Trump explains the 'funny thing' about Biden's pardons

2025.01.23 17:39 joetravers Trump explains the 'funny thing' about Biden's pardons

Trump explains the 'funny thing' about Biden's pardons submitted by joetravers to Conservative [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Blue_Wave2024 Trump Melts Down Over Bishop's 'Nasty' Sermon At National Prayer Service In Late Night Rant

submitted by Blue_Wave2024 to AmericanPolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 WhiteOxymoron Is this dumb?

Is this dumb? i’m unsure why I can’t just change Dembele and Palmer to CMs, nonetheless I’m not playing with strategy in mind, I like playing with my favorite players and I’m pretty casual so I don’t take it as seriously. I feel like Palmer and Dembele make up the lesser physical and defensive stat with their speed and dribbling. In the last game, there was a way for me to make any player play any position. , is there a way for me to make my own formation and have there be three cams? or is there a way for me to change my cams to CM’s? i’m still winning most of my games 8 to 10 goals and only conceding 3 or less. looking for a work around to have them give me chem. is there a way to make my own formation and run three cams? TIA
submitted by WhiteOxymoron to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 HooverInstitution A Laser Focus On Learning

A Laser Focus On Learning submitted by HooverInstitution to Conservative [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Igor369 Are you telling me ability to choose among 3 cards is worth 2E? Seriously?

Are you telling me ability to choose among 3 cards is worth 2E? Seriously? submitted by Igor369 to Warpforge40k [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 DepartureMurky198 looking for groups!

hello! i moved recently and lost a lot of my friends so i’d really like to find one or two discord groups to join! i’d really like to find an all female gaming group! i’d love to play games w people and have people to chat with but would absolutely prefer an all female server! preferably one where nsfw stuff is NOT welcome. i am above 18 but still am not comfortable with nsfw stuff, fine with swearing and such i just don’t want to see anything even close to corn anywhere on any server! i love playing pretty much anything but i’m mostly playing stardew, infinity nikki, fallout new vegas, and payday right now! i play xbox and steam deck!
submitted by DepartureMurky198 to discordapp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Yogi19683 Describing herself I guess

Describing herself I guess submitted by Yogi19683 to Keepingupwithkeke [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Economy-Discount5244 guess my age.

guess my age. submitted by Economy-Discount5244 to guessmyage [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Ghayb Book Recommendation

Book Recommendation submitted by Ghayb to indianmuslims [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Gullible_Strain3091 What are your opinion on this guys ? I am very curious to know

What are your opinion on this guys ? I am very curious to know submitted by Gullible_Strain3091 to IndianDefense [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 zuhairul7aq AMG Groups? Specifically for C63?

Hi Guys. Happy to be a new C63 owner. It’s a W204.
I was wondering if there’s any C63-specific groups I can join?
submitted by zuhairul7aq to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Practical_Shift8074 Suggestions for a Newbie

Hey guys, I am not a writer. Not even a true artist. I am literally in fintech but I have been having a lot of cool dreams and thoughts about this story I want to write for almost half a year now. Where can I start. I watched a lot of star trek, orville, expanse, so I think I understand the concepts but how can I write well.
submitted by Practical_Shift8074 to scifiwriting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 SittingTonka There's a good chance he obsessively keeps track of what others say about him.

There's a good chance he obsessively keeps track of what others say about him. submitted by SittingTonka to shitfascistssay [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 AttitudeCurrent5366 AskOuija's least favorite repeat offender strikes again.

AskOuija's least favorite repeat offender strikes again. submitted by AttitudeCurrent5366 to notHowOuijaWorks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 EducationalFront1924 Quando una tua amica "dimentica" di dirti che sta con tuo fratello...

Ok, ragazzi, preparatevi, perché questa storia è assurda.
Un anno fa conosco questa ragazza. Ci siamo trovati subito: simpatica, alla mano, sempre pronta a scherzare. Insomma, diventiamo amici. Non troppo stretti, ma ci sentiamo spesso, parliamo di tutto e c'è sempre quell’atmosfera leggera e divertente.
Lei mi riempie subito di soprannomi e un sacco di altre cose strane che mi fanno ridere. È il suo modo di fare, un po’ pazzerella ma in senso buono.
L’altro giorno, stavamo facendo una sessione di allenamento insieme. Ci alleniamo, parliamo, tutto normale. A un certo punto, mentre mi parla, mi chiama "Edo".
Io mi blocco. Cioè, proprio resto fermo. Edo? Non riesco a non pensare: Io non mi chiamo Edo. Edoardo è mio fratello.
La guardo con un’espressione tipo: Ma che stai dicendo? E lì parte la scena surreale. Lei mi fissa per qualche secondo in silenzio. Cinque secondi pieni di tensione, in cui io cerco di capire se ho sentito male o cosa stia succedendo.
Poi, all’improvviso, lei scoppia a ridere. Non una risatina imbarazzata, eh. Parlo proprio di una risata piena, di quelle che ti pieghi in due, quasi come se avesse sentito la battuta del secolo. E io lì, fermo, senza capire nulla.
Nella mia testa c’è il caos: Perché mi ha chiamato Edo? Perché ride così tanto? Che sta succedendo?
Quando finalmente si calma, mi guarda con quel sorriso enorme e dice: “Ah, sì, sto con tuo fratello da un anno.”
BOOM. Mi è caduto il mondo addosso. Un anno! UN ANNO. Questa ragazza, con cui parlo, scherzo e mi alleno, non ha mai menzionato che era la fidanzata di mio fratello.
Poi arriva il colpo di scena finale: mi dice che si sono conosciuti su Instagram. SU. INSTAGRAM. E io che ero convinto che lei fosse una di quelle che avevo incontrato casualmente nella vita di tutti i giorni. Il fatto è che prima di un anno fa non l’avevo mai vista, non avevo idea di chi fosse. Mio fratello non mi aveva detto niente, lei neanche. Zero.
E niente, ora ci penso e non so se ridere, arrabbiarmi o sentirmi preso in giro. Lei invece era lì, tutta tranquilla, come se fosse la cosa più normale del mondo.
Quando le ho chiesto “Ma sul serio? Perché non me l’hai detto prima?”, penso si sia accorta che ero un po’… boh, deluso, spiazzato, non so nemmeno io come definirlo. Cioè, ci ero rimasto male, e si vedeva.
E lei, senza pensarci troppo, è venuta ad abbracciarmi. Ma, attenzione, continuava a ridere! Non ha smesso nemmeno per un secondo, rideva proprio mentre mi abbracciava, come se fosse tutto una grande scenetta divertente.
Io, ovviamente, ero ancora lì tipo: Ma è possibile che stia succedendo davvero?
Qualcun altro ha mai scoperto robe così assurde in un modo così casuale?
submitted by EducationalFront1924 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 ssshaday Esse foi o melhor strongondofe que eu comi na minha vida.

Esse foi o melhor strongondofe que eu comi na minha vida.
submitted by ssshaday to gororoba [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 fuckyoux20000 Guess my rank

Guess my rank Okay now that I have everyone’s attention can y’all pls give me tips on how I can make my outfits better? I also feel like it’s the same two outfits with different colours, was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to start experimenting with other styles?
These were the themes:
  1. Pirate
  2. Gingerbread fashion
  3. Plant monster
  4. Time traveller
  5. J-pop
  6. Masquerade
  7. Mythology (Medusa)
  8. Butterfly (monarch)
  9. Fall fest
submitted by fuckyoux20000 to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 E_Graves_ Bump

Bump Had a bump into the back of a trailer, anyone know is this a big job, is a full bumper replacement? Bassed in N.I
submitted by E_Graves_ to MINI [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 ___TheKid___ Back when it was all special

Back when it was all special submitted by ___TheKid___ to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Alarming_Air_6893 Just finished my 3rd painting last night!

Just finished my 3rd painting last night! Just finished my 3rd, and it is a custom of a picture of my 4 guinea girls. I love it! I added my first 2 I completed as well. Started in July. The colorful guinea pig was my first one.
submitted by Alarming_Air_6893 to diamondpainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 greendragon_13 250123 SEONGMIN Instagram Update with YEDAM @xmnrome

250123 SEONGMIN Instagram Update with YEDAM @xmnrome submitted by greendragon_13 to onepact [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 MammothBattle33 Saif Ali Khan requested not to reveal the reward, says auto driver, who took actor to hospital

🚨 JUST IN: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been discharged from Lilavati Hospital after spending six days under medical care. The actor was admitted on January 16 and left the hospital on January 21. Before leaving, Saif met Bhajan Singh Rana, the auto driver who rushed him to the hospital that night.
Saif Ali Khan reportedly promised a bigger reward to Bhajan Singh but requested the driver not to disclose the amount publicly. While media speculations suggest the reward could range between Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh, Bhajan Singh has refrained from sharing details. He emphasized that his act was not driven by greed but by humanity.
In a conversation, Bhajan Singh explained that he initially planned to take Saif to Holy Family Hospital in Bandra. However, the actor requested to be driven to Lilavati Hospital instead, where he later underwent surgeries. During the auto ride, Saif was accompanied by a young man, likely his son Ibrahim Ali Khan.
Bhajan Singh also chose not to accept the fare for the ride, describing it as his contribution in a moment of urgency. Saif Ali Khan has now been discharged and is reportedly recovering at his Satguru Sharan apartment.
SaifAliKhan #BollywoodUpdates #HumanityFirst submitted by MammothBattle33 to pabnaIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 anutosu Shelton Benjamin recalls never getting a proper push in WWE before Hurt Business, getting emotional when Vince shut it down: "[He said] ‘We’ve gone as far as we can with Hurt Business.’ The Hurt business was around for eight months. When he said that, it was almost like you wanted to cry inside."

submitted by anutosu to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Useful-Rooster-1901 Solid Fertilizer and train question

Solid Fertilizer and train question Hey all, working on providing my farms solid and liquid fert, to that end i have a claw/rail dump storing the output of a compost factory but i cant seem to find a classification of car that will let me schlep the solid fert from the claw/rail dump to the farm area.
(i know its slow but im on realistic and already have the infrastucture in place so, sunk cost fallacy)
Am i just looking at the wrong type of car? Wiki didnt really point me either - just hoping it can be done w/o trucks, thanks!!
submitted by Useful-Rooster-1901 to Workers_And_Resources [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:39 Martin_Sim_Racing Wheel settings no work once I leave game

It took me awhile but I figured out through YouTube how to get my wheel to work with AMS2. By seething the rotation real low in the fantec software then going in calibrating the wheel and then exiting the game and changing the rotation back then coming back in.
I save the settings but when I come back into the game and load up a race the wheel doesn’t work?
What am I missing? It’s got to be something stupid and simple?
submitted by Martin_Sim_Racing to AUTOMOBILISTA [link] [comments]