How to deal with an ornery client assistant?

2025.01.24 03:32 ReadingFlaky7665 How to deal with an ornery client assistant?

I was hired to redesign a website (UX + UI) for a small business client. I have over 15 years of experience as a design lead in agency and corporate creative and design environments before going freelance. While the client/Director has been great, their assistant is making the process unnecessarily difficult.
At some point before I was hired, the assistant created a one-page cut-and-paste mockup using a basic online template. They are openly resentful that their "design" wasn’t chosen and resist providing the information or assets I need, forcing me to spend unaccounted-for time tracking things down.
When I asked about their background, they revealed they previously only worked in customer service and had no prior design experience, which explains their lack of understanding of key deliverables like content audits, sitemaps, and wireframes, as well as foundational design principles like information hierarchy, typography, and color theory. Despite this, they consistently dismiss my questions or work and insist their one-page template should be the final design. It’s unproductive and frustrating.
This dynamic is creating delays, confusion, and unnecessary extra work. As a freelancer, I don’t have the authority to address this directly with the assistant, but I’m considering asking the Director to work with me directly, leaving the assistant out of the process.
I’m worried this might come across as creating drama, but the assistant has become a significant roadblock, and frankly, a freaking pain to deal with. Any advice?
submitted by ReadingFlaky7665 to work [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 stegoskating 37M Looking to relax with a fun chat

It's been a nice day and I'd love to unwind with a fun chat. We can talk cooking, tattoos, books, butts, or whatever else is on your mind. I've got a few hours before sleep so hit me up if this sounds good.
submitted by stegoskating to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 EmmieL0u Im so torn.

Hi there, I live in WA state U.S, Im 25 and my fiance is 25. We are getting to the point where we have enough saved to buy a house soon. We always said after we have a house we want to try for a baby and then we would adopt 1 more later on. Ever since the election though. I feel hopeless. I feel angry. I desperately want a baby but at the same time I feel guilty and selfish for wanting to bring a baby into this shit country. My fiance always tries to cheer me up by saying that good, well educated, empathetic people need to bring up kids in this world too. We would be helping to add more good hearted people into the world. Idk it just doesnt really comfort me anymore...
submitted by EmmieL0u to Fencesitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 25eUmNumeroLegal The Magnus Archives and Ordem Paranormal (Paranormal Order)

The Magnus Archives and Ordem Paranormal (Paranormal Order) TW: this post has a lot of body horror
Hello! I'm new to the show, currently in the 5th season finishing my first watchthough. I would like to share some ideas about the similarities between the show and other universe that I really love.
Disclaimer: some of the translations may not be accurate to the original material
Paranormal Order, or originally Ordem Paranormal, is a brazilian investigation and horror TTRPG with media that includes the RPG books, 8 campaigns (one more on the way) run by the creator building the universe and expanding the story, 3 graphic novels adapting the first two seasons, one horror book in pre-order, one recently released and AWESOME game Enigma of Fear (go play it) and A LOT of fan content.
The summary
In the universe the paranormal exists in the form of another dimension called the Other Side (Outro Lado) where entities personify aspects of our world. The fear of humans, especially related to stories of the supernatural, weaken a barrier between the two dimensions called the Veil (a Membrana) causing terrible things to leak into the Reality. Humans fight these manifestations but often also use them, be it for evil trying to gain power or disseminate fear or as a weapon to protect the Reality. Invariably though they are changed and become less human doing so.
Isn’t that kinda familiar?
Yes, they have their differences, but in this post I’d like to explore the similarities between these two universes, especially where it relates to their entities and manifestations and hopefully draw one or two people of here to go take a look at this work that I love so much as I really believe some crossover in the communities would be very fun and interesting.
Although I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum, this is where many aspects of the universe will be explained, so if you are at all interested in engaging with the work I urge you to do so and stop reading as learning about things as they appear is one of the fun aspects of the universe.
The Elements
The Elements or the Entities are five and as explained before each control certain aspects of the Reality when they manifest. Next you will see the explanation of these elements.
Blood (Sangue)
To start with a quote, “everything begins with the Blood”. It is the entity of intense emotions: pain, obsession, lust, love, hunger, rage, hate. The manifestations of the Blood are almost always related to physicality of the body, the flesh and bones, the structure, transforming it to fulfil the emotion, be it gaining teeth and claws to hunt your prey and feed or appearing as someone else to deceive.
Unfortunately the Blood in my opinion is one of the less explored Elements. Although probably the one that most shows up being the first one to be encountered in the show and the element of the most “default” enemy of the universe, most of what is explored is the relationship to rage and hunger, leaving the other emotions ignored.
The manifestations of this element are often related to body horror, extra limbs, wrong proportions and a general exaggeration of features.
The trasformation of a person affected by Blood, in the first image being normal and gradualy loosing hair, having thier teeth grow and sharpen, their eyes redden and their veins bulge.
Death (Morte)
“Everything has a beginning and an end, and Time takes all things. Nothing which is taken by Death can ever be the same”. Death, as clear by the name, is the element responsible for death, but more so in relation to time. Death is unavoidable. This Entity distorts time, robs it.
Death is usually represented by a black gooey substance called the Ooze (Lodo) and the relation to the Spiral, representing the nature of time or the wasting of the subject’s time which fuels the Element or often just repetition.
The transformation of a person effected by Death, in the first image being normal and gradually loosing color, having their eyes become black, ears become pointy, appearence wither and spiral marks appear.
Knowledge (Conhecimento)
“To know everything is to lose everything”. Knowledge deals with information and the mind, but also is concerned with balance, often helping the Reality to maintain it. Knowing, learning, reason, remembering, language, registering information are all in the domain of Knowledge.
The Entity is represented by yellow, gold and almost always by the Sigils (Sigilos), the language of the Other Side which can never be understood by the Reality. To know this Entity in its entirety would be to know everything which has ever happened and to comprehend the Reality and the Other Side completely, but to do so would destroy you.
The transformation of a person affected by Knowledge, in the first image being normal and gradually becoming thin, with bulging eyes, gold tatoos, accessories and hair.
Energy (Energia)
“The Chaos is inevitable”. The Entity of chance, of infinite possibilities, madness, utterly harmful recklessness, consequences. It is concerned with change, always mutating, ever unpredictable.
Like Death and Knowledge, Energy also has ties with time, but rather than the actual concept or knowing the past it is concerned with the possibilities for the future. Energy also has domain over the natural forces like water, fire, light, electricity and as such closely related to technology, often being the vehicle through which it manifests.
The transformation of a person affected by Energy, in the first image being normal and gradually having their skin become translucent and colorful and having their body covered in technologic devices.
Fear (Medo)
“The Fear is infinite.” The unknowable, the destiny, the glue which ties everything, Fear is a mystery. This Entity is both correlated to everything, present in every manifestation of the Paranormal and the one we know about the least by far. This Element could almost be described as the universe, forming the fabric in which everything else manifests.
When not being a vehicle to the manifestation of the other Entities, in its pure representation, it is often represented by the Impossible Flame (Chama Impossivel), a white inconstant substance that seems to break reality, a tear in the very universe the human mind will never be able to comprehend.
Magnus and Order
Now that the introductions are over lets jump to the Fears and see how, in my opinion, they relate to the Elements.
The Buried
“The Centre, Choke, Too Close I Cannot Breathe, Forever Deep Below Creation” (I do love the alternative names, so, yes, I’ll keep adding them).
Although this was never something very explored and aesthetically Death would be a better representation, in Order the best alignment for The Buried would be Energy. The domain of Energy includes rituals (which are powers that can be used by occultists to manifest the Entity in a controlled way) like Transfigure Water and Transfigure Earth which can be used to drown and crush creatures.
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about The Buried in Order is Silenus, one of the facets of the Host which used their power to drown and organized ship battles.
A masked person in a throne with their arms wide looking at a sinking ship.
As I said, Energy feels like the best choice here, but Death matches very well the aesthetic of the buried and one of the manifestations of it is very related to this Fear. The Buried (Sepultado) is a creature born by burying someone still alive. Useless screams have destroyed their vocal chords and all that can be heard are weak hits to the inside of the scratched heavy cover to the casket as the creature inside fights incessantly to get out, never blessed by the release of death.
A casket in a dimly lit room with deformed skeletal arms reaching out of.
The Corruption
“Filth, The Crawling Rot, Flesh Hive”.
The Corruption in all of its aspects can be paired to Blood.
The toxic feelings that manifest from the Corruption pair very well to the extreme emotion of Blood, giving as an example the Needy (o Carente), a creature born of the jealousy of the love it never received, luring its victims to consume the organs of people who are parents, absorbing the feeling.
A body resembling a fly trap plant with multiple insect-like arms and a tentacle above the mouth with a puppet resembling a child. It is reminicent of an angler fish.
In relation to insects we have the Mescla (I don’t have a good translation for this. Amalgam?), a person who lived their days surrounded by insects and parasites searching for a deeper “natural” truth.
A gross creature resembling an insect but made of flesh.
Finally, the spread of a gross terrible sickness, the Melted (Derretido), a mass of melted flesh fused together, covered in wounds and leaking eruptions, absorbing anything in its path to the pain-filled nightmare of its existence.
A mass of melted meat with some pieces still resembling parts of people like mouths, arms and organs.
The Dark
“Mr. Pitch, The Forever Blind”
The dark is a fear that can’t be neatly paired with an Element. Aesthetically similar to Death, related to Energy as it is the Element that controls the light and dark, a foil to Knowledge as the fear of the unknown. Both because of this lack of clear relation and as its status as a fear of SOMETHING THERE, I’d argue it’s best paired with the element Fear, as it is the media from where creatures spawn, where anything the human mind imagines can jump from.
As an example we have the Deep One (Profundo), a massive creature born from the fear of the deep oceans where light does not reach, an unknown place whose inhabitants we can never know.
A massive creature underwater resembling a jellyfish but with the upper half of a human with translucent skin and a face of terror.
The Desolation
“The Lightless Flame, The Torturing Flame, The Devastation, The Blackened Earth, The Ravening Burn, Asag”
The Desolation is connected to Energy, the obvious reason being the domain of the Element over fire, but deeper than that Entity is often shown taking pleasure in the pain of others and actively creating situations just to amuse itself.
The Host is the first thing that comes to mind, especially “Aeneas”, the facet obsessed with fire, burning everything in their path.
A person wearing a mask with a torch in hand with the background in flames and burned people.
The End
“Death, Terminus, the Termination of All Life, The Coming End That Waits For All And Cannot Be Ignored.”
This one is straight forward, it’s even one of the alternative names: Death. Uncaring, unstoppable, it will come for you.
Memento Mori is a creature that perfectly encapsulates this simple but strong fear. It moves slowly but surely towards you, your end.
A humanoid creature with a black feathered cloak and a face that resembles a birds skull.
The Eye
“Beholding, The Ceaseless Watcher, It Knows You, The Great Eye that watches all who linger in terror and gorges itself on the sufferings of those under its unrelenting stuporous gaze”
One of the ones I really want to talk about. The eye is almost a one-to-one to Knowledge, both concerned with the gathering and storing of information, with watching. What I think is very interesting is their relation to the other entities, as they both can never be completely explained without talking about how they act almost like mediators to the others. The Eye watches other Fears and Knowledge is closely tied to the balance of the other Entities and the Reality.
One of the manifestations of the Knowledge, the Lurker (Espreitador) is a creature with dozens of eyes through its body, watching everything. It obsesses over its victim, following them and always, always watching through every crack of a door, only its double-pupiled eye visible, filling the victim with dread, unable to escape its gaze, unable to sleep.
A humanoid creature with long arms and fingers and body covered in eyes with multiple irises. The head is almost completely formed by eyes and it has a mouth with crooked teeth and a massive eye inside.
The Flesh
A power so related to the body could only be paired with Blood, the Entity that distorts and controls the flesh, forming it into monstrous creations. There is little to say, just look at some of the creatures manifested through this Element.
A red humanoid creature formed by flesh wit a massive mouth with sharp teeth, long tongue and claws.
A creature formed by two humans stitched together and a massive circular mouth in the belly area.
The Hunt
Once again, it’s the alternative name. The Blood both relates to obsession and the chase and gives the user the tools to catch their victim.
Most Blood creatures are made for the hunt, but the Quinbungo seems like a good example.
A humanoid creature in all fours with an extra arm, multiple rows of teeth and a massive mouth in its back from where sprots big teeth similar to ribs and a whip-like tongue
The Lonely
“Forsaken, The One Alone.”
The Lonely, one of my favorites. As many others may be aesthetically close to Death, but it is better aligned with Knowledge because of the mental affliction.
Melancholy, of the Knowledge manifestations, is a parasite which latches onto the host, devouring their emotions and leaving them empty.
A person looking in the mirror. Their expression is of an exagerated frown and a creature with distorted mouth holds their head. In the real world, the person has a shadow in the form of a skeleton with a creepy face in their back.
The Slaughter
Another clear-cut connection to Blood. They share the mindless, animal-like violence, gore and torture. The best example of the connection in my opinion is the Aniquilation (Aniquilação), the biggest manifestation of the Paranormal ever recorded. Although this is never said, I like to think this creature is a manifestation of war, its mass of body parts sourced from the battlefield, causing widespread destruction and pain.
A massive creature with dozens of arms of diferent sizes sprouting from each other, tentacles in place of legs and massive wings. It has a small humanoid face in the center and is covered in spikes.
The Spiral
“Es Mentiras (It Is Lies), The Twisting Deceit, It Is Not What It Is”
The Spiral is related to deception and insanity, matching very well Energy which often is erratic and its almost unknowable nature makes people who encounter it go crazy. Also they match in the sense of being there and not there, as Energy manifestations sometimes appear as a substance that is neither solid, liquid or gaseous, an incomprehensible thing that makes you question if you are actually seeing something.
One of the things that the Spiral reminds me of is yet another facet of the Host, Liber who manipulated people to kill their loved ones, very reminiscent of the episode Sculptor's Tool.
A painting of a masked person sitting on a throne with legs crossed and a rose in hand, wearing a spiked purple robe. In front of the figure there are two people, one holding the other and plunging a dagger in their chest. The other is also holding a dagger. Both are crying.
There is also the Anomaly, a door to another dimension inside the creature that drains the sanity of the ones who enter it.
An elevator door with a portal to another dimension which looks like an impossible mess of colors and shapes.
The Stranger
“I Do Not Know You”
Honestly I can’t place the Stranger. The Blood has some relation to changing the appearance to deceive and the Knowledge can change memories, but I don't really think they match.
The best thing I could find is not really the Element, but a manifestation of Energy called the Traveler (Viajante), a creature that distorts the victims memories, traveling through pictures and transforming the faces of the people in it into creepy, uncanny smiles, generating trauma and despair, causing amnesia.
(I cant add more images, look for "Viajante Ordem Paranormal" if you want to see)
The Vast
“The Falling Titan”
The Vast is another one that is hard to place, but I believe that Knowledge is the best correlation, not because of the physical aspect but the emotional one, KNOWING how small you are. The Deep One (Profundo), cited in the Buried also fits, but I’d like to talk about the Angel, whose sheer presence and scale makes you feel insignificant.
(I cant add more images, look for "Anjo Ordem Paranormal" if you want to see)
The Web
“The Spider, The Great Spider, Mother of Puppets, The Mother, The Spinner of Schemes, The Hidden Machination”
Finally for the Web, the other one I really want to talk about. The Web to me is totally related to Fear. They share in manipulation, the destiny which MADE for you by THEM. You are nothing but a piece on their board and most times you don’t even know that.
There is no creature I will cite here and I will not talk too much about it, more because of spoilers, I just ask you to consider playing Enigma of Fear.
If you actually read everything, thanks! It took me a long time to write. If you liked the universe please go take a look at the original material.
There is the game, Enigma of Fear:
And there is the RPG. The art style gets way better in the later seasons so don’t feel like it's less of a good story because of the cartoony characters. All seasons have subtitles if you do not speak portuguese. This is the playlist of all seasons in order:
submitted by 25eUmNumeroLegal to TheMagnusArchives [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 da91392 I'll break out the egg bar for anyone who edits the S2E1&2 scenes together chronologically

Such an edit would be coveted as fuck. DM me.
[Spoiler tag used in an abundance of caution.]
submitted by da91392 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 hoetheory First treatment was earlier this week, next one is tomorrow and I’ve just slipped into a bad depressive episode

I’ll go into it with a positive outlook but I am severely struggling. I have an anxious attachment style and the guy I was talking with cut things off tonight. I feel absolutely horrendous emotionally and have slipped into a bad depressive episode. All week has been hard (I haven’t showered in 3 days) but today has been really bad. I had a crying outburst triggered by my brother saying something shitty to me and then I threw a bag of bagels at the wall and scared my dog and then cried more. Is it bad to go into spravato on a downturn in mood? Like I said, I plan on doing my best to be positive bc in case I trip, I want it to be a good one. But oh my god I want to be dead.
submitted by hoetheory to Spravato [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 MarketFlux Built a Free Financial News Aggregator—Looking for Feedback!

Hey everyone,
I built a financial news aggregator called MarketFlux. It pulls news from tons of RSS sources, Twitter, Google News, and more, then tags tickers and topics. It displays everything in a stream, letting users use a number of filters, like keywords, topics, and tickers to see only what they care about. You can use it to catch up at the end of the day or watch news as it comes in live. Pretty versatile tool.
We also incorporated AI that highlights the top stories. Right now, it tweets out major news as it happens, or you can search "MarketFlux" in the tool to see the top stories as they publish on the tool too. We also run a Substack that summarizes key headlines daily.
The tool is for everyone. I’m one of the co-founders and work in the professional trading industry (big bank trader). I use it to monitor news and find it does the same job (if not better )than my Bloomberg terminal. It’s completely free, so it’s also great for retail traders who just want a simple way to follow market news without searching everywhere and spending money.
We haven’t pushed the tool yet, it’s still in its early days and totally free. Would love to hear any feedback!
Links: 📌 MarketFlux Aggregator: 📌 Substack: 📌 Twitter (X):
Let me know what you think... thanks! 🚀
submitted by MarketFlux to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 low-altitude Asus Rog strix 18 Core I 9 14900HX, Rtx 4080 32 Ram , 2 Tb is it worth it at 2395 with tax or wait the new one

Asus Rog strix 18 Core I 9 14900HX, Rtx 4080 32 Ram , 2 Tb is it worth it at 2395 with tax or wait the new one submitted by low-altitude to ASUSROG [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Redaaku They are born this way, stupid from the very beginning.

submitted by Redaaku to CatsInSinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 supersk8er Chicago Status Question

Got a Chicago status update that said 'Application in Review' with a sub status of 'Review in Progress' and then it reverted back to just 'Application in Review' with no sub status.
Anyone know what this means.
submitted by supersk8er to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Rare_Squirrel_3152 Red de nutricionistas

¡Hola a todos!
Estoy buscando personas interesadas en probar, una nueva plataforma diseñada para conectar a pacientes con profesionales de la salud, como psicólogos, nutricionistas, y más. La idea es que los profesionales puedan crear su perfil, mostrar sus servicios y que los pacientes puedan encontrarlos de forma fácil y agendar horas directamente desde la plataforma.
Actualmente estamos en la fase de desarrollo y me encantaría recibir feedback real de usuarios para mejorar la experiencia antes del lanzamiento oficial. Si estás interesado/a en ser uno de los primeros en testearla, ¡serás de gran ayuda para construir algo realmente útil!
Además, si eres profesional del área de la salud, ¡puedes registrarte y tener tu propio perfil desde ahora mismo!
Déjame un comentario o mándame un mensaje si te interesa. ¡Gracias por tu tiempo!
👉 Visita
submitted by Rare_Squirrel_3152 to nutricion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Digginf I wonder what this image is all about. At no point in those old shorts was Marge wearing a flowery dress or Bart wearing a blue shirt.

I wonder what this image is all about. At no point in those old shorts was Marge wearing a flowery dress or Bart wearing a blue shirt. submitted by Digginf to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 HarleeHavoc You exist only to serve and worship the flawless being that I am. Your obedience is the closest you'll ever come to perfection

You exist only to serve and worship the flawless being that I am. Your obedience is the closest you'll ever come to perfection submitted by HarleeHavoc to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 TeancumsJavalin How to get 120fps on Xbox Seris X? (NG2 B)

I've checked my TV and Xbox settings and it is all good, but when I get in game, it only gives me the option for 60 or 30. I've restarted my Xbox, but that doesn't seem to help
Anyone else getting this issue or know how to fix it?
submitted by TeancumsJavalin to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Additional_Sea501 Can someone help me understand Tekken Prowess?

I’m a Raijin Jack-8 player. I was currently at around 187k prowess when I started taking Bryan (secondary character) into ranked. I just got him to Mighty Ruler from Shinryu and now my prowess dropped to around 185k. I wouldn’t say I’m the best Bryan but I definitely got his play style figured out so how is it that my prowess is all of a sudden lower than when I started?
Keep in mind, I play every rematch, I genuinely take time between matches to learn my opponent and figure out what their play style is and adapt as best I can (not the best at it but I honestly manage)
submitted by Additional_Sea501 to Tekken [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 boyconsumer What is your personal favorite Spencer Reid season?

Mine HAS to be season 1. I hate the sexed-up OOC version of him post season 9-ish. Season 1 is so cute/hot/nerdy, and its probably my favorite season of the show too. Overall season 1 is definitely my favorite
submitted by boyconsumer to criminalminds [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Rimartineau Anti-Defamation League Condemns Elon Musk Holocaust Jokes After Defending ‘Awkward Gesture’

Anti-Defamation League Condemns Elon Musk Holocaust Jokes After Defending ‘Awkward Gesture’ submitted by Rimartineau to QuebecLibre [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Visual-Tax-3630 Moving onto a new car. What to do with my baby ?!

Hey y’all I currently own a 2014 1.8t se. 160k miles on the clock . I’ll be buying a new car by the end of April and I’m unsure what to do with the Jetta when that time comes. I don’t really want to let the Jetta go, but you guys may be able to answer some of my questions. I plan to flash the ECU once I get the new car , I’m hoping that will entice me to keep the Jetta enough but I do think I will get bored of that . How much satisfaction have any of you gained from that stage 1 flash? If the Jetta does become a “project car” I don’t want to sink a bunch of money into the thing . I keep up with maintenance to a T, I’m thinking maybe a timing service and then stage 2 . PM me if you guys know a good amount about these Gen 3 EA888 engines. I don’t want my post to be miles long , lol . TYIA
submitted by Visual-Tax-3630 to jetta [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Georgeo57 asking an ai to identify logical rules behind every conclusion of a million token input, and then using the output to train a subsequent model to have stronger logic and reasoning

i just presented the following idea to several ais, and was told that the specific technique was promising, and has not really been tried before:
let's say you have a million token context window, and you input the full amount that it can accept. would asking the ai to identify logical rules behind every conclusion in the input data, and then using its output in the training of a subsequent model result in that second model better understanding and utilizing logic in its reasoning?
perhaps it's worth a try.
submitted by Georgeo57 to grok [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 GlumButterscotch8375 Why is no one talking about this guy

No one is talking about how this guy murdered the "drome" guy on the ship and we don't see anything after that. This leads me to think that he has some connection with the games. What are your opinions?
submitted by GlumButterscotch8375 to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:32 Comfortable_Pack8903 Kind of an older meme I've seen circulating around but still a good one!

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Any advice to improve my This deck has been pretty good for me for a while, but I can't shake the feeling there's some small change I could make to improve it. Any advice? (Pekka is my only evo)
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2025.01.24 03:32 daddyvrg I'm 19 height 170cm weight 72kg. What should I do bulk or lean for better physique.

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2025.01.24 03:32 raisedbyowls hii, I'm a pretty old fan, can anyone tell me some lies about Xavier and Gaspard?

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submitted by raisedbyowls to JusticeMusic [link] [comments]