Krishnan Guru-Murthy reveals he still feels anger at his consultant father being spat on for being an immigrant as he reflects on the racism he faced growing up

2025.01.24 00:52 abjinternational Krishnan Guru-Murthy reveals he still feels anger at his consultant father being spat on for being an immigrant as he reflects on the racism he faced growing up

Krishnan Guru-Murthy reveals he still feels anger at his consultant father being spat on for being an immigrant as he reflects on the racism he faced growing up submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Secure_Location6953 Snyd med SU

Er jeg den eneste, der ikke forstår, hvordan så mange kan snyde med SU og aldrig blive opdaget? Jeg troede virkelig det var noget der blev tjekket mere op på, måske er det bare gået forbi dem i min omgangskreds, men jeg synes det er så unfair.
Jeg har en ven som f.eks. har indrømmet, at personens kæreste i gymnasietiden skiftede adresse hjem til denne og på den måde fik udeboende SU. Intet blev opdaget. Hn (min ven) er nu studerende på en videregående uddannelse ligenu, hvor hn stadig bor hjemme. Men hn sagde for lidt tid siden, at hn har tænkt sig at skifte adresse hjem til bedstefaren, så h*n kan få udeboende SU og derfor ikke behøver at arbejde. (Personen har nemlig ingen faste omkostninger ved at bo hjemme).
Jeg har nogengange lyst til at sige noget, men kan heller ikke finde ud af om det er pisse ligemeget. Jeg føler bare man ikke har medfølelse for andre mennesker så, da jeg fx bliver nødt til at arbejde mindst 10 timer om ugen for at få det hele til at løbe rundt som udeboende studerende… Altså helt ærligt, personens mor betaler stadig mobilabbonement og mad 🙄 SU’en går udelukkende til personlig fortjeneste 🫥
submitted by Secure_Location6953 to DKstudie [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Inevitable-Cupcake-7 What kind of makeup should I try/change to?

What kind of makeup should I try/change to? constructive criticism only🩵 I don’t need to cry today 😂 I don’t really like eyeshadow unless it’s like a soft pink or coral.
submitted by Inevitable-Cupcake-7 to makeuptips [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 RavienVantrell Changes I would make to Classic's Hidden Fish Requirements.

While I generally like most of the unlocks in Classic, there are a few notable exceptions and just.. General problems I have with a handful of them. If I had the power to change them, here's how I would do it and a small explanation for each.
Yellow Watchman Goby - Place 3 Tiles. - It should not cost 3,000 gems for a GOBY, especially such an early game fish.
Eastern Smooth Boxfish - Place 5 Medium Rocks - Rocky Road sucks. Why do I have to buy Rocky Road pieces to unlock a normal fish.
Yellow Boxfish - Place 5 Large Rocks - See Above.
Granulated Sea Star - Own 5 Lying White Anemone. - 20 is way too many, what the hell.
Giant Squid - Own 10 Tiles. - 10 Thousand Diamonds. 10. Thousand. That is ATROCIOUS. 10 Tiles is MILES more reasonable.
Tasmanian Giant Crab - Own 50 Large Rocks. - Rocky Road sucks and is way too expensive. And just doesn't make any sense.
And for most of the ones that require corals? Just reduce the prices. Some of them are WAY too expensive.
submitted by RavienVantrell to AbyssRium [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 deluluYN Please help this gurl out.

Note: This is story of u/Far-Dream-5059. She has low karma so she asked me to help her. I have nothing to do with this story.
I’m a 27-year old female who’s in a relationship with a 27 year old male from a powerful political family. He is an only child whose father is a cabinet minister of the current government. We are in a relationship for 3–4 years now, and we crossed paths in college as he was getting ready to study political science overseas.
He recently came back to India after finalizing his degree. He is expected to partake in the state elections as per the wishes of his father. His parents view him as their golden child, and he is used to following his father’s orders. We plan on telling his parents about us now, but I am anxious about how his father would react. Disapproving of this relationship could harm our family business.
My partner reassures that his father won’t do such a thing, but I still can’t stop worrying. We had a fight about this, and I feel stuck. Please help me out.
submitted by deluluYN to AskIndianWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Confident_Fee_3453 I feel like QFT 11 is similar to Latest jee Main 2025 Papers

submitted by Confident_Fee_3453 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Chofferth Personal goal to pull Lugia, not buy….

Personal goal to pull Lugia, not buy…. IS IT ENOUGH!?
submitted by Chofferth to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 ThatOneGhoul Wack all the imps trophy not popping?

Am I doing something wrong? I went to the freak show level and did all three levels of the wack and imp?
submitted by ThatOneGhoul to medievil [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Bulky_Confection4124 Interesting Sea Kings 4-Ship Set

Interesting Sea Kings 4-Ship Set submitted by Bulky_Confection4124 to matchbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 gothfundme This seed starts out great and just keeps getting better.

This seed starts out great and just keeps getting better. The seed starts amazing and then just keeps getting better. 💛 I would recommend skipping the first two blinds to the a free polychrome and holographic Smiley Face and Photograph card.
But it keeps getting better, you get the Legendary joker early on, and I staked my deck with duplicates of face glass cards. This build stacked so well and made it easy to skip the blinds, the tag was AMAZING. Plus two negative jokers before the last ante, and the burglar before ramen (which became a polychrome with the tarot card)!
I played the original game with the Nebula Deck, but I would recommend playing with a different deck for this run. Maybe try the yellow or green deck? I had a hard time securing funds in the earlier game and it hurt it hurt me around Ante 11, but it was super easy to make into Endless Mode. — this seed carried me to a new high score and through Ante 14 and probably would have gone further if I hadn’t gotten cocky lol! 💛
Happy playing! I can’t wait to see how far you can go.
submitted by gothfundme to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 The0verlord- Movies with the Most Oscar Nominations Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score Percent Per Nomination

Movies with the Most Oscar Nominations Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score Percent Per Nomination submitted by The0verlord- to Oscars [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Beneficial_Ferret_29 How liked by the other contestants I think the characters are in their universe, (No RR and Not Ordered) Thoughts?

submitted by Beneficial_Ferret_29 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Weary_Finish_1429 Neighbor calls cops on me for leaving my dog outside

So I live in a house across the street from an apartment complex. I have a coonhound/lab rescue that REFUSES to come inside rain/snow/cold it doesn’t matter. If the weather is inclement I’ll try to get him inside every 10~ minutes but I’m not going to force him. Long story short it’s cold out and someone in the building keeps calling the cops on me for leaving the dog outside. I want to put a note on the door to the building explaining the situation, but does anyone else have any ideas?
submitted by Weary_Finish_1429 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Mundane-Skin9993 [MI] Can landlord hold onto our security deposit past the legal requirement of 30 days because they’re waiting to deduct a water bill that hasn’t come out yet?

We moved out of an apartment with a nightmare of a landlord in December. It has now been 32 days (Michigan law requires deposit and/or itemized list of deductions be sent within 30 days). Tonight we texted and let them know that we haven’t received our deposit and asked if it is in the mail.
The landlord said, “I'm waiting for the final water bill - I plan to see if it's posted tomorrow. Otherwise, if you would like me to estimate it based on previous bills, I can do that.”
Is there some kind of exception that makes it legal for them to withhold the deposit beyond the 30 days legally required to wait for a bill to come out like this? Or would we be entitled to 2x our deposit, no deductions allowed for damages, etc. now? Previously this bill was paid through the rent portal, added onto our rent every few months (I think it’s a quarterly one).
Suggestions on how to respond?
Thanks for any thoughts or legal information you may have!
submitted by Mundane-Skin9993 to LandlordLove [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Erciii_ what

what submitted by Erciii_ to OMORI [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 No-Ship-6351 I need help, I am struggling.

Hey 👋 is there anyone available right now to talk to ? I'm struggling with really bad depression right now just need someone to vent to or talk to maybe even distract me from acting on my thoughts right now. Just message me if your available thanks in advance.
submitted by No-Ship-6351 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Eliseswalstad Mystery snail shell flaking

Mystery snail shell flaking After two weeks of insane growth I noticed one of my mystery snail’s shell was flaking a bit as well as turning brownish instead of the dark blue growth I saw when I first got it. I’ve been testing ph with the high range api ph test since I first set up the tank and it has been a consistent 7.8 but when I retested with the regular range out of curiosity I saw it was 6.8! I guess I misjudged the colors :( I also noticed that their antennas are not as long as before and they seem kind of shy/sad? I’ve given them extra veggies like kale and spinach to hopefully increase their calcium intake but was wondering if anyone else had any other tips to help repair their shell. I’m considering picking up some crushed coral, seachem equilibrium, or a wonder shell but have no idea which would be best.
submitted by Eliseswalstad to AquaticSnails [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 NobodyMcLoser What are some short lived 2010s sitcoms you remember?

Some of these I’m a fan of like “The Grinder” and “The New Normal”
submitted by NobodyMcLoser to sitcoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 GiggleWata Normalized behaviors that are anything but normal in hookup culture...

I'll go first:
I've had a friend tell me that it's normal for bottoms to be in pain all the way until their hole is numb and looking forward to that numbness...
Is this actually quite normal?
submitted by GiggleWata to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 yosoytupara Accounting outsourcing finally happened at my job

A coworker (staff accountant) was let go a couple of things weeks ago and recently we found out that his position will be filled with someone at the offshore team. This definitely raised some eyebrows to the accounting team.
submitted by yosoytupara to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 TheGeist2316 Ashlan Ramsey

Ashlan Ramsey submitted by TheGeist2316 to LadiesOfLPGA [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Disastrous_Living557 Bleeding Control Simulation Experience

I am a biomedical engineering student. I am working on my engineering capstone project on a trauma simulator. Some general goals are to make the device cheaper, yet more realistic. Our hopes long term is to have a more realistic simulator to promote bleeding control simulators to save more lives. Our group has interviewed many first responders, and I was wondering if there are any on here that would be willing to share their experience with trauma bleeding simulators/responding to bleeding control to give our group some insights on how to improve existing solutions. Things we should keep in mind to create a more effective solution and increase emergency preparedness. Thank you!
submitted by Disastrous_Living557 to paramedicstudents [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 Forward-Computer-608 "but it was a roman salute"

submitted by Forward-Computer-608 to facepalm [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 delugepro We need less Marx and more Milei

We need less Marx and more Milei submitted by delugepro to Jordan_Peterson_Memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:52 No_Statement_8259 الترجمة

حاسس اني كويس شوية في الانجليزي وعايز اعرف ازاي ابدأ اترجم واجيب من الترجمة دي فلوس + حاسس ان ال listening عندي كويس نوعا ما وممكن احول ده لعربي مفهوم يعني "مش بضان" يكون في سياق الحديث يعني محتاج حد يعرفني ازاي
submitted by No_Statement_8259 to askegypt [link] [comments]