Be A Better You Annual Challenge Day 23! How Can Improved Communication ...

2025.01.23 17:31 Ravioli4u Be A Better You Annual Challenge Day 23! How Can Improved Communication ...

Be A Better You Annual Challenge Day 23! How Can Improved Communication ... submitted by Ravioli4u to WomanBusinessOwners [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Minimum_Swan_3133 The Snake 🐍

The Snake 🐍 Snake appreciation post! 🫶🏻
submitted by Minimum_Swan_3133 to SuitU [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Far_Feedback28 Estou sendo egoísta por me sentir sozinha e desvalorizada?

Meu namorado vem passando por uma maré de azar infinita há meses. Namoramos 11 meses e no início ele ganhava cerca de 4k, pagava mil de financiamento do carro q tinha, mil de pensão q tem 2 filhos, ajudava nas contas de casa e ok. Só que meados de 4 meses de namoro a empresa q ele trabalha começou a atrasar pagamento de horas extras e folgas trabalhadas oq reduziu o salário dele pra 2800 e isso obviamente causou estresse, juntamente com abalo na confiança pq tínhamos planos que acabou indo pro ralo.
Durante esse período ele tentou diversas entrevistas pra ficar em 2 empregos ao mesmo tempo pq trabalha 12x36 mas não passou em nenhuma alem de estar estudando proo concurso de bombeiros da PM. As coisas apertaram e ele decidiu trocar de carro para um carro antigo, só que esse carro antigo começou a dar mto problema de manutenção fora que bebia muita gasolina por ser 2.0, até mês passado onde ele foi passar o Natal com a família dele e o carro não conseguiu chegar (cerca de rodar 40km). Ele ficou com medo de acontecer algo pior e decidiu voltar com o carro da parcela de mil reais falando q ia fazer uber pra fazer renda extra. O ponto é q ele tinha uma CNH falsa que venceu e até antes de trocar o carro estava no processo de tirar a cnh original mas como teve q trocar pelo antigo acabou deixando pra lá. Depois q ele pegou o carro ele foi atrás da auto escola novamente pra fazer a baliza só q tá num impasse pq a baliza foi marcada pro dia 30 e dia 30 ele trabalha fora o medo da reprovacao, a taxa do famoso quebra e a máfia do detran,, e diz ele q queria q isso fosse resolvido até fevereiro pra fazer dinheiro pra nossa viagem de 1 ano de namoro q é em março. Pra piorar tudo isso a mãe dos filhos dele vai se casar com o namorado dela q mora há distância (300km) e levar as crianças ainda esse ano e ele tá sofrendo mto com isso e tentando compensar de todas formas possíveis, como por exemplo, mesmo nessa situação toda tá falando de levar eles pra parques, passeios e coisas do gênero pq fala q tem medo do cara lá poder oferecer mais e não quiserem voltar.
Domingo tive uma conversa com ele seria dizendo q claramente ele tá com a mente mto bagunçado pq ao mesmo tempo q ele fala q quer sair da casa dos pais, troca pra um carro de mil mesmo não tendo uma renda compativel e qdo sai de um problema entra em outro sem perceber e q ele precisa dde ajuda pra conseguir separar as coisas se não só vai se afundar mais. Ele disse q reconhece q não está fazendo nada pela relação mas se sente paralisado pq a. Vida tá uma bosta e ele fala q tá depressivo. Me sinto culpada de terminar com ele mas tbm sinto q não tenho espaço na mente dele nem q na vida dele cabe um relacionamento agora, ele não tem energia pra nada nem sequer pergunta nada sobre mim ou faz planos. Ele fala q me amaa e que não é nada comigo, só o estresse de td isso. Mas tbm parece q ele só tá esperando passar sem ter atitude concreta. Já falei q me sinto sozinha e q precisava de um plano de ação e mesmo assim não vai.
Tenho uma viagem marcada sozinha agr em fevereiro e nosso aniversário de namoro eh em março. Tô tentando esperar essas datas pra ver o comportamento dele, mas quase certa de q ele não fará nada. Sou babaca por querer terminar? Oq me dói no resumo eh sentir q tô esperando por nada e o medo de q mesmo q ele se estabilize tudo vá para os filhos e ele não consiga focar em nós dois, sinto q ele não sabe dividir as prioridades como se eu estivesse num banco de espera infinito. Só queria q ele separasse os problemas da relação e se organizasse
submitted by Far_Feedback28 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 ColuiCheEgli Il dittatore più amato

Il dittatore più amato submitted by ColuiCheEgli to crappo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 RoutineAd6324 Hate at the peak? Or something else.

I am an international student (Indian) who does uber eats as part time. I went to pickup an order at ‘Potluck Caribbean Restaurant’ at king street waterloo. I parked my car and while I started walking to the building. A bunch of young people in a car accelerate their car and steered towards me. I jumped on the curb to save my self. They one of them from the rear seat of that car was pointing towards me at laughing while the car passes.
I have real concerns about the safety of international students who are coming here. This is something I never hope would happen.
submitted by RoutineAd6324 to WaterlooIowa [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 nothatsnotmebye Are these deer tracks? [North Dakota]

Are these deer tracks? [North Dakota] Probably should have taken a couple more pictures
submitted by nothatsnotmebye to animalid [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Prestigious-Key-1602 Just some art I’ve done on life series members, my two different art styles lol

submitted by Prestigious-Key-1602 to SolidarityGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Forsaken_Isopod_4601 Low profile wings

I’ve been in the market for some sort of aero to give the rear end a little bit of character and have only come across duckbill and swan necks. Are there any low profile wings that you’d recommend?
submitted by Forsaken_Isopod_4601 to GR86 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Witty_Staff_4874 Best IT Leadership/Sustainability Course /certificate in Denmark in English? How to enroll?

Hi Guys,
I have saved approx 15000dkk and want to pursue a good and short leadership course/certificate in IT/Digital leadership or Sustainability. I'm based out of Aarhus, and can do it online or visit few times.
I'm an international so would need it in English. Is there something possible? I've tried Googling but it's a bit confusing between AU, CBS, SDU etc and who offers what and which ones are in English, it's not mentioned at many places explicitly.
Appreciate your help please 🙏
submitted by Witty_Staff_4874 to dkkarriere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Weewoowom My concept of time seems to be going out of the window

It’s been 2 weeks to the day since everything fell apart but it genuinely feels like I’ve been trying to process this at least double that time. Meanwhile I’m thinking back to a previous break up and realised it’s been 5 years since I spoke to that person, yet it only feels like 2.
submitted by Weewoowom to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 big_hole_energy having a boner-off with his own son

having a boner-off with his own son submitted by big_hole_energy to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 rafael-57 Cyberpunk 2077 2.21 (DLSS4 Transformer Framegen) Awful Ghosting
Game: Cyberpunk 2077 update 2.21 Settings: DLSS4 set to transformer mode, quality, framegen enabled GPU: RTX 4090 Monitor: 4K
This ghosting is specifically terrible with frame generation and it's very hard to spot with framegen off. Since framegen is one of the biggest features Nvidia has been advertising since the 4000 series you'd think it'd look less awful with the latest updates...
Not sure if generating multiple frames with the 5000 series will lessen this or not.
submitted by rafael-57 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Flare_Starchild This should be a mandatory question on every exam

This should be a mandatory question on every exam submitted by Flare_Starchild to noita [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 OldHornet1008 Just Filed 2024 Federal Refund

Just keeping this here for others that did their Federal refund through TurboTax that need an estimate.
Filed head of household. I have 1 dependent. Paid for the 5 day early deposit through TT.
Refund Filed: 1/23/25 (today) Refund Accepted: Refund DD Received:
submitted by OldHornet1008 to TurboTax [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 ExtentSubject457 Had he been alive at the outbreak of Civil War, do you think James Polk would have sided with the Union or Confederacy?

Had he been alive at the outbreak of Civil War, do you think James Polk would have sided with the Union or Confederacy? submitted by ExtentSubject457 to Presidents [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Mr_BertSaxby Chungking Express • 1994

submitted by Mr_BertSaxby to wongkarwai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 No_Satisfaction_2928 If you had to make a mutant with origins that weren't just human, what species or group would you use?

If you had to make a mutant with origins that weren't just human, what species or group would you use? I probably worded it weirdly but I think a mutant thats half human and half Asgardian would be absolutely sick
submitted by No_Satisfaction_2928 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Scared-Material-9345 What can i start with now, need life lessons and career choices on IT fields

Starting with on June 18 2024 completed my last semester exam and that’s it done with college graduated , some how cleared tcs and had a job offer from a sales field low pay grade. Not responded for the sales one but tcs was a whole another deal had a nice interview kept my results holding for until September than rejected.
Life was different after August 14 my father said to me that he was diagnosed with cancer he was admitted at hospital stayed at hospital for almost 1 month I juggled between home and hospital until my father had 3 cemos while on the day of 4 chemo December 10th at morning 7:30 am I went to his room there he was lying dead took him to the hospital he was declared dead with a heart attack.
Until January 20 I was roaming all the offices and went to banks for all the work related to my father now I need get my shit together and start to get a job but the thing is I am tired of applying to all these companies and want something to work on with hands on also not that good at technical coding stuff I am average. But I can say one thing I am open to any suggestion and will work on it I don’t have a particular interest in just wanting to work in that particular field.
submitted by Scared-Material-9345 to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Derpballz LEFTIST PHYSICAL REMOVAL!!!

submitted by Derpballz to neofeudalism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 No-Avocado15 [SOTC] Seiko World Time Clocks

I recently took out my world time clocks from storage and placed them on my fridge. Would like to know if anyone else here enjoys similar items. I was reminded of them after seeing a newer version of these clocks at the store, the Seiko ref.: QHG106G. The cities nor 24 hour disc don't even rotate on their own (can u imagine?). I was wondering why Seiko would not re-adopt these past movements for their newer clocks.
My co-favorites are the ref.: QZ695K and QQZ153G.
submitted by No-Avocado15 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 swappa Thrifty Thursdays - Staff Picked Listings Under $250

submitted by swappa to swappa [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Hot-Weather-9697 CHOP SUEY! || System of a Down || A cappella cover with DAW beats

CHOP SUEY! || System of a Down || A cappella cover with DAW beats submitted by Hot-Weather-9697 to musicimade [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 NoStomach2471 Help meeee!!!! Please!!!

submitted by NoStomach2471 to Shein_Temu_Beat_them [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 Majestic-Ad-5036 Snark

I love how this has become a snark page. I bet LS is upset they can’t control this sub!
submitted by Majestic-Ad-5036 to Littlesleepies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:31 shoozerme When BJJ meets other martial arts
submitted by shoozerme to bjj [link] [comments]