2025.01.23 16:54 flx_1993 Ist Föderalismus das Gift unserer Republik? Ein radikaler Vorschlag für Österreichs Zukunft
Ich weiß, das Thema polarisiert – aber manchmal muss man provozieren, um Diskussionen anzustoßen. Also: Föderalismus ist das Gift unserer Republik.
In Österreich sehen wir immer wieder, wie Landesfürsten sich gegen den Bund stellen, wie Gesetze blockiert werden, um die Interessen einiger weniger zu schützen. Sei es, weil in einem Bundesland bald Wahlen anstehen oder weil man schlicht Entscheidungen scheut – das lähmt unseren Staat. Und mal ehrlich: In einem so kleinen Land wie Österreich ist Föderalismus schlicht nicht mehr zeitgemäß.
Daher mein radikaler Vorschlag: Das Ende der Bundesrepublik Österreich. Stattdessen sollten wir eine Präsidialrepublik nach dem Vorbild Frankreichs einführen. Die Bundesländer? Abschaffen. Komplett.
Der Präsident sollte die Macht haben, sein Kabinett eigenständig zu bestimmen – mit der einzigen Hürde, dass der Nationalrat die Mitglieder bestätigen muss. Das Ziel: Ein Kabinett aus echten Fachexperten, das Politik zielgerichtet und effektiv umsetzt, ohne Rücksicht auf föderale Grabenkämpfe. Des Weiteren hoffe ich, dass eine Konzentration von Macht zu einem Nachlassen der Versorgungspostenpolitik führt.
Und das ist noch nicht alles: Die Gemeindegrenzen müssen neu geordnet werden. Es kann nicht sein, dass Randgemeinden überproportional von Städten profitieren, ohne einen fairen Beitrag zu leisten. Warum soll eine Großstadt beispielsweise den Ausbau einer Straßenbahnlinie verhandeln müssen, nur weil diese eine Gemeindegrenze überschreitet? Das kostet Zeit, Geld und Nerven – alles, was wir uns sparen könnten. Des Weiteren ist das österreichische Konstrukt des Finanzausgleichs eine Unart und verzerrt Vieles. Das überproportionale Budget der Stadt Wien und die Möglichkeit der höheren Förderungen schafft einen starken Zuzug, der wieder zu anderen Problemen führt. (Quelle: Rechnungshofbericht 2016 Ertragsanteile pro Kopf: Wien 1175€, BL 697€)
Natürlich ist das ein radikaler Vorschlag, und ich bin mir sicher, dass er nicht bei allen gut ankommt. Aber ehrlich gesagt: Die Probleme sind real, und sie gehören auf den Tisch. Ich denke das ein solcher Schritt viele Probleme auf einmal beseitigen könnte.
Was denkt ihr? Ist das zu weit gedacht, oder ist es Zeit, unser politisches System von Grund auf zu überdenken? Würde euch ein System nach französischem Vorbild überzeugen?
submitted by flx_1993 to Austria [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 AskMeAnythingIAnswer Zollikerberg at 17:54
submitted by AskMeAnythingIAnswer to Zollikerberg [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 blairsmacaroon Realised I have free will
sylus version next submitted by blairsmacaroon to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 aspie_electrician Got a new fan for my pc
submitted by aspie_electrician to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 jvc72 Buy Signal Weatherford International - 23 Jan 2025 @ 11:51 -> USD70.32
Ticker: WFRD
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 23 Jan 2025 @ 11:51
Price: USD70.32
Link: https://getagraph.com/NASDAQ/stock/live-signals/WFRD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 MarcellagomezG A vida presta mesmo?
Meu desabafo não tem nada de muito grandioso! É só uns daqueles momentos que vão acontecendo tanta coisa que você se sente no direito de surtar. Estou estudando pra prova de residência, porém, o universo nada bobo e inocente me trouxe uma puta gripe forte, daquelas que te deixam desorientados, sabe? Detalhe: eu não saio do apto a 15 dias, pq estou focada estudando... Provavelmente peguei essa gripe quando fui pegar comida e compras que fiz no ifood. Só pode... No final do ano, eu tive que fazer canal no dente, passei por aquela for infernal por uma semana até levantar pra pagar, conseguir, uhhul eba. O dentista optou apenas por colocar curativo com remédio e fechar, pq comprometeu bastante a raiz, eis que ontem fico sabendo que o tratamento de canal não vai ser possível, ou melhor, não vale a pena. Optamos em conjunto pela extração seguida de implante. Portanto, aqui estou com uma gripe fudida, dor dente infernal, uma porrada de coisa pra estudar e só querendo me jogar do 4 andar no centro de SP que ódio mds. Que ódio!
submitted by MarcellagomezG to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 CaitlinClarkFan24 Natalie Portman : Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
submitted by CaitlinClarkFan24 to ScifiBabes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 jvc72 Buy Signal Nosana USD - 23 Jan 2025 @ 11:50 -> USD2.46
Ticker: NOSUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 23 Jan 2025 @ 11:50
Price: USD2.46
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/NOSUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 empire884 Pls help to upvote and comment promise to return
submitted by empire884 to Karmafarmsub [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 amandaLunarity "Odin" limited edition pins
submitted by amandaLunarity to Pins [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 fizztothegig I just finished the series!!!
I am crying over here you guys. What a… happy ending!!! Are there any other shows out there to fill the void?
submitted by fizztothegig to SchittsCreek [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Common_Average2597 Its like watching a tennis match
submitted by Common_Average2597 to rhoslc [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 Consistent_Level_475 Vida curta
Triste submitted by Consistent_Level_475 to ShitpostBR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 inceluprisiing Is anyone from kashmir attending CAS concert tomorrow
Looking for ppl from Kashmir
submitted by inceluprisiing to CigarettesAfterSex [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Intelligent-Peanuts Which Kindle Model can replace battery easily?
I have a Kindle Oasis 6th generation but battery replacement seems difficult. Which kindle is easier for battery replacement? Or can anyone recommend solutions for Oasis battery replacement? Thanks!
submitted by Intelligent-Peanuts to kindle [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 hiiloovethis An absolute legend. His movies saved me.
submitted by hiiloovethis to SnyderCut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 interestingfactoid Speaker Johnson Slams Biden Pardons, Lauds Trump's First 48 Hours
submitted by interestingfactoid to conservatives [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 cjshaw636 New update - Assassins
Did assassins get buffed or nerfed in this update? They didn’t show the changes just the new percentages so I don’t know what actually changed..
submitted by cjshaw636 to AutoChess [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 MysteriousSorbet2190 [СМЕШАСК!] Chamomile Falls
Kikoriki x Gravity Falls Page 9 McGucket (Otto)-And then I thought, "Maybe he'd be interested in a ten-ton robot?" submitted by MysteriousSorbet2190 to gravityfalls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 anyanonymousant Need a bit of help if im honest
M18 Ive been feely deeply depressed the past couple days. I feel really really lost.
Im not looking for emotional support but someone to help me out with some amateur psychoanalysis and logical dissection of whats going on.
Im also happy to do the same for anyone so its not one sided
Lmk i would really appreciate it feel free to dm
submitted by anyanonymousant to INTP [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Proof_Ad_6694 Ore grinding go brrrr!
submitted by Proof_Ad_6694 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 YosefDorrah Looking for a Singer & Songwriter to collab on a Progressive House Track
Hey everyone,
My name is Yosef Dorrah, I'm a music producer form Egypt, and currently working on a progressive house track and looking for a singer and songwriter,
I'd like he/her to be able to write and sing in English, and it would be good if he can do mixing for vocals or knows someone who will collab with us on this, as I'm not very good at it but if not it's okay.
I've already made a demo, so if you're interested you can try singing something on it and DM me on Instagram (yosefdorrahmusic)
You can download the demo here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kij24_SaK6z0X3lj598Lgz93jnlkK9LF/view?usp=drive_link And also, you can listen to some of my work on my SoundCloud
submitted by YosefDorrah to SingerSongwriter [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Lost_Cheetah_4070 Draining water
I have drained an ocean monument for a guardian farm using the sand-sponges technique, but now I need to also drain a perimeter around the monument and I refuse to keep doing it by hand, do you know any good draining machine? I have been looking for some designs, but I haven´t found what I´m looking for, Id like some kind of flying machine which I dont need to build to the bottom, but one which will descend every swipe automatically. I found the one by ilamngo, but it was made 7 years ago, and it seems like it does no longer work, even using the world download to make sure everything was built correctly (I am playing in 1.21.1)
submitted by Lost_Cheetah_4070 to technicalminecraft [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:54 Alarming-Result-4328 How would you feel about a TV show?
Due to TV video game adaptations being pretty successful (Arcane, Cuberpunk, Sonic, Etc.), a TV show would be amazing IMO especially in the marvel rivals style. There’s a lot of lore each season and even a precursor would be great IMO. Let me know what you think but the character designs are absolutely amazing and seeing more of them in actual active would be amazing! submitted by Alarming-Result-4328 to marvelrivals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:54 burnerbroskii Can we NOT!
For the love of god, can we not infest this sub with terrible AI posts. Anyways who thinks Brad Grundy has a chance against Bacho?
submitted by burnerbroskii to armwrestling [link] [comments]