfathers have gone bald and my dad has extremely thin hair right now. What preemptive measures should I take while I still have my hair to slow the process as much as possible?
submitted by ItsBetterOnAStick to Balding [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Abubillaflow EXTRANJERÍA/Prorroga de permiso de residencia por arraigo para la formación, bajo supuestos excepcionales no contemplados en la normativa. ¿Posible?

Antes que nada disculpen el textaco si alguien tiene la paciencia de leerlo completo le agradezco y si pueden aportar algo a la cuestión que planteo o si alguien tiene una experiencia similar sería interesante conocerla.
Buenas tardes soy una persona migrante en España en la ciudad de Barcelona, hace no mucho en Julio del año 2024 me fue condedida la autorización de residencia por circunstancias excepcionales por arraigo para la formación.
Una vez con mi permiso en mano, hice los pasos siguientes que fueron matricularme en una formación de certificación profesional y finalizarla. La etapa formativa fue de Sept a Finales de Nov.
Luego empecé a buscar trabajo, y ahí es donde la cosa se complicó, ya qué este trámite de extranjería en un principio solo concede el permiso de residencia pero no te autoriza a trabajar (Lo aclaro por si alguien le interesa, aunque busco respuestas claramente de una persona con mucho mayor conocimiento)
Entonces al ir a entrevistas siempre sale la pega de no tener el permiso de trabajo, siempre explico que lo que busco es una oferta laboral o un precontrato de ser posible ya que es lo que requiero para hacer el segundo paso que es solicitar el permiso de trabajo, pero como los plazos suelen ser largos y no todo el mundo está bien informado de extranjería, además que siendo realistar las empresas tienen muchos candidatos de donde escoger así que no se ven en la necesidad de esperar a nadie... Bueno el caso es que se me está complicando mucho terminar ese proceso.
En Julio se vence mi permiso y si no consigo un contrato de trabajo para poder hacer la solicitud del permiso de trabajo pasaré a estar en situación irregular denuevo...
La cuestión que quiero plantear es:
¿Sería posible solicitar una prórroga del permiso de residencia por arraigo por formación? Alegando que estoy teniendo muchas dificultades para conseguir la oferta laboral y que muy posiblemente no llegue a encontrar la oferta de trabajo y por lo tanto pasaría a estar denuevo en situación irregular.
Dado por varias causas como: - Los plazos de tramitación de los expedientes de extranjería que pondrían a las empresas a tener una espera innecesariamente larga para poder contratar a un trabajador extranjero. - La temporalidad inherente al sector de búsqueda de empleo (Almacénes, mozo almacén) lo cual implica inmediatez en la contratación de trabajadores. - La alta tasa de trabajadores del sector disponibles de forma inmediata, lo cual te descarta desde el principio del proceso a menos que la empresa sea de un conocido o amigo.
Además plantearía que tengo la oportunidad de realizar una FPO DUAL del sector Cárnico que me permitirá mayores posibilidades de inserción y que además tendría grandes posibilidades de quedarme trabajando en la empresa en la que realice la formación en alternancia. Para aprovechar esta oportunidad necesitaría que la prorroga sea posible ya que la formación es de 1 año y para poder cursarla requeriría que mi permiso siga siendo válido.
submitted by Abubillaflow to ESLegal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Passionatepinapple64 Wizard Of Oz Museum

Has anyone gone to the Wizard Of Museum while docked? Interested to see feedback and how is it?
submitted by Passionatepinapple64 to MSCCruises [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 DeadlyNadder [5e][Online][GMT +1] Players for second Homebrew Spelljammer D&D campaign

Hello Everyone,
We are looking for 3 new players to join for our second Homebrew Spelljammer D&D campaign.
Recently we competed our 1st campaign spanning over 2 years. The second campaign will take place in the same world and setting, but in a new location / faction, it is a perfect time for new people to join. Campaign 2 will be divided into chapters aiming for 3-6 sessions in length. At the start of a chapter you can decide to make a new character or continue with your existing character. At the end of a chapter we will level up - starting at level 2.
### Timeslot: GMT +1 (CET)
### Requirements / Rules:
- Age limit 18+.
- No romantic roleplay.
- We are LGBT friendly.
- New Player friendly. Though, be warned Spelljammer is a bit of a difficult place to start. Since we start at level 2 it should be feasable.
- No Webcam.
- Microphone required.
- Software: Discord, DND beyond, and Owlbear (subscriptions are not required).
- If a player is disruptive or inappropriate during or after the game in any way let the GM know. The focus should be on making an enjoyable experience for everyone!
- Ruleset: We will start out using the 5e D&D 2024 rules.
Depending on how the group feels we may use some old rules for specific things or switch back to the 2014 rule set. For spelljammer mechanics we intend to use (some) 2nd edition rules for spacetravel / combat. Generally to flesh out the spacefaring, since we found it to be very lacking in the 5e release.
- Banned Species: Hadozee, Legacy Aarakocra.
GM: "I'd like to disincentivize anyone from playing an elf / half elf for Chapter 1. (because we played with 2 Astral Elves for +/- 2 years).
They don't make as much sense in the setting (Giff focus), but if you can come up with a good backstory to play one after chapter 1 we can make it happen."
### Background
Our campaign does not use: galaxies, solar systems, or planets. Instead the Astral Sea has many city's and other smaller locations. The Astral Sea has limited resources that put a strain on its inhabitants. Typically resources that can be found are remnants from other dimensions (perhaps due to dimensional tears or other anomalies).
There are 5 major factions:

  1. Giff "The Crimson Horde"- Military focus - Previously at war with the Astral Elves / Io. The war cost the lives of a great number of Giff, and low birthrates meant that the Giff were forced to except more "fragile" sentients into their society. This is a trend that will continue; within 2 generations it is projected that other species will out number the Giff 5-1. As a Giff grows older and begins to slow down, they are possessed with the idea of proving themselves still young and vital - usually in battle. As a result, there are very, very few old giff.
    Giff still tend to out rank other sentients within their military society.
    The inclusion of new cultures and their knowledge has resulted in rapid technological growth.
- Paramex Command - Is the focus of Campaign 2.
Effectively a Military base near the Giff Capitol "New Spark". PARAMEX has a complicated organization structure spanning many departments: Counter Intelligence Division, Alchemy Department, Zoology Division, Tactical Response Team, Anomaly Response Team, etc. For Chapter 1 - You are an agent of Paramex Command's Tactical Response team.
  1. Io - Astal Elves - Mageocracy lead by king Miran'Veimar and the High Mages of the Academy of Arcanium. Very traditional.
  2. ASTARIUS MEGACORP - Massive Corporation founded by the Dwarves that settled in the Astral Sea. Profited massively from the War between Giff and Io in the past.
    Controls most valuable resources in the Astral Sea. When both Giff and Io were unable to pay out certain loans the Corporation took territory from them as collateral.
  3. Freespace - Independent yet organised group of Freefolk, controls less valuable regions, economically relies on sustainably farming the Astral Whales that still exist in their region of space.
  4. The Shaar - Collective term (used by the average sentient) for all Thri-Kreen dominated sectors. Considered very hostile an dangerous.
    However in reality a Shaar sector may contain many hives, with each a unique culture.
Surrounding our known space is Deep Space. A dangerous mysterious deadzone - void of light and living creatures. Each year the borders of Deep Space creep in slightly closer.
Does this sound interesting to you and you'd like to join?
Please send me a DM.
submitted by DeadlyNadder to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Big7mag Free gold/silver add on Newsmax

I was watching newsmax the other day and it was talking about getting up to $15,000 in free gold and silver. I was curious if anyone has ever checked into one of those commercials? Newsmax is a very reputable news channel , I just am suspicious of something that sounds too good to be true so never checked into it. Maybe have to buy like a million dollars worth?
submitted by Big7mag to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Early-Preparation-17 THE DEGENMOB COIN

Tomorrow it launches at 6 pm UTC YOU DONT WANNA MISS THIS ONE!!!
submitted by Early-Preparation-17 to SolCoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Sea_Cattle9644 Half way there

Half way there Gonna try a full year streak, I'm halfway there
submitted by Sea_Cattle9644 to Dadish [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 ethereor [47.999€] KIA EV9 7-Sitzer Air / 76,1 kWh / 218 PS oder 385 PS (RWD o. AWD) 99,8 kWh | auch Earth oder GT-Line (dt NW mit Kz)| inkl 1200€ Ladeguthaben

submitted by ethereor to deals_de [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Thornscorn Modland Tests

We all know that most of the Modland mods are bad or worse than that. I tested many in the last few months and 2 to 3 of them are well made with high quality. They are original uploaded there and not stolen from another website.
My question is: Would the BeamNG Community like a Channel that focuses on testing all the Modland Stuff to pick out the good ones?
submitted by Thornscorn to BeamNG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Pete_470 WB Deoxys (defense) 5948 7565 9101

submitted by Pete_470 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 SPAC_Time Heliogen Concludes Capella Demonstration, Advancing Next-Generation Concentrated Solar Technology - OTC: HLGN HLGNW

Heliogen Concludes Capella Demonstration, Advancing Next-Generation Concentrated Solar Technology - OTC: HLGN HLGNW submitted by SPAC_Time to Spacstocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 LetterheadTricky4691 Pokemon packs

What exactly does one pack have besides one energy? I thought holo cards were rare but it seems like theres one holo and one reverse holo in every pack..
submitted by LetterheadTricky4691 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Competitive-Math-458 [POE2 HCSSF] Any good rules or suggestions to follow ?

So im asking more about general things that can apply for every character. For example in poe1 I would go for 300 life per act then 4k for yellow and 5k for red and capped res also for all. And things like levelling over zones for example.
So im wondering any rules for poe 2 that people have found. Like is 400/500 total life (life + es) per act a good rule, or certain amount of res. Just as gear is very RNG you might also want to farm certain areas for gear.
submitted by Competitive-Math-458 to PathOfExileSSF [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 StrangeBeginning7430 Cyn again but better

Cyn again but better what else do I draw
submitted by StrangeBeginning7430 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Striking_Travel_7855 sony zv 1f

hi, im not a photographer or vlogger. i was looking for cameras for my upcoming trip to Hawaii. i did purchase the sony zv 1f but i realize i have to purchase additional attachments for flash and one item came damaged. i already spent a lot and planning to return. i need advice or rec for cameras for photos. im not a photographer but would like to have some fun pictures on my trip. i am looking at the canon eos rebel t7. please point me out to some recommendations!
submitted by Striking_Travel_7855 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 AnimeGokuSolos Is GTA online really a “kids audience game” compared to the other previous titles of GTA?

Is GTA online really a “kids audience game” compared to the other previous titles of GTA? I do see this take of this being said, but I get so confused as to why people say this…
The game even with the past running 11 years has some adult humor here and there.
Also sexual ones especially from those annoying ass couples in the GTA Online Turner update
The way that people say it make it seem like the game is Fortnite when that’s more of teen rated a game.
GTA online definitely has its flaws but kids audience game has, a lot of game features that are more towards adults?
Honestly, it reminds me when people call GTA 5 the main story, a kid game, but even that was a stretch since there’s a lot of dark shit in the game.
I’m guessing people say this are GTA 4 fans that only played GTA 4…
They never played the other GTA games or GTA online.
submitted by AnimeGokuSolos to GTA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Mysterious_Secret827 Trump's Broken Promises Within 48 Hours!

submitted by Mysterious_Secret827 to democracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 cityturtle123 Phish Bang Sangho MSG New Years Run 2018 $125 Shipped

Phish Bang Sangho MSG New Years Run 2018 $125 Shipped Phish Bang Sangho MSG New Years Run 2018 $125 Shipped
submitted by cityturtle123 to phish [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 RudesJB Posters

does anyone know where to get a good poster with a photo of the band? preferably enema or take off your pants and jacket era
submitted by RudesJB to Blink182 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Nearby_Educator6852 Can I made it or I need to collect gem's for the hatch task?

Can I made it or I need to collect gem's for the hatch task? Quick question I really need to collect these token but the hatch task its real pain the ass 😒
submitted by Nearby_Educator6852 to MonsterLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 Tbommerrules7 How often do you hear your own pronouns?( Particularly from friends/ common people in your life. )

So I have a couple friends who are trans. We obviously refer to each other with preferred pronouns but I’ve been thinking and looking over my own conversations with them and noticed something. When I’m talking with someone one on one I’m always using you- your pronouns because that’s how the English language works when speaking directly with people. And I realized that I never really call my friends their gendered pronouns when I’m talking to them. Only if I’m referring to them when they aren’t present. Just curious if that’s normal mostly.
submitted by Tbommerrules7 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:27 doratheblindexplorxr cmat accepting good colleges besides jbims?

please help me sort
submitted by doratheblindexplorxr to CATpreparation [link] [comments]