Suicide on Stage

2025.01.24 03:29 CartoonistOdd4660 Suicide on Stage

I was scare during the first but then it was just goofy lol
submitted by CartoonistOdd4660 to DeepIntoYouTube [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 be_ric Estou errado nessa história??

Há alguns anos, eu (H25) me mudei de estado e comecei a namorar minha atual mulher (M22), mas antes do namoro, já no novo estado, conheci uma garota (M21) em um app de namoro. Eu usava um perfil fake, mas acho que ela gostou do meu papo e nos adicionamos no Whatsapp. Depois daquilo, surgiu uma amizade e, em pouco tempo, essa garota começou a gostar de mim.
Eu correspondi, mas somente de forma carnal. Ela esteve ciente disso e continuamos conversando à distância por bastante tempo. Quando voltei pro estado para rever parentes, nos encontramos e ficamos uma vez. Com o passar dos anos, nossa conversa diminuiu bastante de ritmo, mas não por causa da ficada, mas porquê ela conheceu um cara no ano passado que mora perto e nossas vidas ficaram muito ocupadas e meu namoro com minha atual também começou ano passado, mas continuamos amigos, e com o namoro dela e o meu, deixamos de falarmos intimidades há muito tempo. O que temos hoje é mais um coleguismo. Nos falamos algumas vezes no mês, mas mantemos a preocupação e certo carinho pelo outro, mas sem nada além disso.
Ao ver notificações raras que minha namorada viu em meu celular da garota, ela me perguntava quem era em relação ao que já tivemos, as características dela, e na minha inocência de pouca experiência em relacionamentos, falei das qualidades dela, e isso foi horrível, pois minha namorada se sentiu inferior e, à partir disso, começou a desgostar da garota.
Outro ocorrido é que em uma conversa, revelei pra ela que eu consumia pornografia. No momento ela não reagiu novamente, mas alguns dias depois, ela disse que isso impactou muito ela e ela não sabia o que pensar de mim, então não falou por mais alguns dias comigo, e isso me abalou muito. Em um momento de extrema fraqueza e precisando desabafar, chamei essa garota pra explicar o que ocorreu e, pela segunda vez, contei a alguém o meu vício.
Após esse cenário, me encontrei com minha namorada, conversamos sobre e ela tenta conviver com isso, enquanto eu tento parar com esse vício. Mas semanas depois, a garota foi o assunto novamente, e novamente sem querer mentir, contei pra ela que eu falei pra garota sobre meu episódio de recaída e sobre ter contado sobre esse segredo pra ela também.
Agora, essa garota planeja vir aqui no estado visitar a região, pois é um lugar com muita coisa pra fazer, e também me chamou pra ir junto com ela, mas sem nenhuma intenção de nada, assim como eu, porém minha namorada está super incomodada com isso. De início, ela disse que tentaria não pensar muito sobre, mas com o passar do tempo, ela pediu pra eu ir parando gradativamente de falar com a garota e também não ir me encontrar com ela, pois ela fica muito mal quando lembra que eu converso com essa garota, ao ponto de não aguentar não falar sobre.
Eu não quero minha namorada mal assim e entendo os motivos dela de querer isso, mas também não queria deixar de falar com essa garota, que esteve presente em vários momentos ruins da minha vida também, mesmo que à distância. Eu valorizo bastante a amizade dela. O que devo fazer?
submitted by be_ric to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Adventurous-Site-944 Manifest stats and rei crystals

What stats should I be running and what crystals should I put on the resurrección moves?
submitted by Adventurous-Site-944 to PeroxideRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Mysterious-Soup-448 I think i just generated a parallel universe

Just woke up from the most insane dream and I'm still reeling - Did I unlock my true potential?
I just had the most absurd experience and I need to share it ASAP. I'm talking about a dream that was so real, it's left me questioning about my brain true potential and I'm convinced that I entered a state of extreme concentration "the zone", and it unlocked my true potential.
The dream was so vivid, it felt like I lived an entire new life. The sounds, visuals, physical sensations, and conversations were all so realistic that I'm still trying to process it. The amount of new information that my brain generated was staggering. we're talking deepest level of details. I'm talking about a level of complexity that would put even the most advanced generative AI models to shame.
And the craziest part? I couldn't even tell the difference between reality and the dream. It was like my brain had created an entirely new world.
It's made me realize that we humans are capable of so much more than we think. We're thinking computers and AI are surpassing us, but what if we're just not tapping into our full potential? What if we're just scratching the surface of what our brains are capable of?
Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?
submitted by Mysterious-Soup-448 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 EfficiencySerious200 I heavily applaud Tatsuki Fujimoto for singlehandedly creating three of the most beautiful female characters in all of animanga, natural design, no over exagerated proportions, pure unadulterated beauty, if anyone says otherwise, their taste is trash (Fuji actually likes Dom women)

I heavily applaud Tatsuki Fujimoto for singlehandedly creating three of the most beautiful female characters in all of animanga, natural design, no over exagerated proportions, pure unadulterated beauty, if anyone says otherwise, their taste is trash (Fuji actually likes Dom women) submitted by EfficiencySerious200 to animecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 thisisdumb127 my mother is a stranger

i kept seeing clips from fox talking about that bishop that spoke to trump. i found it disgusting the way the spoke of her, when all she really did was ask people kindly to have compassion. i spoke with my mother about it (a big trump supporter and chronic fox news watcher) but even knowing her political standing, i expected my mother to have some empathy and common sense, since it seemed so obvious to me. she shared the same sentiment as those vile reporters as if she could no longer speak for herself i’m sad. i know realistically she was never going to change, but i expected better from the woman who taught me to be kind and respectful to everyone.
it feels like i’m mourning the kind woman i once knew. i want my mommy back. i never thought id lose her so soon.
submitted by thisisdumb127 to FoxBrain [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Striking-Reading2774 wtf

wtf What could have happened my friend woke up and his tire was like this
submitted by Striking-Reading2774 to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Ambitious_Check_4704 Myron responds to Asmond.

Myron responds to Asmond. submitted by Ambitious_Check_4704 to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Smooth_Gear_4490 headlight help

my left headlight went out legit maybe 30 mins ago, rights gonna go soon, any recommendation on good led headlights? i have a 2015 se, never shopped for a headlight before
submitted by Smooth_Gear_4490 to fordfusion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Soft_Cable5934 Yay!! Two hour driving + Traffic Jam (insert Flame emoji)

Yay!! Two hour driving + Traffic Jam (insert Flame emoji) submitted by Soft_Cable5934 to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 NitroBlast4563 Which Morbiverse character is most likely to eat this?

Which Morbiverse character is most likely to eat this? submitted by NitroBlast4563 to Morbius [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 cafeio Should I sell my Miata with 130k ODO and Rod Knock

Should I sell my Miata with 130k ODO and Rod Knock Should I sell this? It’s been out since 2018. I start it every other week but the knocking just gets worse. Rear tires are worn. (Stupid burnouts…) but the interior is still in great shape. Not sure what to do. Suggestions? I know some people are interested in 2.5 swapping these. I live in the Bay Area. CA.
Shop estimated 5k for used engine (60k ODO)
submitted by cafeio to ncmiata [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 BrokenCrusader Are Jade Dwarves the Byzantium of Anbennar?

-Western breakaway of a once great empire - lasted much longer but still eventually fell - very culturally impactfull on the new nations around it - Invaders used their capital as a base of operations to spawn a new empire - sculptures and fashion very important even as every falls apart - General vibe
submitted by BrokenCrusader to Anbennar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 vannatter Found this in my uncles stash - worth keeping?

No clue if this is worth keeping or not. It does seem to work but probably needs cleaned / serviced. Is it worth putting any money / effort into it? Thanks for any help!
submitted by vannatter to cassetteculture [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 bigchicago04 Why does Nicks car have a giant P on it?

On the back of a car, it’s a giant P sticker. My first assumption would be it’s some kind of parking permit. But I don’t know why he would need that if he parks in his own driveway. Also, that’s something a big production would ignore about real life.
submitted by bigchicago04 to HeartstopperAO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Puzzleheaded_Word606 Pro gamer Elon

submitted by Puzzleheaded_Word606 to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 looser512 Website has gone offline also. We lost another gem.

Website has gone offline also. We lost another gem. submitted by looser512 to myinsta [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Agitated-Two7118 Can someone help me interpret my ASVAB score?

I want to understand what each subscore means and how it compares to others, but I can't find anything on the averages for the subsections or what the scale is.
Overall: 96 GS: 58 AR: 65 WK: 64 PC: 68 MK: 62 EI: 54 AS: 45 MC: 59 AO: 56 VE: 66
If they're all on the same scale of 99, how did i get a 96 when all my subsections are under 70?
submitted by Agitated-Two7118 to ArmyRecruiter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Weak-Organization-73 Do the explosive weapons ever get vaulted?

Do they ever get vaulted? It is the only way to win right now and they are very annoying
submitted by Weak-Organization-73 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 SlipJunior Request for mod for r/JacintaEnclavesPH due to inactive mod

submitted by SlipJunior to redditrequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 goosey23 WTB Howa Chassis

submitted by goosey23 to PrsAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 HonestBreak7225 Sendwave Promo-Referral Code 2025 : TUE67

𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓: 𝐓𝐔𝐄𝟔𝟕 Go now Get €10.00 for your first transfer! Use code TUE67 on #sendwave for your #MoneyTransfer #Remittance ! 24/01/2025 04:29
submitted by HonestBreak7225 to sendwave_officials [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 Old-Procedure7101 Revente et amélioration maison ?

Bonjour à tous , j’ai acheté une maison T3 82m2 dans le sud de la France avec une terrasse “ roof top ” de 11 m2 , c’est une maison de village exposée pleins sud la maison est sur 3 étages plus la terrasse , avec des escalier en colimaçon . J ai totalement adoré la maison et son style atypique. J’aimerais avoir vos avis sur la possibilité de difficulté à la revente du fait des étages ? Si c’est vraiment vrai ou si on trouve toujours un acheteur? Et si oui comment peut ont améliorer ce genre de bien pour plus tard . Merci d’avance pour vos avis !
submitted by Old-Procedure7101 to immobilier [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 East7269 Tell me what time?

Tell me what time? submitted by East7269 to casiovintage [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:29 hiheyhello2u Just a gc for us to chat on session below

submitted by hiheyhello2u to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]