um okay

2025.01.23 20:51 Ok_Entrepreneur2938 um okay

um okay sorry for implementing a price??? get blocked bozo
don’t understand why people are so sensitive these days
submitted by Ok_Entrepreneur2938 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Dependent_Sundae9177 Von Bohrern und Börsen: Der Fall von Exxon und Chevron

Die Ölriesen Chevron und Exxon rutschen ab – tief ins Kursloch, obwohl der Toupémann für Rückenwind sorgen sollte. Sinkende Ölpreise und Zukunftssorgen drücken auf die Börse, während Anleger auf einem rutschigen Ölfilm Halt suchen.
Doch die Frage bleibt: Soll man jetzt einen fiesen Rachehebel ansetzen und sich aus dem fossilen Sumpf befreien?
submitted by Dependent_Sundae9177 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Warm_Bumblebee6142 One nicotine pouch then cold turkey - offset by minoxidil?

How much would one nicotine pouch set me back against my current regiment of 0.5 mg fin/day and twice daily minoxidil. Also, not to say that nicotine pouches are at all a good thing but does topical minox slightly offset the vasoconstriction of nicotine?
submitted by Warm_Bumblebee6142 to tressless [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Big_Roach011 What is going on here

What is going on here Okay, I need some help here. I am seeing singles every other day it seems. They all look relatively similar but my sticky traps show nothing, ever. What I find is dead or dying almost always. I’ve sprayed alpine In the areas I find the singles. What are these most recent. Dallas Texas area
submitted by Big_Roach011 to GermanRoaches [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Substantial_Ant1206 PC desktop for Blender/maya 3D modeling, rendering, and animating

I’m looking for a PC desktop for Blendemaya 3D modeling, rendering, and animating- that will be the most powerful thing I do besides casual gaming and having 1-2 separate monitors (with multiple tabs and games running at the same time).
I’m stuck between these three:

If you have other recommendations I would love to hear them. My only exceptions are I’m not looking for any custom builds or apple brands.
I have no budget limit. I’m just looking to get the best product that will last for 5+ years, even with new upgrades.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Substantial_Ant1206 to computers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 rotsump A proud mom. she deserves all the love.

A proud mom. she deserves all the love. submitted by rotsump to theviralthings [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Advanced-Vacation539 PETGroves bird shop

My Visit to PetGroves Aviary, A True Paradise for Exotic Parrots!
Hey parrot enthusiasts! 🐦
I recently had the chance to visit’s aviary in person, and let me just say – it was an incredible experience! If you’re as passionate about exotic parrots as I am, you’ll appreciate how much care and dedication they put into creating a haven for these amazing birds.
What Makes Special? This isn’t just a store or a service – it’s a community and sanctuary for parrots, with their well-being at the heart of everything. Here’s what stood out to me during my visit:

  1. Parrot-Centered Design – The aviary is thoughtfully built to prioritize the happiness and health of the parrots. Spacious enclosures, plenty of natural light, and enrichment activities ensure the birds are thriving.
  2. Expert Care – The staff at PetGroves are incredibly knowledgeable. They genuinely care about the birds, and it shows. From dietary guidance to socialization, the parrots’ needs come first.
  3. High-Quality Supplies – I was blown away by the variety of parrot-safe products they offer, from toys that stimulate mental activity to nutritious food blends tailored for different species.
  4. Commitment to Education – They also provide a ton of resources for parrot owners. During my visit, I picked up tips on creating the perfect environment for my African Grey and even learned a few new training techniques.
  5. Eco-Friendly Practices – Everything is done with sustainability in mind, from the materials they use to the way they package their products.
My Favorite Part of the Visit Seeing the parrots up close was magical. The staff introduced me to a few Macaws, Cockatoos, and Conures, and it was clear these birds are loved and cared for like family. Watching them interact with their environment, exploring their toys, and socializing with both staff and visitors was so heartwarming.
Whether you’re looking for the best supplies for your parrot or want to learn how to give your bird the best life possible, is a must-visit. Even if you can’t make it in person, their website offers everything you need, along with a passionate community of parrot lovers.
Have any of you visited their aviary or shopped with them online? I’d love to hear your experiences! Let’s chat about our feathery friends in the comments.
submitted by Advanced-Vacation539 to parrots [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Laydee_mesha Trade

Trade submitted by Laydee_mesha to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 jvc72 Buy Signal Urban Outfitters Inc - 23 Jan 2025 @ 15:48 -> USD58.85

Ticker: URBN
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 23 Jan 2025 @ 15:48
Price: USD58.85
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 PTTGossipingBot 1/23 Gossiping 板 99+ 推的文章有 34 則

  1. [新聞] 地方補助款凍結50% 中市府:恐嚴重衝擊
  2. Re: [爆卦] 行政院FB呼籲在野懸崖勒馬否則提出救
  3. [問卦] 衣服陰乾都有股臭味怎麼辦
  4. [新聞] 扯!美女直播主親自上台領獎 「真面目」
  5. [新聞] 黃國昌辦公室收到「子彈+透明結晶體」
  6. [新聞] 政院記者會請不起手語老師 黃國昌轟「丟自己的臉」:還有錢
  7. [問卦] 大家有沒有一種台灣未來會超爛的預感
  8. [問卦] iPhone の注音,打「的」可以選「の」
  9. [新聞] 曾高舉五星旗!李東憲「台灣身分被註銷」
  10. Re: [新聞] 「手語翻譯」早已決標履約中 黃揚明:
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  12. Re: [新聞] 快訊/柯爸病危!柯文哲探視近半小時面色
  13. [新聞] 柯建銘嗆「滯美不歸、畏罪潛逃」 韓國瑜
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submitted by PTTGossipingBot to PTTGossiping [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Merriegirl9982 Car rental for a day trip while in KW?

Hi all,
As the title says I am traveling to KW with my husband next week, and we were thinking of renting a car for a day so that we could check out Bahia Honda and a few other places in the lower Keys. Just wondering if there are places to rent from in old town (where our hotel is) or if we would need to rent from the airport?
I'm a nurse and we have dreamed of me taking a seasonal or travel assignment in KW so that we could stay there (husband is semi retired)...but we would probably not stay ON KW if we did this due to the costs associated so we would love to check out some other areas in the keys while we are there next week. We also love to camp and Bahia sounds like a great future destination. Thoughts? And places you would check out if you were me? Thanks!
submitted by Merriegirl9982 to KeyWest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 momo_0 What is Mo Shaikh’s style called?

He does a little video here, what would you call his "after" look? Looking to explore that style more.
submitted by momo_0 to mensfashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Threesom666 The Greated Stab In The History Of OZ! I Dont Give a Fuck if Y’all agree or Not!

The Greated Stab In The History Of OZ! I Dont Give a Fuck if Y’all agree or Not! submitted by Threesom666 to ozshow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Quantisnow Allurion Announces Plans To Optimize Muscle Mass During GLP-1 Therapy In Combination With the Allurion Program

submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 TuxedoCatGuy My cat fought for his life when I put him in a cat carrier. How can we make this easier?

I set up a vet appointment to get him checked out, and we've been waiting patiently but somebody cancelled their appointment tomorrow and the vet can see my kitty. I've only had him a week. I put him in a cat carrier once, when he came home with me, and he was frightened. Is there a trick for this? Can anybody give me any advice for tomorrow? The vet said in the future they will be able to give me a pill to give him before vet visits, but they've never seen him before and they can't for tomorrow.
submitted by TuxedoCatGuy to Pets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Additional_Time3274 This is bullshit

This is bullshit submitted by Additional_Time3274 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 TemperaGesture Chat Orpheus: Trying to Use LLMs to Get Into The "Zone" of Poetry

Chat Orpheus: Trying to Use LLMs to Get Into The submitted by TemperaGesture to ArtificialSentience [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Monodroid Keeping variables and values saved when sharing project

Dont have a lot of experience working with multiple people and I have some problems.
When I other people check out my branch they have some issues instantly getting the project running without having to tweak some things.
First issue is that some exported variables and arrays that I set without an inital value like (only in editor) are missing for the others.
For example if in 1 file I have @export var Array[int]; and on my end I fill that array, its still empty on their end.
Second issue is that I have some type checks like: if body is PlayerClass: ..
and they get an error that a PlayerClass type doesnt exist in the current scope. They have to load the file that defines the class_name first
Is there a way to make this better?
submitted by Monodroid to godot [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 medogbeblack Unplugging egr?

Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read my question. I just received my auto agent 3 today and plan on plugging it in and installing custom tunes. My questions are if until my EGR delete kit arrives with the custom tune will it be all right if I just unplug my EGR? Additionally until my straight pipe arrives would it be unwise to drive around with the tune installed and the stock exhaust still on? With the ECU not registering the DPF because of the tunes will it become clogged very fast?
submitted by medogbeblack to Cummins [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 qleptt How is 2&3 on the switch?

I’ve been playing Bayonetta 1 on PC and I do not want it to end it is so much fun. I don’t care how the graphics look on different platforms but I care about performance and if the input lag on the switch is noticeable
submitted by qleptt to Bayonetta [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 michaeltherunner I feel dumb even asking the question: Zwift vs TR

I realize it's likely to have been asked a thousand times: I have been on Zwift for a couple of years and really would like to take cycling to another level. Just turned 50, and have run my whole life, but have been on the bike fairly consistently for a while now. Zwift is great--did my 20-minute FTP test last night (260, which I have no idea where that fits in the cycling scheme of things).
Anyway, the whole point of asking is that I'm hoping to get out with some faster riders this summer and would like to make the most of the next few months indoors. Is TR worth the extra expense? I suspect my riding will not involve races, but I like doing Fondos and would love to be able to go faster, stronger on my daily rides, including the Sunday long one.
Thanks in advance for any input, and apologies once again if this post is a tired, old horse.
submitted by michaeltherunner to Velo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Patient_Aioli4998 Offers? Size 34

Offers? Size 34 submitted by Patient_Aioli4998 to SouthpoleJeans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 SomeJerkOddball A Quick Note On the Rules

Hi Everyone,
There's been a tonne of activity lately. Nothing stirs up the blood like heaps of political controversy I guess. We're getting a lot of interest from people outside of Alberta and outside of conservative circles, which is only natural under the circumstances and thanks to Reddit's algorithms. But, this is a reminder that we're going to continue to enforce our mission statement that we are a sub by Alberta conservatives for Alberta conservatives. Folks from other places and of other political persuasions have plenty of other places to interact.
This brings up a specific point of clarity I'd like to make about posts. We're not going to accept any crossposts from Alberta, onguardforthee or any similar habitually left-aligned subreddit. This is considered a violation of both our mission statement and our no brigading rules regardless of the content of the post. Crossposting itself is not inherently brigading, but it does open to door to that and we're already seeing more than enough of that.
If you're a conservative Albertan and you've found us, that's wonderful news. We're trying to be here for you. I'll also offer a reminder that our brigading rules go both ways. We cannot allow our sub to be a staging area for action at other subreddits, regardless of how you feel they're operating. Part of the rules of the game in being here on reddit is to respect the autonomy of other subs. We expect the same from them.
If you're here then you don't need Alberta anyway. Let's continue to make this the home for Alberta conservatives we all deserve and enjoy! Thank you!
submitted by SomeJerkOddball to WildRoseCountry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 lucas_future guys como faz pra adicionar palavras a lista negra no night bot to tentando mas nao ta dando certo nao sei pq

submitted by lucas_future to Twitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 learning231832 I started doing the CSES problem set and have a question about permutations

I realize the solution is to return all even numbers followed by odd numbers if n>3 (i hate this solution but i guess its optimal), but if the problem were to return every possible variation/amount of beautiful permutations how would you go about this?
the only solution i see is a bruteforce but is there any optimizations that could be made to cut down on calculations or to parse some invalid permutations through simple logic?
i was thinking about heaps algorithm or something similar while checking for the difference constraint but i feel like there's a better solution i cant think of
I'm still new to this so if this is a stupid question i apologize.
submitted by learning231832 to codeforces [link] [comments]