Steam download

2025.01.23 21:00 rocinantecaptian Steam download

Any ideas of when we can begin download if we pre purchase the game? 24/48 hours prior to release time or closer?
submitted by rocinantecaptian to CivVII [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 Capable_Ad_1205 1986 interior phone

I have a Mercedes 300e 1986 and the interior phone never worked I’ve left it a bit late but eny ideas why it never did
submitted by Capable_Ad_1205 to mercedes_benz [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 remote_rocketship Natera is hiring a Lead Software Architect in the United States

submitted by remote_rocketship to RemoteSoftwareEngJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 Pale_Rooster3982 Gasparilla tips

Any tips for Gasparilla this weekend? My first time going
submitted by Pale_Rooster3982 to tampa [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 PacDino11 What do my Top 10 Video Games (in alphabetical order) say about me?

What do my Top 10 Video Games (in alphabetical order) say about me? submitted by PacDino11 to Schaffrillas [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 SourceConsistent6234 GALLERY DEPT JEANS ( MANY STYLES ) - 60$

GALLERY DEPT JEANS ( MANY STYLES ) - 60$ submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 arranft Aduro Corporate Presentation - January 2025

submitted by arranft to Aduro [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 AffectionateLie758 Bus station missing?

I haven’t played this game mode in about a year. I loaded into my old world yesterday, the map key shows a bus station logo, but there’s not one showing up on my map. Any ideas for what I should do?
submitted by AffectionateLie758 to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 B_aquino_Q Barcos en Minecraft

Barcos en Minecraft Sería genial que añadieran un tipo de madera flotante a Minecraft y que con esta se puedan construir barcos funcionales, esto le daría más sentido a que existan barcos undidos. ¿Alguien más opina así?
submitted by B_aquino_Q to minecraftespanol [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 jackieechan111 ipad mini 6 & ipad Air 5

I'm currently using the ipad mini 6 with the pencil 2. I'm looking to buy a bigger screen and considering buying a used iPad air 5 so I can utilise my current pencil and not have to purchase an additional pencil.
Do you think this is a good plan, or do you think I should just get the newest models of the iPad air & pencil? It's so annoying they upgrade the pencil compatibility
submitted by jackieechan111 to ipad [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 Acceptable_Name7099 Hero with the highest skill potential?

I'm just wondering which heroes can have the highest skill expression. I feel like Moira isnt really an option due to the lack of optimization abilities (pretty much everything has steady numbers and aimbot) while someone like wrecking ball has a lot more they can do with their abilities. In your opinion, who has the highest skill ceiling?
submitted by Acceptable_Name7099 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 ColdSmell5533 Ze link

Anyone still got the magic flac files ? They keep disappearing on me ?
submitted by ColdSmell5533 to gatewaytapes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 NomadDaGreatR6 H: Loon W: 125 Leaders

submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Copa do Nordeste: Sousa x Altos

[Pré-Jogo] Sousa x Altos Gols Sousa: N/D Gols Altos: N/D
Copa do Nordeste - Fase de grupos Estádio: Marizão (PB) Data: 23 de Janeiro de 2025, 19:00 Transmissão: Premiere Link para Live Match Thread

Sousa (N/D) Altos (N/D)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Técnico: N/D Técnico: N/D
Arbitragem: N/D
Lances submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 badibhaariballs78 Dr. Smily Pruthy or Dr. Jambhulkar for biochemistry mbbs1??

basically the title. im a total biochem noob currently and i have my terminals in 2 weeks(cell,enzyme,carbs and metabolism,fats and metabolism and proteins is coming and ive only done carbs(not metabolism) and cell...)
i did the latter from smily ma'am and i love her style of teaching, but is she enough for terminals/proffs???
or should i start mugging up jambhulkar notes as if my life depended on it right away?😅 any insight is appreciated.
submitted by badibhaariballs78 to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 Dnx123_real_1_tho Survival Friendly Mid Game Base

Survival Friendly Mid Game Base submitted by Dnx123_real_1_tho to DetailCraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 ManitouWakinyan Louis Riel and a Historical Canadian Path

Hi all! So I'm Metis, and given the new leader system, I was thinking Louis Riel would be a perfect fit. He's an incredibly important person in Canadian history and Indigenous history broadly, and is specifically considered the Founding Father of the Metis People. For those who don't know, the Metis are an Indigenous Canadian people, formed from a blend of Plains Ojibwe, Assiniboine, and Cree people and French and Scots fur traders. They held a rebellion against the Canadian government in the 1800s, which led to the creation of Manitoba - and ultimately, legal recognition for this Nation. Plus, as someone held to be both a mystic and a madman, he should be a fun character to see in game. (Also, Firaxis, if you're watching, happy to work with you as a historical consultant on this!)
I thought it would be fun to create a proposal for Louis, as well as the Metis. And given that, I wanted to come up with a historical chain. My proposal is:

I'm going to go into detail with the Metis, but just sketch out the Ojibwe and Canada.
Here we go!
Louis Riel
Unique Ability
The Red River Patriot: Increased combat strength for all units for every active endeavor. All buildings on navigable rivers have an influence bonus.
Prophet of the New World - Increased relationship by a medium amount with the player with the fewest tiles in distant lands. Decrease relationship by a medium amount with the player with the most tiles in distant lands.
Starting Biases
Unique Ability: Seven Sacred Teachings - Settlers have increased movement speed. All settlements receive a production bonus towards altars.
Unique Civilian Unit:
Midewiwin - Great Person. Can only be built in cities with Jibegamig. Each unit can be created multiple times. Each unit received depends on the terrain of the altar where it is built. Possible units include:
Unique Military Unit:
Unique Infrastructure: Jiibegamig - Unique Improvement. Produces culture. Culture yields increase when a unit is expended or killed within three tiles.
Associated Wonder: Michilimackinac - Allows you to share the pantheon bonus of any allied civilization. Your pantheon bonus is also shared with allied civilizations.
Unique Ability
Civic Trees
Unique Infrastructure
Hivernement - Unique improvement. Adds food. Increased culture for each adjacent resource. Must be placed adjacent to a navigable river.
Unique Civilian Unit
Voyageur - Explorer Replacement. Rivers do not end movement. Can create a furs deposit one time in unclaimed territory adjacent to a navigable river.
Unique Military Unit
Sharposhooter (interested in a better name for this) - A mounted ranged unit that receives bonus combat strength when attacking from vegetated tiles.
Associated Wonder
The Forks - Produces additional gold and food for every trade route in the city. Must be built at the confluence of a navigable river and a second river (navigable or non-navigable).
Canada (running out of steam here - here's a basic proposal, not too different from the Civ VI implementation)
Unique Ability: The True North - Bonuses for tundra tiles. Additional influence whenever no foreign military units are in your territory.
Unique Civilian Unit: RCMP - Creates the National Park improvement, which produces culture.
Unique Military Unit: Peacekeeper - Can enter other territories without a declaration of war. Produces influence with every victory.
Unique Infrastructure: Hockey Rink - Increased happiness.
Associated Wonder: CN Tower
Starting Bias: Tundra
submitted by ManitouWakinyan to civ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 CrazyEyedZealot Eufy App

Anyone else get that annoying bug where if you leave the app open too long or playback too many videos it gets stuck on "Establishing secure connection" when you try to view live feeds again?
I have Homebase 3 with 3 S3 Pros
submitted by CrazyEyedZealot to EufyCam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 ExpensiveSherbet7896 Help

Does JOSAA or JAC or AICTE approve two different results from one student? I have physics and chemistry from ISC board and mathematics from NIOS Is this eligible to take part in the counseling?
submitted by ExpensiveSherbet7896 to JEE [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 SaladDad I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings submitted by SaladDad to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 Ill_Catch1645 DUI in Ontario, Canada. Don't think I can afford a lawyer but don't qualify for Legal Aid.

Hi everyone, and thanks in advance for your time and compassion in this instance. I am absolutely gutted about having been charged with Impaired Operation and Impaired Operation Over 80, though I do also recognize the need for accountability and being held responsible.
I had been drinking and had an open bottle of alcohol in my car. I pulled into an on street parking spot and fell asleep. 45 minutes later the police showed up at my window. I don't have a lot of memory about what I said or exactly how things went down, but I was arrested and taken into custody for about 5 hours. I blew .250 within 2 hours of my arrest. My vehicle was not in motion, but the car was on and I was in care and control. No accident, no injuries. I have no prior criminal record and have not had a driving infraction (speeding) in almost 20 years.
I have contacted a few lawyers and am getting a wide variety of quotes, ranging from $5500 to $14,000. The one lawyer that I spoke with that I really liked had said that they are often able to get charges reduced or withdrawn based on Charter violations made by the police during the arrest process. They review the body cam footage and videos from the booking room and the breath test to see if any mistakes were made.
I guess that the issue is this. My partner and I are in a dire financial position. We earn too much to qualify for Legal Aid, and we have too much debt to even come up with the $5500. This is a separate issue and one that I already have a lot of shame around, but we've managed until now. Without a lawyer, is it feasible to be able to get the charges reduced on my own? I feel like I can either pay a bunch of money now for a *chance* of a reduced charge, or waltz in and plead guilty and accept a sentence that is likely going to be more severe and cost me more in the long run. Anyone have any recommendations for a financial company that may be more likely to loan money to people with bad credit?
For what it's worth, I have been accessing sobriety support meetings for a long time, have attended outpatient programming as recently as 2 months ago, have a therapist, and am scheduled to commence residential treatment in March. Could any of that help me with my case?
submitted by Ill_Catch1645 to dui [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 interestingfactoid Trump Erases 'Bidenbucks'

Trump Erases 'Bidenbucks' submitted by interestingfactoid to conservatives [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 Cjprocker1 Vintage vs Reissue greenbacks

I’m planning on buying g12m 25 speakers. I’d like a tone similar to W.A.S.P, Quiet Riot, and Mercyful Fate. I don’t have very much money so I’d prefer to buy the cheapest option. Does vintage vs reissue really matter?
submitted by Cjprocker1 to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 douha123 HELP!! My Meringue won’t stiffen!

I’m making meringue for the first time and i’ve been whipping it for the past 20mins and it won’t stiffen, I think it’s because I didn’t mix the egg whites well enough, what can I do with the mix? can it be saved ?
submitted by douha123 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:00 BroMandi [Steam] Red Dead Redemption 2 $15, Ultimate Edition $20 (PC Digital Download) [Deal: $15.00, Actual: $59.99]

[Steam] Red Dead Redemption 2 $15, Ultimate Edition $20 (PC Digital Download) [Deal: $15.00, Actual: $59.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]