DAD SAYS SON'S LIFE 'EASY' BECAUSE HE EARNS MORE THAN WHAT DAD EARNS IN THE 1980s Parents say our generation have it easy...

2025.01.24 03:30 qwenmn DAD SAYS SON'S LIFE 'EASY' BECAUSE HE EARNS MORE THAN WHAT DAD EARNS IN THE 1980s Parents say our generation have it easy...

submitted by qwenmn to sporeuncensored [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Hypothetically-Yours 19 feels crazy, but what's crazier is that next year at this time I'll be 20 - which is like TWO DECADES on this planet & me having to unsubscribe from this subreddit. last year on this subreddit & you bet I'll be VERY ACTIVE HERE

time to change my flair 🕺🏻
submitted by Hypothetically-Yours to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Vegan_qtpie What’s wrong with my Scoby?

What’s wrong with my Scoby? Looks a bit thin & dry. Started Dec 26.
submitted by Vegan_qtpie to Kombucha [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 kittykitkat38 New update problem?

Is anyone else having an issue with being able to move around on menus? I know its only the first 30 minute of the new update but I've noticed (i have a ps5) my left joycon won't move in menus. I can still move nikki but when trying to read the events menus I can't get past the first page.
submitted by kittykitkat38 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 ImportanceInside7188 Scholarships

Scholarships to apply for especially for psychology majors
submitted by ImportanceInside7188 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 teneleventh E-Visa Question - Payment

I applied for the visa and managed to get past the photo page. I then received a link to my email that was supposedly the activation link and the activation code. I entered the code on the website and it said “Application Activated” but I never even had a chance to pay? How does one pay? Is this coming later? Any insight or experiences from you all would be greatly appreciated :)
submitted by teneleventh to Uzbekistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Decent_Pay4265 Calvície ou dermatite seborreica?

Calvície ou dermatite seborreica? submitted by Decent_Pay4265 to CabelosDoBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Mul-T3643 Does the final boss get more attacks in harder difficulties?

Just fought the final boss (dead space remake) in easy difficulty (I cannot fathom to deal with horror and difficulty at the same time) and he did like 2 attacks repeatedly, one where he slammed tentacles and then one where he spat acid and rocks. Is that it? Did I ruin it for myself by playing on easy mode? Were there more attacks?
Also fuck was up with that cliffhanger did we kill the hivemind or not
submitted by Mul-T3643 to DeadSpace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Rafa_Salvado Can someone explain to me what are those

So, for context, I work in an oil rig in Brasil ( i know about the game :D) and I went there in 2017 and came back last year, and when I went I knew about the LGBT, but when I came back my father (and old man that hates this community) said this community is getting way worse, I asked why, he said "Now this (F-word) are adding new letters to this (F-word) alphabet, and those (MF- word) of the law are agreeing" I wondered what he was talking about and I saw that now isn't just LGBT, it has more letters and I thought someone that has patience could explain to me what comes after that. (And I wanted to say that Doesn't matter what, I support this community and I'm very happy that this is breaking the standards and opening opportunities for silenced people to talk :D)
submitted by Rafa_Salvado to lgbt [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 DentistShoddy5852 Transfer App submitted, what now

Title, I submitted a couple of my transfer apps but haven’t received an email to set up an account at each school. Is this normal?
submitted by DentistShoddy5852 to TransferToTop25 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 k8o_69 Drill and skills for non-competitive session

Hi everyone,
I have just started a non-competitive, non- judgemental, any fitness type welcome, session for women, at my tiny country association (in Australiaif that makes a difference?).
Its been a minute since i have played and even longer since i have trained.
However, training as a jr, everything was highly intense and competitive.
Where can I go for resources that are engaging, non competitive skills/drills/games, that can be adapted to any fillness and skill level?
Or if you have any idea on what I can run, I welcome every suggestion
submitted by k8o_69 to Basketball [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 tiesoptional Day 5 of pixel art is a work in progress.

Day 5 of pixel art is a work in progress. P
submitted by tiesoptional to aseprite [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Inexorably21 Photos with the Sony DSC (D700)

Photos with the Sony DSC (D700) There is soo little info about this camera that it makes it feel strange to shoot with. Super awkward handling, malfunctioning lense, and terrible UI made this one of the hardest shooting sessions I've had in a while. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy 👋
submitted by Inexorably21 to VintageDigitalCameras [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Impressive-Run8661 Do i look good enough to be your wife

submitted by Impressive-Run8661 to MTFSelfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 LazyTitan1990bc Looking for page 1&2, Offering Page 3&4.

Looking for page 1&2, Offering Page 3&4. As mentioned in the title. I can’t fly, and 30 day trades are ok if you don’t have the stardust.
submitted by LazyTitan1990bc to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 sillylilgoose98 Please help ID this pitcher plant!

Recently got this pitcher plant as a gift. I was told to keep it in a dish full of distilled water with bright indirect light. This lil guy is currently sitting in a south-facing window that gets bright direct/indirect light (we have a tree in the backyard that blocks some light in the afternoon). The pitchers themselves seemed ok at first, but the leaves kept browning and dying. I thought it could be due to getting too much light (???) and so moved it to a north facing window that had only had bright indirect light. Now, one of the pitchers is starting to get brown at the tips. I'm also unsure if it is a species that is naturally red-leaved or if that's an indication of poor husbandry??? Currently reading in Illinois where we're going through a cold spout as well.
Any advice would be great! Just trying to keep the lil guy alive!
submitted by sillylilgoose98 to carnivorousplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Adept-Bat-3350 Soldering iron recommendation?

Im a beginner and Im planning on doing some hardware mods to my old 3ds just looking for something cheap but not complete junk.
submitted by Adept-Bat-3350 to Aliexpress [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Carlos_256 Tell me your 4 most wanted games for Nintendo Switch 2 in these specific categories: 1. Anticipated (Definitely happening, announced or not) 2. Franchise Revival (50/50 chances to happen) 3. Most wanted Third Party 4. Delusional (Any, very unlikely for some reason) 🍄🦊⚔️🧩🎮

Tell me your 4 most wanted games for Nintendo Switch 2 in these specific categories: 1. Anticipated (Definitely happening, announced or not) 2. Franchise Revival (50/50 chances to happen) 3. Most wanted Third Party 4. Delusional (Any, very unlikely for some reason) 🍄🦊⚔️🧩🎮 submitted by Carlos_256 to casualnintendo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 CollectionRound7703 burt breaking character?

submitted by CollectionRound7703 to BurtAppouhFanClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 bugminer To drive a truck without the load catching fire.

To drive a truck without the load catching fire. submitted by bugminer to therewasanattempt [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Lallybaer Gojo

Gojo submitted by Lallybaer to GojoSatoruFanclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 guihos 你支能否成为本世纪的超级反派

支猪对痛苦生活的忍耐力真的可以支持中国在逆境中不内爆,然后就像一个对全球市场有更大影响的苏联一样,他们还要在科技上赢赢赢,这导致它在彻底崩溃之前还要对(国境之外的)人类生活造成无数破坏。你的生活和它们的恶行之间没有隔离,真实的you're all locked in here with me. 这好吗?这非常不好,像这个体量的集体,就算在衰落,哪怕突开一点都很要命。
submitted by guihos to abstractmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 crackedmarblestatue staring at the ceiling

while i am staring at the ceiling and it is dark and so quiet and still and it’s just me i feel very very lonely. i feel lonely anyway all the time but this silence reminds me of it. i don’t want to wish for anyone’s unhappiness but i just think to myself, surely there is someone in the world right now doing the same as me. surely there is at least one person, whether they are a mile away or a thousand, that is laying in their bed in the middle of the night staring at the ceiling and thinking or worrying or feeling lonely or sad or anything. maybe they, like me, are also worrying about if they are making the right decision, and about if they ever make the right decision, and about if they will ever not feel like this, if they will ever feel connected to the people around them, if they will ever stop feeling like something is missing. it brings me a lot of comfort to think that i am not alone right now, im connected with at least someone, somewhere. maybe they sigh like i do and finally accept that they have to brave another day and close their eyes to fall asleep. it is brave. i hope they are ok.
submitted by crackedmarblestatue to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 galevalantine Final update on teddy

Final update on teddy I gave him to my little brother. He could take better care of him. He brushes him daily, brushes his teeth, walks him when it’s not snowy, he’s giving him the care he deserves.
Sometimes I wonder how we turned out so different. I can barely move because I’m so depressed, yet my brothers are ok and living their lives. I feel like I’m being gaslit when my parents say they gave us the same lives and treatment. I remember it not being the case… but “no one else remembers.”
submitted by galevalantine to Shihtzu [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Yeag3r 2025 MLB jersey availability

Can anyone tell me when the new jerseys might be available for purchase online? I want to make sure I don't miss out on them ..
submitted by Yeag3r to baseballunis [link] [comments]