Que puedo hacer?

2025.01.23 16:54 Remoto6 Que puedo hacer?

Empeze una relación con una chica el 30 de agosto del año pasado Yo no había tenido una relación seria desde el 2018 y ella termino su última relación hacia 3 meses No habiamos temido problemas hasta hace un mes Las peleas se han vuelto constantes Ella es muy explosiva y cuando se enoja insulta Yo eh fallado a veces pero en cosas que siento que no son tan graves Aqui hay algunos ejemplos 1- le dije traigo los codos sucios como los niños de su pueblito natal (Obviamente lo dije de broma luego me arrepentí y le pedi disculpas y le dije que me había pasado y me dijo varias groserías) 2- checo mis seguidores en Instagram y vio que seguia a una chica que hace onlyfans y se enojo (Tmb le pedi disculpas y deje de seguir a la chica y tmb me insulto) 3 un dia ella estaba en su trabajo y le dije de favor que me dijera cuantos grados estabamos porque no se actualizaba mi app del tiempo Ella me dijo que 13 grados y yo la alburee Y me rei fue una broma tonta porque anteriormente ella me habia hecho la misma broma y me insulto me mandó un audio insultandome
Yo al principio no hice nada porque la quiero y pensé que si habia sido mi culpa Pero ya siento que si se esta pasando Ultimamente eh estado muy estresado en el trabajo y por algunos problemas en mi familia y cuando intente contarselo minimiso mis problemas y me dijo que me aguantara Me dio a entender que no iba a estar para mi Pero cuando ella tiene algún problema o quiere desahogarse tengo que estar para ella
Yo la quiero mucho pero me esta causando estres esta relacion Hace una hora peleamos porque le mande un video de un experto que dice que no debemos guardar arroz por mas de 3 dias y comerlo porque hace daño Se lo mande en la mañana y cuando me contesto me contesto de una manera muy grosera
Que ella va a comerse el arroz asi y que si le queria decir algo que se lo dijera entre otras cosas Yo le dije que no le mande el video para decirle algo que solo se lo mande porque se me habia hecho interesante Y ella me mando un tik tok que se los dejare abajo https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMkQB2FkY/
Y le conteste que si ella pensaba que era eso porque seguia conmigo solo me puso bye
Que puedo hacer yo la quiero se que no soy el mejor novio pero jamas la eh insultado
submitted by Remoto6 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 hunni93 Had record snowfall here in Mobile, Alabama. Been without hot water for almost 3 days.

Had record snowfall here in Mobile, Alabama. Been without hot water for almost 3 days. I finally got a flame this morning. But still no hot water. I went from no hot water coming out at all till last the water came on out the hot side but still freezing cold. I got a little hot water for maybe 5 mins but then it went back cold.
These are the current settings and I was able to get a blue flame to come on. That was 2 hours ago and it's still cold. The vent up top is blowing hot hair into it. I just don't know what else to do.
Thanks yall!
submitted by hunni93 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 JoaoDasNeves0 Na medida

submitted by JoaoDasNeves0 to carros [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 RaiseQuick7330 Help Me Decide: Master's in Intelligent Robotics (DIT Cham) vs. Industrial Informatics (Hochschule Emden Leer)

Hi everyone! I'm torn between two master's programs in Germany and could use some advice:

  1. M.Sc. in Intelligent Robotics at Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Cham Campus
  2. M.Sc. in Industrial Informatics at Hochschule Emden Leer, Emden Campus
Both programs align with my background in robotics and future career goals, but I'm struggling to decide which one to choose. Could anyone share insights on the quality of education, campus facilities, job opportunities after graduation, or even the lifestyle in Cham vs. Emden?
Your input would be greatly appreciated!i
submitted by RaiseQuick7330 to studying_in_germany [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 rentonl Legality of hosting translated version of ROTK on website

I've been toying with the idea of hosting the ROTK text with a few quality of life features namely: faction colour coded character names, sidebar portraits and bios from wikipedia, interactive map.
This is more for my own personal enjoyment of reading the book, but I'm thinking others might also find it useful, so I have considered hosting it on my own domain. I would really like to use the English translation at https://threekingdoms.com/ (with credit) since it is the translation I am familiar with. I know ROTK is public domain, but I'm not exactly sure how translations work in that regards. Posting this in hopes that maybe somebody knows more about this or that the translators or owners at threekingdoms.com frequent here. If this is an issue, I'd be happy to try and code it as a bookmarklet as well.
submitted by rentonl to threekingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 aight_my_ass Est Supha's aesthetic sensibility is such a soothing sight for the eyes.

Est Supha's aesthetic sensibility is such a soothing sight for the eyes. This pics are from his instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/est_rvp?igsh=OXIwbmxyazRxaGd0
submitted by aight_my_ass to ThaiBL [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 mrgreaper How do you stop team join requests?

My friend and I are playing this game co-op and on the whole loving the game (were almost a week of playing now)
But there is one frustration that's driving me up the wall. We team up when we log in, and set it to hidden. As we play I get random team join requests, each one turns my right analogue stick from camera control to cursor.... This has resulted in my dying due to suddenly being unable to aim. How do we disable team join requests?
submitted by mrgreaper to OnceHumanOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 GangstaSheeeesh Items scam technique CS2

Items scam technique CS2 submitted by GangstaSheeeesh to cs2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 Rude-Awakening79 [WTS] Omega De Ville Symbol 196.0316 Beautiful Unisex Dress Watch only for 375$ Shipped 🚢 Via FedEx

[WTS] Omega De Ville Symbol 196.0316 Beautiful Unisex Dress Watch only for 375$ Shipped 🚢 Via FedEx submitted by Rude-Awakening79 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 faceofjoe Still not received appeasement after 17 days

I've still not received my appeasement ($100 code) after 17 days. Anyone else still waiting?
For those that have already received the code — how long did it take?
If I try to complete the form again, it says I've already received the appeasement. Seems a common issue, assuming that just means I've already submitted the form.
Google's support is absolutely abysmal. I've been on so many live chats and calls, they are unable to provide any help only that they have passed on my message to their "Specialist Team" who will email me "as soon as possible". This never happens. I have been waiting well over a week.
Honestly the longer this goes on I wish I opted for the $50, given this experience I'd rather move to a different brand. Can destroy a fully functional phone with 2 days notice but can't automate issuing a voucher code? They should have given a fourth option — let the user sign a waiver and option to reject the update.
submitted by faceofjoe to Pixel4a [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 zsera15 New Album Cover art HQ and Back cover

submitted by zsera15 to Behemothband [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 verissimoallan The music Howard Shore composed for the arrival of the Mumakil at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and how it adds to the atmosphere that death is literally marching on the Rohirrim and Minas Tirith... so, so good.

The music Howard Shore composed for the arrival of the Mumakil at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and how it adds to the atmosphere that death is literally marching on the Rohirrim and Minas Tirith... so, so good. submitted by verissimoallan to lotr [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 SurrealEuphoria How bad can one company screw up?

New hero launches. Can’t buy her. Go to the website to buy her. Says I own her but can’t play as her. Verify my game files. Wants me to download an entire 103gb “update”. Ubishit deserves to go under if they can’t even release a hero properly.
submitted by SurrealEuphoria to ForHonorRants [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 bot_neen 🔴Marcha en protesta por los niños Alexander y Gael, víctimas de la violencia en Culiacán

🔴Marcha en protesta por los niños Alexander y Gael, víctimas de la violencia en Culiacán submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 Hot-Trifle7400 Mera jee hogya hai (just helping you)

Mera jee hogya hai (just helping you) Chemical bonding hybridisation aaram se yaad kar lena
submitted by Hot-Trifle7400 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 AnrayJasper Best shorts for beginners?

I want to introduce my friend to Nirami but idk which shorts to show to them first. Any of y'all got ideas?
submitted by AnrayJasper to Nirami [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 allymay1408 Perceptions of the FL panther (18+ FL Residents)

This survey should only take around 5-7 minutes. I am a florida student in AP research. The survey is anonymous, confidential and no personally identifiable information will be collected. I am sampling adult Florida residents and their perceptions regarding the Florida panther.
submitted by allymay1408 to takemysurvey [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 TSGHoffenheim1899 Ideas for a Trial/Experiment?

Hi there, I am doing an Oral Finals exam for a biology class. The exam includes some sort of trial or experiment. Does anyone have ideas for some sort of practical biological trial which one could conduct for about 2-3 weeks?
submitted by TSGHoffenheim1899 to biology [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 PhantasmaStriker Interstellar Spaceship OCTAN Edition

Interstellar Spaceship OCTAN Edition submitted by PhantasmaStriker to LegoSpace [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 extranoodlesboi My People Keep Leaving Their Jobs in My Castle – Bug or Mechanic?

I’ve been having a recurring issue in my castle where my people randomly leave their assigned job positions and start roaming around as jobless. They are happy, and I always place them in roles they seem to enjoy, but when I log in, I often find them wandering instead of working.
I’ve tried looking this up but haven’t found a solid answer. Is this a known bug, or is there some mechanic I’m missing? Any advice would be appreciated!
submitted by extranoodlesboi to ESCastles [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 SaltyWavy Where is free speech, Hans?

Where is free speech, Hans? submitted by SaltyWavy to 2westerneurope4u [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 mxxnlyte help lol

uhh basically i just got an email from the college i really wanted to go to telling me that because i didn’t apply before a certain date , they cannot currently accept my application. i’m pretty upset over it. as a student, im nothing special so i can’t really list my average grades and attendance and expect them to even want to take me into consideration. i’m tempted to spam please 1000 times or whatever but obviously that’ll get me no where. i haven’t applied anywhere else and honestly it’s like late january so i doubt ill be accepted anywhere. so… do i disappear from society or do i have any other options that wont be ‘yeah you’ll have a job but not a levels/btecs to go to university’ please enlighten me cuz i feel like shit rn x
submitted by mxxnlyte to GCSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 Ok-Echo1919 Anybody here transfer tix on TM before?

Gonna be transferring Billy tix to my sister, how easy is the process?
submitted by Ok-Echo1919 to BillyStrings [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 sparksofcreativity I love purple

I love purple I purchased the hoops and amethyst dangle from Urban body jewelry, and the others are from my piercer who uses Invictus as a supplier.
I am having a lot of fun with my macro photography lately.
I’d have to say my favorite piercing right now is my flat. It’s fully healed now and I’m really happy with the placement. I’m excited to add another helix soon as well. I cannot express how euphoric my piercings make me feel. They definitely make me feel empowered.
Also this might be random but while you’re still here reading, I want to thank this little Reddit community as well. Y’all have lifted my spirits in many times when I’ve been feeling down.
Much love,
Atticus Sparks
submitted by sparksofcreativity to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:54 Deeznutscockgottem Make a change to each playable character, be it a valence change, move change, or anything. I’m curious what y’all want to do with them. (Image unrelated)

Make a change to each playable character, be it a valence change, move change, or anything. I’m curious what y’all want to do with them. (Image unrelated) Here’s mine:
Tails: revert his delay back to an instant shot kinda like egg man’s zapper. Also make glide into a horizontal movement option (make it pre-1.2 prototype shadow dash.) Knuckles: replace block with the ability to dig underground and for awhile making him really fast then give him a really good jump height when coming out of the dig at any time. Eggman: make his jetpack have a switch mode between horizontal movement, and vertical movement, replace zapper and turret with the ability to summon any random badnik, that will tank a hit for him and give some passive buffs to others around him. (If you want I can expand on the idea in the comments) Amy: remove hammer spin, and when using hammer throw she’ll spin around for 2 seconds and throw her hammer horizontally which can do an extra stun if used correctly. Cream: remove the tf2 medic from within her and turn her back into the medic we all loved back then. Either that or go fully tf2 medic and after a set amount of heals depending on how many people there are, once per game make both her and the target invulnerable for 12 seconds (either longer or shorter idk), this will also make the cooldowns for each character 1.5 seconds. Sally: let her swap between blade mode and shield mode, shield mode is pre-1.3 Sally and sword mode let’s her tank an extra hit only once and use a sword slash attack which is basically Amy’s stun. Shadow: make homing attack actually home into the target, not the one before but actually chase exe/kolossus/tails doll. (Will stop if they get out of the set range.) Rouge: REMOVE REMOTE TRAP evasion superior. Have sensors renew themselves after a few seconds once the exe gets un-sensored, also make flashback throwable. Metal sonic: I actively cannot change perfection. No bias fr just don’t look at my flair. (I gave up at this point guys I’m tired.) Blaze and silver: REMOVE THEM FROM THE VIDEO GAME. Sonja.xex: give him cannon spedd. Kolossus: change his name to make his name correct, with a c. Tails doll: remove fly and make it glide but with more energy and a faster upwards momentum.
submitted by Deeznutscockgottem to SonicEXETheDisaster [link] [comments]
