How do you make an idiot say “how”

2025.01.23 14:42 cxrsed_child How do you make an idiot say “how”

go on, answer my question!
submitted by cxrsed_child to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 summercloudsadness Kate Beckinsale

submitted by summercloudsadness to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 No-Database5520 Não faz sentido o povo brasileiro ser tão dócil CONTRA as injustiças

Brasil lidera o ranking de países mais violentos do mundo, superando estáticas até de países em Guerra!
A cada esquina tem um maluco só querendo arrumar desculpa pra matar alguém, tipo o que vemos nessas brigas de trânsito que sempre acaba em tragédia.
Se Brasil é um campo fértil pra desenvolver pessoas violentas e instáveis; ENTÃO PORQUE É QUE É QUE OS BONS SE CALAM DIANTE DAS INJUSTIÇAS? POR QUE É QUE SÓ ACEITAMOS TUDO ISSO? simplesmente surreal como nós simplesmente aceitamos isso de cabeça baixa.
O que me incomoda não é o barulho dos ruins, mas sim o silêncio dos bons.
submitted by No-Database5520 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 NeshaTata [ FREE ] Ian x Glo x Future type beat "Prada"

[ FREE ] Ian x Glo x Future type beat submitted by NeshaTata to beats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 HakanTheBeloved Is CK3 worth it in my scenario?

Hello, I'm somebody who's used to paradox games mainly HOI4, and I was looking for similar experience in terms of core gameplay by that I mean U rule a country and do whatever u want or u are able to create your future pretty much.
I've heard good words about this game but I cannot afford the DLCs at all to have the full feeling of it, I know the newest expansions gave the option to be a something like Mercenary aka landless and that would be probably my most interest in the game, but it's too expensive and I don't wanna do pirating because it's always a risk of virus or other bad stuff.
So yeah if my main point of interest in this game is locked behind pay wall should I consider picking this game up?
submitted by HakanTheBeloved to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 hinugund Full armor gm

Full armor gm Yes I know I need to clean my laptop
submitted by hinugund to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Huge-Athlete-9355 Arkadaşlar babamın 1.5 milyon birikmişi var bunu nasıl değerlendirebiliriz?

submitted by Huge-Athlete-9355 to Yatirim [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 THEURBEXKING Apartment Building Climb

Apartment Building Climb submitted by THEURBEXKING to urbanexploration [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 dragontamerfibleman Flow has just received TWO Oscar nominations, including not only best animated feature, but best international movie overall!

Flow has just received TWO Oscar nominations, including not only best animated feature, but best international movie overall! submitted by dragontamerfibleman to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Many-Mixture9890 Patch 8.00

It’s the 8th Feb. you sleep. You dream of patch 8.00 You wake up Turn on pc Launch dota You see dota downloading updates “Oh wow! This is it! Months of waiting. Valve finally released gameplay patch!” Your on dota screen. Top corner with 1 unread mail. You can’t wait to read patch notes Then Gaben hits you The message says “Crown fall will be extended for another 3 weeks”
submitted by Many-Mixture9890 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Skodakenner Zeigt her eure dreckigen Karren!

Zeigt her eure dreckigen Karren! Jetzt da es Winter ist muss man sich ja weniger für ein dreckiges Auto schämen also her damit!
submitted by Skodakenner to automobil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Levitb2 82 year old Personal Trainer - blood tests always show low Hemocrit and Hemoglobin

My husband's hematocrit and hemoglobin have been a few points below normal for quite a few years. His doctors have done many tests, but nothing ever shows as abnormal.
His diet is great, he has great energy, not depressed and is in great health except for his kidney function level is 3a which he was told is normal for his age. He trains 3 people twice a week.
He is on medication to help him be able to urinate in the middle of the night.
I'm worried about him. Should he pursue this situation or is this normal for his age?
submitted by Levitb2 to Anemic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Boardenbrew Searching for this golden glam!

Searching for this golden glam! submitted by Boardenbrew to sunglasses [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Annual-Name-6505 Looking to replace a partner in a student housing portfolio.

Shot in the dark but I am looking to replace a partner in a student housing portfolio I own. I am looking to switch out about 60-65m in capital. The portfolio is spread across various states.
submitted by Annual-Name-6505 to private_equity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Katsuri14 Need help w/ financial aid tax

I’ve received about $10,000 in financial aid reimbursements over the past 2 ½ years, and I just found out this might count as income, even though I don’t have a job and am a dependent on my mom’s taxes.
I’ve never done taxes before, and no one at my community college ever mentioned this. I recently transferred to a university and heard that anything not used for school-related expenses is taxable. I don’t have receipts for everything, some were for codes digital textbooks or required programs. I also bought a laptop and spent money on commuting, but I’m not sure if those count.
What should I do?
submitted by Katsuri14 to tax [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Outrageous-Metal4872 NASDAQ Intraday Trade - SELL 23 Jan 2025

NASDAQ Intraday Trade - SELL 23 Jan 2025 submitted by Outrageous-Metal4872 to nasdaq [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Happy_Strawberry_456 Do I need an "Überweisung" from my Hausarzt to visit a Neurologist for ADHD?

Hi, so I am from the USA and I moved to Austria a while back. In the USA I have had an ADHD (ADHS) diagnosis since I was a child; since I've been in Austria I've been without medication and it's having a major toll on my productivity.
I went to the Hausarzt yesterday and explained my situation and he gave me the address of a Neurologist and also a Überweisung form with the Neurologist address on it.
When I went to the Neurologist they told me they don't actually do ADHD, but they kindly gave me the contact information of a Neurologist who does.
My question is, should I wait to see my Hausarzt again to get a new Überweisung (it will be a little while as they are now on vacation)? Or can I just call this Neurologist directly and show up with just my e-card?
submitted by Happy_Strawberry_456 to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 SnooGadgets7014 Is 4 or 5 naps a day normal?

My husband thinks I’m crazy waking he making her sleep/waking he making her sleep and honestly it feels a bit mad but if I don’t she’s a mess come the evening. So it does help but is this what everyone’s doing?
Also, baby is three months now and I think having a sleep regression with naps - starts crying as soon as we go into the bedroom.
I got the huckleberry app and their sweet spot feature does cleverly match when she’s tired but it’s still a nightmare to get her to nap…
submitted by SnooGadgets7014 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Necessary_Wing1142 Morning Prayer of Gratitude: Giving Thanks for God’s Perfect Creation

submitted by Necessary_Wing1142 to healingspirit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 HashtagCBE Shall I use this Chemy card

Shall I use this Chemy card submitted by HashtagCBE to tokuwaifu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Val1407 No more Twitter links

Updated the rules. As per recent drama, this subreddit don't want to be affiliated with any of it so links will be banned.
I think people didn't get I never was against it , but against making drama about it as the comments were getting wild, derogatory and off-topic for no reason .
UFO50 is about UFO50, and should always be .
submitted by Val1407 to ufo50 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Nick2132 Would underclocking my vram help stop artifacting

I have a EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 XC3 ULTRA GAMING and I got it around 2023 and when I run it for a time it starts artifacting all over the screen then crashes and reboots. I tried underclocking the base clock speed( I think that's what it is) and it still did it but I was looking stuff up today and people were saying it's the ram that causes artifacting. I've changed the system ram by then but idk if they meant vram. Further I looked up if they correlated (vram and artifacting) and it said they do so would underclocking it help. Also could it possibly hurt it if I underclock too much. Is it cooked?
submitted by Nick2132 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Imaginary-Ranger-149 Mounting nest cameras on brick

I have a house with an all brick exterior (vinyl soffits) and I was wondering if anyone found a way to mount the nest cameras (battery) without drilling into the brick? I tried using “extreme hold” adhesive pads rated up to 12lbs but even after attempting to clean all dust and dirt away before application, my cameras were on the ground the next day. I have seen someone 3d print a bracket that slips under the soffit but I can’t find them for sale (or even the print file) anywhere. I don’t have gutters to use some of the mounts available online.
Thanks for any suggestions.
submitted by Imaginary-Ranger-149 to Nest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Important_Cod_8970 We were foster fails and kept the Grey one. The tux is with our neighbour 🥰

We were foster fails and kept the Grey one. The tux is with our neighbour 🥰 submitted by Important_Cod_8970 to dustkitties [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:42 Early-Preparation-17 Tomorrow is the day!!! 6pm UTC The people ain’t ready for this This will blow up the market!!! Are you ready for the greatest launch this year!!! Telegram: degenmobcoin

submitted by Early-Preparation-17 to MemeCoinLounge [link] [comments]