2025.01.24 08:31 Puzzled-Confusion-47 HOLLAAAAA
submitted by Puzzled-Confusion-47 to Seattle2k [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 Hefty-Staff3615 Selling Jnco zebra size 34 brand new condition
submitted by Hefty-Staff3615 to jncojeans [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 Dats_lt Help for no grad jobs
Hi, just wanted some guidance for my current situation if possible.
I've failed all my grad job applications (most at the virtual video interview stage) and I've been trying to learn from it and improve my skills but it's already too late. What exactly are my next steps to getting a cs job? It is to browse Seek and hope I get accepted into an "Entry level job" or just wait for the next grad intake (and of course prepare and improve myself beforehand).
submitted by Dats_lt to cscareerquestionsOCE [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 rolipoliol my first ever 5-star rating!!
decided to talk to isabelle before closing out for the night, and my island is at a 5-star rating!!! i’m so shocked! i’ve been playing for about a month and broke my foot so i’ve been absolutely grinding LOL this page has been so helpful and fun as i’ve been discovering everything this game has to offer! will be playing 4ever. here are some pics of my island in celebration :) submitted by rolipoliol to acnh [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 Dalek_Chaos Late night munchies, limited snacking options available.
Mini donuts with a peanut m&m crammed in their hole. Only snacks I had besides crackers and spray cheese, but I didn’t feel like going to get anything else. Not brave enough to incorporate the spray cheese and ritz crackers into this.
submitted by Dalek_Chaos to stonerfood [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 KissDemonforWCWChamp This is Deadlock when they strap Jawwny into the penis exploding machine.
submitted by KissDemonforWCWChamp to deadlockpw [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 dblhelix7 Crow or Raven? (Baltimore)
Visits often Keeps hopping closer and closer (2'-3') Friends nearby Very vocal
I think crow but asking bc of thick chest feathers.
submitted by dblhelix7 to crows [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 Rawdawdinglyfe Holy shit I hate adderall
SO, I recently started my medication journey for ADHD, after being diagnosed at 14, but never medicated until 27.
We started with concerta generic 36mg/day. I found this medication to definitely put a dent in my ADHD symptoms, but it just wasn’t fully doing it for me. What ultimately made me switch was the insatiable appetite for snacks and sweets I seemed to be having on this medication, especially at night.
Next we try vyvanse. He brought this up as an option in the first visit, as well as adderall, so I specifically asked for it. I had read a lot of success stories from people switching from methylphenidate to Lisdexamfetamine. This was a winner for me. I wasn’t really getting any bad side effects, I was being productive and motivated throughout the without restricting my appetite too much. I was taking 40mg for reference.
The one problem? I don’t have insurance. I’m a business owner as a sole-prop. Insurance for me alone is minimum $350 (for shittiest ass HMO) and $500+ for the minimum PPO plan. My husband is also a business owner, and for us to have insurance together, a decent PPO (because, let’s face it, HMO plans are a cruel sick joke though up by scammin ass insurance companies) $1,200 a month!!!! That’s almost $14.5k a year. And you know there’s a deductible too 😂 yo, for real, FUCK INSURANCE COMPANIES.
Sorry, told y’all this is a rant post lol.
Anyway, so I’m paying $300+ per visit for this psychiatrist appointment, and then on top of that, the Lisdex. Is $125 with good RX (P. FUCKING S.) did you know that some CVS and other chain pharmacies don’t accept GOODRX COUPONS ON ANY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES!!!! (Including fucking suboxone. I wish I was fucking kidding) !
And it doesn’t stop there with the pharmacy BULL CRAP. Generic vyvanse is almost always on back order, and I have to call around to different Walgreens (because they are actually good hearted people, and let you use a goodRX coupon) until I finally find one in my city.
So it’s a HUGE pain in the ass to get this medication like 99.9% of the time.
So that brings us to Adderall, finally! This past month, I couldn’t find my generic vyvanse everywhere. They tried to pull a fast one on me and filled the brand name, which was $400 something. They said the generic is on back order at all surrounding Walgreens, and have no idea when they will get any more.
Thus brings me to me contacting my doctor, and him calling in 30mg adderall IR instead, which was much more readily available. They were also only $20!!! With my coupon, and that was for 30 pills.
I’m thinking, “oh my gosh, I’ve found the solution. These pills are almost always in stock, and $105 less than the vyvanse!!”
At first, I thought they were great. I was being even MORE productive, but I found it continuing on into the night time…not sure why, but it feels like it lasts way longer than advertised, even longer than vyvanse.
I’m A LOT of trouble sleeping. This isn’t good for me at all, because I move around a ton a work and am always active.
I also bloated AF!! Constipated, and fed up. I’m going back to the lisdex., I’m willing to look past all the bullshit trying to get it and the extra expense to go back to that stuff. Adderall is INTENSE!! Not for the weak, y’all.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by Rawdawdinglyfe to ADHDers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 the_way_it_goesugh Wedding invitation translation - in Latino Spanish?
I'm sending wedding invitations overseas to family in Chile. What is your recommendation on the most accurate translation for some of these words?
I know I know...Chilean spanish is unique 😆 Even Latin American Spanish would be helpful too.
I'm stuck on the 'Booze' (tragos? bebidas?), how to say 'wedding' (boda? casamiento?), and the 'Details to follow' in a way that makes sense.
What do you recommend?
You're invited to celebrate our wedding!
Details to follow (or, Details will follow)
2025.01.24 08:31 According_Ruin6527 I know I need to leave, but the good times keep replaying in my head.
Long story short. Since I met this person, literally my entire life was ruined. It’s been almost 3 years and it’s just gotten worse. But the thing is, there were good moments that I cherish, in the middle of it all, I got pregnant, we got engaged, and we moved states, and we have such an amazing baby now. (I already know, it was not smart to stay this long and it was not smart to fall pregnant, but for reasons it all happened and I’m trying to focus on how to finally make the change now) I also know it takes two. I do feel guilt for this situation. but I love my daughter so much and I know neither of us are okay in this. I let it happen before I was pregnant, but now with her involved it’s completely different.
How do I get past the voice saying of “maybe I don’t have to leave” or “it’s going to be too hard if I leave” or “maybe it’s not that bad” or “he loves me and we have a baby” when everything has always been very, very bad from the start and has been very very bad recently? I thought having our baby would change things, he’s always said certain things will “never happen again” but they always do, he always lies, and I somehow end up the bad one… Things kind of calmed down when I was pregnant/gave birth, but now it’s back full force. I want, NEED leave for good for the sake of our daughter. But how do I battle the past good moments..
submitted by According_Ruin6527 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 Surstromingen Lön från utlandet
Har en spontan fråga då jag jobbar i Norge men bor i Sverige och har svenska bankkonton, Får banken byta valuta utan mitt tillstånd? Det saknas nämligen uppåt en 1000 lapp varje månad som jag inte begriper var den tar vägen då växlingen Sverige Norge är mer eller mindre 1:1 så antar jag det är banken som tar en slant för växlingen, detta är egentligen inte ett problem med tanke men lite smått irriterande då jag inte får se hela min skattade lön varje månad.
submitted by Surstromingen to sweden [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 CSINATECH402025 //press+videos// #YIKONG-ZHIJIA(EACON): le mining autonome high-tech (high-tech autonomous mining)
(...)nous ne présentons plus la société grande spécialiste Chinoise indépendante des plus hautes technologies appliquées aux machines minières dont celle autonome sous la 5G et par des résultats sur le terrain des plus impressionnants. Un exemple parmi beaucoup d'autre avec ici en vidéos sa technologie autonome appliquée sur de lourds camions miniers hors route du constructeur #JINAN(LGMG) et en partenariat avec ce dernier, des camions miniers livrés à quasiment déjà 1000 exemplaires et qui font preuve d'une redoutable efficacité dans les plus extrêmes des conditions de transport. La technologie brevetée de la société et dont l'évolution est constante autorise aux véhicules d'opérer par haute altitude, à toutes températures de -40 à +60°, par brouillard épais et net manque de visibilité et par auto-analyse fonctionnelle active transformée en cycles autonomes et par transmissions de données en temps réel. Le mode autonome sous la 5G de l'entreprise qui est un des plus évolués au monde non seulement permet une utilisation des engins miniers et dans le cas présent de camions miniers dans les zones dangereuses mais permet aussi un commandement sur des milliers de kilomètres de distance du poste de contrôle tout en contribuant à de fortes économies à l'opérateur minier grâce qui plus est à un faible coût d'exploitation des machines(...) (2025)
(google translate)
(...) we no longer present the large independent Chinese specialist company in the highest technologies applied to mining machines including autonomous technology under 5G and by the most impressive results in the field. An example among many others with here in videos its autonomous technology applied to heavy off-road mining trucks from the manufacturer #JINAN (LGMG) and in partnership with the latter, mining trucks delivered to almost 1000 copies already and which demonstrate formidable efficiency in the most extreme transport conditions. The company's patented technology, which is constantly evolving, allows vehicles to operate at high altitudes, at all temperatures from -40 to +60 °, in thick fog and clear lack of visibility and by active functional self-analysis transformed into autonomous cycles and by real-time data transmissions. The company's 5G autonomous mode, which is one of the most advanced in the world, not only allows the use of mining equipment and in this case mining trucks in hazardous areas, but also allows command over thousands of kilometers from the control post while contributing to significant savings for the mining operator, thanks to the low operating cost of the machines (...) (2025)
Technologie autonome sous la 5G sur camions miniers #JINAN(LGMG)
Technologie autonome sous la 5G sur camions miniers #JINAN(LGMG)
submitted by CSINATECH402025 to CHINACIRTtech [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 Important-Fox9415 Je kurvení infrastruktury koníček politiků?
Olomouc město s historickým centrem kde bylo najebáno doprostřed nákupní centrum s polovičním obchvatem, kdy asi ani není možné ze severovýchodní strany udělat dálniční obchvat kvůli ochraně vody a nedostatku volných pozemků. Takže ve městě samozřejmě začíná být problém s nadbytkem automobilové dopravy (Brna ještě nedosáhli) Řešení je podle všeho namrdat všude trilion semaforů. Teď aktuálně https://olomoucky.denik.cz/zpravy_region/krizovatka-vodojem-tabulovy-vrch-semafory.html "Rušná křižovatka pod vodojemem na Tabulovém vrchu v Olomouci, kde řidiči jedoucí z vedlejší museli nejen ve špičkách dlouho stát, dostala semafory." Takže teď tam člověk stojí i mimo dopravní špičku, protože semafory nejsou odladěné a prostě se najde moment, kdy nepouští nikoho. A co se týče bezpečnosti provozu. Křižovatka je spuštěná asi 7dní. Foto z dneška. https://preview.redd.it/yrgttg4tjwee1.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42173fe2cce181cfb079dc03aa4495b7ab791855 Zrovna v Olomouci jsou pak místa jako je Hlavní nádraží, nebo křizovatka "u Anči" kde byli nainstalovány semafory, ale stálo to tak za piču, že se vypli a blikají žlutou. Prostor před nádraží byl dokončen asi v roce 2010. Proč se dopiče ty kundy nepoučili a všude jebou semafory? Je to koníček??? Může mi to někdo vysvětlit??? :D submitted by Important-Fox9415 to czech [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 TeaaMann I hoped that one day, I will get 3rd mark on Tortoise. Off I go on T95 (currently on 91%)
One of my most beloved tanks. Played with food for last 2%, and added bond rammer (after all, is one of my favourites), wanted to push to the max. I especially enjoy close aggresive/close quarter TDs. T95, Strv103B, Ho-Ri, Obj 268v4 and so on.One of my most beloved tanks. I especially enjoy close aggresive/close quarter TDs. T95, Strv103B, Ho-Ri, Obj 268v4 and so on.
submitted by TeaaMann to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 ashleighufo Removing hide
Hi there, I’m hoping I could get some advice on how to remove part of the hide that are still attached to the bone. I found a sheep skull that has some hide still attached. Everything else has decayed. Would soaking it in water help?
submitted by ashleighufo to bonecollecting [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 LettuceMinimum9379 Grey
submitted by LettuceMinimum9379 to pinayinlingerie [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 ritoplsnerfgraves How are you supposed to do it?
I recently hit plat 4 with a 60% win rate on aatrox, which I thought was pretty good as I’ve only just picked him up. I have barely lost a single lane phase in around 70 games, normally stomping my opponent. I understand that I will continue slowly climbing if i’m consistently better than my opponent but I’ve had a spree of terrible teammates and it’s getting to me. How does Naayil keep a 94% win rate from iron to master? it doesn’t seem possible as a toplaner- especially aatrox. I don’t understand. Even if your team isn’t inting they sometimes still get tempo gapped - and that’s the most frustrating part to me. Where I can’t use my lead because the enemy is 5 stacking and my team is on krugs. Or, the worst part, where I get completely shutdown 2 times in a row by the jungler after stomping my lane opponent so there’s basically no gold difference and I don’t have a tower. I think my laning fundamentals are good, I just don’t understand how to win games. maybe it will come with more games on aatrox, or there are some fundamentals for snowballing that I’m missing Advice and tips please
submitted by ritoplsnerfgraves to AatroxMains [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 Limp_Independent_891 If I close my CC will my cibil score go down
I took HDFC moneyback CC 3 years back on my wife's name. I do many transaction online or at offline store and some time for fuel.
Now I am thinking to close this and get millennia CC on my name.
So my question is if we deactivate CC will civil score go down and if yes then how much approx Thanks
submitted by Limp_Independent_891 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 SourceConsistent6234 CARHARTT quarter ZIP - $18
submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 Gloomy_Proposal7444 Lego Voltes V
submitted by Gloomy_Proposal7444 to VoltesV [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 Civilization_GPT2 In a move that appears to confirm the existence of the existence of the aliens, NASA has just released the most comprehensive map of their interstellar journey so far. The results show that the aliens have traveled 3 billion light years to arrive at our solar system.
submitted by Civilization_GPT2 to SalouvGPT2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 RoughTemperature4410 Big cock jerking off and showing off for feed on kik: zzbopzz12
submitted by RoughTemperature4410 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:31 city14824 How to GO from Hesitating to a Fluent English Speaker:
👀 How to Go from Hesitating to a Fluent English Speaker: ❓ Do you catch yourself pausing at mid-sentence or always trying to find the right word, or are you hesitant about speaking up in meetings? Well, guess what? you’re not alone. Many non-native English speakers struggle with the same thing. 🖊️ But here’s the TRUTH: fluency isn’t about knowing every word or speaking perfect grammar. It’s about confidence, clarity, and communication. So how do you go from hesitant to fluent? 💡 Focus on phrases, not just words. Learn common expressions you can use in everyday conversations or workplace scenarios. Start with small easy to remember phrases. You need to walk before you can run!! 💡 Practice small, consistent steps. Even 10 minutes a day of speaking or listening practice can make a difference. You can practice while driving to work. Or you can listen to a podcast while on a bus or a train to work. 💡 Get comfortable making mistakes. Every mistake is a step closer to improvement. 💡 Immerse yourself. Listen to podcasts, watch shows, and talk to people as much as you can. Here's an idea. Speak out loud to yourself. For Ex. Say: I need too go shopping. Let me check and see what I need. The more you do this, the more you will get used to it and you will start to think in English. Give it a try, just 10 minutes of your day. Becoming fluent is a journey, not a destination. Remember the more you practice, the less you’ll hesitate—and the more confident you’ll feel in any conversation. What’s been your biggest challenge when learning English? Let me know in the comments! 👇 💡 TIP: If you're familiar with the show "FRIENDS" it's a great start to immerse yourself in the English language. Give it a shot you have nothing to lose! Here are some quick phrases you can use around the office: Apologizing and Clarifying: ✅ "I’m sorry for the misunderstanding." ✅"Let me clarify what I meant." ✅"I apologize for any confusion." 👀 I help Sales Managers unlock more career success! 💬 Don't miss out—hit that bell on my LinkedIn profile! Follow | Magdaline Makris #EffectiveCommunication #ThinkInEnglish #NonNativeSpeakers #SalesLeadership #ConfidenceInSpeaking #SalesTraining #ProfessionalGrowth #TheEnglishMaven #Business #ESL #Sales #Speaking #PresentationSkills #Entrepreneurship #LanguageLearning #SalesProfessionals #Coach #Language #Nonnativespeakers #CommunicationSkills #BusinessEnglish #salesmanagers #managers #SalesTips #NonNativeEnglish #SalesSuccess #BusinessEnglish #ProfessionalGrowth #BusinessEnglish #Fluency #CommunicationSkills https://preview.redd.it/j8ssmizckwee1.png?width=1886&format=png&auto=webp&s=28deeaf2b9f3d17d62fda2d7771002ea917bc33c submitted by city14824 to CorporateEnglishHub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 litteredwitharrows Tromblon - Split w/ Like Pigs on Embers (FFO: Converge, The Chariot, Birds in Row, Loma Prieta)
submitted by litteredwitharrows to chaotichardcore [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:31 MalkynRei78 At 23:00 JST, Botan, alongside Ryutaro "Aru" Noda, will be guests on Oga's talk stream
submitted by MalkynRei78 to Hololive [link] [comments] |