Drawing your avatars

2025.01.23 22:31 ZZZZZyan Drawing your avatars

Drawing your avatars I want to stay active in drawing, so I'm going to randomly select 6 avatars to draw drop your avatar in the comments
submitted by ZZZZZyan to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Unlikely-Act-7084 Male advice wanted

Hi all,
So I normally don't post here but in another community. I wrote a post there and a recovering porn addict commented which made me decide that I would like a recovering porn addicts advice on my question.
My husband is a recovering porn addict. Finding out that he was a secret porn addict really hurts.
I have asked him questions but I think he lies to me so I don't get hurt but what I really want to know is the truth.
One thing I asked him was when he watched porn is he imaging he is having sex with the porn star and is he lusting after the women he sees on screen. He told me no he never lusted after the women or imagine he was having sex with them. I really don't believe this.please let me know if you think this is a lie?
He also told me he hasn't viewed it since I found out about his 25 year porn addiction. I recently noticed he was following a soft porn site on Facebook which he said he never followed. Facebook has done something weird and did it not him. Again I think he is lying and is stil viewing porn.
Also, he keeps telling he really loves me. Why do men enter relationships and hide a porn habit even when they know it will hurt their partner?
Thanks to those that respond. I really appreciate honest answer.
submitted by Unlikely-Act-7084 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Leon_Dante_Raiden_ Hear me out again

Hear me out again submitted by Leon_Dante_Raiden_ to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 n0ahbody An exhausted empire

An exhausted empire submitted by n0ahbody to USEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 _c11NFP ¿Cuanto tiempo cubre el CAE?

Hola a todos!, doy contexto estoy estudiando una carrera de 4 años (debi haber temrinado el año pasado, pero me desface arto y aun me falta un ramo que terminar) y me atrasé un año por así decirlo. Osea el periodo 2024-2 y ahora el 2025-1. En las vacaciones de invierno antes de empezar el 2do periodo del 2024 postule al cae para pagar ese semestre y me lo asignaron y todo (hasta ese momento no sabria que me hecharia el ramo que hice en ese semestre por la practica :'c) el tema es que ahora quiero volver a postulae al CAE para el primer semestre del 2025 y terminar el ramo. El tema viene siendo que me di cuenta ahora recién que el CAE es anual por andar buscando info y leyendo, pero tengo la duda si es que postule para el año pasado y supuestamente es anual y cubrió solo ese semeste (lo se porque la pagina del cae estan solo los aranceles de ese semestre), ¿tendré que volver a postular o ahora en este semestre me cubrirá el año del cae? Si alguien cacha algo o ha estado en mi situación, por favor ayuda para orientarme. Gracias ❤️
submitted by _c11NFP to EducacionChile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 PrimeR321 They say they are a private intelligence agency.

They say my ex friends went to a private intelligence agency to have me tortured physically and raped psychologically for all these years. They all hated me, so instead of talking to me they just abandoned me and turned murderous. I was being influenced by them since as early as 2015/16... They are truly evil people... The worst types.
Apparently Megan K and David N were primary instigators along with Jackie N and her social circles. They were slowly killing me via this agency that apparently the feds knew about, but didn't intervene or stop. That's as far as I gather at least?

submitted by PrimeR321 to Interfaced [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Khaleesi223 UPDATE: I did it.

UPDATE: I did it. I made the change from blonde to brown—definitely still getting used to it.
submitted by Khaleesi223 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Ripclawe Tokyo Sports tells Sareee she came in 2nd for booker of the year and she wants to hold an event in America.

Since she competed in WWE NXT as "Sarey" for three years from 2020, the event's broadcasts have also seen a lot of access from overseas fans.
As proof of this, in a vote for "Booker of the Year" held on the American pro wrestling information site "WrestlePurists," Saree came in second behind WWE's on-site manager Triple H.
With such attention in North America, she clenches her fist and says, "I'm really happy and I want to hold an event in America in the future. I want to show a Saree that's not the WWE Sarey."
submitted by Ripclawe to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Kiiko90 Dropped this, don't know if worth something

Dropped this, don't know if worth something https://preview.redd.it/9u38ndnbltee1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=b66a6eb644898d41552eda32e58ec59394e71c29
Do you guys think it can be worth it?
If yes how much do you think?
submitted by Kiiko90 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Benigmatica Hakos Baelz plays Like a Dragon 4: Heir to the Legend (Yakuza 4)! Part 6 starts today (January 24, 2025) at 10:00 JST!

Hakos Baelz plays Like a Dragon 4: Heir to the Legend (Yakuza 4)! Part 6 starts today (January 24, 2025) at 10:00 JST! submitted by Benigmatica to Hololive [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Bruce_thebat Can't resist her charm

Can't resist her charm submitted by Bruce_thebat to TaylorSwift_Worship [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 carrilhoiago sou babaca por me sentir inseguro com a minha namorada por causa de kpop?

Esse é meu primeiro namoro. Eu (H19) evitava qualquer tipo de relação mais íntima com qualquer pessoa por motivos de insegurança e traumas com outras relações sociais não íntimas. Sou superdotado e tive uma infância de socialização difícil, em suma sou bastante esquisito e não entendo certos estigmas/tradições sociais.
Essa garota (M18) mudou isso, me fez aceitar quem eu sou, e me amou apesar do meu jeito atípico. Comecei a desenvolver autoestima pela primeira vez na vida e a realmente perder o medo de ser quem eu era. Parei de me submeter a companhias ruins por puro medo de ficar sozinho e afastei más influências e costumes ruins por ela e por mim, e sou grato pela coragem que ela me deu de fazer isso.
Mas uma coisa me incomoda a muito tempo: a idolatria que ela tem com alguns coreanos muito específicos, ela posta regularmente esses caras fazendo pose e expressa sua admiração por eles, ela diz que gosta das músicas e da pessoa, mas nunca posta a música/letra e nem uma fala/ato da pessoa, apenas a imagem do cara fazendo biquinho e faz tom de idolatria.
Eu procuro me expressar sempre que me incomodo com isso, e ela reconhece que a indústria é podre mas jura que só gosta das músicas/personalidade dos idols, mas eu sinto que isso não é verdade.
Contexto dado, hoje eu tentei me expressar novamente e contei que independente do motivo que ela posta esse tipo de coisa, eu já falei várias vezes que me sinto incomodado e inseguro, e sinto que não tenho nada a ver com o padrão estético que ela tanto vangloria nesses caras e isso acaba afetando minha autoestima, a conversa não foi nada bem, ela acha que isso é um problema meu e eu tenho que lidar com essa insegurança boba, e que não tinha maldade nenhuma noq ela postou (reconheço a possibilidade de ela estar certa). Se fosse até aí tudo bem.
A última gota foi que eu percebi que no meio da conversa ela estava fechando o zap, e depois de um tempo resolvi abrir o twitter dela, e descobri que ela estava postando e conversando com outras pessoas sobre eu ter reclamado da idolatria dela, e alguns comentavam coisas como "eu não teria paciência" ou zombando/achando patético. (ela não sabe que eu posso ver o twitter dela)
Eu realmente acho que independente da possibilidade de ser só uma insegurança patética, esse assunto deveria ser tradado exclusivamente, por ser bastante íntimo pra mim. Estou convencido de que começarei a fazer terapia pra ter uma opinião profissional e possivelmente criar coragem pra terminar com ela, por mais que isso seja uma ideia extremamente assustadora.
Tentei ser o mais imparcial possível, peço que não tenham dó de mim e evitem eufemismos; eu sou o babaca?
submitted by carrilhoiago to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 CartographerMajor907 Looking for spectral serpent

I will give a shiny frost whale for one
submitted by CartographerMajor907 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Dry-Firefighter5115 Men At Work - Overkill

Men At Work - Overkill submitted by Dry-Firefighter5115 to 80smusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Alone_Cap1105 Cual es la mejor serie de la historia?

submitted by Alone_Cap1105 to Cordoba [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 FishyBoi25 Books

Any databases recommended to access free textbooks? I used to use libgen, but it does not work anymore. Anything would be greatly appreciated!!
submitted by FishyBoi25 to Students [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 WetBread_777 Can I do stretches continuously until I get flexible or is it like training your muscles where you have give time for your tendons to heal before I can go back to stretching?

Like is it possible to just do an insane amount of stretches in a short period of time until I get to my desired flexibility or do I have to give time for my tendons to rest and heal before I can go again and if so how long do I have to wait
submitted by WetBread_777 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 socially-inept22 Why is this burage plot not conneccted to my church and well? It has road connection.

submitted by socially-inept22 to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 SwervoT3k PSA: Split second is not on many cards because it is a terrible mechanic.

submitted by SwervoT3k to magicthecirclejerking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 thweb 100% Off Udemy Course - Practical Next.js & React - Build a real WebApp with Next.js

submitted by thweb to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 MrWonderful49 شخص استغفل ابوي واخذ منه مبلغ دون علمه

مرحبا ابوي كبير بالسن لكنه حذر في التعاملات المالية بشكل عام، سابقا سافر لدوله خليجيه وتعامل مع شخص كبير بالعمر على انه سواق يوديه ويجيبه
وبعد فتره رجع الوالد لنفس الدولة والشخص الكبير بالسن هذا كان وقتها تعبان وبلّغ الوالد يتواصل مع زوج بنته والشخص هذا علاقته بالوالد سطحيه وتعامل معه على اساس انه سواق و يخلص له اموره
بكل اسف الوالد وضع ثقته فيه وعطاه بطاقة الصراف وقت المشتريات واكتشفت بعد فتره عن طريق كشف الحساب انه كان يسحب ٥ الاف ريال يوميا بمجموع ٢٥الف ريال ماخذها من الوالد دون علمه سألت الوالد وقتها انت عندك علم وتعرف بالموضوع و للاسف ماعنده علم
انا املك رقم جوال الشخص واسمه الكامل و رقم هويته ايضا
ساعدوني وش اسوي في الحالة هذي؟
submitted by MrWonderful49 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 OccasionOwn6942 Wife told her parents about me taking ‘weight loss injections’.

Was open and honest with my wife about going on Mounjaro and she was supportive.
I was clear I wanted nobody else in my life to know, if for no other reason than it’s nobody’s business.
Went out for a meal this evening, first time I’ve seen the in laws for 2-3 months and my mother in law congratulated me on how well the weight loss injections are working.
Also in front of my brother in law and his wife who have many mutual friends with me.
They all love to gossip so pretty much everyone in my family and friend group will learn of this over the next couple of weeks I’m sure due to mutual friendships etc.
There’s no shame or embarrassment using the injections and it’s not a great deal to me in retrospect but it’s frustrating.
I’ve counted calories everyday, trained BJJ 3 times a week, gone to the gym 3 days a week, 10k daily steps. Cut out processed food and treats along with alcohol. Completely changed my lifestyle and habits with the assistance of Mounjaro. Even tracked over Christmas which we didn’t spend with her family this year and continued to stay in defecit.
First meal out with friends and family so I fasted so I could maintain a defecit whilst eating a full meal. Nothing but comments about how ‘miraculous this drug must be if I can eat the same as everyone else and lose all that weight’.
Didn’t even bother to respond just nodded and agreed 😂.
Oh well it was nice being nobody else’s business whilst it lasted. Fortunately I’m nearly at my maintenance stage.
submitted by OccasionOwn6942 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 aquafeener1 [WTS/WTT] Vortex Defender XL Compdot 8 MOA+ plate and optic screws galore

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/xsLQ01E
Never mounted or fired
Comes with everything that is included if you purchased new
The extra plate is rmr to dpp
Trade interest is RMR footprint optics, or an optic that comes included with an rmr plate. Top priority is 507 comp or EPS 6 moa
submitted by aquafeener1 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 DreamPirates Neha Pendse Marathi Actress

Neha Pendse Marathi Actress submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:31 Dot-Bulky 26 yo how am I doing?

26 yo how am I doing? any tips/ suggestions would be really helpful.
submitted by Dot-Bulky to mutualfunds [link] [comments]
