He is pretty snazzy..

我们对Word文档进行排版的时候,如果适当的加一下项目符号会让界面看着更舒服,下面小编一步步教大家如何添加项目符号。 pretty 关注 我的方式,简单粗暴,而且用起来很爽,就是win+R,输入regedit打开电子注册表,在左上角的编辑栏中的查找选项输入sogou就可以,一个一个文件的查找,过程虽然繁琐但是简单粗暴,而且莫名的爽,同样的方法还能用于鲁大师等等流氓软件 如果你的表头是多行的,那么首先要选中表头的下方一行,举例来说就是如果你想将前两行作为表头那就选择第三行,然后选择视图选项下的“冻结窗格-冻结拆分窗格”。 执行“页码-设置页码格式”,在其中可以设置编号的格式。另外在页码编号里可以选择续前节,意思就是此处的页码接着前面的往下编号;如果选择起始页码,意思就是在当前节以你选择的页码数开始。 PS画笔光标由圆圈变成十字,最有可能的就是在使用时打开了键盘大写功能,也就是大家不小心按到了键盘上的大写Caps Locks键。 本经验由Pretty一Boy个人所写,百度经验首发,未经允许,谢绝转载。如果此经验对您有帮助,请在网页右上角或经验的最下方为我投票并收藏,谢谢大家的支持^_^ 本经验由Pretty一Boy个人所写,百度经验首发,未经允许,谢绝转载。如果此经验对您有帮助,请在网页右上角或经验的最下方为我投票并收藏,谢谢大家的支持^_^ thank you 和thanks的区别是什么?什么场合使用“thank you”和“thanks”这两个词都是表示感谢,谢谢的意思。 Pretty一Boy 烟台市教育局 教育行家 对于刚接触photoshop的朋友来说,ps怎么取消选区是经常遇到的问题,其实只要把ps取消选区快捷键记住了以后操作就会很方便,下面小编就教大家ps取消选区的方法。 Pretty一Boy 烟台市教育局 教育行家 cad是应用最广泛的计算机辅助设计软件之一,不仅画二维草图出色,画三维图的功能也越来越完善,接下来小编就教大家cad三维图怎么画。

2025.01.24 05:23 holiday1326 He is pretty snazzy..

He is pretty snazzy.. I am glad I was able to pick up Ultimate Spider-Man. At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to get him or not and I am glad I did.
submitted by holiday1326 to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Fabulous-Sample142 Therapy is NOT for Everyone

Before you jump to conclusions, hear me out. Therapy has become the go-to answer for almost every problem—breakups, career confusion, mental health challenges, or just the feeling of being stuck. And while therapy has helped many people, it’s not the universal magic fix it’s often made out to be. In fact, for some, it can even be counterproductive.
For starters, not everyone connects with therapy. Some people don’t feel comfortable opening up to a stranger, no matter how qualified or empathetic they may be. Emotional growth and healing don’t always happen in a therapist’s office, and forcing someone into therapy when it doesn’t resonate with them can backfire. Let’s not forget that people have been finding clarity and comfort through friends, family, spirituality, or creative outlets for centuries. Therapy is just one option, not the only option.
Another issue is how easy it is to get stuck in a cycle of overthinking. Therapy focuses heavily on you—your feelings, your experiences, your past. While self-reflection is important, there’s a fine line between healthy introspection and excessive navel-gazing. You can end up so consumed with talking and thinking about yourself that you forget to live your life and focus on others. Sometimes, healing comes not from dissecting every thought but from engaging with the world—helping others, building connections, and taking action. Life isn’t just about you; it’s about how you show up for the people and world around you.
And then there’s the struggle of finding the right therapist or method of therapy. Therapy isn’t one-size-fits-all. With so many approaches—CBT, DBT, psychodynamic therapy, EMDR—it can feel like trial and error trying to find what actually works for you. Add to that the need to click with your therapist on a personal level, and it becomes a daunting, time-consuming process. Choosing the wrong method or therapist can leave you feeling stuck, frustrated, or worse, like there’s something inherently “wrong” with you because it’s not working. For many people, this search is exhausting, expensive, and demotivating.
Speaking of expense, therapy is far from cheap. Weekly sessions can cost hundreds of dollars, and not everyone has that kind of financial flexibility. That’s not even accounting for the emotional cost—spending hours every week rehashing painful memories or trying to process heavy emotions can be draining. Sometimes, that money and energy might be better spent improving your life in practical ways, like traveling, pursuing hobbies, or investing in meaningful relationships.
Lastly, therapy isn’t culturally universal. It’s rooted in Western, individualistic ideals, which don’t align with everyone’s worldview. For some, advice from family, spiritual leaders, or a close-knit community feels far more natural and meaningful. Therapy isn’t the gold standard for healing; it’s just one path among many.
At the end of the day, therapy can be transformative for the right person at the right time, but it’s not for everyone. Healing looks different for each of us, and that’s something we should normalize.
submitted by Fabulous-Sample142 to The10thDentist [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 EnnuiPigeon Running Subreddit where I can post as a new user?

In marathon training and want to interact but can’t due to low karma with a new account. Any beginner friendly ones?
submitted by EnnuiPigeon to findareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Normal-Tiger-6691 Our Magic Teapot🥰✨

submitted by Normal-Tiger-6691 to Teapots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Significant_Spot2922 Alpha legionary

Alpha legionary submitted by Significant_Spot2922 to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Amber_Flowers_133 What are your Hot Takes on the WWDITS Movies?

submitted by Amber_Flowers_133 to WhatWeDointheShadows [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Used-Grapefruit1634 What ?

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by Used-Grapefruit1634 to Post_Anything_No_Ban [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 fsindi12 calories in just the fries? (Pizza Hut)

Pizza Hut says 70cals for 49g portion of crinkle fries but I don’t have access to a food scale to take them out and weigh them, so having a hard time estimating how many
submitted by fsindi12 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 1055TheMoon 105.5 The Moon Mixer Friday February 7 at Taproot at 7pm

105.5 The Moon Mixer Friday February 7 at Taproot at 7pm submitted by 1055TheMoon to SalemOR_Events [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Deadzone2024 ¿Morbo por telegram?

submitted by Deadzone2024 to uruguayas_hot [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 AgelosSp How to show prompt with double input values

Hello, I'm new to excel's more advanced features and require a little help, as I can't find anything on the wiki. I have a 5 column (A-E) spreadsheet that I use in the office. In the D column I input names and managed to figure out how to display a prompt when trying to input the same name more than twice. Now I want, if possible, to show in that prompt the text stored in column A in the same rows as the double inputs of column D (basically I stead of saying "this patient already has at least two visitors" I want to change it to "this patient exceeds the maximum amount of visitors, named #visitor1#, #visitor2#" and so forth until all correlated data in the same rows have been listed. I will elaborate further if my post isn't understandable, as English isn't my first language. Thanks in advance!
submitted by AgelosSp to excel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 drivinghomeforxmas Didn't receive UTR number for 3 years, worried about late filing penalties, self employed

I started my self employement in March 22, found an accountant and as the weeks and months went by I didn't receive my UTR code. I have rang and emailed multiple times and In Jan 23 she said she gave the wrong address to the HMRC so they stopped the process. Since that she has said multiple times that she has requested it again but I still didn't receive it.
With it getting closer to the deadline this year, I decided to register myself as self employed and request the UTR myself, which I received in 2 days. I was always scared to do this as I always thought I would do something wrong, hence why I left it in the accountants hands.
So now I will have to file the last 3 years worth of accounts, I'm aware I will most likely get late penalties, but can I appeal these as its not my fault, as my accountant as said in emails that she's requesting it and I won't get fined.
Would these emails be enough proof to get the possible late penalties removed?
submitted by drivinghomeforxmas to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Josh_is_sexy Lets play some tik tak toe

Lets play some tik tak toe Make this the most up voted post so crainer can see this
submitted by Josh_is_sexy to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 No_Salad_6666 Dice cup for Bar play.

I’m looking for a dice cup that has a rim around the bottom of the cup. When passing the dice from one player to the next, people get pissed if you “load their box” by putting the dice in the cup. A bar I used to frequent had a dice cup that you could put the dice on the bottom as you passed the cup and they stayed cuz there was a rim around the bottom. All the Yatzee cups have a rounded bottom that doesn’t hold the dice.
Where can I get a cup that can hold the dice on the bottom??
submitted by No_Salad_6666 to Leatherworking [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Binaural1 Elevator

Forgive me if this has already been posted, but in the final scene of episode 2, where we watch each outie descend into the severed floor, you hear the “ding” of the elevator for Mark, Dillon and Irving.
Notably, you do not hear this “ding” for Helena.
To me, yet another sign that it is Helena, not Helly, on the severed floor in episode one.
submitted by Binaural1 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 ImpressionSome7769 Please help interpret this

Please help interpret this Please help me interpret this. Is this enough to run a 2650sq home that has 6 months of summer?
Any advice or interpretation would be helpful
submitted by ImpressionSome7769 to solar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Snapdragon_4U Authoritarianism with a Side of Irony. WE FUCKING TOLD YOU!!

Authoritarianism with a Side of Irony. WE FUCKING TOLD YOU!! submitted by Snapdragon_4U to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Dayagentmeme Why does smart shuffle exist

Like sometimes it will let me skip the new song then sometimes it just keeps playing songs that aren’t on my playlist like why do I have to pay for normal shuffle
submitted by Dayagentmeme to spotify [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Inevitable-Pie-2315 Child swap

Child swap submitted by Inevitable-Pie-2315 to zoroark [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Independent-Text1885 Maestro de secundaria Violador y ex Presidente municipal

Esta semana golpearon a un maestro de secundaria de mi municipio, Eduardo Espinoza Salazar, ex presidente municipal a solo 100 kilómetros de la zmg , violo a una alumna de 12 años, este personaje ya tenia historial de acoso a las alumnas de su escuela, pero mas bien era como un profe pervertido, no tanto como violador o eso era lo que se creía, a la pobre niña la violo en un motel, y la aventó en la carretera, su abuelo fue a golpearlo pero la policía lo dejo escapar, el conocido como "Maestro Lalo" tiene nexos con el crimen organizado, que son lo que podrían haberlo ayudado, en este pobre municipio gobernado por el narcotráfico. La Barca, Jalisco
Durante su gobierno se encontraron fosas con más de 100 cadáveres
En este municipio, ya el narcotráfico tiene el poder absoluto, ponen a las personas del gobierno, secretarios de obras, y otras dependencias, ellos autorizan que obras si y no se deber hacer, recaudan dinero del predial y agua, y aumentaron el costo de las licencia de negocio en 1400% este año.
La policía municipal hace detenciones forzadas
https://www.ejecentral.com.mx/detienen-a-siete-policias-por-desaparicion-forzada-en-jalisco Ya tienen un monopolio en la venta de alcohol, nadie mas que las personas que ellos autorizan pueden tener negocio mayorista de cerveza y tequila. Están expropiando propiedades abandonadas y se las venden ellos mismo para beneficio propio, ademas de que han obligado a asociaciones civiles municipales, como un hospital y el asilo a ceder estos mismos a su control para sus intereses. En el campo obligan a que los productores de forrajes le vendan a la empresa SuKarne.
El CJNG pregona que no se meten con la población civil, pero son lo mismo que el familia michoacana ¿Que se puede hacer bajo el cacicazgo de Luis Carmona el capo local del cual nunca se ha hecho mención en las noticias pese a ser autor de bastantes crimenes?
Es una mamada que lleguen a este nivel de poder y mas en el supuesto Bajio del país.
submitted by Independent-Text1885 to Guadalajara [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Shadow_Aura010 Both Clients' Chat Now have parking or "ghosting"(?)

It feels like it's harder to find rl people to talk to now. I try saying "Hi" and asking how peoples' days are, and many of them leave the room immediately, or a minute or two later. Anyway, I would just like to find more friends on IMVU again. (I've been on for awhile, (since maybe 2014) with different accounts- New emails or forgot a password, or deleted an account.))
submitted by Shadow_Aura010 to imvu [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 NothingButFacts7890 Please can someone help me its urgent, my touch bar is not visible.

Yesterday night I noticed that I couldnt see the buttons on my touchbar. My touchbar works, like I can increase the brightness and decrease same with volume etc. However I can't see the bottons I am clicking, I just have to reply on memory. I reset my macbook, updated it and I even shut it down for a few hours and its still not working.
I saw someone say I need to run these two commands in Terminal: 'sudo pkill TouchBarServer;' and 'sudo killall ControlStrip.' I've never ran commands on this mac and I dont know how to find terminal, even when I looked it up I still couldnt see a video thats showed where it was. Please can someone help, cause I need this laptop for uni and I am already saving up for a new phone and driving lessons, I really dont want to add laptop repairs too, Ive only had it for 3.5 years.
submitted by NothingButFacts7890 to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 jjinno Dandelion JFY-65Z loading Agronomic Treatment in Anlave. 10k/unit profit

Dandelion JFY-65Z loading Agronomic Treatment in Anlave. 10k/unit profit submitted by jjinno to EliteCarriers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Messi_1812 Views on these rumours 'It ends with us'

Views on these rumours 'It ends with us' submitted by Messi_1812 to popculture [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:23 Frustrated_Spirit Pose dekh rahe ho bhai ka.. 🗣️

Pose dekh rahe ho bhai ka.. 🗣️ submitted by Frustrated_Spirit to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
