A sher a day

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2025.01.24 01:42 Swatisani A sher a day

A sher a day submitted by Swatisani to Urdu [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Radiant_Lynx1275 My ex got with me when I was blacked out

When me and my ex first got together I had called him to come take care of me after a night out. This wasn’t unusual for me because I always called him since we were best friends at that time. As the night progressed I start remembering less and less. The one things I do is that I woke up next to him. Yes we are over now but I’m just wondering if that was fucked of him. It was is my fault because he said that I hit on him. It feels wrong though because he was fully sober, I know it’s my fault for staying after but is that night my fault too?
submitted by Radiant_Lynx1275 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 The11DoctorRYCBAR Cabo Coral, Florida

Cabo Coral, Florida submitted by The11DoctorRYCBAR to UrbanHell [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Immortal_Slayer1 Slaughter Lord - Die by Power (Australia, 1987)

submitted by Immortal_Slayer1 to BlasphemousMetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Chocobo23456 Could Pre-Social Media Internet Make a comeback?

Hello 👋😊. After seeing the Massive Twitter Ban on Reddit, I was wondering if Traditional Forums/Email Communication/Blog posts. Places to Credit Artists, Using Email to reconnect with friends, Companies/Notable content creators using blog posts to share anything noteworthy, and of course the return of Dedicated Forums. You don't have to go to another platform when dedicated Forums of any subject could be available.
I think it's possible to make a comeback, just support it. It'll be great to see the return of Dedicated Forums focused on on subject, Emails using to communicate again, and companies posting worthwhile information to increase traffic. Seems like a win win.
submitted by Chocobo23456 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 AltairTheVega "Blend Shapes" option not appearing in the MeshInstance3D section in inspector

I have shape keys that I put in my model in Blender. But for some reason the ability to change the value of the shape key is not available in the inspector when I import it as a blend file nor a glb file too. I don't want to turn off my modifiers because I need them unapplied so I can quickly make changes that can only be made from unapplied modifiers in Blender and see them appear in Godot. How do I get the Blend Shapes option to appear?
submitted by AltairTheVega to godot [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Odaishi Evenstead SMP {SMP} {non-p2w}

Looking for developers and general staff for a server I'm currently working on called Evenstead SMP.
It is a peaceful style server using a verity of different plugins to add some flair and fun to the mix.
Payment right now sadly is not an option, but I'm hoping to pay staff in the future once/if the server gains revenue.
I would like to note that the server is NOT P2W and I will not endorse it in any way. The money that goes into the server will not go to me in any way.
Please reach out to me on discord:
Thank you!
submitted by Odaishi to mcstaff [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Fabulous_Knowledge63 One person on Mortgage two on the deed

My grandparents are moving into a senior living apartment and selling their house to me and my boyfriend for less than market value. Walking into instant equity is obviously an amazing offer in the current market.
Purchasing a home with my boyfriend seemed easy until we got down to the real possibilities with a mortgage broker. It’s financially beneficial for us to only have one person on the mortgage. I make less but have better credit so I’m the obvious pick for better deals. The house will be ours though. I am fully invested in my relationship and I will do anything to keep us thriving.
So now the decisions need to be made to follow my heart that’s historically proven to be stupid - or make a sensible choice to protect myself, despite it feeling like I distrust him.
For estimations sake let’s say the houses market value is 100K more than the purchase price. I would like to have a slight upper hand being my grandparents home and a very big part of my childhood. This opportunity has landed on our feet because of my family and I do feel like I want to respect that.
So- if only I am on the mortgage but he is paying more than half of the mortgage and bills (we are going to determine the amount of bills we pay based on income so he will end up paying more) any big purchases or remodeling projects we will track as well.
How do I go about this in the most cost effective way? I thought it best to put it in writing that should we have to sell the house he will get 35%? Of the profit plus any additional Money he put into documented repairs and renovations. If he paid for 70% of the repairs I would factor in the 20% difference in his profit. Does this make sense? Is there a better way to do this?
I would be perfectly fine drafting something up ourselves and having it notarized IF it will hold up in court. We will have to sign the deed at some point and having us both on the deed that holds a profit and only me on the mortgage is scary despite how much I adore my boyfriend. HALP!
submitted by Fabulous_Knowledge63 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Dr_Driv3r BMW M4 Competition '20, Welly

BMW M4 Competition '20, Welly submitted by Dr_Driv3r to diecastcarcameraclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 StorageLow827 Margarita issue

I love raspberry margaritas on the rocks, especially from red lobster. I got the raspberry purée and my tequila, Cointreau and triple sec.
I made the margarita using the tequila, the purée and the triple sec. I think I had too much purée in there because it was thick and it was far too sweet. I added some lime juice which helped somewhat, and also some ice, but it was still too thick. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by StorageLow827 to cocktails [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Secret-Scene3533 Fuck

submitted by Secret-Scene3533 to XCN [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 XoZEEKoX4576 [Xb1]H: glowing scorch beast queen mask W: 550 leaders

[Xb1]H: glowing scorch beast queen mask W: 550 leaders submitted by XoZEEKoX4576 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 LiveBiggerNow My first grocery run after getting the stickers

My first grocery run after getting the stickers submitted by LiveBiggerNow to RectalStickers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 funwithshoes Do you like my comfortable wedge sandals ?

Do you like my comfortable wedge sandals ? submitted by funwithshoes to RateMyHeels [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 ParticlePasta Help with Neon Tetras? I have 6 neons and Ramshorn snail, I have plants and a filter but is my aquarium overstocked. What should i do get a bigger tank? If so what size mine now in 5.5gallons. How many neons should be best for schooling/my tank or bigger tank size? Any advice would be good.

Help with Neon Tetras? I have 6 neons and Ramshorn snail, I have plants and a filter but is my aquarium overstocked. What should i do get a bigger tank? If so what size mine now in 5.5gallons. How many neons should be best for schooling/my tank or bigger tank size? Any advice would be good. submitted by ParticlePasta to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Key_Upstairs6662 [WTS] 2015 RCM 450 oz

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/6TlpknT
Had this posted before but took it down to do more research and see what I could get for it. Most sites seem to be selling 51 per coin and then 1k for a tube. I am paying off some stuff so I am looking to get 15k
15k price
submitted by Key_Upstairs6662 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 hufflestitch Tom & Cousteau

Two separate islands. They’ll both be in boxes tomorrow. :)
submitted by hufflestitch to acnh [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Tri_skel_ion I simply can’t do it on my own: someone tell me which dinos to cut from this Gishath deck

Listen. My deck building strategy is: commander say dinosaurs, I put dinosaurs in the deck. Trouble is, I have about 9 too many and the mana curve is troubling weighted to the high values—which is where all the best dinos are. So…. who would you cut?
If you can’t tell, I need to get to the character limit. Anyways I grew up on the Land Before Time, anyone watch that? Love it. Reba was in the last one.
submitted by Tri_skel_ion to EDH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 ProperSport471 little brown idiot is promoting his show on youtube what will you do

little brown idiot is promoting his show on youtube what will you do submitted by ProperSport471 to Fucklittlebrownbear [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 pywy_2 Looking to expand my playlist.

Hi, so my favorite song is Under my skin by Briston Maroney and it has been since I first heard it like 6 years ago. I’ve been looking for similar songs but nothing seems to click. I would love some recommendations. Thanks in advance :)
submitted by pywy_2 to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 IllCalligrapher3795 Im 16 and I got a speeding ticket in November, and in December I got a printed warning for not fully stopping at a red light. I have court next week, will they see that I also have a warning?

I know it sounds like I’m an insane driver but I truly did not realize I was speeding and I have reflected on my actions. I know it’s a privilege and responsibility. But I’m terrified for court next week because I was gonna ask for defensive driving or a probation period so that it’s not on my record and so that my insurance doesn’t go up. But since I got a warning will they not allow it? I’m not sure what to do and really need advice pls help
submitted by IllCalligrapher3795 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 rbpx So which generation of Ultras is finally old enough for the S25U upgrade?

I don't need to upgrade my S24U.
I'd be surprised if anyone needs to upgrade their S23U.
I would think people could easily keep rocking their S22U...
How far back does this go? Sure, Some people like to hold onto their phone forever. Some people felt that the S21U wasn't the greatest (others may deny that).
Now that we live in the time of small upgrades, and long support windows, phones many be held onto for longer. I *think* most people want to trade-in when their security support and/or OS upgrades run out, but is this true?
submitted by rbpx to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 hellfollowed84 Got bored so I finished what I started 2 years ago.

submitted by hellfollowed84 to Leatherworking [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 QING-CHARLES Trump signing the new Crypto Executive Order

submitted by QING-CHARLES to Crypto_General [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:42 Away_Path_28 Drawing of guff and durr burger make it popular so sypher can see this

Drawing of guff and durr burger make it popular so sypher can see this submitted by Away_Path_28 to sypherpk [link] [comments]
