My workspace

2025.01.23 14:24 evelchewbacca My workspace

I know it's not much but it's all I have and I make it work. Here's a couple projects I'm working on
submitted by evelchewbacca to discdyeing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 sikentmember1982 How to get profitable with these trade fees?

How to get profitable with these trade fees? submitted by sikentmember1982 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Intelligent_Pop_8506 Emilia Perez must've won Razzie awards and not Golden Globes and Academy awards!

The fact that Golden Globes and Academy and Cannes, etc. are taking this garbage of a movie seriously makes me lose all respect for the said award shows altogether. I did "try" to watch this movie and everything about it was wrong and cringe. I could not bring myself to make it half way through, which is not my fault but the production's complete and total lack of competence in every imaginable way. I'm not socially or politically motivated to hate this movie based on the half-assed idiotic backstory of the main characters, I just despise bad productions and Emilia Perez is hands down one of the worst movies I have ever come across.
submitted by Intelligent_Pop_8506 to EmiliaPerez [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 BigTempsy Chat Folders For Google Gemini - Feedback Wanted

Good morning,
Fast Folders Link:
I recently created a chrome extension called 'Fast Folders' that lets you create chat folders for Google Gemini. You can also search chats from the folders and organize them all in a productive way.
I would like for beta testers to test this out and send me some constructive feedback on the extension. I have a bug report/feature request on the extension itself.
Many Thanks
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Processing img 3sviyksq4iee1...
submitted by BigTempsy to apps [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 akim99867 [For Hire] Digital Illustration here! More info in the comments.

[For Hire] Digital Illustration here! More info in the comments. submitted by akim99867 to artstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 bro_ihaveraygun_plz Help identifying this part? On a 2011 Accord.

Help identifying this part? On a 2011 Accord. Noticed yesterday that there was a bit of a sputtering sound when starting the car up and there was a bit more whining than usual. Drove otherwise normally. Did it again today and when I checked under the hood I noticed this part was cracked. Any idea what could be going on? Thanks in advance.
submitted by bro_ihaveraygun_plz to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 mccloud_jamie Advertisement

Advertisement submitted by mccloud_jamie to KeerthySuresh_Club [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Both_Conflict_9502 Loro Piana

Hey everyone , I’ve some questions about loro Piana itself , do their products come back once a while , for example a blue and white striped shirt was a year ago on their site from Loro Piana will that go back in stock or are they limited ?
submitted by Both_Conflict_9502 to mensfashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Lingonberry_Jolly Test

submitted by Lingonberry_Jolly to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Legitimate-War-7279 BTS Fanfic on youtube

If this isn't allowed. It can be removed.
I'm making bts fanfic on youtube and I have more than 250 video's with all kind of stories. Please come and check it out!
submitted by Legitimate-War-7279 to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Any-Station-4026 Attention! BIKES!!

Hello, guys first of all let me introduce myself, my name is Luka and i am medical student in TSMU. Students both local and foreign will ubderstand , my position i need sec income for the finances, so my friend and i decided to make some kind of BikePark. (Where anybody can rent bike for the affordable prices) What can you guys tell me, about the idea we will start soon! First 10 guys will get the discount of 40% for the whole service!! Dm me and i will give you my contact of whatsapp.
submitted by Any-Station-4026 to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Ok-Protection922 Rutgers WL

2.94, 162, applied November 27th and am a very non traditional student. This result was a little surprising but am very glad that I have an outstanding offer from Drexel that I'm probably going to accept. Good luck to everyone during these insane couple of months!
submitted by Ok-Protection922 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 AcrobaticSavings2798 Havanna

Ein Kollege hat bald Hochzeit und der gönnt sich ab und zu mal eine Havanna Zigarre. Da ich kein Lungenkrebs-Jahresabo abgeschlossen habe, kenne ich mich überhaupt ned aus worauf man achten muss bzw wo man die herbekommt (gibts die die in trafiken). Wäre über Tipps, Erfahrungen dankbar, am besten in W oder Salzburg
submitted by AcrobaticSavings2798 to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Hot-Strawberry-139 CPTSD e relazione finita, come andare avanti?

Ciao a tutti,
sono 27/M, il mio terapeuta mi ha diagnosticato il CPTSD dovuto a ripetuti abusi sessuali e domestici avuti durante l'infanzia, non voglio dilungare troppo a riguardo, ma per me la vita non è mai stata semplice da affrontare.
Da circa 8 mesi ho avuto il coraggio di andarmene da una relazione tossica e abusiva, dove non ho mai ricevuto un minimo di empatia o supporto emotivo, dove la mia ex non faceva altro che criticarmi e pretendeva di fare solo quello che avesse voglia lei di fare ecc..
Razionalmente so di aver fatto la cosa giusta e che mi merito una persona che cerchi di comprendermi e supportarmi, ma emozionalmente sto ancora male, avrei voluto con tutto il cuore che potesse funzionare tra di noi, e in certi periodi pensavo davvero di poterci costruire un qualcosa a lungo termine. Ad un certo punto, vivendo con l'ansia 24/24 e vedendo come tutta la mia vita si stava deteriorando piano piano, ho trovato la forza di chiuderla, dopo 2 mesi di no contact mi scrive chiedendomi di vederci e parlare, mi dice che le manco, che non riesce a dimenticarmi ecc.. salvo poi scoprire che si stava già scopando altri.
Non vi nego che sapere questo mi ha letteralmente distrutto e ora mi ritrovo qui, non sapendo quando finirà tutto questo e non avendo più voglia di uscire e conoscere altre ragazze.. Nella mia testa sono tutte come lei, e vedendo la superficialità dei rapporti al mondo d'oggi, il tutto non è proprio incoragginate.
Qualcuno che abbia vissuto un'esperienza simile e possa darmi consigli su come uscirne? Vado in terapia da circa un annetto e non posso negare che mi stia aiutando, ho trovato un terapeuta di cui riesco a fidarmi e a cui sto raccontando tutti i traumi che non ho mai avuto il coraggio di dire a nessun altro, certi giorni però sembra un tunnel da cui non riuscirò mai ad uscire... Certe volte non vedo neanche il senso di riprovarci con un'altra persona se devo finire di nuovo a dover affrontare tutta questa sofferenza.
submitted by Hot-Strawberry-139 to psicologia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 AstronautNo8897 need responses for survey. plis help

hi guys! im doing a small study on the effect of strategic partnerships and customer experience for my course and if anyone wants to do my survey I have it here. Any reponse is appreciated. Please dont grill me too much. I am in dire need of responses as my due date is nearing. This survey mostly focuses on the london restaurant industry and if there are any question feel free to ask.
link to survey:
submitted by AstronautNo8897 to restaurants [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 FunctionOk1112 Harf Notu

İngilizce Okuma Konuşma dersinde AA 90 ile başlıyor. Benim toplam ortalamam ise 89.8 oluyor. Acaba sistem kendiliğinden 90'a yuvarlıyor mu ?
submitted by FunctionOk1112 to ytu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 ender1adam Gotta love indigenous solidarity: "Inuit for Palestine" in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Copenhagen

Gotta love indigenous solidarity: submitted by ender1adam to ender1adam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Imaginary-Safety3444 Should I let my Cat Family see my dead Panleukopenia kitten?

My heart is broken now. I cried for so many times. I am at fault here because I didn't vaccinate him. I had the funds and it was my goal to vaccinate and spay them this next months.
But then a lost then found accident happened and then my other cat who I spayed and vaccinated thdied last week just after I recovered.
I just didn't want to go back and I let myself be depressed. I could go paragraphs about what happened this past days with funds and vets and my traumas and mental breakdowns but it's too much. I still can't forgive myself fully.
Please help me decide because I am at pain I do not know the right decision. My baby has a aunt, a mom, and another twin brother he left. They keep meowing for the room I contained him in even when I try to disinfect and isolate them away.
I want them to see the body to have closure but the vet said they might get infected. Should I let them live in blissful ignorance but they will still yearn and meow for him from time to time or should I let them see it and get closure and possibly get infected even when I vaccinated.
I told my mom and aunt I will try to put them in the Carey cage away as we unbox him and bury for him for them to see. And I vaccinated now them all just in case for their first dose. Back then we did this for their papa now he is gone and this is left. And I want to heal whatsoever left of this little family please reply early I'm so hurt
submitted by Imaginary-Safety3444 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 kenmasblackcard Chocolate and Matcha Donuts!

Chocolate and Matcha Donuts! A custom order for one of my repeat customer!
submitted by kenmasblackcard to BakingPhilippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Some_Course_8065 27 [M4F] Delhi - Looking for a hook-up. Let it be my first time.

Judge me all you want but I want to do it for the first time. I have written everything. I know what I am doing and I want to do it for the first time this way. I request you not to downvote me
As it is obvious from the title, I want to have sex for the first time in my life. I have never done anything in my life. The reason is that I was dumb enough to think that I should save myself for only one person and then later, I was too focused on my career.
I was in a long-distance relationship and she cheated on me. I had a trauma from it and didn't pursue anyone for a few years. Now I am ready for it and want to take things ahead casually.
I have wanted to do it for the last couple of months but didn't dare to post this here. I am trying now to break away from my shell and open up for it. I want someone who isn't going to rush anything, tries to understand me and communicates about each other needs before we get to the deed part.
About me :
Mentally and emotionally: I’m intelligent, analytic, focused, obsessed with efficiency and I have a shiny card that abides for my razor sharp wit. Personally, I’m a quiet, soft-spoken, calm and laid-back person. Socially, I’m an introvert passing as an extrovert. I’m independent; I deal with things internally and I almost always rely solely on my own guidance.
Physically: Structurally speaking, I am small - 5’6” and athelete body. I have short, black hair and black eyes.
Sexually: I am certainly one for the more sensuous side of things. I’m a sucker for sensuality with a firm touch to it. I think that I will enjoy passionate sex I do, however, have some hard limits: no heavy pain, pets, animal, children, blood, urine, feces, electro-shock, anal fisting, etc. I guess sex is more of a cerebral thing to me. Finally, in an ideal world, as much as I enjoy spanking a particularly pert derrière, deep down you love breasts - I love taking care of them.
You want to take from me – everything you can. I give, you take and take care of me – that’s the equilibrium I am aiming for.
Please be hygienic, articulate and respectful
Privacy is a must for me.
I intend it as a one-time thing but we can make it a permanent arrangement if it goes well. I am emotionally available though.
In case this interests you, you hit me up with a short intro.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Some_Course_8065 to Indiangirlsontinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Smokey_tha_bear9000 Things never change

Things never change I was doing some reading on the 1956 Inaja Fire after learning about it in my Crew Boss class recently.
In the Fire summary report, investigators added this note.
Even almost 70 years ago they recognized how firefighters were not being fairly compensated for the difficult and dangerous work all you brave men and women do for our country.
submitted by Smokey_tha_bear9000 to Wildfire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 crocospect Shit I forgot they removed Kapkan's c4

Being rushed by Blitz today and I was reflex by spamming G on his feet and ended up placing camera on the floor..
Blitz was watching me for a while when I screamed internally before he decided to end my misery..
submitted by crocospect to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 pee_poo_pee_po did I lose in the battle pylos or is it part of the game?

so I was fighting demons and all, but like I don't know if I died or not. a cutscene pulled up, and a tree fell on demios and, but then I was in a prison. I don't know if that's how it goes, because I was also low on health when it happened.
submitted by pee_poo_pee_po to AssassinsCreedOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 Silver-Breakfast7578 Temari of the Sand Cosplay!

Temari of the Sand Cosplay! One of my comfy cosplays
submitted by Silver-Breakfast7578 to Naruto [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:24 SuccessfulCount7308 Thoracic/cervical back pain

Hello, I am 44 yo female, (5'4", 120lbs), physically active (4-5 days a week exercise) . About 3 years ago I had my first rhomboid area pain for about 3-4 weeks which was address by steroids and muscle relaxants. About a year or so later it repeated, and address same way. Spring 2024 it cam back again exact in rhomboid area (between shoulder blades and spine), tried to do same treatment but did not work. Since May 2024 to today the sensation keep changing. I do not have it in rhomboids now, mostly moved to shoulders, neck, scapula.. At some point got to the point of such neck stiffness where it started affecting my head with dizziness. I did thoracic and cervical spine xrays, did MRI for thoracic, cervical spine and head. Head MRI clean, MRI says "minimal anterior disk buldging and endplate osteophitic spurrings , no significant posterior bulging or herniating is seen". Xray says "straightening of the cervicale lordosis", though MRI said "normal cervical lordosis". I.e. nothing major that could explain my discomfort. The feeling is more like tension/discomfort at this point. I reduced amount of upper back workouts, I do a lot of stretching, the sensation goes away with warmth, with activity, it comes back with sitting at the computer, being static. I did have 3-4 weeks of absolutely normal back in August, then in November-december.. but cannot figure out what helped to calm it down. I did PT, did chiropractor, massages.. nothing really resolved it. Got to the point thinking what if it is some sort of cancer... (have health anxiety). My regular physician is not really helpful here. What doctor should I see at this point?
submitted by SuccessfulCount7308 to backpain [link] [comments]