imagine OG Castlevania scenes of alucard, trevor and Sypha but with background people laughting like a sitcom

2025.01.23 19:50 Bvbydragon imagine OG Castlevania scenes of alucard, trevor and Sypha but with background people laughting like a sitcom

imagine OG Castlevania scenes of alucard, trevor and Sypha but with background people laughting like a sitcom submitted by Bvbydragon to castlevania [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 BerrieMiah Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks submitted by BerrieMiah to SashaBanksWWE [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Supermarioworld-87 Mario kart 64

Really cool rc kart Mario from Japan
submitted by Supermarioworld-87 to WorldOfNintendo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 camothemedthrowaway Would it be disrespectful to make a Splatoon version of a late singer?

There's a beautiful singer named Selena Quintanilla, who was sadly murdered in her 20s.
She's one of my favorite artists and since Splatoon is my special interest I'd love to make a drawing of her as an inkling, but I don't want to be disrespectful to her legacy.
Does anyone know if this is morally okay or if this is rude to her and her family?
submitted by camothemedthrowaway to splatoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 77vogel Deoxys attack raid add 3314 9608 3482 or 6760 9193 4571

submitted by 77vogel to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Thank_you532 If only dominant women who liked femboys were real

Im dying alone:3, and will probably get downvoted because somehow every single time i say anything on this app that happens
submitted by Thank_you532 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 lithiumproject Soak in the vibes to Axyz, a perspective-shifting puzzle game. Coming to Steam Next Fest next month.

Soak in the vibes to Axyz, a perspective-shifting puzzle game. Coming to Steam Next Fest next month. submitted by lithiumproject to IndieGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Exquisivision Dick Wolf

Yeah, I said Dick Wolf. 🌕đŸș Awoooooo!
submitted by Exquisivision to SVU [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Tizinor Lvl 114 osa

Hello guys, may i ask you for advice? I am playing agility osa at lvl 114 and my question is: What is best set at this lvl or which set should i prepare? Currently i have 4set royal blop and 3set bwork chief.
What is best location/option to lvl now?
Should i prepare for switch to hybrid or different build when I will be max lvl and play PvM?
Is there any “BiS” sidekick for solo lvling or its absolutely irrelevant? I am playing with Astrub Knight at this moment.
submitted by Tizinor to Dofus [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 ConstructionOne8240 Drawing exercise: Blind contour drawing.

Drawing exercise: Blind contour drawing. submitted by ConstructionOne8240 to Ex3535 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Tight_Expression_155 TLSQ saint Valentin.

I have a question, does this JC trigger seasonal quests for Valentine's Day? Like the one we got for Christmas? If so, does it have to be a particular stage of history? We know that appointments start in years 4 and 5, and I am only in year 4. I want to stay in year 4 as much as possible, because I have a lot of TLSQs behind but I am afraid of miss the special Valentine's Day quests if I stay in year 4 and I don't want to wait until next year for the seasonal Valentine's Day quests.
submitted by Tight_Expression_155 to HPHogwartsMystery [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Expreswey7214 *urgent svp* je fais 2h de train de nuit pour la plateforme du diable ou je vais dormir ??

bonsoir, j'essaie de faire rapide mais le trop long pas lu est en grande taille, merci bcp
dsl si je suis un peu dramatique j'ai eu une journée chargée émotionnellement
-j'ai fini le lycée y'a des années
-je veux go LAS1 anglais à La Sorbonne (pour médecine)
-on m'a dit de m'inscrire sur plateformedudiable (la plateforme qui commence par p et finit par p) avant le 1 fĂ©vrier car sinon les chances d'ĂȘtre pris baissaient
Je devais retourner chercher mes bulletins chez ma mÚre demain (2h de train), problÚme, ma copine est à l'hÎpital (elle va bien) et je me vois pas la laisser en lui disant désolé bébé je vais chercher mes bulletins pour platformedudiable.. mais si je vais pas les chercher demain, je passe les détails mais je ne pourrais pas retourner les chercher chez ma mÚre avant le 1 février.
donc je viens ici car en cherchant sur google je vois "13 mars 2025 : dernier jour pour formuler ses vƓux" et non pas 1 fĂ©vrier (?) comme on me l'avait dit. (j'ai aussi vu qqn dire normalement si t'as dĂ©jĂ  le bac depuis faut pas utiliser plateformedudiable..). mais je sais toujours pas si la date de formulation de voeux est importante ou pas dans la dĂ©cision d'ĂȘtre acceptĂ©, et donc j'hĂ©site Ă  faire 2h de route maintenant pour aller chez ma mĂšre prendre mes bulletins de notes et revenir au petit matin pendant que ma copine est avec sa soeur, car aprĂšs je pourrais plus aller chez ma mĂšre jusqu'au 1 fĂ©vrier et donc mon inscription devra attendre jusque lĂ , ou bien simplement respirer aller dormir et aller voir ma mĂšre le 1er fĂ©vrier en mode chill pour prendre mes bulletins et remplir plateformedudiable Ă  ce moment lĂ  car j'ai le temps ? svp je suis pas fr d'origine donc je suis pas trop sur de comment ca marche, je suis en stress total Ă  chercher des billets lĂ  merci beaucoup
submitted by Expreswey7214 to etudiants [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 AndrewSeanLucas Can Someone Please Take Me Hoopnetting?

I use to go hoopnetting for lobster with my dad out of Huntington but I haven’t been in years. My relationship with my father has fallen apart and I had to cut him out of my life. I’ve been extremely bummed out about losing the activities we shared, so I figured maybe I’d ask here and maybe make new friends that I can fish with. I’ll cover gas and pitch in with bait.
submitted by AndrewSeanLucas to SoCalFishing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 AndrewMirm What do ya think? đŸ«¶đŸ»

What do ya think? đŸ«¶đŸ» 27 year old photographer living in NYC âœŒđŸŒ
submitted by AndrewMirm to GayRateMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 mybfsaidso CIMA or CPWA?

Fellow planners who have either CIMA or CPWA designations, I have a few questions for you:

Thank you so much in advance for your insight!
submitted by mybfsaidso to CFP [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 HashuGP Thread: Hot Deals:: GameNerdz DOTD Horseless Carriage $24.97

Thread: Hot Deals:: GameNerdz DOTD Horseless Carriage $24.97 submitted by HashuGP to hashugp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 vagueNate Any ideas what this noise is?

Any ideas what this noise is? My 2002 ford ranger has been making that rattling sound in the beginning any time I drive for the last 2 weeks. My friend took this video while I was driving and it shut off after the big noise, had to get it towed but I'm hoping to have a vague idea of what's wrong before taking it to a shop. It also shut off while driving a few minutes prior, and was shaking while sitting idle. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by vagueNate to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Particular_Log_171 Ringside Faq And Update News

Next week we have a relatively large release which contains two things.
These are new, improved, fun leaderboards integrated into the game.
This is the start of a lot of multiplayer functionality which will also allow Ringside subscribers to use that same subscription within Boxing Manager.
Please read more details below.
BM Team
What is Ringside?
Ringside is Boxing Manager but with a subscription attached so that players can optionally pay for and access extra features and perks as well as support our game development.
Isn’t Ringside a different app to Boxing Manager?
Yes, and now we are able to offer the subscription within the existing app, which means we can do a whole lot more for players of the game.
What does that mean for users of the Ringside app?
To start with, it means that they can use their same Ringside subscription inside the main Boxing Manager app.
Soon, we will also enable Ringside app users to import their current Ringside save games within the Boxing Manager app.
We will continue to support the Ringside app, but our intention is to quickly migrate all users of the app to the main BM so that they can take advantage of what we can do for gameplay in the one Boxing Manager app.
What does this mean for users of the Boxing Manager app?
As ever, with Boxing Manager, everything is optional.
But in addition to the current game, this means that you can try Ringside features with your current game with no additional download. You can revert back to your current game if you don’t like subscriptions. It means that you can skip buying the weight pack and get the weight pack benefits and everything else.
So I don’t need to subscribe or register or anything like that for the current game?
What happens to my current save game if I choose to end my Ringside subscription?
Most Ringside features will disappear until you resubscribe.
However, in the event that you have fighters signed to your roster that are included in the extra weights and that you also do not have the weight pack installed, the game will allow you to continue to manage those fighters until their current contract expires or you cancel the contract. However, to ensure game world continuity, the existing weights will remain in the game, but you will be unable to sign fighters at those weights without the weight pack or a renewed subscription. As this is a new mode this is subject to change according to player feedback.
submitted by Particular_Log_171 to BoxingManager [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Kitty1020D Doc just prescribed zepbound

Haven't started yet but I'm really nervous about side effects. Will I still enjoy food? I love to cook. Any advice?
submitted by Kitty1020D to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Ok_Entry_337 Section 8 Possession

So I now have a Court Order for Possession and another for the five months rent owed plus legal fees. Tenant told his sob story and got the maximum 42 days’ notice from the judge. I’d best not say any more about that.
Lawyer says that the Council are now advising tenants to disregard the possession order and wait for the bailiffs. If the tenant left on the date which the Court orders him to leave then he will have, in the Council’s eyes, made himself intentionally homeless!
Does anyone else have experience of anything like this? Is the Council not showing contempt for the Court?
Meanwhile, you taxpayers out there are funding this guy’s UC including the rent element that he’s not paying over.
What a crazy one-sided system.
submitted by Ok_Entry_337 to uklandlords [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 HashuGP Thread: Hot Deals:: [GameNerdz] Horseless Carriage - $24.97

Thread: Hot Deals:: [GameNerdz] Horseless Carriage - $24.97 submitted by HashuGP to hashugp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Inevitable_Sail2842 Who is he? (Wrong answers only)

Who is he? (Wrong answers only) submitted by Inevitable_Sail2842 to GTAIV [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 oxyMORON_with_trauma Kinda niche, but hoping someone can help - Tattoos

I am chronically ill, but I can get tattoos. I have 11 of them currently with a plan for a lot more if I can. I have skin issues, extremely sensitive is the only way to really explain it. I have so many skin reactions to most everything, besides food. The tattoos themselves are great, but it’s the aftercare that gives me trouble. Saniderm, Saran Wrap, hell even medical tape causes a rash/breakout and is either extremely itchy or just painful. I have one tattoo artist that trusts me to take care of my tattoos without any sort of layer on it, but every other artist I go to will put something on it. I’ve never tried like gauze or anything due to not knowing if it would work or make it worse. It’s just been me having to be triple times careful with heat, keeping my clothes loose, and using lotions to keep the tattoos healthy when healing since I can’t use those layers. My problem is that I want quite a few tattoos on my chest and back eventually, but I’m unsure how I would even care for them without a layer or anything. Is anyone here that has tried something for a layer that works or am I just going to have to keep up with my current routine and figure it out?
submitted by oxyMORON_with_trauma to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Desperate_Ad_4820 colis mauvaise adresse

J'ai reçu un colis amazon, la personne a la meme adresse que moi sauf que ce n'est pas la meme ville.
J'ai donc un colis qui appartient Ă  un inconnu, que dois je faire dans cette situation ?
J'ai déjà essayé de contacté Amazon mais c'est tellement dur quand tu as un problÚme spécifique,
J'ai besoin d'aide !
submitted by Desperate_Ad_4820 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Aster_Jax Appliance repair recommendations? My go-to choices seem to be closed

Jason Cave and Action Appliance seem to be closed or out of business, who do you trust to fix your dishwasher? Usually I'd fix this myself, but after troubleshooting for hours and eliminating the obvious issues, I need a pro. I just don't have more time or patience to spare.
submitted by Aster_Jax to kitchener [link] [comments]