[Discussion] I got an offer from a small publisher, how should I tell agents?

2025.01.23 19:50 RobJHulett [Discussion] I got an offer from a small publisher, how should I tell agents?

Title says it all. I have an offer from a small publishing house in my area. They do work with international houses and can get my book printed globally and I have a friend who had her work published with them before.
My question is really how should I go about letting agents know? Will agents view this in the same way as getting an offer from another agent?
submitted by RobJHulett to PubTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Early-Button-77 LF a hare and bird of paradise!!

DM me or comment!
submitted by Early-Button-77 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 OkNefariousness8884 Ochaco joins the literature club.

Ochaco joins the literature club. submitted by OkNefariousness8884 to JustMonika [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 FemaleMechanic18 Someone tried to scam me on market place

Ok not sure if this is the right place, but my friend recommend I post this story here.
All right to preface I'm from Canada and we have something called E-transfer much like cashapp or Zelle, but its directly linked to our banks and free.
Okay so I'm trying to sell something on FB market place, not a big deal. I get a message asking me if it's still available and I respond yes. The Scammer then answers quickly asking if they can E-transfer me the money and pick it up the week after as they don't have time to grab it. That's fine, I send them my email so they can send the money to my bank account and I'll hold on to it till they come and grab it. Once they let me know the money is sent, I go and check my bank account as I have it set to auto deposit and the moment it's sent it should be in my bank. But the amount hasn't changed, so I read the message they sent following the one about them transferring the money. They tell me to check my spam folder as it may have ended up in there. (E-transfer emails from actual people will never be in you spam fyi) so I open the email and it looks off, and alarm bells are ringing because it should have auto deposited. So I message the scammer explaining that it should already be in my account, to which they respond I need to click the link to get my money. I then go back in my email reverse search the email address and fine evidence that they are a full scammer. With that info I go back into the conversation and tell them the link isn't working and if they can pay cash upon arrival. They blew up at me cussing and writing "its not that had to click a link" "are you stupid, just follow the instructions". (I left out the actual words) I promptly reported and blocked them, then proceeded to raise my security on my email and change my password.
submitted by FemaleMechanic18 to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Longjumping-Mud2672 Drew My Favorite Wolf! :D

Drew My Favorite Wolf! :D In celebration of Osprey’s long life and the continued legacy of his pack, I drew him when I got motivated. Turns out it’s pretty fun to draw wolves and I think I’ll be doing it more often :)
submitted by Longjumping-Mud2672 to WolfQuestGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Devccoon [USA-ID][H] Intel Core i5-13600kf [W] Paypal

submitted by Devccoon to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 ShadowlightLady Cat owners, what is having a cat as a pet like?

submitted by ShadowlightLady to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 RealGanjaaGuy Entrando no mundo dos concursos

Fala, galera!
Sou novo aqui no sub e também nesse mundo dos concursos! Estou no 9º período de Engenharia de Computação e me formo no final do ano. Ainda não fiz nenhuma prova, mas quero me tornar um concurseiro de nato!
Confesso que estou meio perdido e preciso de umas dicas para começar, principalmente porque estou de olho em concursos na área de tecnologia/TI. Minhas dúvidas são as seguintes:
Como vocês descobrem os concursos que vão rolar? Dei um Google por concursos na área de TI, mas a maioria que encontrei já estava com o prazo de inscrição encerrado ou até mesmo com as provas feitas. Existe algum site ou grupo confiável onde vocês acompanham essas oportunidades?
Posso fazer provas de nível superior mesmo sem estar formado? Como estou no último ano da faculdade, já posso fazer algumas provas ou preciso necessariamente ter o diploma em mãos?
Plataformas boas para estudar? Vi a "Provas de TI" e achei interessante, mas queria saber se vocês têm outras sugestões de plataformas ou cursos específicos que sejam realmente bons para essa área.
Onde geralmente são realizadas as provas? Moro no interior de Minas Gerais e, daqui até BH, dá mais de 6 horas de viagem. Existe a possibilidade de realizar provas em cidades mais próximas ou elas costumam ser sempre nas capitais? Até São Paulo seria mais viável para mim, porém ainda fica a umas 4-5 horas.
Se puderem me dar uma luz, eu agradeço demais. Quero muito me organizar e começar a me preparar para esses concursos.
submitted by RealGanjaaGuy to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Cormac113 Community Gradings 9: Hank J Wimbleton Vs V1 (Madness Combat Vs Ultrakill)

Community Gradings 9: Hank J Wimbleton Vs V1 (Madness Combat Vs Ultrakill) submitted by Cormac113 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Wise-Fox-6374 It feels like it gets easier instead of harder.

It feels like it gets easier instead of harder. Only needed 2nd tries in Common & Medium
submitted by Wise-Fox-6374 to Archero [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Benjduff1980 Awesome Leif Babin Video

Awesome Leif Babin Video submitted by Benjduff1980 to JockoWillink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Ok-Economy7414 Defense Form deoxys 9731 1456 8672

submitted by Ok-Economy7414 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Level_Fishing6877 Executor on Jailbreak for Linux Ubuntu 24.04

I got this computer for like $100 and i need a script executor to cheat in this game because my son wants to buy a car but there is no way I am giving me my wallet for him to blow it onto a game so I need a reliable executor that will work on linux. I also need a guide to how to install it because I have no idea how linux work
Tysm, my son will stop begging for rabox
submitted by Level_Fishing6877 to robloxhackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Responsible-Cow-6829 Dualsense Helldivers.

E aí? Não entendi, a Sony desistiu de vender esse controle por aqui? Já começou a pré-venda lá fora? 🥹
submitted by Responsible-Cow-6829 to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 LowComprehensive7659 James won the last round. Who is "morally grey" and "Hated by fans"?

James won the last round. Who is submitted by LowComprehensive7659 to adventuretime [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 EarthPuma120 Daily Drug Dealer Locations, January 23rd 2025

Daily Drug Dealer Locations, January 23rd 2025 submitted by EarthPuma120 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Trigular Asking for proof of legal status in Weslaco Nail Salon

Wife just texted me that as she was getting her nails done, investigators (she’s unsure if it’s ICE) came in and asked the workers for their legal status and cosmetology license. When my wife tried asking them if it can wait they told her not to interfere with their investigation. Welp it looks like they’re not just after criminals, but regular ole working people, Stay safe out there!
submitted by Trigular to RioGrandeValley [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Basic-Tailor4009 Advice for someone fairly new to marketing

My first job after graduation is for a small construction company, so this means I am THE marketing department. I handle social, SEO, content creation and collection, branding, website management, anything that has to do with marketing is on my plate. On top of this the owner also owns a gym that I do the marketing for. Does anyone have some advice on ways to simplify my work load and keep myself from getting burnt out? I enjoy getting able to do every aspect and feel that I am getting really good experience, I just don't want to get burnt out and end up hating what I do. I have been here for just under 5 months.
submitted by Basic-Tailor4009 to marketing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 ChaoticRainbow73 🌧️☔️

🌧️☔️ submitted by ChaoticRainbow73 to finch [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Weird-Isopod3006 Old crush

So basically there was this guy I used to really like last year. I sent him an anonymous note and my "friend" gave me his number. We started texting and he was really dry like very uninterested. So I stopped texting him. Than at the beginning of this school year that same "friend" asked me in front of him if I still liked him. Than I texted him the next day and left me on opened. He text or snap for a whole month(we used to snap everyday.) But for the last month I've like caught him looking me which could be nothing. But than I found out he was group snapping. I felt really petty so I didn't view his snaps for a week. I think he noticed and does thing now. He doesn't mine until I view his which means he looks at the chat often. So last week he ended our snap streak.I found out the reason why is because this man was in the hospital for a leg injury. He hasn't been at school for a week. Should I text or something cause I don't want him to think I still like him.
submitted by Weird-Isopod3006 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 MzHoneyy613 Trade life out West

I just want to know the truth about welding careejobs are like out West. I’m currently in Ontario right now. I’ve been looking for job for the last 2 years and nothing. Is it worth packing my stuff and leaving Ontario and moving to Alberta or B.C with no prior experience in welding field. Overall what’s it like working out there with big/small companies? Living expenses? Transportation? Weather? I want to know all of it before I really start any research.
submitted by MzHoneyy613 to SkilledTradesOntario [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 EVE_Burner_Account What expansions are best bang for buck?

Picked up CS when it was on steam winter sale while i needed a break from Eve Online. Im pretty much hooked now. Just playing vanilla game at the moment, wanting some feedback from teh group here about which expansions are the best bang for the buck before i just start clicking on things. Thanks!
submitted by EVE_Burner_Account to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Curly_Blueberry572 Speakers that connect to each other and to a phone… without needing wifi? Does this exist?

Long story short, I’m getting married at a resort in Mexico that charges up the wazoo for tiny extras like speakers. It’s a small wedding (35 people) and our reception is in a private, covered area. we don’t need huge speakers. What we do need, is two speakers that can sync to each other (or be connected with a cable) and be connected to a phone or device that’s playing from a local playlist (not streaming). There is wifi at the resort but we don’t know how reliable it is, and don’t want to risk the music getting cut off if the wifi sucks. Does this speaker exist? Bonus points if it’s affordable and easy to transport in a suitcase from Canada to Mexico!!
submitted by Curly_Blueberry572 to WirelessSpeakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 SwatkatFlyer42 Which stocks for the LWRC Repr MKii

I pulled the trigger on a repr MKii. It comes with a magpul PRS stock. I think I want an MFT minimalist stock. Does anyone know if that will fit this rifle??
submitted by SwatkatFlyer42 to LWRC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 MaleficentBowler5903 2024 Touring XT

So last night I’m changing the cabin filter and to my surprise I found a 12v outlet! I changed the filters in my 2016 and I know I never saw this before. I’m very happy because now I have an outlet for my dash cam instead of plugging into console. So that means there are 3 12V outlets total. Thanks for allowing me to share lol.
submitted by MaleficentBowler5903 to Subaru_Outback [link] [comments]
