2025.01.24 00:21 Diversetea My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined
đ€ĄJohn Balatro struck me down on my journey to the moon đ
submitted by Diversetea to balatro [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 Gurdel K E T A M I N E
submitted by Gurdel to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 00:21 Earthling_Aprill Floral Gradient Artwork Wallpaper
submitted by Earthling_Aprill to Aiimages [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 00:21 Alternative-Trade504 Can't log in to my old account on Genshin through FB to which I played almost 2 years.
I played Genshin during Pandemic and got me my boring days through because of it. Recently, FB had an issue when logging in. Not just me but to all users I think? So when I came back to log in my old account-- I had to check if it's still there. And yes, it was still there. But I had to switch to a new account for my friend so she won't do anything to interrupt my commissions or missions I was doing. But when I tried logging in back to my old account as through my third party account, FB. I can't log in and showed me a verification thing that I need. They said they sent a verification code to my email to which I no longer have access because it was deactivated. One thing that I forgot the password of it so I didn't bothered trying to log it in. I didn't know it was deactivated and cannot be reactivate again due to inactivity. I emailed the Genshin Impact customer service and denied my request even though I gave them what they need. The device I used to play with, my UID, the date when exactly I played and last time I played. I asked them to change my email to my third party account, FB, with a new email as a new log in email so I could access to my old account but with a new email linked to my third party. What should I do? All the progress and hardwork, commitment and time and effort, all gone just like that.
submitted by Alternative-Trade504 to GenshinHacked [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 AdvertisingSad422 Handicap et la bureaucratie Ă©puisante... J'arrĂȘte pas de pleurer
Désolée pour les fautes et les erreurs et tout ce bazar je suis trop fatiguée pour relire mon poste.
J'ai eu un diagnostique de TSA 1,5 ans depuis ma demande (j'ai la chance car certains ont la réponse aprÚs ans s'ils font le démarche gratuitement.)
J'ai fait la demande de AAH auprÚs de la MDPH et j'ai attendu 1 an et demi pour avoir une réponse (encore, pas de papiers qui manquaient. Tout est bon.)
Pour ĂȘtre inscrite dans un dispositif d'aide Ă l'autonomie, je suis mise sur une liste d'attente de 3 ans.
J'ai attendu pour que la CAF reçoivent la notification de la MDPH comme quoi j'ai le droit Ă l'AAH... Tout de suite, je passe un coup de fil Ă la CAF et je suis conseillĂ©e de dĂ©poser la notification de la MDPH directement sur l'espace personnelle de mes parents et de faire une changement de situation. J'ai fait ça, j'ai attendu 15 jours et j'Ă©tais demandĂ©e de joindre une dĂ©claration de ressources de 2021 et 2022. Je sais que mes revenus etc. sont disponible chez vu que je fais cette demande sur le dossier de mes parents, mais bon j'ai tout transmis. 15 jours aprĂšs je reçois un courrier qui me fournis un numĂ©ro allocataire et qui me demande de joindre des piĂšces manquants (ressources annuels de 2021 et 2022, et TOUS les ressources mensuels que j'ai reçu pour CHAQUE mois depuis 2023). Encore, je sais qu'ils sont capable de connaĂźtre mes ressources s'ils veulent mais bon, peut-ĂȘtre vu que c'est un nouveau dossier crĂ©Ă©, ils n'ont plus accĂšs Ă ce qu'ils veulent.
Mais là je tombe sur problÚme 1 : il faut l'envoyer par voie postal car mon compte est toujours en cours de création. J'ai pas d'imprimante, et je suis déjà trÚs fatiguée de la vie donc j'attends à peu prÚs 20 jours avant de tous envoyer pour avoir le temps de grouper tous les documents, les imprimer, puis acheter des timbres et envoyer le dossier (j'ai passé un coup de fil à la CAF car je m'en souviens plus de mes revenus trimestrielles, et ils m'ont donné mes revenus sur les mois qui ne sont plus disponible sur le site de la CAF. Donc c'est bon.)
Ok. J'ai tout envoyé. Il manquait juste mon titre de séjour, et je l'ai envoyé....
Sauf que y a qq jours, je reçois une appelle qui dit que j'ai dĂ» avoir fait une demande de pension d'invaliditĂ© ET ASI (je viens de dĂ©couvrir juste hier c'Ă©tait quoi ces machins lĂ ) et d'envoyer Ă la CAF la preuve de dĂ©pĂŽt. Je pleure parce que je suis dĂ©jĂ trop stressĂ©e par TOUT ce qui se passe autour de moi parce que je suis une petite merde trop fragile qui est dĂ©bordĂ©e par tous ce qui se passe trĂšs facilement, et je dois malgrĂ© cela m'adapter Ă mon stage + prendre soin de moi-mĂȘme et faire les tĂąches quotidiennes (difficilement) et tout ça.
AprĂšs avoir pleurĂ©, je recherche comment faire la demande de la pension, et je suis soulagĂ©e quand je vois que c'est possible et mĂȘme recommandĂ© de le faire d'une maniĂšre dĂ©matĂ©rialisĂ©e.... Sauf que la rubrique de demande de la pension n'existe plus, et j'essaie de solliciter une conseilliĂšre qui me dit "il suffit d'aller dans le rubrique et le cliquer.", sauf que le rubrique n'existe pas HAHAHAHAHAHA. Elle me dis de parler avec le chatbot pour obtenir le lien direct. Je clique sur le lien direct, et le lien m'envoie vers mon espace perso.
La conseillÚre n'a pas l'air de me croire quand je lui explique cela. Je lui montre des screenshots en faisant "ctrl+V" (la seule maniÚre d'envoyer une image est si tu fais une screenshot et tu copie la photo comme si tu copie une texte lol). Quand je lui explique que j'ai VRAIMENT du mal à envoyer par voie postale à cause de mon handicap, et que j'ai juste besoin in endroit pour déposer la demande, elle me dit "demandez à votre entourage de le faire pour vous".
Je pleure haha. Je lui dit merci parce que je suis polie, je n'insulte jamais et je suis jamais malpolie avec les agents. Mais bon. Je pleure. Je suis vraiment juste trÚs fatiguée.
La CAF maintenant me menace qu'ils vont suspendre mes droits de AAH si j'ai pas une preuve de dépÎt en mai 2025 (j'ai rien reçu pour l'instant je rappelle donc jsp si ça va changer gran-chose haha).
Je suis en train de pleurer actuellement, je fais une crise je suis vraimen,t trÚs fatiguée hahahaha.
ThĂ©oriquement je peux prendre un RDV avec un.e assitant.e social.e, mais je vois pas comment cela peut m'aider si je connais les dĂ©marches Ă faire, et que je suis seulement trop Ă©puisĂ©e de les faire. En plus passer encore des coups de fils pour avoir un RDV pour fin fĂ©vrier pour constituer un dossier que je dois moi-mĂȘme envoyer.... c'est trop.
Je sais, je SAIS que ça a l'air absurd. Je SAIS que j'evoque l'air stupide. Mais je suis vraiment juste fatiguĂ©r hahaha. J'en peux vraiment plus. Je veux pas exister. Exister c'est fatiguant. Je veux plus ĂȘtre ici. C'est trop difficile la vie.
Je veux vraiment ĂȘtre reconnaissante. Je SUIS reconnaissante, mais si moi, qui entourĂ©e des bonnes personnes et des gens qui me comprennent, se sente Ă©puisĂ©e, j'arrive mĂȘme pas Ă imaginer l'enfer des gens qui n'ont personnes autour d'eux. Je veux juste pleurer( bon je pleure dĂ©jĂ )
submitted by AdvertisingSad422 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 NextOfHisName Help, I can't find sir Hans
Guys, I've finished main story line and started capons dlc after we rode out with the letter in epilogue. We rode to.the end of the map, stopped at the camp (there was a chest with some sweet armour) and I started amorous adventures. I got the necklace and my objective it to return it to Hans. But the game does not place his marker on map and I can't find him anywhere. Is it a bug or is he still on said campm? If so where is it?
submitted by NextOfHisName to kingdomcome [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 Myth0Magic Very to see this response from my kids school district
submitted by Myth0Magic to LeopardsAteMyFace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 00:21 alyxolotll t/s bdc frosted amp w debug ele!
mlf: coins, other themes worlds with cosmetics. taking highest bid/offer! submitted by alyxolotll to DragonAdventures [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 00:21 Raul5819 Okay yeah as much as I hate nerfs. We need one BAD
Every match I play is just this. The first person who gets chaos blast is guaranteed to win essentially. submitted by Raul5819 to speedbattles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 00:21 Throwaway43119671 LTB Albany V-STR with Yankton plates
submitted by Throwaway43119671 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 MagazineKey4532 Central Tokyo condo prices top 100 mil. yen again in 2024
Prices of condos have declined in Tokyo's 23 wards but the price is still above 100 million yen.
>While prices for the 23 wards are expected to climb again this year to exceed those of 2023 due to large-scale luxury properties scheduled to go on sale, the impact of rising living costs is expected to drag down prices in Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama prefectures, the institute said.
It's again expected to rise this year. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20250123/p2g/00m/0bu/051000c
submitted by MagazineKey4532 to japannews [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 Fakeguitarist They should immidiately separate casual and ranked again
There are people who just wants to try the new heroes or casually plays with their friend for fun. I want to play a competitive match and no matter how good a player is when they are trying a new hero, they most probably suck. It was already bad with all the afk's and match quitters, now with new heores it's worse.
submitted by Fakeguitarist to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 PianoPlayer97 A revised alignment chart of most Dishonored characters
submitted by PianoPlayer97 to dishonored [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 Designer-Eye9701 Lost?
Itâs alright, youâve stumbled onto your Goddess
submitted by Designer-Eye9701 to findommes [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 blembloom Defence deoxys. Starting in 5 minutes. 093023985802
submitted by blembloom to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 Gkdunch Is it just me or has cane shaped how I play sports games
I mean the title kinda says it all, ever since I started playing sports games I've always liked being able to "tell stories" while playing these games, and its honestly formed some of my favorite gaming memories. But once I started watching cane, it almost gave me a blueprint to follow to keep myself honest when I was younger, and now it gives me the willingness to sim large portions when i'm uninterested, and to stay with a franchise when I'm 20 years deep, which I've specifically been able to do in the nba 2k games because that franchise mode is so good lol.
Any way, whats your story?
submitted by Gkdunch to mrhurriicane [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 jvc72 Buy Signal 0x Protocol USD - 23 Jan 2025 @ 19:18 -> USD0.439
Ticker: ZRXUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 23 Jan 2025 @ 19:18
Price: USD0.439
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/ZRXUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 Stormshadow1997 [H] Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Digital Premium Edition Nvidia Bundle Code [W] 30 Dollars paypal, Steam Game Keys
Text from NVIDIA on redemption instructions:
Offer: Get the Digital Premium Edition of Indiana Jones and the Great Circleâą with Select GeForce RTX 40 Series.
2025.01.24 00:21 Valuable-Homework654 26 M4F Germany/Europe looking for the one to cook for
I'm a 26 years old living in South Germany for the last six years I'm currently employed in a hotel also did an Ausbildung for it so it's a pretty decent job
What I'm lookin for hoping for is just to meet someone on here to from a decent relationship and have each others backs and just try to navigate this world
And I'm trying on Reddit because god knows dating apps are the worst đ€ź
My hobbies are to be honest pretty boring for the normal person
I like history especially the late 19th century and early 20th century I just love the people of that era and the culture the warfare there is so much to talk about plus I know the history of Europe from ancient till modern times so ask me any fact you like
I'm also a book worm my favourite type books I like to read are fantasy book and sci fi books and alternate history
I'm a big fan of mythology too especially Norse and Roman I just love the whole concept and there gods are badass,
I also like watching random series when I have the time ranging everything from sci fi to criminal, to anime
Currently watching dan da dan it's do hilarious
I also like to go jogging and cook delicious meals. I will make you an awesome breakfast and pancakes for dessert
My music taste is everywhere but I mostly like punk rock and heavy metal
Appearance wise I'm 177 cm, 70kg ,black hair, green eyes, Normal slim body, if you like a picture I can gladly send it
Please send me this emoji if you have read all of this đčđč
And pleas be in Europe anywhere else is just to far away for me
submitted by Valuable-Homework654 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 elvirraw I hate SSRIs
I rather die then take these, ikm not gonna take antidepresants cuz im loser and disabled with adhd
submitted by elvirraw to SSRIs [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 pinetreecowboy122 Galusha surname
I am in the process of working back a family tree. On one side of my family tree I have the surname Galusha, which Iâve brought back to Thomas Galusha (b. 1808 in Maine, USA d. 1853). After him however, the trail gets muddied. There seem to be a few different groups of beliefs when it came to the Galusha origins; Wales, France, Isle of Jersey. Iâve been stumped on this for a number of years and havenât been able to really find much. If anyone on here is able to assist it would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by pinetreecowboy122 to Genealogy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 MermaidMustard Care Package Ideas
Someone in my circle recently took their own life very suddenly and unexpectedly. While I didnât have a close bond with her, my very good friend did. I want to make him a care package of things to let him know heâs loved and appreciated. Gift giving is my love language, so this is how I know to show I care.
So far Iâve gotten one of those XXL blanket sweaters (Comfys), some Cliff bars and meal supplements and some candy. Any ideas are really appreciated. Heâs a lovely guy in his early 30s (if thatâs relevant)
submitted by MermaidMustard to GriefSupport [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 Real-Expression-1222 âWhat do you need to move onâ
Itâs been a bit over a month since I got dumped. My therapist and clinician at school seem to be tired of me constantly talking about it, because there seems to be nothing they can do, no matter what I still canât seem to move on, I just keep talking about the same things. They clearly want me to move on..because itâs over
On one hand, I want to stop thinking about it, on the other⊠Love was just a word until you gave it meaning How could I just move on? Do I even want to? I love them so much Iâd do anything for them back. Iâd go through all this again. All the panic attacks,all the stress, all the times you donât seem to try to meet me where Iâm at, all the times youâve been flakey, all the times Iâve had to put twice the effort to save our friendship. Iâd go through it all again. The rough times, the best times I know you donât believe me but I care more than you will ever know. And Iâd lose an arm and a leg if it meant having you back in my life. Iâd do anything. I never meant to upset you and I wish you provided me a space where I couldâve processed my emotions with you and solved the conflict instead of just suppressing my own emotions and making it my top priority to validate yours. I wish you knew how to solve conflict in a healthy way. I wish you put in the effort to not neglect and dismiss my feelings. Despite all thisâŠdespite how cruel and patronizing you could be, despite how people tell me âyou donât deserve thisâ Iâd still go through it all again. If I could spawn back to the day this all happened, Iâd do it in a heartbeat. I donât care if Iâd have to break through government buildings or if I accidentally prevent my own birth. If time travel was possible, Iâd do it in a heartbeat
Youâre important to me. I wish you could see that, I wish your judgement wasnât so clouded by your anger issues and trust issues and black and white thinking and your avoidant tendencies. I can put in the effort, I tried my best and even though I did, thereâs still things I couldâve done differently but regardless, I canât make you want the truth itâs up to you. I canât only put in so much effort into you if I feel as if youâre putting in none, At some point I just canât do it alone anymore.
I still wish so deeply for a miracle to travel back in time Call it cheesy. But I keep thinking âI wish a genie would just come here and give me 3 wishesâ Or âI wish a fairy would just fly to my window and take me to a magical place where I could just forget about thisâ Iâm just in so much pain that Iâve resorted to this daydreaming, escapism.
Iâve never loved anyone like I love you. Even if itâs not romantic love. I truly donât think Iâve ever loved anyone this much. I wish you could see how much I loved you and just put this fallout aside But instead you told me âI will always love you but idk if I can be your friendâ
submitted by Real-Expression-1222 to lostafriend [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 GoldenIceCat What other interesting decks should I try instead of the Infinity deck?
submitted by GoldenIceCat to PotionomicsTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 00:21 kookalookoo [XB1] H: every NW weapon known W: offers
submitted by kookalookoo to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]