ford escape hybrid reliability

Bonjour à toutes et tous. J'ai une légère fuite de mon liquide de refroidissement. Je joins des photos; la fuite se trouve coté capteur (vert) et en dessous. Y-a-t-il un joint derrière? Et comment le remplacer. Merci pour vos réponses. Je rencontre un problème de broutage et perte de puissance sur mon Ford Puma. Il a 45000 kms et la garantie constructeur des 2 ans s'est terminée il y a quelques semaines. Savez-vous si lors d'un problème moteur tel que les injecteurs (car je pense que c'est ça) peuvent être pris en compte par le constructeur en sortie de garantie. Bonjour, Nous avons un problème de voyant de capteur de pression de pneus qui s'allume sur un kuga. Nous avons déjà changé les 4 capteurs et nous n'avons pas de perte de pression... Mais à chaque fois que nous reinitialisons le voyant il se rallume peu de temps après Bonjour, Je suis sur le point d'acheter un van aménagé pour profiter de notre retraite (bien méritée 😜). Je pensais initialement acheter un VW California mais je ne compte plus le nombre de propriétaire ayant été deçu de la fiabilité de ce modèle. J'ai donc essayé cet automne un Ford transit et j... Bonjours à tous, Je viens d'apprendre par mon concessionnaire que l'intervalle de remplacement de la courroie de distribution de mon fourgon Ford transit custom de 2017 était porté de 10 ans ou 240000km (préconnisation constructeur 2017) à 6 ans ou 160000km aujourd'hui. La courroie est dans l'hui... Type de problème / symptômes Bonjour, Nous avons fait l'acquisition d'un ford B max neuf en 2014. Jusqu'à présent, nous étions satisfait de ce véhicule mais le vent vient de tourner... En effet, lors du contrôle technique, nous venons d'apprendre que nous n'avons plus du tout de frein arrière dro... Bonjour a vous tousJ'ai mon ford transit camoinnette 2.2 TDCI 85cv du 04:2006 me fait des manières inhabituel il ne démarre plus du premier ou deuxième coup de clé mais en insistant il demarre mais la batterie en prend un coup.Autre chose au niveau du filtre a gazoil il y a comme un voyant et un bouton jaune je sais pas exactement quelle est son rôle 4. Compte-rendu d’installation à Ford : Afin d’informer Ford que le système SYNC de votre voiture est à jour, vous devez muni(e) de votre clé USB, retourner sur la page internet de Ford Update. De nouveau, saisir votre numéro VIN, et cliquez cette fois-ci sur le bouton « Confirmer votre mise à jour » To protect your account and its contents, neither Microsoft moderators here in the Community, nor our support agents are allowed to send password reset links or access and change account details. Pour ceux qui ne connaitraient pas, le site Shicaro vend des pièces d'origine Ford à des tarifs parfois très compétitifs. Essentiellement du consommable (filtres). D'autres pièces aussi. Le mieux est de rentrer la référence Ford dans la zone de recherche.

2025.01.23 14:31 Senior-Agent4790 ford escape hybrid reliability

Anyone know about the reliability of the ford escape hybrids? I’m looking at 2022 model.
submitted by Senior-Agent4790 to carbuying [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 leo412 So in the highest difficulties in origins, you don't get better weapons even though they have 70+ recommended levels?

That's... weird, like I want to replay the highest difficulty while completing the challenges, but the weapons drop are all low level weapons so it's kinda annoying
submitted by leo412 to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 attachedtothreads Student Showcase on Sunset at the Sunset Theatre on Fri., Feb. 7th @ 7pm

Student Showcase on Sunset at the Sunset Theatre on Fri., Feb. 7th @ 7pm submitted by attachedtothreads to AsheboroNC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 Apprehensive-Nose892 Gehaltsverhandlung Projektmanager

Hallo zusammen,
ich werde demnächst mein erstes Mitarbeitergespräch führen und eine Gehaltsanpassung ansprechen. Vielleicht hierzu kurz ein paar Eckdaten:

Ich bin mit 48k in der jetzigen Firma eingestiegen trotz Zusage von einem (schon damals schwächelnden IGM Unternehmens), weil ich beim jetzigen AG das bessere Gefühl hatte. Daran halte ich auch heute noch fest, weiß aber auch, dass das Gehalt beim anderen AG jetzt schon bei 63k läge.
Nachdem mein Feedback bisher durchweg positiv ist, würde ich im Gespräch mit 56k rein, auch in dem Wissen, dass ich diese wahrscheinlich nicht bekommen werde. Meine Grenze habe ich mir bei ca. 51-52k gesetzt.
Was sagt ihr dazu?
submitted by Apprehensive-Nose892 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 meditating__ 6 weeks of diarrhea post colonoscopy

I’ll preface this with I have called my gastro and they have not returned my call yet (sitting at 24 hrs). I have had IBS-D for 30 years. It’s pretty bad. I went in for my routine scope 12/16 and surprisingly continued to have diarrhea after, which normally I get a few days of relief after the prep. The diarrhea hasn’t stopped. I can take 4 Imodium and still be going liquid the next morning. It has a different smell to it too. I’m worried I have an infection? Anyone had a post scope infection?
submitted by meditating__ to ibs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 ProgDogg Latin community, how do you feel now about Trump?

submitted by ProgDogg to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 DonutsNDogsrule How do I have muscle definition still?

How do I have muscle definition still? I’m 37, havent trained or counted macros since spring 2021, Ive had 2 babies back to back and gained 40lbs+ each, but my arms still look pretty decent…dont hate it but i am just shocked. Was never muscular before I worked out, always considered chubby. Am I a unicorn?
submitted by DonutsNDogsrule to Physiquecritique [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 fuck__if__I__know MF units purchase/deposit/demat... am I making sense?

Hey, am new to Mutual Funds investing in India and can use some guidance. I want to purchase Index Mutual Funds (Direct). I want to hold these MF units in a Demat account ('cos I believe its easier to deal with when am dead) and thus have opened a Demat account with Kotak Securities. However, I dont want to use their Neo platform as am interested in buying Direct. I have also created an account with MF Utilities India (they have assigned me an e-CAN after going through the CKYC process). Further, I have created an account with MF Central as well.
So here's what am trying to accomplish: I want to use a non-kotak platform (preferably MF Central) to make the MF purchases (lumpsum only) but have the units stored/deposited (not sure what that's called) in the Kotak Demat account. Is this possible? Or is that not how it works?
submitted by fuck__if__I__know to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 Acrobatic-Database80 This is Alexander the axolotl

The main and kind of only inspiration for him was my friend who dressed like an axolotl during games I like axolotl anyway. He is a Doctor and what I mean by that is he has doctorates meaning he's a scientist not the same kind of doctor that works at a hospital but he can help people who are injured, also he is funny but not Haha funny, but more like oh hey that's kinda funny he does like to do pranks and watches prank videos, he also is an alchemist because he states that he wants to understand any science he can so he can do alchemy and magic. He is a nerd and likes playing RPG's and he likes to dress up as his character Bilfred a human who knows Gnome magic and was raised by gnomes, and yes my OC has an OC
submitted by Acrobatic-Database80 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 Random_reddiror Different Take to the Update issue

Slight Bambu apologist take and phone metaphors ahead. You have been warned. Also would like it if you read it all before making random replies but sure downvotes are welcome. (also yes this is a dummy acct bc I dont wanna get roasted on main pls excuse.)
Yknow. If you look at this situation from a different perspective it's kinda crazy.
If everyone just puts aside the predatory company doomposting, you can see that the community is actually also being greedy.
Bambu made the best type of hardware, the easiest to use, that everyone says is basically an appliance like a microwave that just works more than an actual 3D printer and at a very reasonable price even. You've all been calling it the Apple of the printing world, praised it for making lives so much easier and hated on it for being so un-tinkerable, un-customizeable and unfriendly to third-party upgrades and parts replacements.
Basically, you all knew from the start Bambu isn't like every other 3D printer out there. It's manual gives you instructions to Bambu Studio and Bambu Handy and it works very well. And some of you even say it's making people dumb ala the Bambu Effect for not teaching newbies the pain (ehem 'basics') of manually calibrating everything before every other print. You all enjoy this somehow.
So with all this said what the heck is so wrong with them wanting you to NOT use the printers they made with other softwares? What, so you bought an iOS expecting it to be like Android and now you're hating on Apple for not letting you make it an Android? Hating on Apple Store for not letting you access and download apps from the Playstore just because literally every other phone brand can? (I don't like apple btw, have been and always will be an android person but you get the point.)
I even heard that from the start they weren't planning to be 'open' since you apparently can only void your Bambu warranty if you want to connect to a 3rd party, and you need to manually input the Bambu printer profile to be able to use with with Prusa or Orca rn(? Sorry not 100% sure about this but I did install Prusa once and my Bambu wasnt on the list of supported printers sooo. Also yeah it's not on the Creality App printer list either.)
And nowadays it's kinda clear who Bambu's target market really is, which is obviously the newbies and casuals who just wants a 3D printer /appliance/ for fun and convenience, who doesnt want to spend how long just trying to figure out how the printer works and would rather focus on the printing part of it, who is perfectly content using the slicer and app they made to pair with the printer.
So like. So they want you to only use Bambu Studio with the Bambu printer. Sure they're the first company to do that since Prusa prides itself in being open-sourced and user-dependent (judging by all the DIYs I keep reading about) and Creality is.... Creality. But suddenly now Bambu is the evil nefarious predatory company that's gonna lock you in with forced subscriptions and bambu-brand filament oh noo.
Frankly I am half-convinced and terrified of that possibility and etc because yes, companies do want money, and as much of it as they can, but honestly it's ridiculous when you think about it since it's a double edged sword. Either they become like Apple that gets zealots who would buy literally anything just because it's Apple, or they can end up like Nokia and fade almost completely from the face of the earth (Windows phone ahaha... not a good idea....) so it's a risk they can only take, which considering how the community is acting now, Nokia is the more likely result.
You bought a 3D printer to 3D print stuff and you can 3D print stuff with this printer. So they want to limit the slicer to their own version, and they want you to use Cloud because that is what they brought to the table with the Handy (cn compang stealing ur data oh noooo), but their own version works 100% just fine. You can still 3D print stuff with this printer that you bought so...?
submitted by Random_reddiror to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 SlickBurn AI self-sabotaging their own capitals, it's 1020 AD and they only have 1 or 3 pop. Anyone ever seen this before?

AI self-sabotaging their own capitals, it's 1020 AD and they only have 1 or 3 pop. Anyone ever seen this before?
These were the last 2 of the 8 civs I discovered. It's 1020 AD, what is going on with their capitals??? I've never seen the AI malfunction like this. It takes away from my potential victory. The only mod I have I just recently installed was CX3. The other 5 AI civs have normally progressed capitals.
submitted by SlickBurn to civ3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 user199955 Hi

Hi submitted by user199955 to fansly_naughtygirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 TonersR6 I've seen the posts but never had a real grasp of how much waste is produced for multicolor prints. Is it cool? Absolutely. Will I do prints like this again? Probably not lol.

I've seen the posts but never had a real grasp of how much waste is produced for multicolor prints. Is it cool? Absolutely. Will I do prints like this again? Probably not lol. I'm sure that there are settings I can tweak and things I can do different to reduce the amount of purge waste, but being that this is the first multicolor print I've done, and seeing the amount of wasted filament, I'm definitely gonna try to avoid it in the future. 26 hours, matte white, matte tan, silk Bronze, silk gold printed on A1 with AMS lite
submitted by TonersR6 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:31 InfantryMOD Loan Charge review launched

Loan Charge review launched submitted by InfantryMOD to prsuk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 Agitated_Highway_508 Any Cowboys fan in Norman? Full Size Chrome. Signed by the legend. If you would be interested in having this you can pm me

Any Cowboys fan in Norman? Full Size Chrome. Signed by the legend. If you would be interested in having this you can pm me submitted by Agitated_Highway_508 to normanok [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 rowdyMango Podcast Rec: In Bed with the Right

Yall I love this show. It came out of Stanford University last year and has a similar flavor of two fun hosts listening to charlatans so we don't have to. Adrian and Moira look at different right-wing myths, talking points, and figureheads each episode and debunk false claims with evidence and historical context. Some topics they cover are Trad Wives, Pro-Natalism, and Grifting. Spotify Link
Also, Adrian guested on another awesome podcast (You’re Wrong About) to talk about the Satanic Panic and Dungeons and Dragons - here’s looking at you Bob Larson![ Spotify Link](
I have been an ONRAC fan for over a decade and I will always be thankful to Ross and Carrie for helping me get into skepticism at a young age and teaching me to find passion and humor in it 🩷
submitted by rowdyMango to ONRAC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 Consistent_Dinner640 Tshirts on Vinted

ZX Spectrum:
Rave Tapes:
submitted by Consistent_Dinner640 to mogwai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 turtlesmithok Is running a corporation worthwhile without the guidance of a tax professional?

We DO NOT advise running a corporation without the guidance of a tax professional. It will prove to be risky and potentially costly. While it’s possible to manage on your own, tax laws and regulations are very complex, and mistakes can lead to penalties, missed deductions, or missed opportunities for tax savings. A tax professional will help ensure that your business stays compliant, maximizes its tax benefits, and avoids costly errors. In the long run, their expertise will save you more money than you would spend on their services, making it a worthwhile investment for most corporations.
Turtle Tip: More often than not you won't save money. You will be taxed twice because it is its own entity.
submitted by turtlesmithok to turtlesmith [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 kaifine Ideal 2025 Setlist

Ideal 2025 Setlist Absolutely impossible but I’d kill to hear this setlist this summer (Matt singing Showbiz and Muscle Museum in the same night would probably kill him tho)
submitted by kaifine to Muse [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 BonusEntry Describe Rainhow Poorly

Describe Rainhow Poorly submitted by BonusEntry to rainhoe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 ahloecreative SHARING MY FREE TEMPLATE LIBRARY HERE 🕺🏼🪩

Grab it here: 🩷
submitted by ahloecreative to Notion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 Ok-Concentrate-3935 Necesito ayuda con mi hija

Necesito ayuda con mi hija Hola que tal soy nueva en estás aplicaciones mi nombre es Gabriela he visto ciertos comportamientos de mi hija y pues recurro al anonimato de este lugar para pedir asesoría de una madre si es que hubiese en este lugar dejo una foto mía para ser más visible
submitted by Ok-Concentrate-3935 to RelatosEroticosHot [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 Determinaator AttaPoll - get paid for surveys + other tasks (new update to the app!)

Payment proof
Guide for AttaPoll that goes more in-depth
AttaPoll is a smartphone application with a wide range of surveys that you can answer while on the go. There's also an indicator of how long each survey will take, and a score out of 5 stars that let you know if the survey matches your profile questions (e.g., your chances of completing the survey based on the AttaPoll profile surveys).
As of December 2024, the application has received an update and there are 2 new tabs "Games" + "Tasks", which means there are now additional activities that can be completed within the AttaPoll app
More info:

📧 Sign-up options: Email, Google
🖥️Devices: iOS, Android
🌎Countries: Worldwide
submitted by Determinaator to povertyaus [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 BeastModeEnabled Canada Renames Washington State As South B.C.

submitted by BeastModeEnabled to onionheadlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 14:30 Biglakip Deoxys raid - 4 locals - add 255415624748

Deoxys raid - 4 locals - add 255415624748 submitted by Biglakip to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]