Statics Tutor (engineering)

2025.01.24 01:30 DisciplinedEngineer Statics Tutor (engineering)

I only tutor Statics.
I’m familiar with Hibbeler’s 15th edition (latest) and with Beer & Johnston’s older editions.

submitted by DisciplinedEngineer to tutor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Big_Tumbleweed2374 306482240608 deoxys defense form

306482240608 deoxys defense form
submitted by Big_Tumbleweed2374 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 hairyharryoh7 Friend Code

Looking for friends! Friend code: 1067755777BJ
submitted by hairyharryoh7 to MSMfriendcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Hdawg_20 How does time card fraud work with night shift?

I’ve been threatened to be reported for time card fraud and I’m wondering how that works. As I understand it, time card fraud is altering one’s shift to earn more money or doing something other than work while on the clock (please correct me if I’m understanding that incorrectly).
I work the night shift at a hospital, and I’m the only one with my job title in the entire hospital at night. I can get all of my responsibilities done during the first half of my shift which leaves me with nothing to do but wait and be prepared. Besides my normal tasks, my only job is to be on standby and be ready to respond to an emergency when needed. My boss has not given me any extra tasks or projects to fill my time, so half (or sometimes most) of my shift is me sitting around doing nothing. I can’t be low-censuses and I can’t leave early because I’m the only one with my particular role in the hospital and I have to be ready to respond to emergencies. One of my day-shift counterparts (there’s like 7 of them during the day) wants to get me in trouble for not doing anything while on the clock, citing time card fraud. Does she have any legitimacy behind her threat?
As a follow up question, given my situation (not having work to do, but not being able to leave), would doing homework once all of my work is done also be considered time card fraud?
submitted by Hdawg_20 to legal [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 bluebelles29 How to accept your growing up and there’s no going back?

The other day, I was hanging out with a childhood friend, and we started going through old pictures and videos we had from elementary school. She had all these random videos of our classmates, and we even came across a video of my elementary school crush—who, at the time, was literally everything to me. We were laughing and reminiscing, but then it hit us: this was 12 years ago. We’re 22 now, but it all feels like it happened just yesterday.
It’s such a bittersweet realization that those times are really gone. We’re adults now, and there’s no going back. Even my family feels different—my relationship with my parents and siblings has changed. I still try to picture my parents in my mind as they were in their late 30s, but then I stop and realize, no, they’re in their 50s now. They’re older, and it’s this bittersweet reminder that time doesn’t stop for anyone.
We used to have big family reunions and parties, and now those barely happen. No one gets together anymore, and everything just feels so different. It’s not just about my family or childhood friends, though—it’s like the world itself feels different.
My life is great right now, so this isn’t about being sad or depressed. It’s just this overwhelming feeling of realizing how much has changed and how those moments and people I hold onto in my head are gone for good. It’s not a bad thing, necessarily—it’s just hard to process sometimes.
How do you come to terms with the fact that everything changes—the people, the relationships, the world—and there’s no going back? Would love to hear how others deal with this.
submitted by bluebelles29 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Klay_toss Does anyone actually use layer 3 functionality on their layer 3 capable switches?

I'm fairly new to Unifi and am having one heck of a time trying to configure my 24 pro HD. Not looking to do anything fancy. Just want to have it handle all intervlan routing with each vlan having their own SVI and then forwarding only external traffic through to the UDM pro.
Problem is I can't seem to find any guide on how to do this... every guide I've seen only shows a router on a stick config where the UDM pro does all of the routing and the layer 3 switch essentially acts as a layer 2. Is this the ideal setup for majority of people?
submitted by Klay_toss to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Ok-Excitement8544 Es posible cambiar el protagonista?

Es posible cambiar el protagonista como tal? e estado intentado cambiar de belle a wise para las "citas" pero me cambia siempre a belle, hay alguna manera de cambiar tu proto principal?
submitted by Ok-Excitement8544 to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 HealthCareful391 Akira's Lambo value

Does anyone know the exact make and model the lambo Akira won was? I'm curious how much money he's going to make out of it, and we don't know whether that Lamborghini is worth 200k or if it's worth 1 million, is there any car enthusiasts in here that can make an educated guess?
submitted by HealthCareful391 to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 customfabricated Homemade press brake powered by harbor freight jacks - works great!

Homemade press brake powered by harbor freight jacks - works great! 63 inch wide 40 ton press brake built in my personal shop with the help of my homemade cnc plasma cutter.
Some specifications listed below: • Adjustable hydraulic jack locations - jacks slide side-to-side for optimal positioning dependent on work piece width • Spring compensated and adjustable gauge rods for consistent and accurate repeat bends. Compression springs prevent damage to the gauge system in the event that the stop point is exceeded • Upper and lower bending dies built from cold rolled 1018 for a typically higher material hardness than the workpiece • Adjustable width bottom die assembly using two 1.5 inch diameter cold rolled solid round rods • Bending blade that can be cut into fingers to allow for box and pan bending operations. Ability to make custom dies that slide into the 3/4in tang slot • Hydraulic jacks plumbed together for simultaneous operation but can also be operated individually for level adjustment • Adaptable, adjustable, modular, and easily repairable design utilizing minimal welding of components onto the main frame
submitted by customfabricated to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Alternative-Owl7459 Earth store stop

Earth store stop submitted by Alternative-Owl7459 to aispacegirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 DunningFreddieKruger IT'S HAPPENING

IT'S HAPPENING submitted by DunningFreddieKruger to KingstonOntario [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 popcron1 galactic family by me

submitted by popcron1 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Fresh-Valuable4640 Give Bob Greg a voice headcannon and i'll give yours one (If i can find a good one)

submitted by Fresh-Valuable4640 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Environmental-Fox56 El Senado de EE UU convoca audiencia sobre el Canal – En Segundos Panama

El Senado de EE UU convoca audiencia sobre el Canal – En Segundos Panama Qué opinan al respecto. Al parecer ya no parece un simple bluff de trump. La cosa va enserio.
El tratado Torrijos-Carter dice que, hasta donde tengo entendido, que lo que se considera como "neutralidad del Canal" queda a criterio de los Estados Unidos o sea que si ellos consideran que esos puertos no son neutrales nos joden? Si aqui hay otros paises incluyendo a USA manejando puertos en la zona o me equivoco?
Creen que hay bases legales para que nos quiten el canal?
submitted by Environmental-Fox56 to Panama [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Fair_Development2479 Looking For Ambitious Farmers!

We have 6 open slots in our server and are looking for farmers to either start their own journey or help us feed the world. If you would like to join and get your hands dirty, dm for the discord.
submitted by Fair_Development2479 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Starfruit67 How do I stop attracted in obsessive people, and find the confidence to go after people I'm physically attracted to?

Reposting for clarity/conciseness. It's still a bit long, but if you take the time to read I'd appreciate any help!
I, 21 F, have a toxic pattern of attracting people with low self-esteem who become borderline obsessed with me. I have a mental habit of classifying everyone as either "better" or "worse" than me, and so far I've only dated people I've perceived as worse. I don't have the confidence to pursue anyone I'm actually attracted to, or who I feel is ahead of me mentally. I am terrified of being hurt, and I know I have trust issues. When someone becomes too attached to me, or seems to look up to me, I develop a sudden and intense contempt for them that almost ruins the relationship.
Some context: I've been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and very recently bipolar II. I had my first hypomanic episode a few months ago. I'm on antidepressants and mood stabilizers, which have helped immensely. My birth parents divorced when I was very young. My dad and stepmom have a very chaotic, abusive relationship. My parents are East Asian immigrants, and they can be very success-oriented and judgmental.
I was raised to base my self-worth on my accomplishments. I had extreme academic pressure growing up, and I had a massive ego because I was a top student (perfect ACT score, selective high school, extracurriculars). I looked down on other people and judged them based on looks, academics, "direction" in life, etc. I was a little shit of a kid. In my senior year of high school, COVID hit and I went from straight A's to straight F's. I failed my way through college, and everything fell apart. It's only recently I've started to reflect, face some undesirable aspects of myself, and develop an intrinsic sense of self-love.
I know in my heart that everyone is equal, I love that people have such different backgrounds and skill sets and stories that I don't know about. However, I can't stop perceiving someone as "better" or "worse" than me instead of just different. As soon as I perceive someone as lesser, it seems that that person also thinks of me as better.
I seem to attract losers who put me on a pedestal and acknowledge how much better I am than them. I entertain this because I, like them, have low self-esteem.
I am saying it the meanest way possible, because my brain is mean and I don't know how to turn it off. This has been a recurring pattern since childhood. When I was 12, I had a 38 year old tutor groom me. He acted like a loser with no friends, repeatedly telling me I was the only one who understood his loneliness and cared about his feelings. My own Dad, who was terrible and drove away everyone in his life including my two sisters, would say I'm the only one that "sees" him. I got off on being the guiding light in someone's world, and the person who mattered most to them.
Fast forward to the college dating scene. I'm making friends who are kind and love me, I'm being pursued by earnest people who really want me, and I find myself stuck. I've found a way to see every close person in my life as "dumber" or "worse" than me in some aspect. If someone says something that strikes me as immature, my brain immediately views them as not as mature as me. If someone makes a spelling error, I assume I'm more well read. Stupid, petty things that make me feel like an asshole. Obviously, I keep this to myself. I know logically that I'm being a freak, but these moments genuinely change how I view the person. I can't seem to stomach having someone around, who likes me a lot, without me developing immense contempt.
I try to hide my resentment towards these people, since they don't deserve it, and I become very hot and cold. One moment I'm super warm and say how much I love them, because in the moment I really do, but then I'm reminded of how much I look down on them. I find ways to make them feel bad, like not supporting them when I should be, or taking extra long to text them back. I'm terrible at communication, always have been. Sometimes when I'm depressed I stop responding to texts and calls for days, weeks at a time. I'm improving this issue but it still persists.
I know this is very much a psychological issue that I'm triggering in them. There's nothing remarkable or obsession-worthy about me. But it's a line of thinking that I'm sort of addicted to since in this case, I feel like I'm the one in power. This is stopping me from finding a relationship with mutual respect and equal footing.
What I need help with is: romantically, I only get involved with people I'm not attracted to, who are very much into me. I have a knack for having one-sided, obsessive relationships where the other person is very clingy and always showering me with compliments. I used to be so insecure about my looks, and weirdly I keep finding people who compliment my exact insecurities and see me exactly how I want to be seen. Part of it strokes my ego, but part of it disgusts me because I think these people are pathetic and are only viewing me this way because they themselves are ugly and dumb.
Anyways, I don't know what this is. How do I stop this sudden, intense contempt for people close to me? How do I build the confidence to go after someone I'm physically attracted to? How do I stop seeing things in a hierarchy? Can anyone relate to this at all, because I feel like I'm kind of broken
TL;DR: No matter how hard I try, I keep evaluating people as "better" or "worse" than me. I attract people I look down upon, who get very attached to me and put me on a pedestal. I want to stop this pattern and develop a healthy view of relationships, both romantic and just general. I haven't found the confidence to go after people I'm actually attracted to.
submitted by Starfruit67 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 steveHangar1 Alien Timeline; an illustration showing the different type of “on record” alien sighting over the years

Alien Timeline; an illustration showing the different type of “on record” alien sighting over the years submitted by steveHangar1 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 HistoricalTomato9539 Germany to italy!

Trainhopping from germany to italy!
Any Tips want to hop from germany to italy!
submitted by HistoricalTomato9539 to TrainHoppingEU_RO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 kayakero Advantages and disadvantages of investing in bonds

Definition of bonds Bonds are fixed-income instruments that represent a form of investment where investors lend money to an issuer, whether a government, company, or local government entity, in exchange for receiving periodic interest and repayment of the invested principal on a predetermined maturity date. These securities are essential in the financial market for several key reasons:

In the United States, bonds play a crucial role in the financial market, with both the federal government and state governments and private companies issuing bonds as a form of financing. U.S. Treasury bonds, in particular, are highly valued globally due to the strength of the U.S. economy and its track record of meeting financial obligations.
These bonds, known as “Treasuries,” offer different maturities, such as 10-year and long-term bonds, and are often considered one of the safest investments in the world. Investors can also access corporate bonds issued by large companies looking to finance their operations or projects. In addition, there is a very active secondary market in the United States, allowing investors to sell or buy bonds with relative ease before their maturity, providing liquidity and adaptability to their portfolios.
Advantages of investing in bonds: When it comes to investing, knowing the advantages of investing in bonds is essential. Find out why they offer stability and regular income streams.
  1. Stable Income: One of the main advantages of bonds is that they provide stable, predictable income. When you buy bonds, the issuer promises to pay you interest at regular intervals, usually semi-annually or annually. These payments can be a reliable source of income, which is especially beneficial for investors looking for consistent income to fund daily expenses, retirement, or other short-term financial goals.
  2. Capital Preservation: Bonds, particularly those issued by strong governments or companies with excellent credit reputations, are considered safe investments. This means that you have a high probability of recovering your initial investment when the bond reaches its maturity date. Capital preservation is essential for those investors who want to minimize risk and protect their assets.
  3. Portfolio diversification: Bonds offer an effective opportunity to diversify your investment portfolio. If your portfolio is primarily comprised of stocks or other equity assets, bonds can act as an important counterbalance. In times of stock market volatility, bonds tend to hold their value more stably, which can help smooth out overall fluctuations in your portfolio and reduce overall risk.
  4. Tax Advantages: In some situations, bonds may offer tax advantages. For example, the interest on certain municipal bonds may be exempt from federal and state taxes, which can increase your after-tax yield. This makes bonds attractive to investors looking for tax efficiency and the ability to keep more of their earnings.
Advantages of bonds in the United States Investing in bonds in the United States offers several advantages, especially in terms of security, liquidity and stability. One of the main advantages is the security they provide, as Treasury bonds are backed by the “full credit” of the US government. This means that historically, the risk of default has been practically zero, making these bonds one of the safest options for conservative or near-retirement investors.
Another significant advantage is the liquidity of the Treasury bond market. This is the largest and most liquid government securities market in the world, allowing investors to buy and sell bonds with ease, without significantly affecting their price. As for yields, for example, 10-year bonds in 2024 offer a yield of around 3.79%, which remains attractive for those looking for a stable long-term investment.
Additionally, US Treasury bonds offer tax benefits, as the interest earned is exempt from state and local taxes, which is particularly advantageous for investors living in states with high income taxes.
Disadvantages of investing in bonds : In the world of investing, the disadvantages of investing in bonds also play a crucial role. We will explore the challenges and risks that investors should carefully consider.
  1. Lower returns: One of the most notable disadvantages of bonds is that they generally offer lower returns compared to other, higher-risk investments, such as stocks. While they provide stability, you could miss out on higher profit opportunities that you could earn in the stock market. This difference in returns can be especially significant over the long term.
  2. Vulnerability to inflation: Bonds can be vulnerable to inflation. Because interest payments are fixed at the time of issuance and not adjusted for inflation, the purchasing power of those payments can decrease over time as prices rise. This means that in real terms, the value of your investment could decline over time, which is known as inflation risk.
  3. Interest Rate Risk: Bonds are subject to interest rate risk. If interest rates rise after you have purchased a fixed-rate bond, the price of the bond in the secondary market may decline. This could result in losses if you decide to sell the bond before maturity. Long-term bonds are especially sensitive to changes in interest rates.
  4. Lack of liquidity: Some bonds, such as long-term treasury bills and less liquid corporate bonds, can be difficult to sell before their maturity date. This can limit your flexibility to access your money in case of urgent need or if you want to adjust your portfolio quickly in response to changes in market conditions.
Disadvantages of bonds in the United States While bonds in the United States offer safety and stability, they also have certain disadvantages that investors should be aware of. One of the main disadvantages is their relatively low yield compared to other investments. Historically, Treasury bonds have offered low yields, especially during periods of low interest rates, as seen in 2020 when the 10-year bond yield fell below 1%. While yields have risen, standing at around 3.79% in 2024, they remain less attractive to investors seeking higher returns.
Inflation risk is another significant disadvantage. Since bond payments are fixed, inflation can erode the purchasing power of these payments over time, reducing the real value of the investment. This is particularly relevant during times of high inflation, when rising prices outstrip the interest received, negatively affecting the bonds’ real yield.
Additionally, bonds are subject to interest rate risk, meaning that when interest rates rise, the value of previously issued bonds declines in the secondary market. If an investor needs to sell a bond before maturity, they could suffer a capital loss due to this effect. In 2022, for example, long-term Treasury bonds lost value when interest rates rose rapidly to combat inflation.
Finally, while Treasury bonds are highly liquid, other types of bonds, such as corporate or municipal bonds, can have liquidity issues, making it difficult to sell them before maturity without incurring significant losses.
Alternatives to bond investing: the stock market The stock market, also known as the equity market , offers a significant alternative to bond investing. Below, we'll explore some of the key differences between investing in bonds and participating in the stock market:
  1. Higher return potential: Unlike bonds, which typically offer lower, fixed returns, the stock market offers greater profit potential. Company shares can appreciate significantly over time, allowing investors to make considerable profits.
  2. Higher risk of volatility: Although the stock market can provide higher returns, it is also more volatile and subject to daily fluctuations. Stock investors may experience substantial losses during periods of market decline.
  3. Diversification: As with bonds, it is important to diversify your portfolio in the stock market. Buying a variety of stocks from different sectors and geographic regions can help reduce the risk of significant losses.
  4. Time horizon: Your time horizon and financial goals play a crucial role in choosing between bonds and stocks. Bonds may be suitable for short-term goals or for investors seeking stability and capital preservation, while stocks are typically better suited for long-term goals, such as retirement.
  5. Dividend-based yield: Some stocks pay dividends to investors, which can provide regular income similar to bond interest payments. However, stock dividends can vary and are not guaranteed, unlike bond interest payments.
  6. Combining strategies: Many investors choose to combine bond and stock investment strategies to take advantage of both the stability of bonds and the growth potential of stocks. This combination can help balance risk and reward in a portfolio.
Alternatives to bonds in the US market In addition to the stock market, there are several attractive alternatives for those looking to diversify their investments outside of US bonds. Below, we explore some of the main options:
  1. REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts): REITs are a way to invest in real estate without needing to physically own properties. These investments allow investors to earn income through rents generated by commercial, residential, or industrial properties. Additionally, REITs have the benefit of being required to distribute at least 90% of their income to investors in the form of dividends, which can offer a higher return than bonds, especially during periods of inflation.
  2. Preferred stock: Preferred stock combines features of bonds and common stock. It offers regular dividend payments and takes priority over common stock in the event of a company's liquidation. Although it does not provide voting rights, preferred stock tends to be safer than common stock and provides a higher potential return than traditional bonds.
  3. High-yield savings accounts: While savings accounts typically don’t outperform inflation, some high-yield options offer competitive interest rates, between 4% and 5%, making them a safe and liquid alternative for parking funds in the short term. These accounts can be useful for maintaining an emergency fund while earning a reasonable return.
  4. Real estate debt investment funds: Investing in real estate debt, as platforms such as Groundfloor do, allows investors to finance short-term real estate projects and earn attractive returns, averaging approximately 10.5% per year. Although they carry more risk than traditional bonds, these types of investments can be a lucrative alternative in times of inflation​ (
  5. Fixed Annuities: Fixed annuities guarantee regular payments to investors, making them an attractive option for those seeking stable income, especially in retirement. Although they have higher fees than bonds and some financial products, they offer security and a steady source of income.
These alternatives can offer higher returns than bonds, but it is also important to consider the higher risk they may entail, depending on market conditions and the type of investment.
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submitted by kayakero to CapitalistExploits [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 RX3RD What if Takumi rode the AE86 instead of driving the AE86

What if Takumi rode the AE86 instead of driving the AE86 submitted by RX3RD to initiald [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Ericakat Where a woman go in Dallas to make female friends?

I have a group of friends who live far away, who I don’t see very often and I’m looking to expand my social circle. Does anyone know of any safe places in North Dallas, or nearby where I can go to make friends? My interests are dogs, animals, nature, reading, writing, and carnivorous plants.
A little about me: I work in the public school system, though I’m not a teacher. When I’m not writing the books I plan to one day publish, I’m usually either hanging out with my dog, or making jewelry. I love to be out in nature and I’m passionate about animal rescue. I promise I won’t get onto you if your dog didn’t come from one though.
I also love reading paranormal romance books. Currently, I’m reading The Lochguard Dragon series. I’m also making my way through The Stonefire Dragon Series. Both are extremely good and I recommend reading them.
Thank you so much for reading this if you’ve gotten through the whole post, and thank you for any answers.
submitted by Ericakat to Dallas [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 jabbathehuut It’s been frigid temperatures here so I got him Walkee Paws. They arrived in the mail today. Now I just have to get him used to wearing them.

It’s been frigid temperatures here so I got him Walkee Paws. They arrived in the mail today. Now I just have to get him used to wearing them. submitted by jabbathehuut to Bulldogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Witty_Pen_6734 Kia K5

so i hit a curb in my Kia k5 and this part came from under the hood what should I do #kia #K5 #imjustagirl #oops #butdidyoudietho
submitted by Witty_Pen_6734 to KiaK5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Forsaken_Medicine_18 Hannah Kenerly 😈

Hannah Kenerly 😈 submitted by Forsaken_Medicine_18 to 21stCenturyBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 USA_bathroom2319 CSX RCO

I’m thinking about learning to run the box. I have a couple questions. Is there any overtime on yard assignments? How long is the training class? How many starts do you need as an RCO trainee? Is it better then switching with an engineer? I heard you can be forced to cover a RCO vacancy regardless of your current assignment/terminal. Is that accurate? Thanks
submitted by USA_bathroom2319 to Train_Service [link] [comments]