Whats your head cannon voice for Clover?

2025.01.23 15:21 Tall_Appearance_8598 Whats your head cannon voice for Clover?

Whats your head cannon voice for Clover? submitted by Tall_Appearance_8598 to UndertaleYellow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Narrow_Can1984 Please stop with the Power Point drops already !!

This isn't even funny, 70% of all random rewards I get is PP. I need at least 20k coins just to get Vision gear on brawlers that I use. Can't immagine new players who just started playing. I'm racking up Power Points but I simply can't squeeze out enough coins for all those lvl 11 brawlers that I need. Why are drop rates so focused on PP ? On my mini account I have just enough PP but coins are hard to get, so I guess new accounts have the same issue. Are we getting a coins buff any time soon ? Some competitive way to get more coins ? Anything ? Please this is so annoying
submitted by Narrow_Can1984 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Frosty_Reality_3900 cyanosis or normal? Before I embarrass myself please help

For context I am a 26 year old F, overweight but relatively healthy. No caffeine intake on 2.5 mg of Bisoprolol for anxiety and PVCs (ectopic beats). I had a burst of pvcs after a larger meal earlier and they are still sort of staggering and my lips to myself look a bit off but I do have severe health anxiety and with that i'm prone to body checking, so just looking for either reassurance or if my fight or flight should actually kick in. Thanks! I will attach in the comments
submitted by Frosty_Reality_3900 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Turbulent_Library234 CMOR Sun appassionante storia nefasta

Cmor, tre cause e non ci sto capendo nulla
Buon pomeriggio a tutti, vorrei raccontarvi l assurda vicenda che dal 2020 circa mi perseguita, in tutte le sue forme sotto un unico bandiera CMOR. Premetto che nel riassumere i fatti sarò breve e coincisa e non andrò ad elencarvi i singoli dettagli altrimenti riscriviamo la divina commedia. Era il 2020, l azienda di fornitura elettrica B. Aumenta i costi dell’ energia, le bollette della mia azienda schizzano ma chiedo spiegazioni tramite call center e pec, sicché non avevo ricevuto alcuna comunicazione degli aumenti. In attesa delle loro risposte pago, fino a circa maggio 2021, sicché stufa del loro ignorarmi e dato che nessuno mi aveva comunicato ufficialmente il cambio della tariffa, smetto di pagare. Non pago circa 4 mesi e cambio compagnia sicché i costi erano insostenibili e la compagnia mi ignorava invitandomi solo a pagare. Consapevole ovviamente che avrebbero proceduto per vie legali, mi armo di pazienza e decido di intraprendere questa strada. Passo a S , ci sto un anno e dopo di che per CMOR mi arrivano da pagare con S le bollette sospese di B. Cambio compagnia e passo a E , naturalmente senza lasciare alcun debito a S , che è sempre stata in azienda corretta nei miei confronti, non pago solo il CMOR di B. Inizia il processo di B, e si sa, son lunghi i tempi ma attendo mandiamo tutto con l avvocato e nel frattempo le varie agenzie di credito mi minacciano continuamente. Ok Dopo un anno nuovamente E mi chiede il Cmor di B . Non posso più cambiare compagnia e nonostante venga riferito a E che c è un processo in corso con B , vengo ignorata. E minaccia di staccarmi la luce,l avvocato mi suggerisce di procedere con un ricorso d urgenza per bloccare la sospensione: il ricorso viene negato sicché il giudice afferma che E è costretta a procedere in questo modo perché non può bloccare il Cmor ; inoltre il giudice aggiunge che È non è mai stata messa al corrente della situazione processuale con B. Quest ultima cosa da profana del diritto, come si può ben capire dalla mia narrazione dei fatti, mi lascia scioccata: per ogni azienda che pretendeva il CMOR di B il mio avvocato aveva provveduto a mandare tutta la documentazione processuale di B spiegando che avremmo dovuto attendere l esito del processo. Ma va bene , nessuno puo fermare il CMOR nemmeno le stesse aziende energetiche o la magistratura di fronte a chi vuol pagare ma quanto pattuito da contratto cambiato unilateralmente senza consenso. COLPO DI SCENA 1 : E mi comunica che spospende tutto e attenderà i tempi del processo COLPO DI SSCENA 2: S mi manda un decreto ingiuntivo per pagare a lei il Cmor di B . Considerando che il Cmor è un indennizzo che l'attuale fornitore di energia elettrica o di gas addebita in fattura su richiesta di un precedente fornitore, e che in teoria E prendendosi il CMOR ha saldato S, perché sto ricevendo questo decreto? E soprattutto la somma ok questione che dovevo ( lo stabilirà il giudice in che proporzione) a B , ora la devo anche a S e a E? Nel frattempo rispondo tramite avvocato , sperando che in un futuro vengano coperte delle spese processuali e dei legali . Lascio da parte minacce di call center, falsi tecnici ( sì esatto!!!!!!) , agenzie riscossione e altro, ma come funziona sto Cmor? E soprattutto essendo che io VOGLIO pagare quanto dovuto da contratto a B senza che vengano lesi i miei diritti , non ho cambiato azienda e son sparita in Uruguay, quali potrebbero essere i possibili scenari della vicenda? La vicenda è più ingarbugliata di quello che sembra ma soprattutto cerco di comprendere qualcosa , ma la legge sembra solo ingarbugliare di più i fatti. Accetto consigli, critiche e opinioni.
Questo era il mio vecchio post su Reddit che ripropongo sicché abbiamo un risvolto: ovvero faremo opposizione al decreto ingiuntivo di S . Per forza non ho scelta: ma l avvocato mi ha spiegato che anche qualora dovessi perdere la causa con B e pagare, il debito verrà cancellato con S e E , ma dovrò pagare il CMOR. Sempre L avvocato non mi sa dire a quanto ammonterebbe, che calcolo si dovrebbe fare?
submitted by Turbulent_Library234 to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 omegabeing89 My sweet, strange boy sits like a goober

My sweet,
submitted by omegabeing89 to BorderTerrier [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 rhn29 Sieht jemand Potential nach oben bei Varta?

Sieht jemand Potential nach oben bei Varta? submitted by rhn29 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 DreamPirates Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade

Priyanka Kholgade Marathi Actress #PriyankaKholgade submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 CollarElectrical2415 Cheng Xiaoshi's Powers in Bridon Arc (Spoilers)

So, I have a small theory, and maybe someone can respond. But, I was rewatching the beginning and end of Ep 1 for the Bridon Arc, and it seems to be that Cheng Xiaoshi's powers in the beginning and end of Ep 1 are different than the ones we know. In the beginning, when Cheng and Lu are being attacked by Vein, he manages to TELEPORT in front of Lu Guang, which is not something we see in the Season 1 and Season 2 timeline. Also, in the end credits of the Bridon Arc Ep 1, when Cheng Xiaoshi looks at the photo in the envelope, he PHYSICALLY teleports. Now, Xia Fei and the blonde lady both have golden eyes, so what if they each had different abilities? For example, let's say Xia Fei died and gave Cheng Xiaoshi his ability, which is to teleport through photos, while if the blonde lady died, she gave Cheng the ability to go into other people's bodies. At the end of Ep 4 in Bridon Arc, Cheng awakens his powers in S1 and S2 timeline...so maybe this all makes no sense. People have been theorizing that shaking hands with Vein, Liu Xiao, and Xia Fei have awakened Cheng's powers, but it's just weird to me that the powers in the Bridon Arc (beginning of ep 1 and end credits) are clearly different than S1 and S2 timeline. Thoughts?
submitted by CollarElectrical2415 to LinkClick [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 cjboostcw Cash app : $mytagfornow123 what will happen if left here?

submitted by cjboostcw to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 djtkv Curious question

Hey folks, hope everyone is well.
Was wondering how my set up / arsenal is and what I could add to it for complimentary purposes. I have some budget to try new equipment, it isn’t totally necessary but (we all know we love new stuff).
Currently I carry:
Optimum Idol Rubicon UC2 Hustle m&m
submitted by djtkv to Bowling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Planet_of_the_tacos Finally got around to doing this:P

submitted by Planet_of_the_tacos to DemiBoy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Han_without_Genes First Image of Ben Affleck & Jon Bernthal in 'The Accountant 2'

First Image of Ben Affleck & Jon Bernthal in 'The Accountant 2' submitted by Han_without_Genes to autisticcharacters [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 superpippo2 Algorand Staking rewards are live!!!

Algorand Staking rewards are live!!! submitted by superpippo2 to FolksFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Dravidistan Edoras from Lord of the Rings crossed over with a Moebius-inspired aesthetic. (Pen and Watercolor, by me)

Edoras from Lord of the Rings crossed over with a Moebius-inspired aesthetic. (Pen and Watercolor, by me) submitted by Dravidistan to Moebius [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 AndreaCoda Is the new fee also applying to top ups?

Quick question: if I understand it correctly, if I do a top up from my bank account (in GBP) to my Nexo account (in GBPx), the transaction fee does not apply? It would apply only if/when I convert from GBPx to NEXO or viceversa, for example (if below $250)?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by AndreaCoda to Nexo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 No_Statistician_621 I reached my goal weight and my husband is down 33 lbs! 💓👏

I reached my goal weight and my husband is down 33 lbs! 💓👏 I'm so proud of where we are and glad we took this leap together to get healthy for our kiddos.
181-->135 198--> 175
submitted by No_Statistician_621 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Automatic-Poet-1395 For when I washa my feets

For when I washa my feets submitted by Automatic-Poet-1395 to phish [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Vi-ander311 Silvia Cuartero Martinez

Silvia Cuartero Martinez submitted by Vi-ander311 to muscle_fantasies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 moneyspyder28 25m looking for a bj Rockford

Must host or be cool with car play
submitted by moneyspyder28 to RockfordBiGayhookup [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Lol33ta Mount Doom by CraftingVisuals

Mount Doom by CraftingVisuals submitted by Lol33ta to ImaginaryMiddleEarth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 Primary-Ad5414 Somebody Called Me on My Show and Said He is From the Future

I’ve been working the night shift at this small-town radio station for the better part of three years. My show ‘Night Vibes’ wasn’t exactly prime-time radio, but it paid the bills, and I got to talk about whatever the hell I wanted.
Insomniacs, long-haul truckers, and the occasional stoner called in to chat about their weird theories or play requests. Most nights, it was the same old thing.
Until the night Daniel called. And that call changed my life forever.
It was close to midnight. The phone lines had been quiet for a while, and I was halfway through sipping my coffee when the line lit up. I hit the button, leaned into the mic, and put on my usual cheery DJ voice.
“Night Vibes, you’re on the air. Who’s this?”
“Mark, I’m calling from the future.” I heard a voice blare from the other end of the line.
I immediately rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair.
‘Not another prank call,’ I sighed to myself. Or worse, this could be a conspiracy nut. I was about to hang up when the voice continued speaking.
“Tomorrow morning at 7:42, there will be a crash on Highway 4. A delivery truck will turn turtle. No one will die, but it’ll cause a pile-up and lead to a ton of traffic on the highway stretching back miles.”
“Sure,” I said in response, smirking into the microphone. “You’ve got my attention buddy. What’s next? An Alien invasion? Somebody winning the lottery? Or maybe even a zombie apocalypse?”
The voice on the other end didn’t flinch. In fact, he stayed silent for so long that I thought the line had gone dead. Then his voice cut across the static, more resolute this time, carrying an edge of certainty that chilled me.
“Check the news in the morning, Mark. You’ll see I’m telling the truth.”
The line went dead before I could say another word.
But the next morning was different.
I woke up late, groggy from the long shift, and checked my phone like I always did, scanning the latest headlines. My eyes stopped at one in particular: "Delivery Truck Causes Massive Accident on Highway 4: No Fatalities."
The timestamp read 7:42 am.
My stomach dropped, a shiver crawling up my spine. My hand trembled slightly as I stared at the screen, struggling to process what just happened. It couldn’t be real—but it was. The accident, the time, the place—everything Daniel said was true.
For the first time, I felt it: that creeping unease, like the world had shifted off balance. I spent the rest of the day replaying the call, trying to convince myself it was just coincidence.
“People predict things all the time, right?” I asked myself, but deep down, I knew better. It wasn’t just a lucky guess. I tried to chalk it up to mishearing the time or imagining the entire thing, but the knot in my stomach refused to loosen.
When I returned to work that evening, I couldn’t help but wonder—would Daniel call again? Part of me hoped he wouldn’t, but part of me wanted him to call because I needed to know.
As I began my shift, I clicked to take the first call. "Night Vibes, you're on the air."
A familiar voice crackled through the line. "It's Daniel," he said, calm and matter-of-fact. "There’s going to be a fire tomorrow. In the basement of St. Mary’s Hospital. No one will be hurt, but they won’t find out what caused it."
I felt a chill crawl up my spine once again. This time, there was no mocking reply, no sarcastic comeback from me.
I was shaken, and Daniel could hear it in my silence. He did not laugh nor did he gloat about getting it right the previous night. He had simply moved on to his next prediction and that made me panic even the more.
“Don’t bother warning them,” he added, almost as if reading my mind. “They won’t believe you. In fact nobody will believe you. They never do.”
“What the hell do you want man?” I asked suddenly, my voice more aggressive than I had intended.
“You’ll see,” he said, in a matter of fact manner. “I’ll call again tomorrow.”
He disconnected the call and was gone, leaving me speechless for the second time in two days. This was getting very frustrating now and also made me anxious at the same time.
I thought about calling the police, but what if they suspected me? If the fire happened as Daniel predicted, I could easily be blamed. But since he assured me no one would get hurt, I decided to wait and see if he was right.
The next morning, the news confirmed it: a fire had broken out in the basement of St. Mary’s Hospital. No one was hurt, and the cause was unknown. I tried to move on, but it was too real.
Paranoia crept in, making me feel like someone was watching me, like I was being manipulated in some twisted game.
But this time I knew he would call again, in fact I was certain of it. So when the third call eventually came in, I was already dreading it.
“Tomorrow evening, Mark, at 7:34. A shootout will happen at Riley’s supermarket. One person will die from a bullet wound.”
I clenched my fists as my heart started racing uncontrollably.
“Why are you telling me this? Are you doing this all by yourself? Are you making these things happen? Are you so starved for attention?” I asked, almost yelling into the microphone.
“No, Mark. I’m just telling you what I know,” Daniel replied in a calm voice.
“You’re full of shit!” I snapped, slamming my hand down on the desk. “If you can predict this, why not stop it? Why not prevent people from getting hurt?”
There was a pause, then the voice came back, quieter this time. “It’s not about stopping anything, Mark. It’s about what happens after.”
“What does that even mean?” I asked, leaning into the microphone. “What will happen later?”
But to my growing frustration, Daniel had already disconnected the call.
That night, I realized I could no longer keep quiet. I called the police, and told them about the shooting and the location. They thought I was crazy, but after some convincing, they agreed to station a patrol car nearby, just in case.
But I later learned I was in for more disappointment. The shooting had happened despite the police presence. The footage showed a body being carried out on a stretcher, loaded into an ambulance.
My heart sank.
I didn’t go to work the next night. I couldn’t. Daniel’s phone calls were gnawing at me, and I felt like a pawn in his twisted little game. Sleep was impossible; his voice kept replaying in my head: “It’s about what happens after.”
And I didn’t want to know what came after.
As I sat there in the dark, my thoughts spinning, my phone suddenly rang. The display flashed an unknown number. I hesitated, my heart pounding, but I answered.
It was Daniel.
"I thought you quit," he said, his voice dripping with mockery.
"Tell me what you want," I whispered, barely holding myself together. "What happens after?"
“You’ll find out soon enough, Mark. We’re getting close now. I’ll call again tomorrow. But this time, it’ll be for you. So you need to be in your office for this.”
The line went dead, and I was left in a cold sweat.
What did he mean by ‘for me’? This wasn’t just about some event I’d hear about on the news anymore—this was different. This felt personal.
I spent the entire morning pacing my apartment and staring at the clock. Each time I glanced at the phone, I half-expected it to ring, Daniel’s voice slipping through the static.
By nightfall, I had made my decision: I had to go to the station. Hiding out in my apartment wouldn’t make a difference, and something deep inside told me Daniel wanted me there.
But I was in for more surprises.
When I arrived at the parking garage, I was shocked to find my car missing. It had vanished without a trace, and I couldn’t fathom how.
My heart raced as I noticed a strange figure peering at me from behind one of the concrete pillars. I caught only a glimpse, but it sent me into a panic and I began running towards the exit.
I ran all the way to my office, relief washing over me only after I finally locked the door behind me and sank into my chair. The familiar hum of the studio finally provided some comfort, but it was short-lived.
A couple of minutes later, the phone began to ring.
I hesitated, my hand hovering over the receiver. This was it. Whatever Daniel wanted, it was about to happen. Swallowing hard, I finally picked up the phone.
"Mark," his voice crackled through the line. "I told you I’d call. Are you ready?"
“Yes,” I replied after a moment’s pause, determined to see this through.
“Very well,” Daniel said, his voice cold and detached. I heard a sound—like fingers snapping.
Suddenly, the TV in my studio flickered on and my jaw dropped when I saw video footage of myself sitting alone in my car, parked across from Riley’s Supermarket.
A police car was stationed ahead. I realized I was staking out the place, waiting for something.
Sweat dripped down my forehead as I watched two masked figures approach the entrance of the supermarket, guns drawn. In an instant, the police jumped out of their vehicles, guns raised, and gunfire erupted.
Horror gripped me as I saw a stray bullet hit my chest. I gasped, feeling a sharp, phantom pain as my body slumped forward, blood spreading across my shirt. The police eventually subdued the gunmen, but it was too late. My consciousness was fading.
When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t in the car. I stood next to a stretcher where my lifeless body lay under a sheet. Paramedics loaded me into an ambulance, while the street, now silent, felt eerie.
I stood in the middle of the road, looking around in confusion. What had just happened? I could not understand.
Then I saw him—a figure standing a few feet away. He had also been in the parking lot earlier, but now I could see him clearly. He had a human shape, but he wasn’t human. His form shifted and blurred, like a mass of grey fog twisting into something both familiar and utterly alien.
As the footage continued, I watched myself panic and run after spotting the figure. The scene abruptly changed to my family gathered at my grave, performing my final rites, while I stood invisible among them.
Suddenly, the screen flickered again, showing me waking up in my own apartment. The TV replayed the entire day’s events: me discovering my car missing, spotting the grey figure in the parking lot, and my frantic run back to the office.
With that the screen suddenly went blank and the TV turned off on its own, leaving me in unsettling silence.
"Am I... am I already dead?" I finally asked, my voice trembling, tears streaming down my face.
"Yes," came the calm reply.
I sat there, trying to process the truth, but before I could gather my thoughts, the phone abruptly went dead. That’s when I saw it—right there in the studio. The same grey mass appeared before me.
“Who are you?” I stammered, jerking back in my chair, fear taking hold.
“I am death, Mark. I’m here to show you what comes after.”
"What could possibly come after this?" I asked, my voice heavy with lament.
“I want you to continue your job as a radio jockey, Mark," the figure replied, its voice chillingly steady. "I want you to be a medium—for the voices that need to be heard. Use this opportunity.”
“Are you kidding me?” I shot back, desperation creeping into my tone. “Who will listen to me now?
The figure didn’t waver. “Go open the door and see for yourself.”
With hesitation, I stood and opened the door. My breath caught in my throat as I saw them—hundreds of grey, spectral beings hovering in the air, their eyes locked on me, waiting. Watching.
“So,” Daniel spoke again, his voice echoing through the air, “what will you do, Mark? Will you do what is required of you?”
I looked back at him, fear filling my gaze as I stood at the edge of a difficult decision.

submitted by Primary-Ad5414 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 MobileNewsBot Government demands answers from Apple over iOS 18 performance problems

Government demands answers from Apple over iOS 18 performance problems submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 BoogStrong Need guidance for nursing school

Hellooo all, I currently have a bachelors in business admin but switching over to nursing career. Any recommendations for the education path I should take ? I’m thinking about an ABSN or direct entry MSN. Any advice ? I don’t want to blindly go into this without a clear plan but I do have one in process.
submitted by BoogStrong to nursing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 jumpycheeseballs I got rejected but the world didn't end

So I have a crippling fear of rejection and I've been trying to, you know, get over it. I did the most logical thing I could think of and went to tell this other guy that I liked him. Yoh guys I think I might have lied, because tell me why he rejected me and I feel okay? The world didn't end, I didn't have a panic attack, I don't feel depressed, I don't feel empty. I feel normal. I'm starting to think I really didn't like him.
The concept of liking someone is so strange to me. Like I like that he's smart but I don't know him on a deeper level. Is that why I don't feel anything? I'm kind of upset that i don't. I've always had this fear that I'll never know what it's like to love someone romantically and this is kind of a confirmation of that fear. I even ended a relationship with the one guy I dated after two weeks because I felt like I was forcing him to join me on my whimsical journey of finding love and all that jazz. I know it's not that deep but I feel like I'm missing out. People talk about how great it is to love and to be loved but I'll never know what that's like.
I'm just posting this here because it's too embarrassing to tell my friends and I don't feel like I'm at that stage where I can be truthful about my feelings to the people in my life. To anyone who read this, I'm sorry you had to go through that😅. Lovely weather we're having by the way.
submitted by jumpycheeseballs to Zimbabwe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 15:21 justin_quinnn Chris Brown sues Warner Bros. Discovery for $500 million over sexual assault claims in documentary

Chris Brown sues Warner Bros. Discovery for $500 million over sexual assault claims in documentary submitted by justin_quinnn to MusicNewsHub [link] [comments]
